Case Analysis

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- Read the case carefully and answer the questions.

- Please ensure to use proper citation
- Include references
- The total points for this case is 100.

Prelim Case Analysis: Part 1

Case Details:

Dan owned a farm. Most of his products are being supplied to different restaurants. Products include
cow’s milk, chicken egg, meat (chicken, pork, and beef). On the side, they also sell carrots, lettuce, and
tomatoes, but in smaller quantities. He is a go-to person for the nearby restaurants if they will be out of
supply. Dan is well-loved by his suppliers because of the product quality and the accessibility of his farm.
Some of his customers include salons, trucking services, and Telecommunication Company. He is leading
when it comes to his competitors, but the newly opened farm is catching up. The farm is owned by Kai
and they are selling beef alone. Kai is planning to diversify his products to reach a bigger market. The
majority of the buyers wanted a weekly supply and some wanted it daily.

Answer the ff. questions based on the case given:

1. Identify what are the goods and services mentioned in the case study. (25 points)

Dan is the proud owner of a farm that produces and sells a broad range of things, such as milk,
eggs, chicken, pig, and beef, in addition to vegetables like carrots, lettuce, and tomatoes. Dan's farm is a
source of great pride for him. Dan's property has been in his family for many, many years. Dan derives
an enormous amount of satisfaction from his farm and all that it has been able to achieve. The success
of Dan's farm and everything that it has been able to accomplish provides him with an immense amount
of personal fulfillment. Dan is the sort of guy who can get a great deal of contentment from what he has
achieved in his life. He can do this because he is the kind of man who can do so. Dan receives a
significant amount of personal gratification from the success of his farm and all that it has been able to
accomplish. This, in turn, adds to his overall level of happiness. One of the many services available to the
customers of Dan's Farm, among which is the delivery and transportation of products to a variety of
restaurants, is the delivery and transportation of items. Customers are welcome to use this specific
service that Dan's Farm offers to them for their convenience. The neighborhood that contains Dan's
Farm is home to a wide variety of restaurants and other eating places, and Dan's Farm is the source of
the fresh produce used in each of these locations.
Ensuring that customers of Dan's have an experience that is more delightful each time they visit
the farm by making all of the necessary resources available to them to offer the essential tools for
accomplishing this goal of ensuring that customers have a delightful experience each time they visit the
farm. They provide goods and services of exceptionally high quality, and either equal to or surpassing
the standards of excellence established in the industry is essential for achieving this goal.
The case study investigates a wide range of service providers, some of which are businesses that
● Transportation services.
● Services that hair salons offer.
● Telecommunications companies provide benefits.
Among the other types of service providers investigated is the provision of these services by
telecommunications companies. Businesses that are providing telecommunications services are one of
the various types of service providers that are being looked at. One of the many different service
providers that are being looked at as part of this inquiry is the supply of these services by companies
specializing in telecommunications. Companies in the business of providing telecommunications services
are now being scrutinized as one of the many different service providers currently being looked at. One
of the many kinds of service providers being reviewed as a part of this examination is the supply of these
services by firms that primarily concentrate on telecommunications. This study's scope allowed for the
analysis of a wide variety of service providers, including all three of the different types of service
providers covered in the section before this one.

2. Give at least 3 factors that Dan will need to consider to remain the number 1 supplier.
Explain why he needs to consider each factor. (25 points)

A greater focus must be made on the "Quality of Goods or Product Quality" for Dan to preserve
his standing as the most trustworthy supplier and keep his current position. The case study
demonstrates that one of the reasons Dan's products are so successful is because of the excellent
quality of those products. This is just one of the many cause Dan's products are so popular. For Dan to
retain his position as a leading supplier, he has to prioritize increasing the overall quality of the goods
and services that his firm continuously delivers. As long as he maintains an open line of communication
with his customers and continues to provide them with products of the highest possible quality, he will
remain the most in-demand provider. If Dan were to take advantage of this opportunity, he would see
an increase in the number of potential customers and an increase in both his earnings and his sales. This
would result in Dan having a better reputation, which would lead to a rise in the number of clients Dan
could potentially work with.
The "Competition" between Dan and other farmers like Kai, who are addressed in the case
study, is the second factor that Dan has to keep in mind to maintain his position as the number one
supplier. Kai is one of the farmers who is mentioned in the case study. In the case study, "Competition"
refers to the topic. Customers tend to be somewhat worried about the price of a product since it is the
primary factor that determines whether or not they can afford to purchase the product. When deciding
whether or not to make a purchase, customers consider the cost of the item and the standard of quality
that they anticipate receiving in return for their cash. Modifying Dan's price so that it more accurately
reflects the preferences of his clients would be advantageous to both Dan and his firm, and it would
have no negative impact on either party. Inside the framework of the sector, Dan is in a position within
the company that puts him in a position to have the possibility to have some degree of impact on the
other people who work there.
Third, for Dan to maintain his status as the principal supplier, he has to consider "Management"
in terms of stock, sales, climate change, and other related topics. It is only under those conditions that
he would be able to maintain his position. Dan's goods, which include food, are all perishable; as a
result, he has to be able to keep tabs on them and keep an accurate inventory of what he has. In
addition, Dan has to keep an eye on his sales from the past to find out what is going wrong with his firm
before the situation becomes unmanageable. No one person can stop climate change, which is wreaking
havoc on farms and crops, but it is something that they can control in advance if adequate resources and
technology are made accessible. Climate change is wreaking havoc on farms and crops. Even if the
market continues to develop in the future, Dan's goods will still be the finest available in the sector if
Dan's management talents are sufficient for the challenge at hand.

