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Prepare a list of environmental constrains that keep people in over. Describe any two measres that cane takes 10 curb the downward fal, Testy 2020, when global suplyctais were impacted bythe COVID-0 pandamia, many companies reais that the did't have the resource, personel, or computing infastuctre (0 ‘al with the disruptions. Bigger companies ike Amazon with ttl sippy cain, however, realised that 3PL rpodel was pt Suit for ter survival and they needed sophisticated and IMbanced 4PL model. Evaluate the advances in APL epdel as ‘trast o 3PL and fs contbution in increasing supply cain fey or Explain the concept of Balance of Payment (BOP). Discuss he trends nd problems ia Balance of Payment for Ina in context oF Covie19 pandemic. Accorting to 4 Mosetry Policy Commitee (MPC) recent report “Atv i various segments of economy har casted repandemie levels, but tn cortain ey segments Ue private “nestmet, private consumption anda few other sector, which are very critical for growth of ODP, ts stl lagging Behind preandenie levels. What were the resons for Such lggard ‘ronth? Suggest two poly measures that can increase private investments and consumption pattem in nian Economy. otter Attempt All Questions Read (@x5-15marts) following excerpt carefully and answer the questions: India's hesthcare industry has teen growing st 2 Compound Anal Growth Rete of sound 22% since 2016, At his rat, i expected 10 reach USD 372 Billion in 2022, Heatheare has become one of the largest sectors ofthe Indian economy in ems of both revenue and ‘employment. In 2013, the heather setor became the fifth largest ‘employer, employing 47 Million poople dey. As pe estimates by the Natorl Skil Development Corporation (NSDC) healthcare can ‘generate 27 Millon addtional jobs in India between 2017-22 ~ over 500,000 new jobs per year. India's beatae industy comprises hospitals, medical devies and equipment, het surance, clinical til, telemedicine and medica tous. These market segments ae ‘expected to diversify aan ageing population wih a growing mile lst increasingly fvours preventative healthcare. Moreover, the sing proportion of isp diseases caused by high cholesterol high, blood pressure, obesiy, poor dst an aleabolcorsumptin in urban areas boosting demand fr specialized care sevice. In ation to these demopriphi pd epidemiological tends, COVID-19 sik to catalyse long-term changes in aitudes towards personal heath and hygiene, eal inswance, fess and auton as well 5 health rmonteing and medial checkps, The pandemic has alo fccelerted the sloption of digial technologies, iacuting telemedicine. Further, tee is a growing emphasis on and emergence ‘of Public-Private Partersip model in India's heather sector. The ‘county's relative cast compatiiveness and avalabiliy of skilled Petoct labour are ao making it an increasingly favored destination for “Medical Value Travel. Oa the poi fot the Indian Government is undertaking deep sroctral an sustained reforms to strengthen the healteare sector, it has also announced conducive policies for encouraging Foreign Diet Investnest (FDI. In fic, India's FDL retime hasbeen beaized extensively. Carey, FDI i pemited ‘upto 100% under the automatic route (Le, the nonresident investor oF Indian company does not require approval fom the Government of Indi forthe investment) inthe hosp sestor and inthe manfectare ‘of meta devices Inthe pharmaceutical sector, FDI is permite up to 100% in grenfeld projects and 74% in brownfield projects under ‘the automat route India has emerged as one ofthe fastest-growing cmaing economies over the ast two decades, receiving large FDI inflows, whck have grown from USD 2 Bion in 2000-01 to USD 50 Billion in 2019-20. The healthcare sector, in particular, fis received heightened interest from investors over the lst few years, withthe tasactin value ineretsing from USD 9 Mion (2011) 0 USD 1.275 Millon (2016) ~ a jmp of over 13. times. Technology advancements ofer Several avenues for investment in key segments where new opporuntes ae likey to emerge for Re technology Players in the near future iaclude