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1 Respondents of the Study – Purposive Sampling was used to

identify the respondents of the study.

Table 1. The Respondents of the Study

Type of Respondent Number of Respondents

Barangay Residents 52

IT Experts 5

Total Respondents 57

2.6.2 Questionnaire – The researchers used a questionnaire to gather data from

the respondents based on ISO 25010 it was adopted from the Atanacio, M. L., &
Lacatan, L. L. (2019) entitled Development and evaluation of rural health unit
record management system with data analytics for municipality of Bay, Laguna
using ISO 25010.

2.6.3 Statistical Treatment – Data were analyzed utilizing mean distribution. To

determine the functionality of the system, the following arbitrary scale was
Table 2. Equivalent Weighted Mean and Interpretation of Scale on the
Evaluation of Barangay Health Center Records and Monitoring System.
Scale Weighted Mean Interpretation

5 4.51-5.00 Strongly Agree

4 3.51-4.50 Agree

3 2.51-3.50 Neutral

2 1.51-2.50 Disagree

1 1.00-1.50 Strongly Disagree

In finding the weighted mean in the presentation, analysis and interpretation of

data, the researchers used this formula:

W = weighted average
n = number of terms to be averaged
wi = weights applied to x values
Xi = data values to be averaged

The interpretation of the scale was adopted from the study of Joshi, A., Kale, S.,
Chandel, S., & Pal, D. K. (2015). entitled Likert scale: Explored and explained. British
journal of applied science & technology.

The result of evaluation from the participants based on ISO 25010 Standards in terms of
Functionality, Efficiency, Usability, Reliability, Security, Maintainability, and Portability;

Table 3. Mean Rating and Qualitative Description of Barangay Residents on

Functional Suitability of the Developed Barangay Health Center Records and
Monitoring System.

Functionality Mean

The software performs the 4.60 Strongly Agree

tasks required

The results expected were 4.13 Agree


The system can interact with 4.23 Agree

another system

The software prevent 4.10 Agree

unauthorized access.
Category Mean 4.26 Agree

Table 3 shows that the users of the system agree with the functionality

characteristics of the systems as revealed by the category mean of 4.26. Specifically,

the participants have shown agreement that the system can perform the required task,

deliver expected results, can interact with another system and prevents unauthorized

access as indicated by the mean of 4.60, 4.13, 4.23, and 4.10 respectively.
Table 4. Mean Response and Qualitative Description of the residents in
Evaluating the Developed Barangay Health Center Records and Monitoring

Efficiency Mean

The system responds quickly in all its 3.96 Agree

functionality and operation

The system utilizes all its resources 4.04 Agree

The users have the choice of going 4.00 Agree
directly to desired function/operation
or using a structured navigational
The system is demonstrably effective 4.10 Agree
with the intended audience, including
people of varying abilities and

Category Mean 4.02 Strongly Agree

The analysis above shows that the participants agree on the 3.96 -4.10.

efficiency of the developed system as indicated by the category mean of 4.02. Further

analysis shows that the system responds quickly in all its functionality and operation,

utilizes all its resources efficiently, has the choice of going directly to desired

function/operation or using a structured navigational menu and the system

demonstrably effective with the intended audience, including people of varying abilities

and experiences with mean ranging from 3.96 -4.10which is qualitatively described as

agree by the participants.

Table 5. Mean Response and Descriptive Interpretation of the residents in
Measuring the Reliability of the Developed Barangay Health Center Records and
Monitoring System.
Reliability Mean

Most of the faults in the software have 4.04 Agree

been eliminated over time.

The software was capable of handling 3.90 Agree


If the program creates a permanent 3.94 Agree

record for a user, that record is secure
and confidential. There is provision for
erasing the record when the information
is no longer valuable in providing
Category Mean 3.96 Agree

In terms of measuring the reliability of the developed system, the participants

strongly agree that the program creates a permanent record for a user, that record is

secure and confidential. There is provision for erasing the record when the information

is no longer valuable in providing services with a mean of 3.96. Moreover, the

participants strongly believed that the software was capable of handling errors, and

most of the faults in the software have been eliminated over time with a mean of 3.90

and 4.04 respectively.

Results further show that the participants agree with reliability characteristics of

the system as revealed by the category mean of 3.96.

Table 6. Mean Response and Descriptive Interpretation of the residents in
Assessing the Usability of Developed Barangay Health Center Records and
Monitoring System.

Usability Mean
The user easily understand/comprehend Agree
how to use the system.
The user learn to use the system easily. Agree

The user use the system without much Agree
The interface looked good and attractive. Agree

The organization is clear, logical, and Agree
effective, making it easy for the intended
audience to understand .
The individual can operate the system Agree

Category Mean 4.01 Agree

It is reflected in table 6 that the participants have strong agreement regarding the

usability of the developed system as shown by the category mean of 4.01. However, all

of the sub-characteristics of usability rated agree by the users. This involves the

characteristic that the individual can operate the system independents (4.17), the user

learn to use the system easily (3.90), and the user use the system without much effort

(4.19), The user easily understand/comprehend how to use the system (3.94), the
organization is clear, logical, and effective, making it easy for the intended audience to

understand (3.92), and the interface looked good and attractive (3.92).

