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Potential manufacture of 100 per cent pure cocaine, 2009-2020 (tons)

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Bolivia (Plurinational State of) a

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Colombia b,c,d
488 424 384 333 290 368 499 810 1,058 1,120 1,137 1,228
Peru a .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Total b,c,d 1,188 1,134 1,090 997 902 869 977 1,335 1,647 1,723 1,784 1,982

Sources: Plurinational State of Bolivia: calculations based on coca leaf yield surveys by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) (Yungas de La Paz) and
scientific studies by the Drug Enforcement Administration of the United States of America (Chapare). Colombia: UNODC/Government of Colombia. Peru: calculations
based on coca leaf to cocaine conversion ratio from scientific studies by the Drug Enforcement Administration.

a) Owing to a lack of updated conversion factors in Bolivia (Plurinational State of) and Peru, no final estimates of the level of cocaine production can be
provided. Detailed information on the ongoing revision of conversion ratios and cocaine laboratory efficiency is available in the World Drug Report 2010
(United Nations publication, Sales No. E.10.XI.13), p. 249.
b) Values for Colombia for 2014-17 have been revised, using an improved methodology, to take into account the participation of new actors in the
processing chain from coca leaf to cocaine. The same methodology was used for 2018, 2019 and 2020. Thus, the values for 2014-20, and hence the global
total for the same years, may not be directly comparable to earlier years.
c) Conversion of areas under coca cultivation into coca leaf and then into cocaine hydrochloride, taking yields, amounts of coca leaf used for licit purposes
and cocaine laboratory efficiency into account. Current global aggregates are based on "new" conversion ratios representing the most recent data available
to UNODC. See World Drug Report 2010 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.10.XI.13, p. 249) for a discussion of "new" and "old" conversion factors
and detailed information on the ongoing revision of conversion ratios and cocaine laboratory efficiency.
d) With respect to data published in the World Drug Report 2016 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.16.XI.7), the following amendments have been
(i) the figure for Colombia relative to 2008 has been revised in order to ensure a consistent implementation of revisions to the methodology, affecting the
way coca production is calculated, for the entire time series 2005-2015 (for details, see Colombia Coca Cultivation Survey Report 2014 (UNODC, 2015)
and Colombia Survey of territories affected by illicit crops 2015, Annex 3 (UNODC 2016));
(ii) totals for 2009-2012 have been revised to rectify minor inaccuracies in data processing.

Notes: Two dots indicate that data are not available.

Bolivia (Plurinational State of)


Peru sun-dried leaves mt

legal use from 2016 on (Mt of sundried coca leaves)

legal use befor 2016

conversion factor kg sundried/kg pure cocaine

Cultivation 2018 US (

production-peru/) were replaced by the data , it used to be 52100 last year. Revision of 2018 data.
sundried leaves yield 2017 kg/ha
pdf pag 6)
2018 sundried leaves estimate

Cultivation 2019 US (

sundried leaves yield 2017 kg/ha
pdf pag 6)
2018 sundried leaves estimate




traditional use





data for mt of sundried coca leaves is not here yet, neither the illicit crop monitoring report
nor at INCSR, ask Lorenzo once he replies

Update: no new data for peru but new data in

We do not use numbers here but use the percentage increase they reported to apply to
our own 2017 data!

data for mt of sundried coca leaves reported in here:
ary_Bolivia_Coca_Survey_2019.pdf ; for yungas and norte take max of range, for tropico
take midpoint!
FINAL TABLE as per 19/03/2020
2009 2010
488 424
540.909090909091 547.727272727273


2009 2010
128000 129500

industrial use total legal use

163 10891
ONDCP- 2018


Region 2019
Tropico de Cochabamba 17900 – 24200

Norte de La Paz 480 – 580

Yungas de La Paz 18500 – 21300
ha of legal production in yungas 12000

conversion factor from legal ha to mt of sundried leaves 1.2156

mt legal sundried leaf production in yungas 14587.2

NAL TABLE as per 19/03/2020
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
#REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! 80.8798156
384 333 290 368 499.0000000
573.181818181818 544.090909090909 510 417.454545454546 396.8363636
#REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! 976.7161792

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

135100 128700 121200 100840 96304
ONDCP - 2019 increase UNODC- 2017 old UNODC - 2018 new UNODC - 2018 old


1.2314990512334 288.778666666667 507.491818181818 355.630654016445

values to use values for calculationold factor new factor old estimate
21050 21050 0.002702702702703 0.00390625 56.8918918918919

580 580 0.003174603174603 0.004098360655738 69.4603174603175

21300 21300 0.004098360655738
-14587.2 0.004098360655738

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
92.6305840 105.1882172 95.3534324 112.1150871 140.3995389
810.0000000 1058.0000000 1120.0000000 1137.0000000 1228.0000000
432.1318182 483.6409091 529.2371273 534.8070909 613.2500000
1334.7624022 1646.8291263 1744.5905596 1783.9221780 1981.6495389

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

105960 117292 127323.168 128548.56 145806
UNODC - 2019 new


new estimate Region 2020 values to use
82.2265625 Tropico de Cochabam21700 – 29300 25500

2.37704918032787 Norte de La Paz 530– 640 640

87.2950819672131 Yungas de La Paz 20800 – 23900 23900
-59.7836065573771 ha of legal production 12000
conversion factor
from legal ha to mt
of sundried leaves 1.2156
mt legal sundried
leaf production in
yungas 14587.2
112.115087090164 Total
conversion factor 0.004098360655738
source 2020

updated figures from here

Source 2020
values for calculations estimates 2020
25500 0.00390625 99.609375

640 0.004098360655738 2.62295081967213

23900 0.004098360655738 97.9508196721311
-14587.2 0.004098360655738 -59.7836065573771

ocuments/crop-monitoring/Colombia/Censo_cultivos_coca_2018.pdf Figura 25, Discussion with Leo if we should update 2014 as well
eo if we should update 2014 as well
Dear Thomas,
I am sharing the files containing the 2019 global aggregate for coca cultivation and cocaine production.