development of tools fits ‘emergency cae and improvements to medial infact, through ‘technology-based optimization. This includes expanding the scope of ‘wearable devies to track health conditions, developing ptes- icing ‘mobile heath applications as well as greater integration of Al, obo, and blockchain technologies. All of these factors together crest several opportunites for investment in Ina’ healthcare industry. (Source: nvesment Opportntics in Inda's Healthare, NIT ayer, 2021) iefly explain the conuibution of esktheare industry to the sucess of Indian Economy. Paetecd 1. Define Pubic Private Pannership. Discuss the role of public ‘vate paiership in stengthening healthcare infastctue and TL Techoologialadvancemeres in helteae in nia wil aac. ‘more FDls (Foreign Direc invest Evaluate the sateen ‘considering PESTLE famework in ld Se tempt All Questions. (@s5-15 marta) 1. Describe the objectives of eurent Fiscal and monetary policy of Government of India. Why should monetary an il policy samplement cach ther for economic growth? ML Environmental seaming i the snqusiion and we of information about events, ends and relationships in an ages exkcal enviroment, fr ledge of hich would belp ia faure couse of sein. An E-commerce fem Wishes to esabish its operation base in Inia from the year 2022. Create a stepwise plan to sean th environment inorder 1 assess the feasibility of entering for the E-commerce firm, IIL Elaborate the objectives and functions of “Ni Avog. Highlight and diseus five major achievements of Ni AyoR since ils inception. Section C estons. (GS-15 marks) Atemp 1. According to astudy by Pew Research Centr, “even thought Ida's poverty rate fel from 35 percent in 20011 20 percent it 2011, the poputin thot could be conser middle income saw onl marginal increase, going from about one percent to {at three percent This means tha istad of a swelling mile ‘lass, Inia saw a dowrevard side oft popatin from poor le-ncome carers.” stablsbes constmints on the government's access 10 private infomation which pevent abuse of search and surveillance power. At the same time, the lw il allows authorities to gain access 10 infoantion tht fciltates prevention and peoseuton of cximinal ‘mtvites, fom keris to drug trafficking to ell pornography Cites of Ape sso rejected the slippery slope argument on the rounds that sf Apple cooperated, it could safeguard the code it rented and keep it out of the hands of others including bad actors ch stoi or riminl groups. Moreover, Apple was accused of ting too interested ia protecting is brand, and even unpatriotic for refs o comply with th court order. Ultimately, the FBL dropped the case tecause it was able to -ircaent the eneeypon onthe iPhone without Apple's hep. Case study questions: ‘QL. What harms are potently produced by the FBI's demand that ‘ple help open an iPhone? What hams ae potently prodoced by Apple's refisal to hep the FBI? (02. Do you think Apple had a moral eiiaton to help the FBI open the iPhone in this case Beaute it ivolved terrism and mass shooting? Whit ifthe ce involved different type of criminal csv instead, such as drug trafficking? Explain your reasoning, (03. Politicians fon arse the poitcl spectrum, ineluing resident (Obama and Senator Ted Cruz, argued that technology preventing {government access to information should not exit. De you agree with this ini on personal pvacy? Why ae why no? Printed Page : 4 End Temes [MBA (Bons) Year MH 0006: Creal Ability and Developer Time: 3 Howes Max Mares SECTION A Attempt ALL Questions (63-15 Marks) ‘Look tthe example to understand whats expected rom you Questions: Identity the claim and. premises in each of these arguments. There are three questions and each question caries S Inarks Please answer thew questions in a separate paper. xan: ‘The cutback b plynicalebucation is the primary contributing factor to Norte igh Schoots neraving flare rate on the year-nd physical fitness ‘examination Last ‘year, when students participated in gym clast om a daily Basis, 85 percent ofthe School's seniors pated the exam Ths year, students ad gym clos twice eekly, and only 70 percent of seniors passed