3. What forecasting strategy can you provide to both Dan and Kai considering the competitionand
the demands? (25 points)

As a result of qualitative forecasting, I will help Dan and Kai figure out whether or not they can
count on many repeat consumers to purchase their goods. I will do this by assisting them in figuring out
whether or not many people will be buying these things regularly. Helping Dan and Kai determine
whether or not their products will be popular with regular consumers is something I can do for them.
Since both Dan and Kai's goods are related to the food sector, I can assist them in determining whether
or not there will be a significant number of prospective clients. It is easy to implement this plan since
both Dan and Kai offer food-related products, which raises the chance of its success. Suppose that Dan
and Kai get a lot of clients during the Christmas season because they provide superior products; this is
just one example of how seasonality could explain this phenomenon. For the sake of argument, let's
pretend that Dan and Kai get a lot of holiday business because they offer superior merchandise. For
discussion, let's pretend that Dan and Kai have a lot of customers during the Christmas season since they
provide great items.
Because of the quality of their products, let's imagine that Dan and Kai have a lot of consumers
throughout the Christmas season, which is why they have so many customers. Imagine that Dan and Kai
have a lot of customers during the Christmas season because they provide good products and pretend
that this is why they have so many consumers. Let's also suppose that this is why Dan and Kai have so
many clients. Suppose that Dan and Kai's firm sees a significant increase in sales over the winter holiday
season for a minute. Their profit margins may rise if they utilize these occasions to create enough goods
to sell on-the-spot, such as bulk orders. They may even get calls from customers wanting to make
reservations for both of them on these particular days. In modern days, they may employ them to
produce large quantities of goods, such as bulk orders, so that they may sell them immediately. These
days, it may be feasible for them to make enough items, such as bulk orders, to be sold immediately.
They probably utilize these days when it comes to producing large quantities of goods, such as bulk
orders. They may direct many things at certain times, such as bulk orders, which they could sell straight
away at the location. For example, a large number of items, such as bulk orders, may be generated by
these events so that they may immediately begin selling them. There are several ways to do this,
including using these events to create a sufficient amount of products. Because neither organization can
estimate how many people would purchase their products at those exact times, forecasting mistakes are
sure to occur, resulting in inventory depreciation owing to the perishable nature of both things.
Forecasting mistakes would inevitably happen since no corporation can accurately anticipate how many
people will purchase its products on the specified dates. Accuracy issues are usually unavoidable since
neither firm can precisely predict how many people will buy their items on a particular day. As a result,
the inevitable inaccurate forecasting will be realized. Dan, Kai, and everyone else has access to a broad
range of possible outcomes and options for predicting. At every given time, this is the situation.

4. With the situation given, what do you think are the factors that may impact the business
negatively or will make it fail for both Dan and Kai? Give at least 3 and explain each. (25 points)

The word "technology" refers to a vital component that is engaged in both farms' companies,
which are run as businesses and have the potential to be destructive to the operations of both
businesses. Both farms' firms are involved in this technology. To begin with, farming is not a process or a
job that is easy to participate in since it demands a significant amount of time and upkeep to produce
high-quality goods constantly. This is why farming is not a simple procedure. In addition to that, the
process of farming is not simple. Farming is one of the practices and professions that is believed to be
among the most difficult. As long as Dan and Kai use the right equipment and continue to fulfill the
technical standards, they will be able to manufacture a greater quantity of goods of a higher quality. This
ability will remain as long as they continue to satisfy the technical requirements. Farmers of all levels of
experience may benefit from using agricultural development techniques such as hydroponics and
aquaponics, in that order since it may aid them in enhancing the efficiency of their operations. They can
find these methods under agricultural development. For instance, an illustration of one type of
cultivation strategy is presented here. If the firm did not have access to technology, it would likely
experience losses due to a lack of available staff, fluctuating climatic conditions, worse product quality,
and other potential reasons. A lack of access to technology might also cause these losses.
Furthermore, it is feasible that it might suffer losses due to various other plausible reasons as
well. This is another possibility. Two things that can assist in minimizing the detrimental effects that
these variables have on the environment are using the right technology and knowing agricultural
practices. These two things might help lessen these factors' destructive impacts on the environment.
When we next meet together, "Quality of the Product" will be one of the subjects that we talk about and
debate. Because farmers should establish and maintain a consistent quality level across all of the items
that they offer to customers, moving on to this subject in the next phase of our conversation is required
because of this responsibility. If the company cannot maintain and keep an eye on the product's quality,
consumer satisfaction and demand would probably suffer as a direct consequence. This is perhaps
related to the fact that most customers are concerned about their health. They just said that customers
are priceconscious; as a consequence of this, not only do customers have an influence on the business,
but the firm also has an effect on the customer. This caters us to the last and most critical problem,
which is that customers are price sensitive. Customers will consider the amount of money they have
available for purchases before determining whether or not they will be able to make the purchases or
whether or not they will go with a different vendor. They will take the capacity of the consumer to pay
for the items into consideration in making this choice. To maximize earnings, the owner of a company
has to design a pricing plan that is useful to his firm and his clients. This approach should be favorable to
both parties. When formulating his price plan, the firm's owner has to bear in mind that pricing may
have both an advantageous and a detrimental effect on the organization they run to avoid making any