Just a small summary of what was done to compute the cocaine manufacture, to facilitate your revision and for our records:
1. Colombia: new figure for 2019, already included in the pre-pub table (1137 ton of 100% pure cocaine, tiny increase with r
2. Bolivia: not published at national level, as you explained us (many thanks!), better to keep considering 12000 ha of legal c
The numbers highlighted in yellow in the below tables are the conversion factors to transform mt of sundried coca leaves into
revision and for our records:
e cocaine, tiny increase with respect to 2018)
onsidering 12000 ha of legal coca cultivation in the region of Yungas.
mt of sundried coca leaves into tons of 100% pure cocaine. The so-called “old conversion factors” have been already dismissed last year. So
already dismissed last year. So I have used 1/256=0.00390625 for Tropico Cochabamba and 1/244=0.004098361 for Norte de La Paz and Y
361 for Norte de La Paz and Yungas. The number highlighted in green represents the conversion factors from legal ha to mt of sundried l
m legal ha to mt of sundried leaves. The figures come from the past.)
Potential manufacture of 100 per cent pure cocaine, 20
2008 2009 2010 2011
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) a 157 .. .. ..
Colombia b,c,d 471 488 424 384
Peru a 515 .. .. ..
Total b,c,d 1,143 1,188 1,134 1,090

Sources: Plurinational State of Bolivia: calculations based on coca leaf yield surveys by the United Nations
studies by the Drug Enforcement Administration of the United States of America (Chapare). Colombia: UNO
a) Owing to a lack of updated conversion factors in Bolivia (Plurinational State of) and Peru, no fina
Detailed information on the ongoing revision of conversion ratios and cocaine laboratory efficiency
publication, Sales No. E.10.XI.13), p. 249.
b) Values for Colombia for 2014-17 have been revised, using an improved methodology, to take in
from coca leaf to cocaine. The same methodology was used for 2018. Thus, the values for 2014-1
directly comparable to earlier years.
c) Conversion of areas under coca cultivation into coca leaf and then into cocaine hydrochloride, ta
cocaine laboratory efficiency into account. Current global aggregates are based on "new" conversi
See World Drug Report 2010 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.10.XI.13, p. 249) for a disc
information on the ongoing revision of conversion ratios and cocaine laboratory efficiency.
d) With respect to data published in the World Drug Report 2016 (United Nations publication, Sale
(i) the figure for Colombia relative to 2008 has been revised in order to ensure a consistent implem
production is calculated, for the entire time series 2005-2015 (for details, see Colombia Coca Culti
of territories affected by illicit crops 2015, Annex 3 (UNODC 2016));
(ii) totals for 2009-2012 have been revised to rectify minor inaccuracies in data processing.

Notes: Figures in italics are subject to revision. Two dots indicate that data are not available. Inform
in the online methodology section of the World Drug Report 2020.
cent pure cocaine, 2008-2018 (tons)
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
.. .. .. .. .. .. ..
333 290 368 499 810 1,058 1,120
.. .. .. .. .. .. ..
997 902 869 977 1,335 1,647 1,723

s by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) (Yungas de La Paz) and scientific
hapare). Colombia: UNODC/Government of Colombia. Peru: calculations based on coca leaf to
te of) and Peru, no final estimates of the level of cocaine production can be provided.
e laboratory efficiency is available in the World Drug Report 2010 (United Nations

methodology, to take into account the participation of new actors in the processing chain
the values for 2014-18, and hence the global total for the same years, may not be

caine hydrochloride, taking yields, amounts of coca leaf used for licit purposes and
sed on "new" conversion ratios representing the most recent data available to UNODC.
I.13, p. 249) for a discussion of "new" and "old" conversion factors and detailed
ory efficiency.
ions publication, Sales No. E.16.XI.7), the following amendments have been made:
re a consistent implementation of revisions to the methodology, affecting the way coca
e Colombia Coca Cultivation Survey Report 2014 (UNODC, 2015) and Colombia Survey

ata processing.

re not available. Information on estimation methodologies and definitions can be found

FINAL TABLE as per 19/03/2020
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 157 159 162 133 120.3393 101.9838 83.11317
Colombia 471 488 424 384 333 290 368
Peru 515 540.9091 547.7273 573.1818 544.0909 510 417.4545
Total 1143 1187.909 1133.727 1090.182 997.4303 901.9838 868.5677
2015 2016 2017 2018
80.87982 92.63058 105.1882 95.35343
499 810 1058 1120
396.8364 432.1318 483.6409 507.4918
976.7162 1334.762 1646.829 1722.845

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