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10/10/22, 9:28 PM Learning PHYSICS for IIT JEE: Formula revision

1. Average current i(bar) = ∆Q/∆t

The current at time t = I = lim ∆t→0 ( ∆Q/∆t) = dQ/dt

Q is charge, t is time

2. Current density

Average current density j (bar) = Δi/ΔA

i is current and A is area of the conductor

The current density at a point P is

j = lim ∆t→0 (Δi/ΔA) = di/dS

If current i is uniformly distributed over an area S and is perpendicular to it

j = i/S

For a finite area i = ∫j.dS


j = density of current (vector)

dS = area (vector)

3. If τ be the average time between successive collisions, the distance drifted during this
period is

l = ½ a(τ) = ½ (eE/m)( τ) ²

The drift speed is

vd = l/ τ = ½ (eE/m)τ = kE

τ the average time between successive collisions, is constant for a given material at a given

Relation between current density and drift speed

j = i/A = nevd

4. Ohm's law

j = σE

E is field and σ is electrical conductivity of the material. revision 1/5

10/10/22, 9:28 PM Learning PHYSICS for IIT JEE: Formula revision

Resistivity of a material ρ = 1/σ

Another form of Ohm's law

V = voltage difference between the ends of a conductor = El (l = length of the conductor)

V = Ri

R = resistance of the conductor = ρ*l/A

1/R is called conductance

5. As temperature of a resistor increases its resistance increases. The relation can be

expressed as

R(T) = R(T0)[1 + α(T - T0)]

α is called temperature coefficient of resistivity.

6. The work done by the battery force per unit charge is

Є = W/q = Fb*d/q

This Є is called the emf of the battery. Please note that emf is work done/charge.

If nothing is externally connected

Fb = qE or

Fb*d = qEd = qV (because V =Ed)

V = potential difference between the terminals

As Є = W/q = Fb*d/q = qV/q = V

Therefore Є = V

7. Thermal energy produced in a register

U = i²Rt

Power developed = P = U/t = i²R = Vi

8. Combination of resistors in series

Equivalent resistance = R1 + R2 +R3+...

Combination of resistors in parallel revision 2/5

10/10/22, 9:28 PM Learning PHYSICS for IIT JEE: Formula revision

1/Equivalent resistance = 1/R1 + 1/R2 +1/R3+...

Division of current in resistors joined in parallel

i1/i2 = R2/R1

i1 = iR2/(R1 + R2)

9. Batteries connected in series

i = (Є 1 + Є 2)/(R + r0)

Where R = external resistance

r0 = r1 + r2 r1, r2 are internal resistances of two batteries

Batteries connected in parallel

Equivalent emf = Є 0 = [Є 1r2 + Є 2r1]/(r1+r2)

are internal resistances.
where Є 1, Є 2 are emfs of of batteries , and r1, r2

equivalent internal restance = r0 = r1r2/(r1 + r2)

So i in the circuit = ε0/(R + r0)

10. Wheatstone Bridge ; R1 and R2 are two resistances connected in series. R3 and R4 are
the other two resistance connected series. If the there is no deflection in the galvanometer

R4 = R3R2/R1

as R1/R2 = R3/R4

11. Charging of the capacitor

q = Є (1 - e^-t/CR)

q is charge on the capacitor, t is time, Є = emf of the battery, C = capacitance, R is

resistance of battery and connecting wires,

CR has units of time and is termed time constant. In one time constant τ (=CR) the charge
accumulated becomes 0.63 Є C.

12. Discharging of the capacitor

q = Qe^(-t/CR)

where q is charge remaining on the capacitor

Q is the initial charge

In one time constant 0.63% is discharged.

Posted by KVSSNrao at 6:43 PM  No comments: revision 3/5

10/10/22, 9:28 PM Learning PHYSICS for IIT JEE: Formula revision

Labels: Electric current, Formula revision

IIT JEE Physics Formula Revision 33. Thermal and Chemical

Effects of Electric Current
1. Joule's laws of heating

Work done by the electric field on the free electrons in time t is

W = potential difference * charge

= V(it)
= (iR)it
= i²Rt

2. If θc, θn, θi are temperature of the cold junction, neutral temperature and inversion
temperature respectively

θn – θc = θi - θn

3. Thermo emf depends on temperature with the relation

ЄAB = aABθ + ½ bsub>ABθ²

Where aAB and bAB are constants for a pair of metals A and B.

This gives dЄAB/dθ = aAB + bsub>ABθ

The quantity dЄAB/dθ is called thermoelectric power at temperature θ.

5. Law of intermediate Metal

Suppose ЄAB, ЄAC, ЄBC are emfs from thermocoupes AB,AC, and BC.

If hot junctions and cold junctions of the three thermocouples are at the same temperature,


6. Law of intermediate temperature

Let Є θ1, θ2, represent the thermo-emf of a given thermocouple when the temperatures of
junctions are maintained at θ1and θ2. Then

Є θ1, θ2 = Є θ1, θ3 + Є θ3, θ2

7. The actual emf produced in a thermocouple loop is the algebraic sum of the net Peltier revision 4/5
10/10/22, 9:28 PM Learning PHYSICS for IIT JEE: Formula revision

effect and the net Thomspon effect.

So emf in a thermocouple loop = ЄAB =

(ΠAB)T - (Π AB ) T0 +(T – T0) (σA - σA) revision 5/5

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