Midterm Activity: Part 2 Here

are the questions:

1. What is the difference between efficiency and utilization? Do you think efficiency can exceed
100%? Why? (25 points).

Groover (2007) lays the groundwork for strategic planning of a supply capacity and the
anticipated level of customer demand over an extended period by using measures such as
efficiency and utilization as the primary building blocks of the planning process. Long-term
considerations are taken into account during this planning. An imbalance in supply capacity,
which can be evaluated using the two variables, may be the source of both overcapacities
(which may be expensive) and underpower. This may be the case because they can measure an
imbalance in supply capacity (which might result in a shortage of supplies). Although efficiency
and utilization are both used to assess the efficacy of a system, there is a significant distinction
between the two concerning the kind of capacity that is being evaluated. To put it another way,
the output rate deemed to be either the best possible or the highest possible for a particular
activity or facility is referred to as the "design capacity." Consequently, it exemplifies the
tremendous potential that the organizational design system offers.
On the other hand, sufficient capacity refers to a system's "practical" capacity, which
considers factors like maintenance, breakdowns, tiny faults, and other relatively minor problems
that may come up at any given time. In the process of assessing efficiency and utilization, it is
possible to distinguish between the two terms "efficiency" and "utilization" provided that both
"design" and "appropriate capacity" are taken into consideration at all times. It is essential to
remember that utilization is also the ratio of actual output to a product's fundamental design
capacity. This is one of the most critical components of utilization. This is something that has to
be kept in mind at all times. Design and suitable capacity are two approaches that may be used
to evaluate the output of an organization.
In summary, there are several different ways to evaluate this output. In a nutshell, cost-
effectiveness refers to the amount of capacity that they can successfully utilize at an acceptable
cost. In contrast, utilization refers to the amount of power the organization can effectively use.
In other words, cost-effectiveness and utilization are two sides of the same coin. They may
determine the efficiency level by calculating the ratio of production to capacity. The term
"utilization" refers to the portion of the overall output to the degree intended for in the system.
Because it is mathematically impossible for actual results ever to outweigh the sufficient
capacity or input, efficiency will never reach a level of one hundred percent. Given the apparent
nature of this truth, it is impossible for efficiency ever to achieve 100 percent. The amount of
effort put forth by either a machine or a person is always going to be less than the quantity of
energy created. This is because part of the produced energy is utilized to lower the amount of
friction that is present. They cannot double the amount of work or energy that a machine is
capable of producing because devices require a certain level of energy to overcome the natural
resistance they come up against. Consequently, they cannot increase the amount of work or
energy that a machine is capable of producing. As a direct consequence of this, the device will
never be able to function at its absolute peak capacity of one hundred percent.

Midterm Case Analysis: Part 3

Case Details:

A family-owned restaurant operating in the middle of Metro since 1990. Since they opened, they have
not changed the layout of the restaurant. Some of their menus such as seafood kare-kare, lechong
kawali, and famous halo-halo are the most after sought food on the menu. For the longest time, they
have not changed the offering in their menu resulting in some of the options are not being ordered by
the customers. It was because of the best seller food that the customers kept coming back. In some
hours of the day, during weekends and holidays, there is a long line of people waiting to be served
because of their best seller. The capacity of the restaurant is 30 customers every 2 hours. They also
lack strategy on the take-out option. The kitchen is also where they store all the raw materials needed
that consumed ¼ of the entire space.

Answer the ff. questions:

1. If the restaurant will operate from 9 AM – 7 PM daily, with a 50% reduced capacity. The daily
average customer every 2 hours is 20. Compute the ff: (show your computation. Make sure to include it
in the PDF file that you will be uploading)

a. Efficiency (10 points)

i. Every 2 hours = 10/20=50% ii.

From 9 AM – 7 PM = 50/100=50%

b. Restaurant Utilization: (10 points)

i. Every 2 hours = 10/30=33.3% ii.

