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Running Head- [Assignment]

Assignment- [Project Management & Planning]

[Name of Writer]

[Name of Institution]
“Project Management and Planning”

“Table of Contents”
“Part 1- Initiation”......................................................................................................................3

“Advantages and Disadvantages of Outsourcing of Software Development”.......................3

“Part 2- Planning”......................................................................................................................4

“Work Breakdown Structure”................................................................................................4

“Stakeholder Register and Management Strategy”................................................................6

“Flexible Agenda”..............................................................................................................6

“Part 3- Execution”....................................................................................................................8

“Milestone Report”................................................................................................................9

“Part 4- Controlling”................................................................................................................10

“Part 5- Closing”......................................................................................................................11

“Lesson Learned Report”.....................................................................................................11


“Project Management and Planning”

“Part 1- Initiation”

“Advantages and Disadvantages of Outsourcing of Software Development”

Whenever a project is outsourced, there will be benefits and drawbacks. The benefits are

briefly outlined below.

1. Shorter completion times allow tasks to be completed on time. Businesses fill the

same positions with several personnel to minimise expenses and boost productivity. This

reduces wait times. This increases project efficiency.

2. Supplier negotiations save businesses money. Companies outsource these services

to low-wage countries. Example: Indian software engineers.

3. High-level expertise Businesses must hire tech-savvy employees to meet customer

expectations and remain competitive. Some initiatives require specialised technological

expertise, but this reinforces the company's core abilities.

4. A single business may handle a variety of projects by effectively and creatively

using its personnel and resources.

The following is a brief rundown of the drawbacks.

1. Multiple people from the same organisation working on the same task

simultaneously causes disorganisation. Multiple people working on one project might cause

delays and poor teamwork. Different people may work on the same project. Communication

with them becomes difficult.

2. Multiple people working on a single project lack control since there is no one in

authority to remedy mistakes.

“Project Management and Planning”

3. Non-aligned members may have trouble communicating, resulting to interpersonal

disagreements and ego confrontations. Collaboration may be difficult, causing delays.

4.Some organisations and projects require strong data secrecy, which could pose a

security risk if breached. Medical records, pay records, and insurance plans may need

protection. Job quality and concentration may suffer. Some projects may lack export labour.

While cheap labour is plentiful, but. Keeping focused isn't always easy or practical.

Especially if they're key to a fulfilment. Outsourcing has perks and cons.

“Part 2- Planning”

“Work Breakdown Structure”

In this report for the "Colour Printer Driver Software Project" at “Megabyte Software,

Inc.,” the project manager presents the following WBS, or work breakdown structure.

WBS has helped many software and engineering projects succeed. The structures and

procedures are really helpful. It's helpful for comparing work progress to the project

timetable. It's essential for planning. It's a powerful way to combine operations. Start by

listing large jobs, then minor ones. Third, separate simple and unassembled tasks and repeat

until undividable. As a senior manager, I appreciate the necessity of defining the "colour

printing driver software" management project's deliverables and the large and minor actions

and procedures that contribute to its success. This promotes productivity, quality, and project

success. It's easy to evaluate costs and do tasks correctly. Control and organisation are


“Project Management and Planning”


“Task” “Task” “Task”

“Sub Task”

“Work Packages”

Above is its work breakdown structure. Project. It predicts how the building of labour

is divided into smaller and smaller jobs, from the top to the bottom, until it is undivided and

autonomous. This is "top-down" management. This is helpful for completing chores. An

easy-to-impress leader. Managing duties is simplified. The work and approach are reliable.

This ensures precise work assignment and indicates project checkpoints. It helps determine

how much money, work, and risk a project requires and how dangerous it is. This WBS

template shows the procedure. No standard can be set. Time and personnel requirements can

be chunked. What are the targets and dangers? Gantt charts show project goals and how

deliverables, products, applications, and activities fit in. This reflects resource allocations,

scheduling, effort estimation, and planning.

“Project Management and Planning”

“Stakeholder Register and Management Strategy”

A stakeholder approvals plan is vital to keeping a project on time and ensuring its

success. Any project struggles with stakeholders. Before implementation, get stakeholder

buy-in. Stakeholders have heavy influencer responsibilities. They could generate

companywide issues. They may look down on or lament their superiors. Workplace morale

suffers. Smartness requires intelligence. Technology and understanding stakeholders.

Stakeholders are individuals with a vested interest in a project's result and should be

prioritised. The stakeholder briefs members on objectives and sets the stage for opposition or

anticipation. Major contributors provide project comments. They build credibility and attract

funding. Their support may be important to the success of future endeavours. They allow for

future planning. Advisors, colleagues, relatives, and investors are stakeholders who want you

to succeed.