Table 7. Mean Response and Descriptive Interpretation of the residents in

Assessing the Developed Barangay Health Center Records and Monitoring

Maintainability Mean

Faults and errors can be easily 4.08 Agree


The Software can be easily modified in 4.10 Agree

accordance to what user needs.

The Software continue functioning 3.85 Agree

when modifications/changes are made

The Software can be tested easily. 4.13 Agree

Category Mean 4.04 Agree

In terms of the maintainability of the system, the participants strongly agree that

the Software continue functioning when modifications/changes are made, faults and

errors can be easily diagnosed, the Software can be easily modified in accordance to

what user needs, and the Software can be tested easily with means ranging from 3.85 -


The category means of 4.04 further indicates agreement of the participants in

terms of system’s maintainability.

Table 8. Mean Response and Descriptive Interpretation of The residents in
Assessing the Developed Barangay Health Center Records and Monitoring

Portability Mean

The Software can be easily moved 4.50 Agree

from one to another environment
The software be installed easily. Agree

The software complies with the 4.15 Agree

portability standards.

The software can replace other 4.23 Agree

Category Mean 4.34 Agree

Table 8 reflects the mean of the responses of the participants regarding the

portability of the developed system. The users have shown strong agreement regarding

the portability characteristics as gleaned on the category mean of 4.34. The users

specifically believed that the software can be installed easily, the software comply with

the portability standards, the software can be easily moved from one to another

environment, and the software can replace other software as indicated by the mean

greater than 4.34.

Table 9. Mean Rating and Qualitative Description of IT Experts on
Functional Suitability of the Developed Barangay Health Center Records and
Monitoring System.

Functionality Mean

The software performs the 4.60 Strongly Agree

tasks required

The results expected were 4.60 Strongly Agree


The system can interact with 4.20 Strongly Agree

another system

The software prevent 4.20 Strongly Agree

unauthorized access.
Category Mean 4.40 Agree

Table 3 shows that the users of the system strongly agree with the functionality

characteristics of the systems as revealed by the category mean of 4.40. Specifically,

the participants have shown agreement that the system can perform the required task,

deliver expected results, can interact with another system and prevents unauthorized

access as indicated by the mean of 4.60, and 4.20 respectively.

Table 10. Mean Response and Qualitative Description of the IT Experts in
Evaluating the Developed Barangay Health Center Records and Monitoring

Efficiency Mean

The system responds quickly in all its 4.60 Strongly Agree

functionality and operation

The system utilizes all its resources 4.60 Strongly Agree

The users have the choice of going Agree
directly to desired function/operation 4.20
or using a structured navigational
The system is demonstrably effective Agree
with the intended audience, including 4.20
people of varying abilities and

Category Mean 4.40 Agree

The analysis above shows that the participants agree on the 4.20 -4.60.

efficiency of the developed system as indicated by the category mean of 4.40. Further

analysis shows that the system responds quickly in all its functionality and operation,

utilizes all its resources efficiently, has the choice of going directly to desired

function/operation or using a structured navigational menu and the system

demonstrably effective with the intended audience, including people of varying abilities
and experiences with mean ranging from 4.20 -4.60which is qualitatively described as

agree by the participants.

Table 11. Mean Response and Descriptive Interpretation of the IT Experts in

Measuring the Reliability of the Developed Barangay Health Center Records and
Monitoring System.
Reliability Mean

Most of the faults in the software have 4.20 Agree

been eliminated over time.

The software was capable of handling 4.20 Agree


If the program creates a permanent 4.20 Agree

record for a user, that record is secure
and confidential. There is provision for
erasing the record when the information
is no longer valuable in providing
Category Mean 4.20 Agree

In terms of measuring the reliability of the developed system, the participants

strongly agree that the program creates a permanent record for a user, that record is

secure and confidential. There is provision for erasing the record when the information

is no longer valuable in providing services, the participants strongly believed that the

software was capable of handling errors, and most of the faults in the software have

been eliminated over time with a mean of 4.20 respectively.

Results further show that the participants agree with reliability characteristics of

the system as revealed by the category mean of 4.20.

Table 12. Mean Response and Descriptive Interpretation of the IT Experts in

Assessing the Usability of Developed Barangay Health Center Records and
Monitoring System.

Usability Mean

The user easily understand/comprehend 4.20 Agree

how to use the system.

The user learn to use the system easily. 4.20 Agree

The user use the system without much 4.20 Agree


The interface looked good and attractive. 4.20 Agree

The organization is clear, logical, and 4.20 Agree

effective, making it easy for the intended
audience to understand .