From 9 AM – 7 PM = 50/150=33.3%

c. Based from the result of a and b what can you conclude and what recommendation/s can you
provide to the owners? (5 points)
I have reason to hold, based on the information that has been provided up to this point, that the
restaurant's business operations are not proceeding as smoothly as was initially anticipated for them to
move, and this is something about which I am concerned because it is causing me to have cause for
concern. Based on the information that has been proffer up to this point, I have reason to believe that
the restaurant's business operations are not proceeding as smoothly as was initially anticipated for them
to move. It is entirely plausible that the management, cuisine, restaurant décor, or design of their
restaurant did not live up to their expectations, possibly contributing factors that led to the restaurant's
inefficiency and low utilization rates. This is possible because it is entirely plausible that their restaurant
did not live up to their expectations. Because it is pretty feasible that their restaurant did not live up to
their expectations, this is a possibility that they should not discount. This is a possibility that they should
not ignore since it is possible that their restaurant did not live up to their conjectures, and, probably, it
did not. It is impossible to rule out this option under any conditions, regardless of how far one stretches
their imagination. This is a possibility that they cannot rule out at all. It is not possible, under any
conditions, to rule out the potential that something may occur. If they were dissatisfied with the
experience as a whole, it is possible that the interior design of the restaurant did not measure up to their
expectations. This would indicate that they were unsatisfied with the experience overall. This is one of
the possible reasons for their displeasure with the situation. The following are some other theories that
they might consider to explain the phenomena in question: If they want to stay one step ahead of their
rivals and not fall behind the rest of the pack, they need to make sure that the organizations they lead
are flexible and open to new ideas. Only then will they be able to avoid falling behind the rest of the
pack. If this does not occur, they will find that they are falling farther and further behind the
competition. If they cannot do so, they will discover that they continue to fall further and farther behind,
which will be an issue for them. If they cannot do so, they will find that they continue to fall behind. The
following are some potential variables that may be contributing factors to the issue that has been
identified: The parameters outlined in the paragraph that came before this one are the only ones that
will allow them to keep their edge over their competitors. They covered this required information in
more depth in the paragraph before this one. After that particular instant has gone, they will never again
have the ability to stop themselves from falling farther behind the group to keep themselves from falling
further behind the group. They will never have another opportunity to regain the capacity to prevent
themselves from slipping farther behind the others.

2. Given the case, identify the challenges or issues that may impact or impact the business.
In each problem identified, provide a recommendation that you can present to the owner.(25 points)

Customers who are confident that they will always be able to purchase the meals of their choice
at a business owned by the same company are more inclined to continue patronizing that business.
When clients go to the establishment in question, they will have an easier time selecting the kind of food
they want to buy as a direct result of this change, making their whole shopping experience more
pleasant. They need to examine their current menu to establish whether or not the menu can be
modernized or improved in some way that would appeal to new customers. Only then will they know
whether or not they should make these changes. They will be able to go on to the next phase after
establishing whether or not the menu can be enhanced or updated. They won't know until that point if it
is to their best advantage to make these changes or not; they won't decide then. To phrase it another
way, they need to determine whether or not it will be feasible for them to acquire new clients. It is of
utmost importance for management to have access to a comprehensive assortment of various
objectives, ambitions, strategies, and SWOT evaluations. In addition to that, more planning and
preparation are required concerning the organization's leadership. They had to make sure that
everything stayed on the course since this was necessary for their plan to go forward. Because of this, it
was indispensable for them to be ready for the new companies opening up shops in their neighborhood.
This was since their area saw an influx of new enterprises, which was the driving force behind the
Customers should not be required to wait in line for excessively long periods during peak
business hours, on weekends, or official holidays if the institution can increase the number of seats it
provides and can do so without negatively impacting its bottom line. Customers should also not be
required to wait in line during off-peak business hours, on official holidays, or weekends. If the company
can significantly increase its production capacity, this should become feasible. In addition, the
corporation shall under no circumstances and any circumstances make customers wait in line for the
products they purchase since this is an undesirable business practice. As a result of this, they need to
adjust their takeaway option so that a customer who eats inside the restaurant does not occupy the
same area as a customer who orders takeout and picks up their meal at the counter. This will allow the
restaurant to accommodate both types of customers better. In other words, they need to guarantee that
these two categories of clients are not close to one another by isolating them from one another in the
store. As a direct consequence of this adjustment, the restaurant will be able to provide superior service
to its customers. To restate it differently, they need to ensure that there is enough space for the two
distinct categories of clients coming in. In addition to this, to bring in customers, businesses can use
marketing gimmicks to accomplish this goal. Extending their presence on social media is one example of
this, scheduling promotional efforts to coincide with holidays or other significant events in the calendar

3. How will you apply product and service design in the case given? (25 points)

Since the company was founded in the 90s, it is of the utmost importance that it continues to
operate in a family-run business and that it continues to offer meals that are cooked in the same way as
they would be at home. In addition to this, it must keep delivering meals prepared in the same way as
they would be at home. In addition to this, they need to make sure that their employees are
approachable and have received adequate training to ensure that their clients are pleased with the
service they get from them. Customers will be more likely to carry on doing business with them due to
this action. Customers will be able to wait for their meals in a calmer and collected state if the
restaurant has enough air conditioning and chairs and tables that have adequate amounts of space
between them. Because of this, the restaurant will be able to reach its full potential in terms of income.
It is crucial to keep a neat and hygienic atmosphere in the bathrooms to avoid losing prospective clients
who your company puts off due to the uncleanliness in the toilets that they use. This will prevent you
from losing business. They are obligated to wipe down the surfaces of the tables and chairs after each
patron enters the establishment. This is done to ensure that the consumers who visit the institution
enjoy good health and a risk-free environment. Suppose the restaurant intends to provide its clients
who are away from the office with the recourse of having their food delivered to them through the
delivery app. In that case, it will be required for the restaurant to develop links with a range of different
delivery services. The restaurant needs to provide customers the option of having their meals delivered
to them through the usage of the delivery app if the business wishes to offer this choice to its patrons.
Suppose the restaurant wants to provide this choice. When it comes to delivering service in the kitchen,
every team member must dress appropriately to reduce the risk of the food being contaminated. It is
essential to do a daily check of the raw materials stored in the room to ensure that they are always in a
state of freshness. They may accomplish this by observing the condition of the raw materials. This is the
only method to guarantee that the raw materials are in the very best need that they can achieve. It is
possible to use the "first-in, first-out" technique to delay or stop the deterioration of the raw materials.
This strategy has some potential. They would do this to maintain the sequence in which they were first
processed so that the results would be accurate. It is of tremendous significance that the Goods'
organization constantly adheres to the highest possible standards of cleanliness and food preparation.
Given that the provision of food services is the primary emphasis of the Goods' organization, this is of
the utmost importance. In addition, clients continue to visit the business since the food is tasty and of
outstanding quality, which is a significant selling point for them.

