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I. Introduction
Abiogenesis Theory is the creation of organic molecules by forces
other than living organisms. This fact was used to dispute
evolution, as it could not be conceived how organic molecules
could be produced from non-organic/living sources. Stanley Miller
conducted his famous experiment trying to prove the inorganic
beginning of life
Thesis Statement:
There are numerous theories as to how the fundamentals building blocks
of living organisms came to be. The mechanism by which non-living
matter evolved into self-replicating living organisms and then complex
life forms remains unknown. The process by which living organisms
evolved from non-living organic molecules. Simple elements combined
to form compounds; became more structured and involved different
substances. These compounds were eventually formed and linked to
produce complex molecules such as amino acids.
Background Information:
Abiogenesis research seeks to discover how pre-life chemical reactions
gave rise to life under conditions vastly different from those found on
Earth today. It primarily employs biological and chemical tools, with
more recent approaches attempting a synthesis of many sciences. Life is
built primarily on four key chemical families: lipids for cell membranes,
carbohydrates such as sugars, amino acids for protein metabolism, and
nucleic acids DNA and RNA for heredity mechanisms. Any successful
abiogenesis theory must explain the origins and interactions of these
types of molecules. Many abiogenesis theories seek to explain how self-
replicating molecules or their components came to be. Researchers
believe that modern life evolved from an RNA world, though other self-
replicating molecules may have existed before RNA.

II. Body
A. Theoritical Basis of the Theory of Abiogenesis

1. Alexander Oparin’s (1994), and J.B.S Haldane’s

Hypothesis (1992)
- A Russian Scientist with an independtly British
Biologist, both of them assumed that the life came
from the organic molecules. Thinking that the
building blocks of these organic molecules are
ammonia, carbon dioxide,carbon and hydrogen to
create a complex molecules.
- For the molecules to link up, ultraviolet sunrays was
needed to provide energy.
B. Experimental Basis of the Abiogenesis
1.Stanley Miller or Urey-Miller Experiment
- A chemical experiment that simulated the conditions
thought at the time to be present on the early Earth, and
tested the chemical origin of life under those
conditions. Allowing electricity to create “sparks” on
liquid substances that creates “amino Acids”.

III. Conclusion

Abiogenesis theory describes the creation of organic molecules by forces

other than living organisms. The mechanism by which non-living matter
evolved into self-replicating living organisms and then complex life
forms remains unknown. Abiogenesis research seeks to discover how
pre-life chemical reactions gave rise to life under conditions vastly
different from those found on Earth today. Many abiogenesis theories
seek to explain how self-replicating molecules or their components came
to be. Considering that the building blocks of these organic molecules
are ammonia, carbon dioxide, carbon, and hydrogen to create complex

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