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Alchemical Archetypes:
Created & Creators
By Jeremy Forbing

“God in pity made man beautiful and alluring,
after his own image; but my form is a filthy type of
yours, more horrid from its very resemblance.”
—Mary Shelley, Frankenstein



A Note on Spells

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New Race Options Half-Golem
“My parents were the indentured servants of
You have had one or more portions of your body
a wizard in Hillsfar... When I was nine, he sent
replaced with parts of a construct animated by
them on an errand to Yulash. They took me
an elemental spirit. Like all half-golems, you are
along. Bad luck for all of us. We wandered
the result of good-intentioned actions taken too

right into the path of a dragon flight, reds
far. Unlike an actual golem, you have a mortal
out of the mountains to the west. One of them
soul animating your body and its new additions.
spotted our wagon and tore us apart. It ate my
While the application of a poultice infused
mother and father and my severed arm and leg,

with curative herbs or the casting of a spell can
too, but then it flew away. I guess it wasn't
save the life of an injured or diseased person,
quite hungry enough to finish me.
only powerful magic can replace a missing limb.
"Well, I would have bled out soon enough,
Such magic is often beyond the reach of
except that the mage... showed up to salvage as
common folk who survive such an amputation,
much of his property as possible... My parents
so arcane artisans applied their knowledge of
still owed him many years of service. By the
golem construction to come up with a way to
laws of Hillsfar, if they couldn't pay the debt,
replace lost limbs.

it became their child's responsibility. The
wizard just had to figure out a way to turn a
one-armed, one-legged cripple into something
While the initial results seemed promising,
there was a limit to the effectiveness of the
technique—merely replacing one limb is not
enough to allow a mortal body to use it, due to
–Richard Lee Byers, The Rage
its inhuman strength. Other changes are
required to keep the new limb from tearing itself
away from the body when its full strength is
used. Replacing a single arm with an inhumanly
strong one requires the replacement of most of

the back and often at least one leg, for example.

As a result, the term "half-golem" is apt.
The trauma of the transformation is too much
for the minds of most. Due to this mental
difficulty (and, according to some sages, also an
innate magical taint in the substance of golems),

the majority of those who survive the process

are driven mad, turned to evil, or both. You are
one of a minority who retain their innate
personalities without descending into evil or
insanity, but the difficulty of returning to your
former life has set you on a new path. Before the
change, you may have been a member of any
race, but now your half-golem status defines you
more than that heritage.

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Creating a Half-Golem you or cause you to fall prone, and you have
resistance against bludgeoning damage from
nonmagical attacks that are not adamantine.
Languages. As your base race.
Subrace. Choose one of the subrace options

Half-Golem Traits Clay

One or more of your limbs are sculpted from
As a half-golem, you are a member of another
clay like the limbs of a stone golem. This clay is
race who has been transformed. You have the
of an acidic nature, and exposure to acid
following racial traits, though some are based on
strengthens and revitalizes you. It can barely
your original race, referred as your “base race.”
contain your life force, allowing you to
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution
occasionally release it in a sudden burts of
score increases by 1 and your Strength score
strength and speed.
increases by 1.
Size. As your base race.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet or
the speed of your base race, whichever is lower.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution
score increases by 1.
Acidic Clay. You have resistance to acid
damage. When acid damage you would take is
Heavy Limbs. When you take the Dash
reduced by your resistance or another effect, you
action, your speed is reduced by 10 for that
can use your reaction to gain temporary hit
points equal to 1 + your level.
Living Weapon. When you hit with a melee
Burst of Haste. You can use a bonus action to
attack using a weapon or an un unarmed strike,
magically speed up your movements. Until the
you can choose to deal bludgeoning damage

end of your next turn, you gain a magical +2

equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier instead of
bonus to AC and have advantage on Dexterity
the normal damage.
saving throws, and you can make a single melee
Minor Magic Resistance. When you make a
weapon attack as a bonus action. After you use
saving throw against a spell or other magical
your burst of haste, you can’t use it again until
effect, you add half your proficiency bonus,
you finish a short or long rest.

rounded down, to the saving throw if it doesn't

already include your proficiency bonus.
Partial Construct. Even though parts of you
One or more of your limbs have been rebuilt
were constructed, you are a living humanoid,
from a grisly assortment of humanoid body parts
and can be healed normally. You roll with
stitched and bolted together. This enchanted
advantage when making a saving throw against
muscle tissue responds to the power of
any spell or other effect that would alter your
lightning, invigorating you with vitality and
Resilient Form. You have advantage on all
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score
saving throws against effects that would push

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increases by 1. your relationship with time, and in combat you
Animating Spark. You have resistance to and your opponents can feel the world slowing
lightning damage. When lightning damage you around you.
would take is reduced by your resistance or Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution
another effect, you can use your reaction to gain score increases by 1.
temporary hit points equal to 1 + your level. Slowing Aura. As an action, you can slow the