the et. Clery fewer sessions ofsym class Toad to redaced fess Claim: Clearly fewer session of gym class lea to redoced ies. Prenise 1 ~Cuback i plysical ecaton Promise 2 ~ Increasing fare rote of students onthe year ond plysical fines examination Promise 2~ Last year gym was dally, and this yar, gym was twice weekly O14 program instituted by a state goverzment 0 aise money allows homeowners to prepay tet feture property taxes atthe eden ats. veo f the goverment were to aise thei ate in subsequent yer, any prepaid taxes woul allow the homeowner to mina taxes athe lower nie, lowering the overall propery tax burden over time. For ‘his eso, homeowners sould patiipte nthe program, (Q2. Some erties have argued tht the price of food and dink at Unratusa estaurat, ito high given its quali. However, Utelux features beau interior and comfortable seating and research has shown tht consumers actually enjy food and dink more in such a sing, even when the food and drs is of comparable quality to that served elsewhere, Ths, the food and dink at Ural is ressonably ied (Q3. Las year Global confectionery ws not profitable duet lowered demand stemming from the lockowns during the pandemic. This year nt only have the pandemic restitons been removed, the Company has lo launched new products, Moreover it bas inresed its murkting expenditure and sles have tripled in revenue tems for the frst thee quarters compared 1 the lst year. Therefore the company willbe peoitable this year ‘SECTIONE Autempt ALL Questions, (51318 Maris) (QL, What can arta thinking amewerk be wed foe? What are its ‘ements? Brel explaia what each element means. G2. What ae the diferent elements of "bow to think crcl rity explain cach ofthe elements Q3. What are the diferent types of arguments you ae aware of? Explain with examples foc each typeof argument tempt ALL Questions, (6 x3=15 Maris) cate study ‘The FBI Apple Securigy vx Privacy In December 2015, the FB atin the Phone ofan ef the shooters in an ISIS-inspired terodstanck that killed 14 people in Sin Berardi, Calfria. As pr ofthe investigation, the FL ated 1 gain acces to the data sored on the phone bat was unable to peneate its enerypion sofware, Lawyers for the Obare lminiseation approached Apple for assistance with unlocking the eve, but negotiations soon broke down, The Juice Deptent then obtained a cout order compeling Applet help the PBI unlock the phone. Apple CEO, Timothy Cook, publicly challenged the court Jinan open ete, sparking an intense dette over the balance betwen ‘maintaining national seerity and protecting user privacy. Apple and its suppers, including top technology companis such as Google and Feebook, made the cae on sever fons tht te court ‘ower thestened the privacy ofall indviduals. Firs, sceoding to ‘Apply the order effectively required the company to wile code, Violating its Fist Amendment right to fice speech by fecing the company 1 "say" something it didnot wan 0 say. Previous court cases had already etblished computer code a legally protected speech, Second, such « backdoor, once crete, could fill into the wrong hands ad thresten the privacy of ll Phone owners Fly, it ‘would set a dangerous precedent; law enforemnt could repetely require businesses such as Applet ais in ermal investigations, ‘flectvely making ecology compari an agent of goverment Representatives from bth sides of the politic ssle offered several arguments in favor ofthe Jui Depriments efforts and against ‘Apple's stance. Their conal claim was thatthe US. legal sytem rotcd that tare was sath on the ght es, As he prot si Inthe gurantee prod again mperiotors 2 Powe is usd by ove 50 milion people. About 300 milion PowerPoint presentations ae made evey da). Ove 6 milion teaches we PowerPoint every iy. The verge PowerPoit pesertation Its bout 4 oun The average PoiesPoit she has 40 words. Finally, Miro ‘Sina ht over $250 milion wasted por ay eo poor PowerPoint Fresnatons. This inladed the personnel wages ine sea in netetve Imowings and the tine fo prepare the presentation Hse It makes me Wont how much money my. company i wang” Basal on (his Feseption of PowerPoint prsnains, if