Instructions For Assignment 1 AM322 Fall 2022

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Subject: Human Resource Management in Aviation

Course Code: AM322
Institute of Aviation Studies (IAS)
University of Management & Technology (UMT)

Due: 3 Nov 2022 till 1415 Total Marks: 20 Taeget CLO: 3 Domain & Level: C4

General Instructions:

1. You will work in same groups that you made for your Semester Project.
2. Marking will be on individual basis. So, in your report, write the name and ID of the
student before the start of his/her work.
3. Each student should use at least 1 in-text-citation in his/her part of the assignment. Use
APA style formatting for this.

Your Report Should Cover:

1. Brief overview of the company that you selected for your Semester Project.
2. Analyze the company and find at least 5 different HR strategies or practices to
promote diversity and inclusion in that company.
3. If it does not exist in your selected company then use the benchmarking technique and
suggest 5 different strategies or practices to its HR Head to incorporate diversity and

Structure of Report

1. Use Times New Roman 12 font size with line spacing of 1.5 and justify from both
2. Maximum word limit: 2000
3. Rubric for marking is attached in Appendix I.
4. Layout of the cover page: See Appendix II.
Appendix - I
Rubric for Assignment
Dimensions/ Does Not Meet Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
Weight (1-3 points) (4-7 points) (8-10 points)
Provides an adequate
Fails to provide an overview Provides an engaging
overview, a general
Overview and define the scope of the overview, thoroughly defines
explanation on the scope of
10% work. Fails to give any sense the scope of the work, and
the work, and gives a
of purpose. gives a clear sense of
reasonable sense of purpose.
Main concepts and ideas are
Concepts, Confused about assignment Ideas and concepts are
visible but not always logical
Reasoning and relevant concepts. Lack logical and work together as
and/or too broad. Support for
30% of support for main points. a unified whole. Main points
main points is given but not
Illogical presentation of are supported with specific
always sufficient and/or
ideas. evidence.
All necessary analysis and/or
Analysis and/or sources of Sufficient information and/or sources of information are
Soundness, information are either not analysis is given but results clearly stated. All results and
Relevance 30% clearly specified, or not are not always credible, references are valid, reliable,
reliable, and/or not relevant reliable, and/or relevant to the specific and relevant to the
to the assignment. assignment. assignment.

Most of the directions are

Directions are not followed followed and most parts of Followed all directions and
and/or work is incomplete the assignment are addressed. responded to all parts of the
Completeness and does not address one or Work covers most of the assignment. Work is self-
20% more of the points necessary stated scope and is contained and complete with
to treat the given topic. reasonably respect to the stated scope.
self-contained and
Ideas are unrefined and/or Some ideas display capability
Originality Content clearly displays
fail to demonstrate of independent and critical
10% evidence of independent
independent and critical thinking or perspective.
and critical thinking.
Total 100% Content Criteria
Appendix - II

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