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Explain the need to protect and conserve tropical rainforests, coral reefs and
mangrove swamps (S6LT II i-j-7)

A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate beneficial and harmful interactions occur among
living things and their environment as they obtain basic needs.

B. Performance Standards

C. Learning Competencies
 Describe some type of beneficial interactions among living things
( S4LT-IIi-j-15)

 Appreciate the importance of each living things to the environment.

II – CONTENT/TOPIC Beneficial interactions among living things.

Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous Lesson or Arranged Me!
presenting new lesson Fill in the missing letters to create a word using the hints provided.

1. b_ _tic 3. p_pu_ _tion

Hint: living things Hint: a group of the same kind of living things
in one area

2. P_od_ _er 4. _bi_ _ic

Hint: consist mainly of green plants Hint: non-living things

5. e_ _ sy_te_s

Hint: interaction among living things and their environment

B. Establishing a purpose of the lesson

B. Presenting examples /instances of
new lesson


 What do you see in the picture?

 What do you think is there relationship with each other?

 Do they benefit from each other?

C. Discussing new concept and Show different kinds of picture .

practicing new skills.
EXPLORE  The class will be grouped into 4

 Every group will be presented with a picture that shows different benefecial
interaction of living things in the environment.

 Each group will answer the guide question given to them .

 Write it on the manila paper and answer the guide questions that is
given to you by your teacher.

 Group Reporting

Guide Questions:

Group I:

What do butterflies do with the flowers?

As they obtain nectar, what do bees also pick up from flowers?
What will happen to the pollen of flowers that sticks to the legs of the
Do they benefit from each other?
Group II:

What do plants provide to the human ?

What do the human give to the plants ?

How do they relate with one another?

Can you describe the kind of interaction between the plants and human?

Group III:

What help does a tree give to orchids?

How about the importance of the orchids to the tree?

Is the tree affected by the presence of the orchids?

How can you describe their relationship?

Group IV:

How does a tree help a bird?

Does a bird also help a tree?

How can you describe their relationship?

E. Developing Mastery that leads to EXPLAIN

Formative Assessment
Mutualism is defined as an interaction between individuals of
different species that results in positive (beneficial) effects on per
capita reproduction and/or survival of the interacting populations.

Commensalism is a type of symbiotic relationship in which one

species benefits, while the other species is neither harmed nor

F. Finding practical applications of ELABORATE

concepts and skills in daily living
The bird and the tree have commensalism relationship. Draw a diagram
G. Making Generalization and
illustrating how the bird benefits from the tree while not harming it.
Abstraction about the lesson
H. Evaluating Learning EVALUATE
Test I. Identify the type of interaction that exist among the organism
below. Write M for mutualism and C if it is commenasalism .

1. Butterflies and the flowers

2. Shark and remoras swimming beside it.

3. A boy feeding his dog

4. Fish and plants in the aquarium

5. Ants and Acacia

Test II. Read the statements below .Write True if it is correct and False if
its not.

________1. Commensalism is a type of interaction that the organism

benefits and the other is harmed.

________2. Bees and flowers is a example of mutualism.

________3. Interactions are beneficial for survival.

_________4. Living things constantly interact with there environment.

_________5. Mutualism is an interaction where both species benefit from

each other.

I - Application
EXTEND Give examples of animals that one benifits while the other one is harmed or


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