you were to cae at [Speive presentation then what shal be yur pln of ation fo avoid feopl exprening death by PowerPot (carimon expresso sed fe Fete, madequtl designe, with he speaker exhibiting & montonas Took delivering witha monatanous oe). (2. nat meth 100 words ac elaborate on he allowing 4 Do yeu believe sat you can negate anything? Pint out any excepts othe lai 1s Netrejgamentl abut the tenting and behaviour of your ‘opponents in aneptaton” Why? or (Q6.A seating ina esturan an Bi ster ‘x Water ‘A: Leak, | ave bee sting hee for ten mines and you tll fave’ even given mete mon BT cannot ep wih tha We ae very bay. You wilhave to wat ‘Ac Lam not going fo wait any longer bring me the meni fmt Br Tam very sory, have go thon pope over here a serve fi. ‘8 Right Tam ping then and wil ot some to your pats ‘etna agai Bam sory cannot belp iyo are unig to waite our ant ‘Asn ot sem getalong oo well Wha pos Wrong? 1 ‘wee A how woul you handle the situation? Printed Page 04 Unis Rll No, ion, 202133 MBA (ons) -¥en, -Trimeter MBH 0008: Mazer Communication Time: 3 Hours ‘Max Marks: 45 Section= 8 Attempt ALL Questions. (6015 Marts) (. Harsh lowered his voce 10 mere whisper “What should we sy tow? Aru, tbe Service Manager, who was on ths cll with Hah, ‘replied “Nohing” and sled In the backround jou coud bear ardoem lof peopl, cating abd sipping the t's an coffe’ Har as tense a he again asked Aru What shuld we be talking ‘ow? Arun ence again in his cal dememer repod"Nahing” made Har eves more aed na of anger Hash et the baroom sd ‘net Aru nis fice Hart, how can you bes lax? This ws ne {for mjr cits, and ths was age Seve falar on our compary's ed. The people siting tht boardroom right nove wil be ey nd {the moment we preset the repo” Arun ld ot ones en enmprir and repli “7 inow Afr decade of expron, a lo ‘he much Horak Ears get eter ros than met i these stuns, _o you ae with Aru? ute our eso while mentoning the sil a ‘Arun's ying to highlight nh nt stntement o Hank in bot mare an S00 words (2. Ridhin tight and tented young candids was appeing inher fis placement interview. Ridhina was bom and brought wp aa Tie ‘ya lnia. She went tw areglar school were the media of inert ‘nas Hin. Herpes were casual eames, eked sincrty and ddan Tor pursing higher education ant seldom ‘poke Enpch the pabl ‘usnes language. She was known for big sincere, abs and he sweking amongst the faaly and aden frcmiy. She was sl ‘motel and awarded fer ber partition in academic and exra- ural sevien Her fends ji and aly mens apeecid er comment an most of he juniors wanted to emus be se and fron, She was the best amongst the crowd. When she spoke people ‘eal listen, Hee wellebewsed presentations, spaces snd inpromt “scouses were alvays feceved with aplase and precinct [oir sped to be ike her. Tere were mest wit he jue td random std we fie tt she ws an iapiation for tna many more he sco “This was er dream company and thy wer offing + dc pskage the filly Slee candies. This ogaieaton was known or ly Sacred and. stalfacket intaviews The Placement sad Trang Deparment ha conducted several mak ineviws wi pst ew eas (ucston bik developed fe this compaay 1 help the students the our ring Like al ther tts he had aso pepe dwn 0. T. Richi war the fit candidate onthe lst. Keowing that this woud ‘etintely give her the Get mover adeatage 1 preset rel in te bet Imam posible and grab hee pae'sateton ith her welekeased interview seit She eieted the erview room, with a nervous cement visible om ber face Looking at Rudhina's resume, the inerviwer's seed imprest and were anciating Ut she igi be he candidate far te oles tei opin. “The interviewers” warmly ret he apd abe to hero take a a The interviewer began wit ist eying to brea he "so, Rha how re you doing tay” Ridhina, ery couteosly replied Tam ding ie “Tank you so much fr asking” The inteviewer Toking tbe ese, cramowed with acievemests aad. the imprest lets of ‘ectemendaton head eeived decided to do away wits hele standard {ques empl and tough ak her arabe diferent question fo tes ‘he waters: Adis, he irviewerSegn by asin "wll me Rh how would you, your fends and fly define you as» person” For