“Flexible Agenda”


In today's business world, it's crucial to earn respect from key players and develop

strong relationships with them. It might get difficult at any time.

“Project Background”

You need a magical backstory. Gaining perspective and thinking critically about

what's to come is essential for making progress. All of the project's milestones and

deliverables need to be spelled out in detail for everyone involved to know what's expected of


“Purpose of the Project”

The project's goal and all relevant information must be communicated clearly, with an

eye toward the broader picture and the resources needed to accomplish it. Quickly informing

“Project Management and Planning”

the team of the machine and stressing the importance of meeting the deadline are two ways to

keep things on track and encourage team members to make a lasting difference.


Additional assumptions from the stakeholders, such as a timetable or financial

forecast, should be taken into account as part of the consensus-building process. It is

important to assess the project's goals and stakeholders' perceptions of success before diving

in. There needs to be harmony between the wants and needs of the project's stakeholders and

the developer.


The process of is greatly aided by careful planning. Work breakdown structure is a

key component of project management. Making a “Gantt chart or project timetable” will help

you stick to your deadlines and keep your stakeholders happy, regardless of whether you're

proposing new code, updating your documentation, or fixing a bug.


Rules must be stated plainly, and prioritising plan execution utilising cross-functional

flowcharts involving simulation, design, software engineering, quality assurance, and user

experience design is of the utmost importance at all times.


Working together with the rest of the team increases the likelihood that you'll meet

your objectives and deadlines. All criticisms and suggestions will be carefully considered and

addressed. It is possible to take advantage of seamless connectivity between a WS JIRA

Confluence and other popular tools like Google Drive, Slack, and others.

“Project Management and Planning”


In order to prevent misunderstandings and incorrect assumptions, the inquiry will be

considered. This aids in meeting deadlines and completing objectives.

“Next Steps”

An in-depth examination of the interests of all relevant parties requires careful

preparation and meticulous attention to detail.

“Stakeholder” “Motivation” “Area of Expertise”

Maximize the positive effects of Innovations in business and

“Customer” your change introduction. technology, and tactics for
implementing information systems

Make a shift with as little fuss as Techniques and methods used in

possible. running a firm.

Utilize all available means to Methodology for Creating and

“Project Manager”
accomplish the task at hand. Distributing Software.

Time and money constraints

“Analyst” Tools and Methods
should be spelled forth.

Green programmers, designers, and

Make cutting-edge systems that
“Developer” printers use cutting-edge tools and
exceed in technical quality.

Make sure that your printer Adhering to predetermined

“Quality Assurance”
meets all industry standards. procedures and norms.

Table 1- "Stakeholders Analysis"

“Part 3- Execution”

Since a key software developer was injured, the response depends on it. As project

manager, I'd be stressed. This puzzles me. I'd be more analytical and psychological. This

would reduce project efficiency. It could snowball the project's outcome. Correct treatments

“Project Management and Planning”

can reduce chronic absenteeism. Unexpected lack of this case. The project's vitality is

threatened. Without a contingency plan, the project's scope may be limited, and cost or

timeline concerns may arise. Overworked, tired staff may occur. Maximize resource usage by

allocating jobs based on the organization's capabilities (Shafiq, et al.,2020). This would show

available resources for assigning jobs. Optimization is to prevent overwork and underwork.

I'll always have a backup plan for future crucial tasks. Which could make project

abandonment harder. When does capacity planning need a buffer? This tension could be

reduced by employment, unemployment, or availability. Stop. This is a reliable way to handle

rare, unforeseeable absences. In case of mismanagement or delays, always have a backup


“Milestone Report”

In project planning, the “milestone management” tool is crucial. It aids in simplifying

the complex into the manageable, and increases its adaptability. These resources help

planners anticipate and account for any delays in a project's timeframe, allowing them to

make more informed decisions. Progress can be managed and monitored with its help. It's

streamlined the process of creating and maintaining schedules. Connecting the milestone

activities helps develop a consistent project idea. An overview can't be planned without it.

Collective effort on the project. Project Approval is the beginning of the project life cycle.

1. The beginning and closing stages of a project.

2. In order to get the charter authorised,

3. Observational Assessments of Product Quality

4. Strategy formulation prior to construction

5. To secure permission for the project management strategy.

6. Getting the project meeting started

7. Advice about working effectively in a group.

“Project Management and Planning”

8. In order to complete projects and meet deadlines.

9. Identifying the most effective project management methods.

10. Termination of the project.

A “Gantt chart” would have helped direct the project, in retrospect. It helps with

stakeholder communication and process monitoring. These improve collaboration and real-

time data collection. Before moving on, project managers must learn a project's prerequisites.

will adopt agile approach and have a visual knowledge of it (Bushuyev and Verenych., 2018).

