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Running Head- [Assignment]


[Name of Writer]

[Name of Institution]
Question 1........................................................................................................................................3
“Relationship Between Resilience and Mental Wellbeing”........................................................3
 A Healthy Diet..................................................................................................................3
 Learn to relax....................................................................................................................4
 To Build A Support System..............................................................................................4
 A Proper Sleep Pattern......................................................................................................4
Question 2........................................................................................................................................5
Question 3........................................................................................................................................6
Question 1

“Relationship Between Resilience and Mental Wellbeing”

A sign of resilience is when an individual is able to keep their mental and emotional

health in check despite the presence of change. People who are able to maintain their mental

health in the face of adversity are considered resilient, as this indicates an increased capacity to

express their feelings and adapt to novel conditions. People who are able to maintain their mental

health in the face of adversity are considered resilient. People who are emotionally and mentally

healthy are more likely to exhibit attributes such as self-assurance, optimism, and a sense of

belonging in society. This is because people who are emotionally and psychologically healthy

have better immune systems. Strength of will and the capacity to overcome setbacks go hand in

hand when it comes to guaranteeing one's own existence in the face of challenging conditions

(Hankle, et al., 2021). Resilient individuals are people who, in the face of adversity, can still

create and achieve positive goals for themselves. The capacity to quickly recover from setbacks

is a skill that is valuable in every line of work; in the following paragraphs, will offer a few

suggestions for honing this ability.

A Healthy Diet

Eating a diet that is both healthy and satisfying can do wonders for one's mental and physical

well-being. According to the findings of scientific studies, diet is an extremely important factor

in determining overall health (Simon, et al., 2022). A healthy diet plus regular exercise count as a

kind of self-care because both of these things affect how people feel and the amount of work

they do.
Learn to relax

Yoga and meditation are two practises that a lot of people have found to be useful when it

comes to enhancing their ability to recover after experiencing negative effects (Hipps., 2021).

Taking up a new hobby, practising deep breathing techniques, or doing something that they have

found in the past to be relaxing, like watching a film are all wonderful methods to combat the

negative effects of stress and find some much-needed relaxation.

To Build A Support System

Having strong social support can make it easier to keep one's mental health in check and to

be resilient in the face of adversity. Individuals who already have great ties with thier loved ones

can benefit tremendously from having another person in their lives with whom they feel they can

open up and to whom they can trust.

A Proper Sleep Pattern

If an individual had enough sleep last night, they should wake up feeling refreshed and ready

to take on the day. Nevertheless, many of people have trouble prioritising getting enough sleep.

One's mood, one's ability to focus during the day, and the total amount of sleep one obtains can

all be negatively impacted by a lack of sleep almost immediately (Simon, et al., 2022). Lack of

sleep for an extended period of time has been related to an increased risk of a variety of major

ailments, including heart disease, mental health disorders, diabetes, and others.
Question 2

“Identify three factors that can negatively impact an individual's well-being.”

“An outline of the strategies that can be used to reduce the impact of these factors and improve
an individual's wellbeing.”
“Factors That Can Negatively Impact An “Strategies To Reduce The Impact Of These
Individual's Well-Being” Factors And Improve An Individual's Wellbeing”
Trauma: It is a response to the unspeakable Getting expert counselling is the best method to deal
tragedy that has befallen them. Trauma, regardless with the aftermath of a traumatic event (Petrovic, et
of when it occurs in a person's life, can have a al., 2018). In order to learn the skills necessary to
severe effect on both their physical health and their manage the after-effects of trauma and go on to a
level of happiness (Bösch, et al., 2018). Improper more satisfying life, it is crucial to seek out
management can lead to difficulties in a person's appropriate professional support.
physical health, mental health, spiritual life, and
other aspects of their life.
Key Life Changes: Reaching significant ages is a Having reliable friends and family is essential. One's
normal part of growing up. They can be good, like support system may consist of those closest to them,
getting married or buying a house, or bad, like such as family and friends, as well as those chosen
being divorced or being laid off (Luhmann, et al., for a lifetime, such as a life partner (Luhmann, et al.,
2021). Well-being might be badly impacted if the 2021).
challenging life events aren't met head-on with the
right tools.
Inequalities in Health: The term is commonly Equality of opportunity in public service and access
used to describe variations in health status amongst to high-quality early childhood and adult education
people or populations. Health care discrimination programmes are also essential (Regmi and
on the basis of socioeconomic position or race is Mudyarabikwa., 2020).
one such example.
Question 3

A distinction between feelings and emotions is made in this paper. In addition, this essay

will talk about Hubert's emotional reactions, both positive and negative. This essay will also

describe and assess various strategies for managing Hubert's feelings and emotions. In addition,

it will examine various forms of assistance programmes to see how they can improve Hubert's

circumstances. The conclusion will then summarise the entire essay.

Emotions, which last an average of six seconds, are the result of biochemical changes

triggered by neural activity in a specific region of the human brain. It includes both

psychological testing and physical exertion. Emotions are an innate and uncontrollable response

to any given situation or circumstance. Whereas emotions, which are also triggered by physical

activity and evaluated psychologically, are interpreted in terms of deeper meanings by

individuals. Each person experiences life differently and develops the ability to manage their

emotions accordingly (McGinley, et al., 2021). One such emotion that can develop into love is

attraction. Unfortunately for Hubert, he has no control over his anger, which causes him to be

short with his kids and rude to his customers. In addition, the spinal cord and brain are affected

by Hubert's wife's disease, which can lead to a wide variety of symptoms such as eyesight loss,

difficulty moving the arms or legs, a loss of sensation, or an inability to maintain one's balance.