Second, Riis a sano a ths was not prt of Rr sito the Sadar tempt of questions she hd paced on. However as Riis ‘vas god at inpompa speci, she foot pase ad bepan to newer ‘The erviewlsted fora eit 1 ents aod Ridin wa ppt vith er perfomance, Drang fo Rithima's experience cn you identity what went wong in ¢hisintervew? State your remanent more than 400 words (03 You bold he positon ofthe meta bead of oe of U's very wel ‘Keow NCO, Sayan, with is hea! ofc in Dll The eeisation ft tee working fer plifinet ofthe peopl th otiom ofthe pyramid in ‘rows cies aces ld, Todays ring helh aware cei it Det one of your volinters ws acczed of misbehaving withthe people of te signed sum aren age media Iype was tested You were ‘dking in your ce apd ected cal fem the ol mia hase, ‘king for yur comment on this major fiao, Beng the medi ead, what Imei ol wil wet present yours of he or Attempt ALL Questions, (Sxse15 Marks) (QL. Astina and Nidhi were i the thick and thin of vey import ott dsasion when suey on Ashima and Nidhi sa the foi ‘all otfeation on thi top serene: “Mowing ody 3.0 ps Post sexing the asifton, ranimouly bath of them std “ll ngs and o werk” Cosierig the above meson situson derive hy ‘meetings ae considered such a deaded iviy and ain oo an riage’ tine? 2. Answer the ftowing 2 Tn not more than 10 weds dese he possible unpok idess behind the fallowing nerve ae S.No, Non-verbal Acts | a aie oo Her wah aE ‘aking Your pax wins a you ner delving» sors cloig ls el An eet alvays le or mesings | ‘pene pees to ea fom fhe Hy aber han eds ‘Aris folded acess ie Gist wh acing arbi witha end? 1 Lt tent 10 pore gates speaker mas we dring = peraive speck? 3."Ditlrer countries flow dierent busines manner” hint the Stemer an jus Your arsver wih any five examples fom eat rates? Sesion Attempt ALL Question. (6315 Mars) (QL. A cai isa demand or request for somthing to which one fas 2 ‘ge Based onthe above deft, wre roe claim iter te “one com oo online shopping web frm where You ad recat ‘rdred the new i sgl pa of Rayan sunglnses The ede was placed fn Deceaber 11", 2021 and was rceived within 3d tine. Though You were apy wi an ery delve, upon oping the package ou > Aiempt ALL Questions Sesion (01s Marts) 4 HomeDe is a capany which Jive grace ien o doops of esomes of Sy, The cpr aks esr es over plaeWhasgp sod aus ay so ‘enon ands shop ofthc che The HomeDal pies sey fe om the paclshp enone byte cso addlestone Tecan ‘tages some eta amuat fom Sabres ‘owas the fr forsee. Hane perting a sal sale at rset an plasing expand ns the iy For ‘Siac can, nl he spay eco af er enls o-e (02. Arr te ilowing quesions which x inependet fm ahah: ‘ifthe dnt eroded or Sumsing TV ines fe 1000120 as oe 8 ta the eof Si TV fn Re 20000 sR 4,0, what sw pe ‘sci of dean betwen Samsung TV an Si? 1. The cts sy oY dena been Tat ens Lipo eis +528, while he Sus day of Soman ecen Tats nd Oran ges ea 2085 Wich ic comida Bt sts of Tata ey the osama hse? pic nt eat serving tea isch rns asc of demand Yee ce ‘cus nd ea 035 ule tees eset heveen ty Baca to 10s. "Whter in ie mse consmes fr ve sweet Baas wi or ay ‘sues Expl 105. Mare iia atin when demand fr nd ply fa rst Become ca Sehr den at ly ves cnt hah. es! pce cuir price ant society Known elton Quy ‘Anoerte Flowing quan: whch ended en ee oe ‘AvAveee sense some ices fa these time pe fips wd 9 Frode he predict X dees How il elitr pee an gular gn ‘test Xchange? opt dit Xsan infer god er consumers) 3B, Avene corse ico eens nt thse ne umber of Ge ring {nd pina te prada ¥ Sores Hw il sult pce ad ites Sea eit Yonge! oe ptt sa ed .Rvege ctsume income ince which leas tree indent fo er. At {Gesene tine et of operates of inware conan nec sarily How ‘uit pce an qo nme ferme ple ong? . Fits andvegees re vapor fom adjing dics Lackanw nblele ‘rh yrs tr Prades Tac Open Untn hs are tat iy il ‘Shite ming Nach 2022, What wil be epee deinen ‘Sollvum pce ant opt any oes in acknow darn te los week rebar 2 “ Ua RONG. snc nd Trimester Thevey Examination 303133 MBA (Hons) Vea, Trimester ie: 3 Hours Max Mars: 4S ‘Secton= tempt ALL Questions (ss3-15 Marks) (1 Leo Eerie operate otis to diet acon Sons impart Inna