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PPC Project 2: Ad Creation

Note: This project is based upon a the Cutiecorns app concept, so data from Google Analytics
or the Ad forms are not available. Please accept my analysis efforts below.

● Benefits: Cutiecorns App & Game Kit

○ Entertainment for your child

○ The game teaches your child the value of working as a team

○ The app is free & easy to use for any age

● Ads

○ App Awareness Ad Group:

■ Headline 1: Cutiecorns Kingdom - Build-Your-Own Unicorn

■ Headline 2: Free Children’s Entertainment App

■ Display path: //

■ Description: Rating 4 out of 5 stars (display) // Welcome to the wonderful

Cutiecorn Kingdom games for kids! Raise as many unicorns as you like
from teeny babies to adults! Each is unique - one could have rainbow hair
and another bounce like a bunny if you feed it a lot of carrots!

○ Product Purchase Ad Group:

■ Headline 1: Cutiecorns Kingom Game Kit

■ Headline 2: Save 10% if you buy in the next 48 hours!

■ Display path:

■ Description: Entertain your child while they also learn with the Cutiecorns
Kingdom card game! They’ll learn the value of teamwork with their friends
to defeat foes and conquer challenges!

○ Could also use keyword insertion for the product purchase - pulling either the
game, an extension pack of cards or an original personalized back based on the
keyword strokes or product pages previously visited.

● No data available (see note above)

● Testing (hypothesized):

○ As I’ve created only 2 ads in separate ad groups with different purposes. In order
to accomplish testing, it would be best to finesse & create variants of the ads
within the ad groups themselves and determine the most effective ad (whether
copy, headline, or display URL). First I would create a second ad variant for each
ad group, altering first the headlines in both. For the App Awareness ad, I would
modify the title to have more of a hook versus a straight description. For the
Product Purchase group, I would modify the Description to hone in on the actual
purchase of the game to see whether a call-to-action+benefit worked better than
a call-to-action alone.

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