4. If you were to do a facility layout of the family restaurant, what is your recommendation?
Provide the facility layout based on the learning material given. You may create a schematic diagram or
draw it to present your answer. (25 points).

I would suggest that they carefully plan how they might improve the restaurant, particularly the
kitchen area because that is where the foods that they serve are being cooked. Their restaurant has not
been updated since it first opened its doors in the 1990s. I would suggest that they carefully plan how
they might improve the restaurant, particularly the kitchen area because that is where the foods that
they serve are being cooked. Because it is where the food they do is prepared, I would recommend that
they carefully consider how they may enhance the restaurant, particularly the kitchen area, because
that is where the food is prepared. I would propose that they carefully evaluate how they may upgrade
the restaurant, particularly the kitchen area since that is where the food they serve is made. This is
because it is where the food is prepared, and it is where they offer it to their customers. This would be
advantageous for everyone involved, including the people who take part in it. It has not been updated in
any way since the restaurant first began serving clients; therefore, the layout of its institution is now
deemed to need to be modified. The eatery has not kept up with the latest design trends. This is
because the restaurant has been around for a long time and has a lot of experience serving customers.
It is indispensable for an adequate amount of space available at the place in question to handle
all of the many processes involved in the production of food there. They should also construct a room
for their storage area where they can store all of the raw materials, where they will be preserved and
checked periodically for the customers' safety, and where they can create this space for their storage
area. They should do all of this in a room where they can make this space for their storage area. They
need to carry all of this out in a space that they have designed and built to carry it out. They have to do
all of this in a room where they can take place for their storage area. This is a must for them. It is
necessary to finish both of these duties to go on with this process. They have been charged with making
the restaurant's interior and outside more aesthetically pleasing to the patrons. Still, they are required
to do it so that it does not jeopardize the restaurant's image of being genuine. Many consumers are
seeking something that is not only vintage but also attractive. Therefore, the business owner may decide
to maintain the environment from the 1990s if it is what the customers desire. This is because many
consumers are looking for something that is not just antique but also of high quality. It was observed
that there are long queues during peak hours, weekends, and holidays; hence, it is recommended that
they integrate an additional seating capacity into their plans for renovation to accommodate this
situation. To accommodate this circumstance, they may do something.

Final Activity: Part 4

Answer the ff. questions:

1. Which is more reliable centralized or site inspection? Explain your answer. (25 points)

They will not prepare the product for distribution until after put through all of the
required quality control procedures and emerge victorious from those procedures. As a direct
consequence of this fact, quality control inspections can take on various forms and
arrangements. Before we can decide which one is more trustworthy, we need to first
differentiate between the two options (centralized or on-site inspection), evaluate the
characteristics of each option, and make a list of the advantages and disadvantages
interconnected with each possibility. After that, we will determine which of the two is more
When carrying out centralized inspections, it is not impossible to use specialist locations
such as laboratories. The following are some of its features: It contains more specialized
equipment, such as sensitive or easily broken instruments, and these instruments are often kept
in a climate-controlled room for their protection. This is done in a testing environment that is
more convenient than an inspection on the premises, so it may serve as an alternative to
assessing the beliefs. For instance, there may be a single quality control department in charge of
monitoring the whole plant, or each division may be in the order of its inspection team. Another
possibility is that there is no quality control department at all.
One of its advantages is an impartial review, which is one of its many perks. Although
there may be fewer inspectors involved in centralized inspection, the instruments that those
inspectors use are of a better standard. One of the most exceptional restrictions is the need to
manufacture it over an extended period; this is one of the most vital constraints. Raw materials,
semi-finished goods, and completed products are inspected right before the customer during an
on-site inspection, also known as an "in-house inspection." Both "inside inspection" and
"outside inspection" may refer to the same sort of examination, and they can use both phrases
to refer to the same kind of inspection. This element makes it possible to make decisions more
quickly, which speeds up the manufacturing process. As a result, we can produce more goods in
a shorter amount of time. The avoidance of quality control concerns, which are problems that
might slow down the production process and, consequently, the final product, is greatly aided
by in-person inspections, which are quite advantageous. Another one of the system's many
flaws is that it requires the device to be calibrated, which can be a time-consuming and costly
action. This is yet another area in which the system falls short.
Because of this and other evidence, I have realized that inspections carried out in a
centralized location are more reliable than locally. On-site inspections indeed lead to more
discoveries; nevertheless, the question that has to be answered is whether or not these
discoveries are adequate to fulfill the criteria. Reviews of sensitive equipment are more
challenging than inspections of other kinds of equipment because sensitive equipment demands
greater attention to detail than different types of equipment. In addition to that, it is evaluated
by examiners who have a greater degree of expertise and experience than the typical individual
would have. The quality assessment tools used by each of these companies are relatively
distinct from one another, to a significant degree, compared to the tools utilized by the other
businesses. To achieve greater degrees of accuracy, it is essential to employ centralized
inspection, which is necessitated by the complexity of the process. The quality of a product is
not something that can be gained by chance; instead, it is something that is done via ongoing
work over a significant length of time. Though this may take quite some time, prioritizing quality
is the wisest way to reassure integrity of the product as well as satisfaction and patronage of