red te no arias spre bo [Fsaion —] Gat ERP Aes Fe | Ree] arte | "an" | Cats er | vrietes | Seid nt) oi) | fearon Aer 0. a Ea 5s es Rage] 00 [35 as ‘Amy teats of Al Pa and ts Nagar uses of Leo Eateries wh et ‘Sip fame Shale La Eerie om ene se Rt (02. How packaged drinking water brands arent reach consumers” Fac Ears Soper 28300 Acoing the Tale Promaton Council of Ia, the packaged iting wer tte ‘tn na valet 54 fon 2019 ad es geil reach 30 nb the end of 202 The padense hs tat vere Mow to pacaped king wate npanis. which ae highly epee on oes, atins andthe HOC (ht, ‘stu sod catering set fo att 5 of heen With or tenn ‘ale forte sept ave en ara Bled water soar ees king tea wa to ech comes Seay re uc Br, Agus Belles te ating the ds conser mode by Ichigo one pans lok tp with evry aps: ae, tne, nee tom meat nd ao ng efor delve troup is cstome a aber ‘Angee Geos, CEO, Wises Intense company hs yp with Zona nm, Big Unite snd Amaana or elven an fling, a amp yp snc parma and mi sop. Pre Apo’ Haley. which ad ware aveng 2 Iie os {hough online chanel dng the chown ont. Row king gare” ‘Saning “Diecrto ome tats hag opal at ce up dng e pn {nd we ae now fosing on stegning iss Nala Cou, IMD sod CMO, Pare ‘Ago. Motos ops haves ep ihe ic Sey sp v0, aed inne 20 fo vey of wert sel see Fle pce! ang ater is eos tale for th ese given tht sly erase Howes he ‘be he panei consumes ar kes on ty arcing haem he companies” ‘Sy Asn Chung C€0, and Ovo Techogen The Paso wc he Bale. Blac atin, CoceCols ly and Payal isla on app Fesen icing 0c pray Garam xpd te aes BoB NCR ‘Son On0 ges sho 30% of bss fo instar Sle, nd the ret Hom Stlanar sles A apesprn om Agu hi recy ed pth be O40, “Ge bene sch pers ee te al-e aig in he stoner al, expr sna cing Be sy Acc te'Saen Roy, Pare, Rese the pckaged te See has 9 ety fw hioin iho aga tte fn ated feverges ma vera recy ‘Stes comes tan ean deo he gis baled lf oe i i hi cg oe deg pte” a ey en sre ni ‘Sct a Wi Pata, Tn smn ewe a {Sou casmee ng nt wat antipope ate every “Soe Indy wach Elev hth even compete the over Seco unin "Ts ashore mess; cae seep alo depend 2 Ingle ponies It pl arent sping othr hey al ty ae Watt” ‘Sr Aslan Peal nd Samer Tha *+ Reson te mt src of ck king water nds nnn a ‘onal eve Expl aneltortote 4+ Ay connie npstaged wernt do mot compete on ie? 1 Ele theater opted by some conpeis to ape op i he aes roams ecto Cad (03. The ble given ow lows sme cot da of ins in he tr nn. Compete hehe and ane te babe ef serge tol co (ATC) wih th hep of {epropie a o one Daipat [Fee we are [ave are aie 210 0 ww [Atempt ALL Questions. (5515 Mars) Lt Me Aman yas woking Seen Manger wih a FMCG conyuy a ting © Seslied snay of 00 pr mam, Soo he as cing sob 0 he ‘Scat neat te jb so ta ow Des: Aer examin may erases be (Scie st won ty ssc tees gem fr ys ‘She He wath Re ah fm ha tck scone! ad ies nhs ns, He nas ‘Sago neste of ptt pr sau on his anu orth shop and oe be ‘Seip or ishowe wich tio rnou tose Me Amen as ain ‘ee 15.00 pornonh oth prion is ome even andexpenitr is woke dy tis bas nits fi year operon Paris oul even fe fy is 0000 Tot epeses eof positing "ss6900 ls pking Ne bor et) yh exami apron orale tection of Amano it his x a sta (Untuancs Shoal ota hey Ra bess ocr ns nd ne ‘Shp? Epi (92 Lota is kod Sm, pros nd sets he pods A, Band Cite Sori Ome oft omyany i putng ere on the Maar ae ate hangs {Ewe ors td revenue fs hse prefs Keown aly wel te ings oF ie est of deand pn dc, the Nnge ngage a meng sesh Ao ene peal f demand fo hse tes poss: Aer ar sk of ‘ut, marig rac rm maith poe aly of Sond A and © Dies -25 did, ropecivey. Wil ching inp of pat ABC ‘ccd ring ston to nal vet fom es Pr? (8 Ansnerihe filming queios wich indent ether ‘0 Suposedennd face er produ As QU = 400 SP where QU quip ‘emaner be pod Aandi pe of e pod A. What eee of ‘Seman athe ie 25" nce aso or tay ete a pe? 1. Sipe mand incon fra prot BS = 300 10%, where OS gai Seman be post Band Ps pie of he pret. Wit se asf ‘Gr when pric ean fmt 101 27 sna ee eras or ey tse ners pce ne? (Damodar vel Detesr Dei and Lskaow fo pie ai tan the ‘mand tare! tees Deh and Bag. Tac ise Exp our ans D.Sopove pce easy of demand fr posit Mis “33 sa product Ni {dtc Govemment cel over pel emote jie neo rat iTre cre Exlin your sae 2. Explain the simultaneous and sequential game theory with rele life business examples. 