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This is a summary from the article “How teenagers can protect their mental health
during COVID-19”. This article mentions six things that teenagers can do for their mental
health. The first thing is to accept your anxiety. It is completely normal to feel anxious
especially during this Covid-19 situation. If you are worried that you might have the COVID-
19, you need to talk to your parents. The second is to create distractions such as watching a
movie to relief you from the things you can do nothing about. The third is to use social media
as a new way to connect with your friends when you are practicing social distancing. The
fourth is to focus on yourself especially about your own personal interest such as trying
something new. It is a productive way to spend your time as well as caring for your mental
health. The fifth is to feel your feelings. It is okay to be sad especially after missing out a lot
of meaningful event. If you can let yourself be sad, you’ll start to feel better faster. The most
important thing is to do what feels right to you. The last is to be kind to yourself and others.
Some teens are bullied due to coronavirus. If you witness it, you can offer them a support
instead of neglecting and make them feel alone. Another thing you need to pay attention to is
about what you say. Now more than ever, you need to mind your words and be thoughtful
otherwise it may hurt others.

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