Amc Bio F5 PBL 1

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Learning area
CHAPTER 2 Leaf Structure and Function

Content Standards 2.1 Structure of Leaf

Learning Standards 2.1.1 Describe external structures of a leaf

Project title
How do leaves of different plant species look like?

Execution Period 15 March 2021 - 4 April 2021

Due Date 5 April 2021

Project Objectives:

Able to collect and preserve plants through correct method.

Able to identify and describe different structures of plant leaves and plant
Instructions for Performing Tasks:

1. All students are required to perform a PBL assignment and complete it in the
form of

a. a hard copy of a folio with herbarium per group (with 10 different

species of plants) - to be handed in when school reopens.

b. a soft copy of video presentation turned in individually in Google

Classroom (to show how you prepare your Herbarium).
2. The project is carried out in group. Prepare a herbarium from various plants
available in the area of your house. Complete with data such as taxonomy,
morphology, ecology and geography of the plants. (refer to textbook pg28)
1. Each student is free to choose the plants needed.
2. The duration of the assignment is 20 days. You need to send in the
items stated above by 5 April 2021.
Folio Content:
The folio of the project should contain the following:

1) The front page of the folio should contain:

(a) School Logo and name
(b) Project Title
(c) Names of group members
(d) Class:
(e) Subject : Biology KSSM
(f) Name of Biology Teacher:

2) Contents/index page
3) A brief acknowledgement/credits (to the Biology teacher, parents etc.)
4) Introduction and objectives of the project
5) List of apparatus and materials used
6) Experimental procedures (with photos) and precautionary steps.
7) Results: Herbarium with plant photos and description
8) Discussions (Answer the discussion questions given. Refer below).
9) Budget/cost estimation
10) Conclusion
11) Reference (e.g., Textbooks, reference books, internet (specify the links)

Discussion Question (20 marks) :

1. Draw and label a cross section of eudicot leaf. 10m

2. Compare between palisade mesophyll and spongy mesophyll. 4m
3. State the differences between the structures of monocot and eudicot leaves. 4m
4. What is the purpose of the pressing technique in preparing a herbarium? 2m


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