3. The Primo Insurance Company i introducing two new product lines special risk insurance and morigages. The expected pri in $5 per unt on special risk insurance and S2 per unt 00 rmorgages. Management wishes to establish sales quotas for the ew product lines to maximize total expected. profit. The work rquiemens ae a allows: “able 2: Work-Houts Data Deparment [ Wor: Hours per ait _| Work Hows Available [Special Risk| Mortgage Underwing [3 2 200 Administrton| 0 1 300 feiaims [2 0 1200 Formulate a Tner programming modal fortis probln. Sextion-c Attempt ALL Questions. (6x3 =18 Marks) 1. According to Nationa Associaton of Insurance Commissioners, the average annual cost for automobile insurance inthe United ‘Stats i recent year was S691. Suppose automobile insurance ‘cons are uniformly distbued ite United States with ange ‘of from $200 to S182. What is the standard deviation of this ‘uniform dstibuin? What isthe height of the distribution? What is the probability tht a person's annual cost for automobile nthe Urited Stats is between S110 and $8257 2. Explain the simple adttve weighting (SAW) method with relevant basiness example 3, What are the areas of aplication of operations research? Explain with examples Printed Page? aweraty Rouse: (CCCI [Bed Trimester Theory Rxamination, 2031-22 Program: MBA Mone) Year Ie Trimester: = MIHICOO07: Workabop on Computational aye fr Decon Maing Ssstiona Adempt ALL Questions (6x3=15 Marks) 1. Find out he relative ranking of semativesT1, 72, and 3 using AHP analysis. The pairwise comparison of aheraives T, 12 nd T3 ae given below in Table Table: Pairwise aesusment mati for, 2, and 73 ira r2 [Ts aif shi P| fi |s fa a Where, 1 Equally import, 5= Mach mare important, S-Absolutey more important. 2. Explain the characteristics of game theory. When do players we 3 Pure or Mino Statgy?What ar the applications of game tor? Expl wth elie examples, 5, What isthe etence of simulation? Explain the role of simlation in operations research stds. Attempt ALL Question (63=15 Marts) 1. What is the trend analysis forecasting method? Explain ih example - Sesion Asempeany three Questions (13-15 Mars) |. Brie ge an example of an nett smal business manager right experience. Using the ety theory of motivation, expan bow would he manager sive to tin guy in this station? Also, ow des equity they rete to diferent pes of justice in the ennizaton? _Duzing the COVID-19 pandemic, companies are equ to follow novel approaches to overcome employes’ work-related res. AS manager, sigs some sees management techniques to nse comployes wellbeing ding nd post pandemic situations IL Discuss the falling sateen: “Group cobesneness the good, svn Sing eget fom working in groups andi someting ha al goup Kader should sive to develo in the rps they ed" TV. A coniflet develops between 2 production manager and sles manager overodictonreguzemens forthe folowing moat dae to. lack of communication acos the chanel. The sales manager wants mor wis produced thn the predtion manager believes reasonable Ifyou arena generl manager poston, how weal you ‘manage thi ston? Do you thik this problem canbe aed by ing iret organizational ste? ye, why? (Saks) Printed Page: Unis: RON. [MA (ons), Ven, Trimester BHC 0: Managemen Proc and Orginal Behaviour ‘Time! Hours ‘Max Marks: 48 Seti Auenpt ALL Questions (x3 smarts) 1. A publ setrconsutaney egaization ented Mr. Alok an exper Ina pail el ftcnial specialization witha PRD. and other igh quaifctions at» senior level, one level below that ofa board Airco. The company had 8 managing dicor and tree functional Arcos spat rom goverment rectors on its oad, ME Alok, tthe time of rerument tothe company, was working as No? in a central ‘porerment research eranizton Siac he filed to get sled oe Nout loti ht organization fr many pois reson, he chose to Jin the public sector company atone grade higher than tht held by ‘im nthe goverment. Aer joining the company, Mr. Ack tld he smeugement tat he stoull