Because it's an autoimmune disorder, this will never go away.

The symptoms may appear suddenly and without warning, or they may be triggered by

an extended bout with illness or stress. Because his wife's symptoms are so easily provoked, this

points to a stressful circumstance that Hubert is currently going through. He's normally a positive

thinker, but with his hectic schedule and his concerns about his wife, he's finding it difficult to

stay that way. Hubert is the family breadwinner, and the weight of that responsibility may be
making him irritable and short with his kids and clients. It's possible that this is impacting his

sense of well-being, self-assurance, and self-perception (Stein and Levine., 2021). Hubert can

take charge of his mental health and maintain a positive outlook by one of three methods.

Mindfulness helps a person appreciate the present moment and deepen their

understanding of who they are as a person. Keeping track of their habits can also help them train

themselves to be in charge of their thoughts rather than the other way around. As a result, Hubert

will be able to keep his professional demeanour at the workplace. One other perk is improved

concentration, more rational cognition, and less pessimism. As a result, Hubert is able to

prioritise his kids' schooling, mental health, and his business's reputation with clients. For some

people, the ability to suppress unpleasant feelings can lead to a false sense of superiority and a

disconnection from reality, which is a drawback of mindfulness (Singh., 2019). Last but not

least, this method helps save money and time. Seeing as how Hubert could put it into effect

while running errands for the kids' schools.

Exercise is another tactic that might be used. Hormones of joy are released when one

exercises. Having a positive effect on one's self-image, confidence, and mood, as well as

decreasing feelings of sadness, tension, and anxiety, are just some of the many advantages.

Hubert's attitude on life and his resilience to stress can both benefit from regular exercise. One

drawback of exercise is that it might cause injuries, which can result in time away from work and

other responsibilities. Another disadvantage is that it takes a lot of time; if a person have a

demanding job and other responsibilities, they won't have time to work out. Hubert, however,

may save both money and time by performing his workouts in the comfort of his own home

(Reid, et al., 2021). His children would look up to him as an example, and his happiness at work

would ease any tensions with clients.

Hubert could also seek out professional help from a CBT therapist or join a support group

in order to alter his destructive patterns of thought and behaviour. CBT helps people calm down,

which is a good thing. Improving one's ability to respond calmly in a variety of situations. This

can aid in recognising the origins of problematic behaviours and developing strategies for

dealing with them in the future. Hubert will need to devote a lot of time and effort to CBT

because he must consistently attend sessions and complete homework assignments in between

sessions. Another restriction is that it necessitates dealing with feelings squarely. A greater

degree of distress and worry could result from this (McGinley, et al., 2021). Hubert could not be

prepared to deal with the intensity of his feelings, making this approach too much too soon.

Hubert can start to enjoy the present, get insight into his triggers, control & reinforce pleasant

feelings by mindful meditation and tailoring exercise into his daily routine, since the advantages

outweigh the hazards. He'll emerge from this experience stronger than ever. Contrarily, CBT

would not be recommended for Hubert because its disadvantages exceed their advantages for his

mental health. Furthermore, prolonged stress is associated with a decrease in people's overall


Some people, like Hubert, thrive under pressure, while others, like him, crumble under it.

Apparently, not everybody gets stressed out by the same stimuli. Because of the increased

expectations of his position, Hubert may find interacting with clients difficult; however, an

employee who is accustomed to these pressures would likely find it less so. Hubert may begin to

feel the physiological and psychological effects of stress, such as a rise inblood pressure,

weariness, insomnia, a sense of being overwhelmed, and a loss of emotional control, if his stress

persists over an extended period of time (Singh., 2019). Last but not least, one of the best ways

Hubert may deal with stress is by hanging out with his loved ones. Because this is a relatively
healthy method of alleviation. Hubert can extend his life and avoid resorting to negative coping

techniques by lowering his stress levels. His loved ones can help him adopt healthier eating

habits and stress-reduction routines, and he can do the same with them. Hubert's mood will

improve, and any potential anxiety or despair will be warded off (Stein and Levine., 2021). In

addition to reaching out to the NHS, Hubert might look out for mental health support groups in

his area through the NHS website.

Adults like Hubert, as well as younger children and the elderly, can join one of several

different types of support groups for mental health issues. If Hubert needed help dealing with

stress, he could turn to the members of his support group for guidance. Hubert can also

participate in efforts to raise mental health awareness and help others feel comfortable seeking

assistance by posting on the website. In these meetings, they counsel people who are

experiencing mental health issues, so Hubert may go without feeling like an outlier. Tips for

handling stress in daily life can be found, blogs on personal experiences with mental illness can

be read and written, and he can make virtual connections with others who share his condition and

can offer support (Stein and Levine., 2021). In conclusion, Hubert can simply avoid both good

and negative feelings by including mindfulness training and regular exercise into his daily

routine. This will equip him to confidently take on new problems and to establish achievable

objectives with which to meet them. If Hubert continues to experience low mood despite

implementing these strategies, he can reach out to his loved ones, local NHS support groups, and

the community for guidance in the future.


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