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Republic of the Philippines


Brgy. San Jose, San Juan, Southern Leyte
Contact Number: +639-510-228-118

Name: Daylin B. Melchor Course/Yr. & Section: BTLED – 3A – H.E

Activity No. 1
Give your interpretation of the photo.
=My own interpretation of the photo is that, the life cycle of the butterfly. The
transformation of the caterpillar to butterfly. Life teaches this as a lesson that every creator
had a different life cycle and we have been patiently waiting to our turn to have a beautiful
outcome or results.

1. What are the biological changes that adolescents may experience?
Biological changes take place during the adolescent years. Most obvious are the
physical changes are, increases in height, acquisition of muscle mass, the
distribution of body fat and the development of secondary sexual characteristics.

2. What are the examples of cognitive factors in the development of adolescents?

The example of cognitive factors in the development of adolescents are, growing
new brain cells, pruning some of extra growth, strengthening connections, etc. Also,
adolescent consider abstract concepts, based on well-established premises reason,
consider a variety of perspectives and consider your own thought process.

3. What are the factors need to be considered in parenting an adolescent are these
important? Why?
Raising teenagers’ means being attuned to the basic needs of all humans which are
even stronger during adolescence time. Adolescent choose belonging, power,
independence and enjoyment. So, parents’ way of parenting their children will be an
authoritative parenting. Parents have to set rules, boundaries and standards of
behavior. They also have to give an assurance of their teenager a sense of
consistency, predictability, safety, and belonging. It is important to an adolescent to
feel secured and welcomed every time.
Let’s See How Much You Learned (Application)
Activity no. 1.1
1. Cite/give 5 biological changes adolescents may experience?

 Increase in height
 Acquisition of muscle mass
 Distribution of body fats
 Development of secondary sexual characteristics
 Developing sexual maturity

2. What is the greatest contribution of cognitive factor to an adolescent`s life?

The greatest contribution of cognitive factor to an adolescent’s life is, they make
every adolescent learns and process information in a different way. This time,
adolescent can include abstract thinking the ability to form their own new ideas
or questions.

3. Give the factors need to be considered in parenting an adolescent. Are these

important? Why?
Being a good role model. Adolescent need a good role model to make them an
inspiration to do good to others. The values and the behavior of an adolescent
will be not problem at all because of the person that inspired them to do good.
As a parent, you have a responsibility to teach your teenager to have a good
relationship to others. They constantly affirm their love and affection, both
verbally and through their behavior.
Create a comic strip that will show how significant parenting is in an adolescent`s life. (You
can use a separate sheet of paper). (See rubrics below)


Activity No. 1 (Picture Analysis)

Provide your own analysis based from the given picture.
People in the picture are wearing a mask. Maybe they have a mask parade and that costume
is their dress code. In this situation, it is really hard and struggle to find their real identity
of who they really are.

Activity No.1.2
1. How do you identify yourself?
I identify myself in my self-characteristics on how I trait others. Specially
personalities, my values and my behavior. I also express of who really, I am in my
closest friends and families.
2. What are the responsibilities attached when you come to welcome your identity?
My responsibilities attached when I welcome my identity is to accept the things I
like and I don’t like. Also, I would very open to the others of how they define me, as
who I am to them. As long as I know my needs, interests, impulses, aspirations, and
wants in my life.

Let’s See How Much You Learned (Application)

Activity No.1
1. Give the significant contributions or impact in the aspect of self-identity and social
development to adolescents?
Adolescents' self-identity and social development are aided by helping them
establish a strong sense of self, personality, social connection, and individuality. A
positive teen self-identity is critical since it molds a teen's sense of belonging not
just during their adolescence but into their adult lives.
2. How do parents cope up to adolescents experiencing or going through self-identity?
Does this aspect affect their parenting? Why or why not?
Yes, because adolescents’ identity development is also influenced by their way of
parenting. Parents can actively and deliberately teach morals and values to their

3. Do you think social activeness can help adolescents in their social development than
isolating yourself from others? Support your answer with a strong argument?
Yes, I think social activeness can help adolescents in their social development than
isolating their selves from other. It is because if you are socially active, you learn to
yourself of how interacting to people better. Adolescents will not only be affected by
social changes, but they will also be the driving force behind them, for better
outcome to their lives.

Activity No.1
Choose three colors that would represent a healthy youth development, and put your
reason on why you choose the color.
Green- it represents nature, healing, health and fertility, since it is such a dominant color in
Orange- it signifies health, happiness and encouragement.
Purple- denotes ambition and devotion.

1. What are illustrations of the ideal ways of successful parenting?

 Boosting your child’s self-esteem
 Catch kids being good
 Set limits and be consistent with your discipline
 Make time for your kids
 Be a good role model
 Make a communication a priority
 Be flexible and willing to adjust your parenting style
 Shoe that your love is unconditional
 Know your own needs and limitations as a parent

2. How to attain healthy youth development?

Through creating opportunities for youth to participate in challenging and
interesting learning experiences, providing leadership opportunities for youth and
building social and academic competencies.

Let’s See How Much You Learned (Application)

1. How to attain healthy youth development?
 Physical and psychological safety
 Supportive relationship
 Opportunities to belong
 Support for efficacy and mattering
 Positive social norms
 Opportunities for skill-building
 Appropriate structure
 Integration of family, school, and community efforts

2. Give 3 ways to healthy youth development and include 1 situational parenting

example to these ways.
Physical and psychological safety = providing an environment that is free of bullying,
trauma and crime and which respects people`s privacy and dignity is a bedrock element of
positive youth development. Physical safety is widely understood to be important, but
providing psychological safety in the form of an attractive clean space, confidentiality and a
pleasant respectful staff is important at all ages.

Supportive relationships = providing love, support, re assurance, acceptance, and

encouragement in a relationship. It’s essential in times of stress or sadness as it stabilizes
the relationship and provides a positive foundation.

Opportunities to belong and support for efficacy and mattering= a basic need to
affiliate and to be respected and have a sense of personal worth. As adolescents build their
personal identity, these elements of a PYD program can help to recruit, retain and engage
adolescents and the same is true for emerging adults, who want to be valued members of
sports teams, clubs or work or military groups. Older adults similarly want to be treated
with respect and to feel worthwhile, and child welfare, job training, job search programs
and child support programs can grant them that courtesy. Indeed, staff who works in child
and youth-serving organizations would also benefit from this orientation.

Example Situation:
A parent is always reminding her daughter every time her daughter goes out with her
friends. Her daughter feels hard time to her studies, the mother comports and hug her
daughter to release her hard feelings about on her studies. Her mother telling her that, “it is
only a trial to your success”.

1. Give your analysis to the eight keys to youth development.

Physical and psychological safety- positive, respectful interactions among peers and
staff, conflict resolution, and physically sound facilities.
Supportive relationship - good communication, warmth, and genuine connection.
Opportunities to belong- an inclusive, engaging environment for all; cultural
Support for efficacy and mattering- genuine opportunities for youth to make a
difference; youth-centered practices that challenge, empower, and focus on improving
Positive social norms- positive, pro-social values and expectations.
Opportunities for skill-building- developing competencies for life, further education,
work, and citizenship.
Appropriate structure- clear, consistent, age-appropriate expectations for behavior,
rules and boundaries.
Integration of family, school, and community efforts- collaboration to offer the rich
developmental context that help young people succeed. Competencies grow through
opportunities to practice skills in a variety of situations.

Module 4/Lesson 3
Assessment: Create a collage that would show successful parenting. (You can use a
separate sheet) (rubrics attached)


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