Adv PPC Project 2

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Arjun Bhugra

Project 2 - Adv PPC

My venture is a personal website. This website has been created to project my passions and to
enhance my personal brand. People who visit my site can find out more about me and learn
about my interests. There are three benefits that I hope to discuss about my venture, that
users who visit my website can benefit from.

Benefit 1: The first benefit is that people can learn more about me. The hope would be that if
I include the URL of my website in my email signature or include it on the header of my CV,
then professionals who are looking to consider hiring me could also see deeper aspects of my
life. Given this fact, the website would be useful for people who are keen to know more about
me. Browsing through my website at one’s own leisure would allow people to understand me
as a job candidate in ways that a face-to-face conversation would not do justice.

Benefit 2: Nowadays, blogs are a fantastic way for people to get their thoughts on paper that
can be comprehended by other readers in a compartmentalised manner. What is great about
blogs is that information is readily available and in a matter of minutes, anyone can learn a lot
from reading a single blog. People can learn something new through my blogs.

Benefit 3: A user may can also be a social worker or social work student. This would be great
because sections of my website talking about my experience in the realm of social work (which
is aligned with the profession that I hope to pursue upon completion of my Master of Social
Work degree) would allow me to demonstrate my social work related skills and experiences
for organisations that hope to know more about my relevant skills. My contact details
provided can encourage a network to be created among people of social work backgrounds
who hope to share more of their interests with each other regarding the profession.


Ad 1 for SOCIAL WORK: My first ad revolves around the theme of SOCIAL WORK.
Given this fact, I used the keywords that I gathered from my research in project 1, to assist
me in the process of creating my ad.

When setting my campaign, I chose Brand Awareness and Reach as the goal to make the
campaign successful for me. Brand awareness objectives are designed to show your ads to
people who are more likely to pay attention to them, and reach objective ads are for when you
want to reach the maximum number of people in your target audience and control how often
they see your ads. This is particularly useful for a website like mine, which is starting out,
because I want to get the necessary recognition to elevate the awareness that people have of
my website to a greater level.

I chose Display as my campaign type, which works to run different kinds of ads across the
web. I gave my campaign the name “Social Work: Brand Awareness and Reach – Display.”
All these details can be seen in the screenshot below:
After this, I was taken to the campaign settings page, wherein I chose Melbourne as my
target location. When looking at the location, I tried to think strategically. I am a Master of
Social Work student studying in Melbourne. Moreover, Melbourne has a huge potential
audience for my website seeing as most students that study social work in Australia are in this
city. Therefore, by sticking to the location of Melbourne, my website can gain traction among
students, lecturers and potential employers who may hire me in the future. This can be seen
in the screenshot below.

Thereafter, I set my budget and bidding – capping it at ₹1 per day.

For targeting, I considered the typical backgrounds and interests of social workers.
Below is a summary of my campaign.
I did not run my ad due to the costs involved and my current financial situation. As such,
below is a screenshot of where Reports and Analysis for my ad are shown had I paid to run it.

Ad 2 for BLOG: My second ad revolves around the theme of a BLOG. Given this fact, I
used the keywords that I gathered from my research in project 1, to assist me in the process of
creating my ad.

When setting my campaign, I chose Website Traffic as the goal to make the campaign
successful for me. I chose Search as my campaign type, which works to run different kinds of
ads across the web. I gave my campaign the name “Blog: Website traffic – Search.” All these
details can be seen in the screenshot below:
I set my average daily budget for the campaign at ₹100 and the maximum CPC bid limit for
each cost-per-click bid at ₹10.

I decided to set the locations to all countries and territories. The reason for this is because
when it come to my blogs, these are universal themes that I see everyone can relate to – such
as methods to learn a foreign language more effectively and top non-fiction book
Thereafter, sitelink and call extentions were added as a means of increasing my ad visibility.
Finally, came the summary of my campaign.
I did not run my ad due to the costs involved and my current financial situation. As such,
below is a screenshot of where Reports and Analysis for my ad are shown had I paid to run it.

Thank You

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