CSP Report

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Community Support Program BUIC

CSP Report


Enrollment: 01-131192-050

Class & Section: BSE-7(A)

Department: Software Engineering

Email id:
 Warismalik582@gmail.com
 01-131192-050@student.bahria.edu.pk
Activity 1
There is an organization named as SOS Children Village located in Islamabad near Police Lines and
NUST university. Here they have a lot of underprivileged students who are getting education on
daily basis and other basic necessities. Teachers are volunteers and this school is totally running
on donations and CSPs. There is mini school in foundation who is teaching students from 1-10.
Brief Description
SOS Children's Villages also known as Save Our Soul is an independent, non-governmental, nonprofit
international development organization headquartered in Innsbruck, Austria where it has many branches
in Pakistan. We went in Islamabad branch which by organized by Mam Uzma and Sir Hamid.
We grouped together 4 students of BSE-5 to gather 4120/- Rupees for the donation.
We bought the requirements according to the organization that is given to us:

We grouped together 4 students of BSE-5 to gather 4150/- Rupees for the donation. We bought
12 registers, 72 pencils, 24 gum sticks, German glue, punch machine, forming sheets and soft
charts and then went to the SOS Children Village to donate them so that the students of the SOS
school get these things and use them.
Receipt of the bought items
Pictures of the SOS Village:
Certificate from the SOS Village:
Pictures of the bought Items
Individual Picture with the bought items

My Experience of the CSP activities:

My experience with CSP activity was good, this will help me to continue this kind of activates and
social work.

This kind of activates should be done in the early life so that after our placement we have some
kind of realization towards poor people/children.
Activity 2
There are huge floods in our country and almost the 1/3 of our country is under water and people
need immediate help to survive as all the belongings of the affected people are washed out along
with the water and they have nothing to eat, so we will donate the ration to the community
support program of BUIC and they will distribute to the affected people.

Activities performed
Activity: Donation of Ration to Flood Affected People
Brief Description:
The ration items which were donated are:
 Floor 10 Kg.
 Rice 5 kg.
 Sugar 2kg.
 Mazes Daal (any) 2kg.
 Channay(chickpeas) 2kg. (raw/baked)

Evidence (pictures, receipts and video link (if video recorded)

Your Experience of the CSP activities

My experience with CSP activity was good, this will help me to continue this kind of activates and
social work.
This kind of activates should be done in the early life so that after our placement we have some
kind of realization towards poor people/children. Especially when the people are suffering from
the floods and need immediate assistance.

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