2. What is the role of inventory management in the supply chain? Explain your answer. (25 points)

The first phase in the supply chain is the management of inventories, and it is also the
step that is often seen as being the most significant of all the steps in the supply chain. The
action moves through each level of the supply chain, starting with the suppliers and going on
through the manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and, eventually, the people who end up using
the product themselves (the end-users). It would run like this:
1. Items would be delivered.
2. They would receive things.
3. They would put them on shelves.
The process would go in this order. It is not entirely out of the question that some of
these components may one day be used in the manufacturing process to build a finished
product or that they will be sold as parts in wholesale distribution. Both of these scenarios are
not entirely out of the question. These ideas are not wholly out of the question at this point. It is
not entirely out of the question for the final product to include every one of these component
pieces. Companies can maintain their financial records using either manual or automated
accounting procedures. Both have their advantages and disadvantages.
The management of the inventory is something that we will have to consider for a
variety of vital activities that are included within the supply chain. This is something that we are
going to have to do. The establishment of a healthy equilibrium between supply and demand in
the market is one of the primary responsibilities of this organization. It's not optional if you want
to succeed in the long term. It is of the utmost importance for the firm to have a solid
understanding of the transactions that are now going place since this will increase the likelihood
of its capacity for continuous growth over the long run. The maintenance of inventories is done
for several purposes, including the satisfaction of demand that has been forecasted, the
prevention of product depletion, the use of potential sales opportunities, and the smoothing of
production needs. For reasons having to do with efficiency, there is an imperative need to
maintain a record of everything, including the production expenses and the dates on which it is
to be delivered. One of the steps they must follow to accomplish this goal is data monitoring, an
essential activity. The successful completion of client orders will likely assist in developing a
good relationship between a company and its customers, which will contribute to the
accomplishment of high levels of customer satisfaction and the promotion of customer loyalty.
It is imperative for large companies with complex manufacturing processes and supply networks
always to have the appropriate number of inventory they can purchase in stock.
An essential component of effective inventory management in the supply chain is
gathering relevant business information. Having the connection to more information will allow
you to make better decisions, boost your productivity, and cut down on unnecessary
expenditures. The reports obtained help achieve the best potential degree of productivity inside
an organization, whether a firm or another kind of organization. There is a widespread
misunderstanding that the inventory held by a corporation is its single most valuable asset.
Because of this common misunderstanding, many businesses use the vast majority of their
available working capital to support their product inventories rather than invest in other
business areas.

3. Provide the process of supply chain management and identify 3 challenges that may impact SCM
and explain each. (25 points)

The management of the supply chain is faced with a wide variety of challenges, some of
which include the following: costing, providing excellent customer service; keeping up with
rapidly changing markets; effectively managing risk; maintaining relationships with suppliers;
dealing with unexpected delays and recruiting competent people. Because of their time-
sensitive nature and the extent to which they are intertwined with logistics and supply chain
management, the following three are the ones on which I have chosen to focus my attention:

1. Supply Chain Disruption

When it comes to issues associated with businesses, many unknowns might occur at any
moment. These issues could include: These things tend to have a high degree of
unpredictability. Consequently, companies have no option but to devise a contingency plan if
they are impacted by an unpredictable natural catastrophe that is not within the scope of duty
they are accountable for. Put another way, and they do not affect how the calamity will play out
in any manner, shape, or form. In addition to this, there is the possibility that there may be
issues with the vendors providing the goods.

These issues may result in increased costs associated with labor and higher pricing for
various commodities, particularly concerning the management of supply chains in businesses
that utilize a wide variety of distribution channels. This may be the case for small and huge
businesses that use a diverse selection of distribution channels (SCM).
2. Quality Issues
The market's customers have greater expectations, and as a direct result of this, firms
will have to raise their game to meet those expectations. In other words, the market is
becoming more competitive. As a direct consequence of the strain they have been under, the
Supply Chain Management department has been going through a considerable amount of stress
and concern.

Although businesses are pressured to fulfill the expectations of their clients, the quality
of the products or services that these businesses provide must not degrade as a direct
consequence of the incentive that has been provided. They can harm a product's reputation in
the eyes of the general public if the manufacturing process is carried out in a negligent manner,
which may lead to liability claims being filed against the company. This, in turn, makes it more
bound that the general public will choose not to purchase the product in question.

3. Loss of Control of Sensitive Information

The priority for any organization should be to implement all preventative measures that
are technically possible to extirpate any risk of a data breach occurring inside their operations at
any cost. This should be the number one priority for the organization. Suppose a pooled
connection is built between the company and its suppliers. It may be feasible to prevent
suppliers from engaging in conspiracies against the business and leaking critical information to
If it were possible to prohibit suppliers from taking part in plots against the company,
this would be a realistic possibility. Suppose you want to have effective management that
accelerates the completion of all tasks and develops complete teamwork. In that case, you will
need to give some consideration to a wide variety of distinct aspects.