Fiery Frenzy. When you take non-lightning passage of time for the creatures nearest to you.
damage that reduces you to half your hit points Each creature other than you within 5 feet of you
or fewer, or when you take fire damage, you can must make a Wisdom saving throw. The DC for
use your reaction to enter a sudden frenzy. Until this saving throw equals 8 + your Constitution

the end of your next turn, you have advantage modifier + your proficiency bonus. On a failure,
on Constitution and Wisdom saves as well as the creature’s speed is reduced by half for 1
melee attacks. After you use your fiery frenzy, minute, and it cannot take reactions until the
you can’t use it again until you finish a short or end of its next turn. On a success, the creature’s
long rest. (If another trait or feature allows you speed is reduced by 10 feet reduces its speed by
to enter a similar state, like a barbarian’s rage, 10 feet until the end of their next turn. A
this state and that one do not interfere with each creature that fails can repeat the saving throw at

One or more of your limbs are wrought of metal,
the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on
itself on a success. Once you use your slowing
aura, you can’t use it again until you finish a
short or long rest.
enchanted and smelted with rare tinctures and Stone Limbs. Your stone portions grant you a
admixtures. Those parts of your body look as if +1 bonus to Armor Class.
they were covered with oversized plates of
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score

increases by 1.
Forged in Fire. You have resistance to fire
damage. When fire damage you would take is
reduced by your resistance or another effect, you
can use your reaction to gain temporary hit
points equal to 1 + your level.

Metal Plating. Your metal portions grant you

a +1 bonus to Armor Class.

One or more of your limbs are sculpted from
mineral like the body of a stone golem. Like a
statue’s extremities, yours may be rough and
rocky or as smooth as white marble. The
enchantments that animate these parts change

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 You learn the mage hand cantrip, and choose
Warforged one of the following spells: catapult**, cause
fear**, charm person, comprehend languages,
Subrace Feats command, ego lash*, forceful query*, silent
image, speed of thought*, or telekinetic slam*.
The warforged race, as presented in Eberron: You can cast the chosen spell once, regaining

Rising from the Last War and the revised the ability to do so when you finish a short
Wayfinder’s Guide to Eberron, has no subrace or long rest. Intelligence is your spellcasting
options, despite the diverse purposes for which ability for spells gained from this feat. When
these living contructs are created. However, you you cast mage hand, the hand is invisible.

can add the equivalent of a subrace to your
 You can speak telepathically to any creature
warforged character by acquiring one of the
within 30 feet of you. The creature
subrace feats in this chapter.
understands you only if the two of you share
Variant Warforged a language. You can speak telepathically in
this way to one creature at a time.

Warforged Envoy

e Prerequisite: Warforged race
As an envoy, you were designed with a certain
specialized function in mind. You might be an
assassin, a healer, or an entertainer, to name a
few possibilities. Envoys are the rarest of the
 warforged subraces, and your design may be a
 unique one. You gain the following benefits:
 Choose Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma.
Increase the chosen ability score by 1, to a

Psiforged maximum of 20.

Prerequisite: Warforged race  You gain one skill proficiency or tool
You were made using trace amounts of proficiency of your choice.
psionically resonant deep crystal, providing you
 You gain fluency in one language of your
with the ability to store psionic energy in your

body and use it for a handful of psychic effects.

You gain the following benefits:  Choose one tool you’re proficient with. This
tool is integrated into your body, and you
 Increase your Intelligence by 1, to a
double your proficiency bonus for any ability
maximum of 20.
checks you make with it. You must have your
 You gain proficiency with your choice of one hands free to use this integrated tool. Tools
of the following skills: Arcana, History, that are not thieves' tools or a set of artisan's
Insight, Medicine, Nature, Perception, or tools can only be chosen with the DM's
Religion. special approval.

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 When a creature within 5 feet of you is hit by
Warforged Frontliner an attack, if you're wielding a melee weapon
Prerequisite: Warforged race or a shield, you can use your reaction to
You were forged to be an infantry soldier. You grant the target a bonus to their AC against
gain the following benefits: that attack. This bonus is equal to the
number of allies you can see within 30 feet of
 Choose either Strength or Constitution.

you (maximum bonus of +10). If the attack
Increase the chosen ability score by 1, to a
still hits, the damage is reduced by 5. Once
maximum of 20.
you use this benefit, you can't use it again
 You gain a +1 bonus to AC while you are until you finish a short or long rest.

wearing medium armor.
 You gain proficiency with one martial Warforged Juggernaut
weapon of your choice.
Prerequisite: Warforged race, proficiency with
 You have advantage on all saving throws heavy armor
against effects that would push you or cause
You’re an imposing war machine built for close
you to fall prone.
combat and raw might. You tower over your

e comrades; juggernaut warforged stand between


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