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Espino 1

Myranda Espino

Dr. Sharity Nelson

ENGL 1301-122

15th November 2022

Reflection Essay 3

When writing essay 1, I had to reacquaint myself with writing clear and concise thesis

statements. Essay 3 reflections on my use and practice of writing clear thesis statements; for

instance, "Moreover, they successfully inform the audience of the viability of their research;

therefore, their usage of logos and ethos is vital in appealing to every aspect of the audience's

psyche." (Espino). Moreover, my writing in essay 2 and my learning to write descriptively, for

instance, in "The woman is wrapped in a long white dress, with clean skin and perfectly styled

hair swept up behind her" (Espino). This key is essential when describing graphs or charts, which

are frequent in essay 3.

When reading the comment that I received on the Essay 3 Peer-Reviewed Discussion

Board, my peers pointed out my writing weaknesses and strengths. For example, one drawback

that tends to reflect in multiple essays is how my thesis statements can be weak and unclear

"your thesis isn't bad but it can totally be clearer" (Hernandez). However, Victoria Gutierrez had

given me good comments reflecting my writing strengths; for instance, "i believe that all ur

sentences cohesively form a good and solid intro" (Gutierrez). These strengths and weaknesses

mentioned in the discussion boards were often seen in the essays I had written in the past.

While waiting for feedback for essay 3, the comments that I will receive will most likely

mention my lack of paragraph structure. For instance, a comment left on my Essay 2 stated,

"make clear points, employing clear topic sentences that call back to your thesis statement"
[Last Name] 2

(Nelson). Furthermore, my lack of experience in using quotes will most likely give me some

comments about the misuse of quotations.

When reflecting on the writing process of Essay 3, the one aspect I can recall the most is

having to adjust to integrating quotes into an essay. Before writing this essay, I rarely needed to

use a quote as a reference, so learning the right time or method to introduce a quote into an

article was jarring. Moreover, learning how to shorten a quote was essential when needing to

briefly mention a quote; for instance, within my second body paragraph, I need to include the

sentence "Fan states that 'Multiple experts are needed to rate the creativity of a collection of

products ... (Amabile, 1982)'" (Espino). The introduction of the need to paraphrase and insert

quotes had always been an aspect of writing that I also hesitated to start. However, writing essay

3 was the smoothest learning period for this element that I could have experienced.

Writing these incredibly varied and challenging essays throughout the semester taught me

a lot. However, writing this article has altered how I view myself as a writer. For instance, the

paper instructs us to analyze a peer-reviewed article and "analyze the choices other writers make

so that you understand the effect of those choices upon audience members" (Summers). This

aspect of the essay was different than what I was used to, so writing an article from an outsider's

perspective was a new experience.

[Last Name] 3

Works Cited

Espino, Myranda. “The Rhetorical Analysis of the “Open-Ended Tasks Promote

Creativity in Minecraft’.” Final Draft. 15 11 2022. ENGL 1301, Texas A&M International

University, student paper.

Espino, Myranda. "The Woman in the Garden." 15 November 2022. ENGL 1301, Texas
A&M International University, student paper.

Espino, Myranda. "A Fruitful Garden" 15 November 2022. ENGL 1301, Texas A&M
International University, student paper.
Hernandez, Moises. Peer Review 2022. ENGL 1301, Texas A&M International

University, Peer Review.

Gutierrez, Victoria. Peer Review 2022. ENGL 1301, Texas A&M International

University, Peer Review.

Nelson, Sharity. "My Grades." English Composition I,

course_id=_57372_1&stream_name=mygrades&is_stream=false. Accessed 15 Nov. 2022.

Summers, Charlene, K. " Essay 3: Rhetorical Analysis of a Peer-Reviewed Essay".

Accessed 2022. Texas A&M International University, homework assignment.

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