Final Case Analysis: Part 5

Case Details:

You ordered a double cheeseburger, chicken with spaghetti, large coke, and large fries at Mcdonald's
over the phone. It took almost 2 hours before your order was delivered. You tried to call the hotline
again and found out that there was an issue with their system causing the delay of the delivery. To add
to your frustration, you found out that the cheese was missing in your burger, the fries were saggy and
instead of the leg part, it was the wing part that was delivered. You called the hotline again to complain,
the customer service representative called the branch and found out that there was a shortage of the
leg part that’s why they replaced it with wing part. The lady that you spoke with over the phone
apologize for the unpleasant experience. You still accepted the order as it will be billed against the
delivery guy.

Based on the case given answer the ff:

1. What are the challenges when it comes to quality control? (25 points)

The necessity of quality control cannot be understated when it comes to ensuring that
your business maintains an acceptable level of quality, which is crucial to guarantee that your
clients will continue to be delighted with your products and services. They cannot emphasize its
significance enough under any circumstances. This is because it is
difficult to highlight the importance of quality control adequately without being overbearing. As
can be observed from the present state of things, McDonald's is struggling with a variety of
problems, all of which have a detrimental effect on the quality of the goods that it provides to
customers. Because McDonald's values its status as an industry pioneer, this presents a
challenge for the fast-food chain. This provides a problem for McDonald's, which intends to
keep its position as the market leader in the quick-service restaurant business for as long as it
possibly can. It has been brought to our attention that there are issues with the system, some of
which include poor performance on the part of the personnel, unpleasant contact with the
customers, and inadequate delivery service. Because of this, the organization was unable to
properly exercise process control and monitor what was going on through the production line.
This was a direct result of the situation. This transpired as a direct consequence of the
conditions that had been prevalent up to this point. It is evident that their personnel do not
have the proper training and are not entirely equipped to carry out their responsibilities due to
the low quality of the food they delivered to us. This was made evident by the fact that they
served us. This transpired as a direct consequence of the low standard of nourishment that was
maintained for us by the establishment that supplied the meals. As a direct result of this, the
quality of the dinner that was served to us was below par.

Consequently, we were not satisfied. For example, they cut the chicken delivered to us
from the wrong area of the bird, and the fries served to us were not crispy enough. Additionally,
they sliced the chicken from the incorrect portion of the bird. Moreover, they cut the chicken
from the faulty part of the bird, which resulted in an uneven texture. During preparing the
chicken, they also removed it from the improper role of the bird. The second problem is that
they provide poor customer service; the employee was supposed to inform the client that there
were problems and that they would late fail the meal to do so. The customer was thus unaware
that there were problems and that the food would be late. The fact that there would be a delay
in delivering the client's meal was unknown to the customer. The information that the client
needed to grasp the situation wasn't given to them by the company. Because of the issues, the
patron was meant to be informed that their dinner would be served to them later than average
than it had been planned to be brought to them. When the customer made their inquiry, the
employees were dishonest because they did not have any leg components in stock. They should
have told the customer that they did not have any available in their inventory when they asked
them if they had any available on their list. However, the employees did not tell the customer
that they did not have any available in their inventory.

2. Identify the factors that could have impacted the supply of the leg part of the fried chicken that
was ordered and what could have been done to prevent it. (25 points)
The employee should first and foremost be aware of their inventory and what stocks are
available so that the customer can make an informed choice about whether or not to change his
purchase or retain it if it is not available. This will allow the customer to decide whether or not
to change his purchase because it is not available. Since of this, the consumer will be able to
make an educated decision about whether or not to alter his investment because the item is
now unavailable. As a result of this, the customer will be able to make an informed choice on
whether or not to make a different purchase because the item is no longer accessible. Because
of this, the buyer will be able to make an educated decision on whether or not to alter his
purchase or to keep it if the item they had initially sought is no longer accessible. It is possible
that the persistent demand from consumers had some influence on the amount of chicken that
was available for sale. This is something that they should consider. This has to be examined in
further detail in the future. When the customer made their order, there was not a single leg
component left in stock since the whole amount of the leg component had already been
acquired by other customers earlier in the day. Other customers had placed their orders earlier
in the day. Earlier in the day, more purchasers had completed their purchases, purchasing the
whole quantity while still available. There was a shortage of chicken during the pandemic of
avian influenza because there were not enough suppliers to consistently deliver highquality raw
materials. As a result, there was a scarcity of chicken. Because of this, there was a scarcity of
chicken. As a result of this, the chicken supply was deficient. As a direct result of this, there was
a subsequent increase in the price of chicken. This was the outcome.

Likely, having a large number of suppliers that can consistently and dependably provide
high-quality raw materials over a long period might help lower the total number of disease
outbreaks. If they are provided with this assistance, they will be able to keep their business
operating while also keeping their capacity to produce the items that they offer to customers.
This will be realizable due to the maintenance of their manufacturing capability. It is of the
greatest significance for a company to acquire its supplies promptly because failure to do so
reduces the capacity of the entire operation to fulfill the requirements posed by the company's
customers. If a company does not acquire its supplies promptly, it is of the utmost importance
for the company to purchase its collections promptly. It is of the highest significance for a
business to obtain its supplies quickly, given the potential consequences that might result from
the firm's failure to do so promptly. There is a chance that McDonald's could not fulfill the
deadline because they did not have adequate amounts of the essential supplies. This might have
prevented them from being successful. It's possible that because of this, they didn't achieve
their goals. They weren't able to carry through what they set out to do as a result of this.