The individual can operate the system Agree


Category Mean 4.17 Agree

It is reflected in table 6 that the participants have agreement regarding the

usability of the developed system as shown by the category mean of 4.17. However, all

of the sub-characteristics of usability rated agree by the users. This involves the

characteristic that the individual can operate the system independents (4.20), the user

learn to use the system easily (3.90), and the user use the system without much effort
(4.20), The user easily understand/comprehend how to use the system (4.00), the

organization is clear, logical, and effective, making it easy for the intended audience to

understand (4.20), and the interface looked good and attractive (4.20).

Table 13. Mean Response and Descriptive Interpretation of the IT Experts in

Assessing the Developed Barangay Health Center Records and Monitoring

Maintainability Mean

Faults and errors can be easily 4.00 Agree


The Software can be easily modified in 4.20 Agree

accordance to what user needs.

The Software continue functioning 4.20 Agree

when modifications/changes are made

The Software can be tested easily. 4.20 Agree

Category Mean 4.30 Agree

In terms of the maintainability of the system, the participants strongly agree that

the Software continue functioning when modifications/changes are made, faults and

errors can be easily diagnosed, the Software can be easily modified in accordance to

what user needs, and the Software can be tested easily with means ranging from 4.00 -


The category means of 4.30 further indicates agreement of the participants in

terms of system’s maintainability.

Table 14. Mean Response and Descriptive Interpretation of The IT Experts
in Assessing the Developed Barangay Health Center Records and Monitoring

Portability Mean

The Software can be easily moved 4.40 Agree

from one to another environment
The software be installed easily. Agree

The software complies with the 4.40 Agree

portability standards.

The software can replace other 4.40 Agree

Category Mean 4.40 Agree

Table 8 reflects the mean of the responses of the participants regarding the

portability of the developed system. The users have shown agreement regarding the

portability characteristics as gleaned on the category mean of 4.40. The users

specifically believed that the software can be installed easily, the software comply with

the portability standards, the software can be easily moved from one to another

environment, and the software can replace other software as indicated by the mean of

Table 15. Summary of Category Mean and Qualitative Description of Both
the Residents and IT Experts According to the Functionality of the Developed
Barangay Health Center Records and Monitoring System.
System’s Quality Indicators Weighted Qualitative Description
USABILITY 4.08 Agree
General Mean 4.208 Agree

The results show that the respondents firmly agreed that the established system

based on ISO 25010 is of good quality, as indicated by the general mean of 4.208.

Furthermore, the functionality characteristics of the system has the highest mean rating

followed by efficiency, reliability, portability, usability and maintainability.




The data gathered was analyzed using the weighted mean and descriptive

interpretation to determine the acceptability of the proposed system as evaluated by the

52 respondents; and five (5) IT Experts.

The following are the results of the study which was presented in detail in the

previous chapter:

1. Problems encountered in the manual system are: (1) There is no updated

inventory of medicines, (2) Pregnancy Records are recorded and kept

manually, (3) there is no inventory of check-up, and consultation report of

each barangay resident, and (4) resident barangay Health ID Card does not


2. The extent of the need to develop a barangay health center record

management system are : (1) The conventional way of recording infants,

pregnant and residents information can be stored and kept is a database

system using automated records management systems, (2) Multiple users

like barangay health workers, nurses, doctors and other concerned authorities

can use the system, (3) Auto generated reports like, infants individual vaccine

record, consultation report, pregnancy report, residents master list, and

health-related events attendance record is timely generated, (4) Medicines

inventory is monitored, stock in and stock out of medicines that are given to

each barangay resident are recorded and can be monitored and (5) Live

dashboard graph and counters will give the barangay of the current health

related information.

3. In the evaluation of the developed system, most of the barangay residents

agreed to its functionality (4.26), efficiency (4.02), usability (3.96), reliability

(4.01), maintainability (4.04) and portability (4.34), with an overall mean of

4.105 or " Agree."

In addition, the IT experts " Agree" that the proposed system is acceptable in

functionality (4.4), efficiency (4.4), compatibility (4.2) usability (4.17), reliability

(4.3) maintainability (4.3), and portability (4.4), with a general mean of 4.3311.

Lastly the developed system is a tool that is capable of recording the

medicine information, medicine inventory, infant vaccine records and

consultation records. the system was developed to help the barangay health

workers of barangay Rizal Roxas, Isabela to keep track of medicine, infants,

pregnancy and residents’ records.


In conclusion, the developed system addresses the problem in the manual or

conventional way of barangay health records management system particularly in the

medicine information, infant vaccine information, resident’s information, pregnant

information and consultation information.

Therefore, the software quality compliance of the developed system can serve as

a tool in records keeping and monitoring of barangay health center transactions of

barangay Rizal, Roxas,Isabela.


For further enhancement of the developed system, the following are

recommended based on the above findings of the study.

1. Future researchers are recommended to developed a mobile-based

application of the developed barangay health center records and monitoring

2. The Developed system can only process resident’s information, infants

information, consultation, medicines and pregnancy report. it is recommended

that a new feature like CoViD information, information of quarantine facilities

and other health related barangay records should also be included.

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