be granted at eat tree advance Increments. nthe goverment esearch organization whee be work, he got an ext honorarium to the extent of Rs. 0,00 er ana fe undetaking ouside constancy work, The company’ management refused to grat he avance increment oh since they ft dt Me Alok’ request ould ate dea within olan wil lado sie eit fom other snr managers inthe company. Afr wating fr «few mons, Mr, Alok subaited his resigtion hoc the copay: His superior, viz, the finctoal decor concer (Mr. Raje), ‘vised the managing det dat Me Alok was resigning boca his request fora higher salary had ne Bsn ape o and that he mater needs review becas woul be chalnging teri anter exper. ofthe same alte as Me: Alok, However, the Managing Dieoe cep the resignation of Mi Al and ordered thatthe post be vers for ites cruitment, As the rcument process was 0, Me Alo, on his own, chose witheaw his esignation an reine the ‘company aparently ona act undertaking ven by Mr. Rajeev that is request for a higher sly would be reconsidered. Te managing zor reviewed the proposal and approved the grant of tee advance Increments to Me. Alo, provide woul serve the company at east Ail the date of his superanmton, which was to yes aay, The cision was communicate 19 Me, Alok. Mr. Alok ose again ft insted by being asked to opee to an unacepble codon, vie, ndetaking to continue in he company for two more yeas fer he ‘gant of atonal increments his lay, He hove was fly sited in hi case He didnot aret the conan and submited his resignation afer two mont Me Raj dscwid the ter with he managing decor. The managing direst tated th atu fr he don salary beng graced Me lak, which wasnt bing sven to ay other senior manager of hs sus, he should dipiy sme omaitment to verve the company. Without such a comitent, Mr Alok ight wat fran oppruniy to lok fr greener pasties ad leave the company afer pining higher slay, visi is other senior colleagues in the organization. The other emplyees woul el ht the so-lled expert can lack management it rating more beefs with he duet of sgnation andthe mangemet would lose 1s eebiliy. Therefore, the managing director decid to ace the ‘resignation of Mr. Alok Bat Mr. Rajee and ther fnctionldrectos ofthe company were nt happy withthe decison, They fl tht ‘competitors ofthe compary would sin by Mr, Alok’ depsre an, therefor, allowing Mr. Alok o uit would joprdae de companys 1. After considering the pot of view of bah Mr Alok ad the company, do you agree wih the Managing Direct’ agosto the probe? 1. From an ethic and manger mint, do you thik Me. Alok td eases to be aguived, or was He ng to exp is ceperise? IM Asan HR manager of the company, what woud be your sluion to thiscae? n what posible ways the sbovesnaton cud have been avoided? ‘Sections tempt ALL Questions (x3 18Mars) Desc the "Big Five" personality tis, Which teint ig Five haste most siafcat impact on busines perfomance? Being a manager of fm, how wil kaowedge ofthese personaly tits ip manage people? Dire between authori and responsibly fo the point of ‘ew of a mange. As, expan with the sip of en example how toh of them can contradict and which oe comes i? Deseo the teen Corparte Sci Resgensibiliy? Describe the four views of Carols on CSR tify. State an eaple of orpay of your choice which aes caro these for views wel pa / EE ——s oe ss ae | Eyal | — e ae i Sega i E ear a = | a 2). | = oe ‘Tooinic un ned ots anne wR. T Farce nang an ylteon te yr ening ma rortam: Mba (ona) ear Trimester! “1 Subject Cade MBHCWOLS, Sabet Tite: Management Accounting "Tame 3 Here ‘as sm an, sess amo Bo ao a = = ae ‘soca Serre ee ace pa ol es amet pe me] | we om itn i et or 3209 208 Pe feecie Tle] Se EEL EET cael ma | so — 0 ea en a SE cers ne on nd oer ne =< nl ‘Neth 503012 Name ‘ [ ae = ‘tn ienin = eee] SSR Sn amy nee meat as ‘Soe | | Areca 6 mesh Pepe th ow net ioe ie| ae | | am Section | eng ALLL Quen (ou= 18M) she | ws * 2 ey pe aera andr, Hw es fea cine er fn = | Bs 2 en te nln rs ot pict | $e sn sci pte on ig yee en, tafe Lik) wy (03a wns ei np pei wae pone ‘Sse. exe os ei emg ALL Quetens oat“ 18 Mts ee ” a| —

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