3. What are the potential issues related to inventory management? Explain each. (25 points)

When there is a spike or turn down in demand for a particular product, such as a limb
component, a company's ability to modify its supply to satisfy that requirement is essential to
the organization's continued existence because it enables the corporation to meet the
fluctuating demand. This kind of enterprise is best shown by an example such as a company that
manufactures limb components. A situation that fits this description is one in which there is a
shortage in the supply of limb components. This is only one sample of what is meant by this
phrase. One excellent example of the sort of enterprise that we are discussing in this context is
that of a corporation whose primary focus is the production of artificial limbs. A prosthetic limb
is an example of an item that may be considered included in this category. This is just one
possible illustration of what will be featured. This is only one illustration out of countless more.
Because of this oversight on the part of the company, the person who took the order was not
informed that the chicken leg was not a product they stocked in their establishment. As a result
of this oversight, the individual who took the order was unaware that the chicken leg was not a
product they stocked.
As can be seen from the example provided, the firm does a very terrible job of managing
its inventory across all of its locations. This can be observed from the model that they offered.
The most important aspect that led to this error was the fact that the company did not have
adequate amounts of chicken legs in stock. This was also one of the contributing elements that
contributed to the disaster that occurred due to the mistake. Because they did not tell the
company's order taker that the chicken leg was not available in their stock, this scenario is an
example of ineffective inventory management. Because of this specific circumstance, the person
in charge of accepting orders attempted to place an order for the chicken leg. McDonald's is
having difficulty immediately processing the demands that its customers have established with
the firm due to the high volume of inquests that the fast-food restaurant is presently receiving.
This is because McDonald's is a highly well-known and successful company globally. The
company will be able to ensure that it will always have a continuous supply of the products that
it sells and, as a result, will be able to maximize the amount of money that it brings in as a result
of doing so if it continues to uphold its high standards for inventory management and refrains
from overselling its items. In addition, the company will be able to ensure that it will always
have a continuous supply of the products that it sells if it continues to uphold its high standards
for inventory. In addition to this, the firm will be able to guarantee that it will always have a
steady supply of the items that it sells if it maintains its high standards for its inventory. In
addition to this, the company will be able to ensure that it will always have a consistent supply
of the things that it sells if it maintains its high standards for its inventory. This is something that
they can only accomplish by maintaining high standards. In addition to this, by using the data
accumulated over the preceding years, they may be able to provide educated guesses about the
number of items that are now in their inventory. They would be in a better stance to be
prepared for what is ahead in the future due to this fact. Consequently, there is a chance that in
the not-too-distant future, they may be able to provide more accurate estimations than those
they have provided in the past.

4. Identify the at least 5 reasons associated with the delayed delivery. What could have been done
to prevent customer’s frustration? (25 points)

It is possible that McDonald's was inundated with orders at the time of the late delivery
of the meal and that this was the primary cause of the delay. This is the explanation that makes
the most sense. On the other hand, they may bring the food to the table on time. There is no
basis for discounting the possibility that this scenario may play out. There is still a possibility that
they delivered the food at the appropriate time as arranged. There is a strong likelihood that a
severe storm or a flood occurred within the period that is being investigated. This is due to the
infamous difficulty associated with providing accurate weather forecasts. This is a result of the
fact that the likelihood of their being is relatively high. It is at your best notice to avoid accepting
all of the orders made with you and to avoid offering a fast negative reply if you cannot
accomplish a deadline. It is also at your best notice to avoid accepting all of your orders. It would
be best if you also attempt to avoid getting all of the demands placed on you since this is also in
your best interest. If you engaged in any of these questionable business activities, it would be
detrimental to your firm's success.
On the other hand, it would be to your benefit to accept only those orders that you are
poised you will be able to complete before the deadline. This would be in your best interest.
This would be in line with the most important goals for your company's success. There was
probably an issue finding the site's location in the first place, which is why there was difficulty
with the paperwork in the first place. This is a reasonable explanation.
On the other hand, you may circumvent this issue if you question the local landmarks or
use software that provides several suggested route iterations. If the delivery time occurred
during rush hour or at a time when there were a variety of activities taking place on the road,
then making use of road guide services, which may suggest routes with reduced delivery times,
would have prevented this from occurring, which would have saved both time and frustration.
Road guide services may suggest alternative ways with reduced delivery times. This may be a
conflict, for example, if the time of delivery fell during the busiest part of the working day. This
issue has a great deal of significance and has enormous resonance with the truth for our
country. The second possibility is that the delivery driver's vehicle had a mechanical breakdown,
which would need a substantial amount of time to fix and would prevent the driver from going
back to work right away. Before you do anything further, you need to be confident that the
state of your automobile is such that you can drive it safely. Only then should you go on to the
next step. Because of this answer, you won't find yourself in the challenging circumstance
discussed earlier in the sentence. In addition, doing so will ensure that you won't put your own
life at risk while you're driving a vehicle by stopping you from putting yourself in harm's way,
which is the most crucial benefit of all.
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