Later in the project, I'll ensure if my needs are met. I'll prepare and cover. Implementation

accuracy. Prearrange the information. I'll make sure the product line is supported in the

region and that language licences are available. Including where the app or software will be

installed. QA tests use cases first. Test the development code first. User acceptability testing

ensures system validity (Daniel and Daniel., 2018). Before deployment, user acceptance

testing must be completed. Energize the site. Risks can be decreased and extra milestones

introduced by pointing a current URL or email link to the new server.

“Part 4- Controlling”

Effective project managers know the importance of staff involvement and

management. These are key to a functioning workforce. Standardized definitions. Employees'

dedication to the company. Alex can be told how adding more personnel will increase project

output despite additional costs (in the form of, for example, compensation, equipment,

training, or the project itself). Mark's absence will assure project progress. This helps avoid

overworking Mark. Their hard work and dedication will help the company. If Alex doesn't

hire this person, the company may not reach its goals or make as much money since its

current employees will be overworked and underutilised. It can harm a company's budget and

competitiveness. This is a large (Demirkesen and Ozorhon., 2017). If this person is hired, it

“Project Management and Planning”

will take more time and effort to complete the project, reduce qualified leads for marketing

and sales, and harm the brand's reputation. Lead quality improves. As a manager, I can

enhance sales by doing this. Such budgeting is ideal. Maintaining project momentum. Better

productivity and no delays resulted. This shift will bring further rewards for the new role and

cost savings for the organisation. He or she would do a decent job and earn the compensation.

“Part 5- Closing”

“Lesson Learned Report”

1. Logistics: As the project manager, I am responsible for ensuring that all of the

items necessary for the project's launch are included in the contract and that doing so does not

delay the project's start date (Sanchez and Terlizzi., 2017). There needs to be proper

implementation, execution, and approval of everything.

2. Controlling a group as a project manager, I was responsible for gathering sign-offs

on awards for outstanding teamwork. If you want to speed up the process of giving

judgement and cut down on delays, you'll need to make absolutely sure that all relevant

information is conveyed clearly. I'll make sure everything is recorded accurately and

implemented correctly so that your time and energy aren't wasted (Radujković and

Sjekavica., 2017).

3. Putting out a study. I will create a PDF and send it to everyone involved to explain

how the tree team was led, how the task was accomplished, and how the lessons learned can

be applied in the future to lessen the risks associated with this task and improve on certain

fronts once everything has been “sorted, collected, examined, and revised.”

4. Maintaining a consolidated repository for their report. By doing so, I can ensure

that my report is always safely stored in one place and establish a productive habit that will

help me avoid making the same mistakes in future projects that I have already made. Details

“Project Management and Planning”

about the lesson's topic and scope, like its name and the software used in the classroom's

printers, will be provided. I will remember every detail and how it affects the

implementation. My eyes will be on the progress and suggestions (Lübbecke., 2021). When

it's finished, I'll put it away for safekeeping. In order to brief the team on it, I'm sending it to

everyone on the team and making a copy of it available to everyone on the team.

“Project Management and Planning”


Bushuyev, S. and Verenych, O., 2018. Organizational maturity and project: Program and

portfolio success. In Developing Organizational Maturity for Effective Project

Management (pp. 104-127). IGI Global.

Daniel, P.A. and Daniel, C., 2018. Complexity, uncertainty and mental models: From a

paradigm of regulation to a paradigm of emergence in project

management. International journal of project management, 36(1), pp.184-197.

Demirkesen, S. and Ozorhon, B., 2017. Impact of integration management on construction

project management performance. International Journal of Project

Management, 35(8), pp.1639-1654.

Lübbecke, H., 2021. Critical success factors of change management in software projects.

Radujković, M. and Sjekavica, M., 2017. Project management success factors. Procedia

engineering, 196, pp.607-615.

Sanchez, O.P. and Terlizzi, M.A., 2017. Cost and time project management success factors

for information systems development projects. International Journal of Project

Management, 35(8), pp.1608-1626.

Shafiq, M., Zhang, Q., Akbar, M.A., Khan, A.A., Hussain, S., Amin, F.E., Khan, A. and

Soofi, A.A., 2018. Effect of project management in requirements engineering and

requirements change management processes for global software development. IEEE

Access, 6, pp.25747-25763.


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