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Quarter 1

explains how a healthy environment positively impact the

health of people and communities (less disease, less health
care cost, etc.)

discusses the nature of environmental issues

ACTIVITY 1: Examine the Pic!
Activity 2: POEM Reading
•According to the World Health
Organization, Health is state of
complete physical, mental, and social
well-being and not just the absence of
disease or infirmity. It leads to a socially
and economically productive life.
– is defined as a sociological group in a
large place sharing one environment. It
therefore includes the individual and
the family.
Community Health
– is defined as the art and science of
maintaining, protecting and
improving the health of all members
of the community through organized
and sustained community efforts.
Characteristics of a healthy
community include:
• 1. A clean and safe physical environment
• 2. An environment that meets everyone’s basic needs
• 3. An environment that promotes social harmony and
actively involves everyone
• 4. An understanding of local health and environmental
• 5. A community that participates in identifying local
solutions to local problems
• 6. A community whose members have access to
varied experiences, means of interaction and
• 7. Accessible and appropriate health services and
• 8. The promotion and celebration of historical and
cultural heritage
• 9. A diverse and innovative economy
• 10. A sustainable use of available resources for all.
The government believes that a strong
nation needs healthy citizenry. In order to
achieve this, the Department of Health
promoted community health with the
partnership of community, barangay,
government, and non-governmental
organizations through the program called
Primary Health Care.
Primary Health Care Program in the Community
Health Center Services Functions
Maternal Health Care Pre-natal, Natal, Post-natal

Child Health Care Immunizations, Control of diarrheal

Nutrition Program Operation Timbang, Food
Population and Family Planning Free Family Planning

Control of communicable diseases Tuberculosis control program

Environmental Sanitation program Inspection of food establishments

Primary Health Care Program in the Community
Health Center Services Functions
Control on non- Blood Pressure Screening
communicable diseases
Dental Health Program Tooth Extraction

Reproductive Health Care Counselling on family

planning and RH
Medical Morbidity Clinic Provision of free medicines
National voluntary blood Blood-letting activities at
services barangay level
Primary Health Care Program in the Community

Health Center Services Functions

Epidemiology and Controlling outbreaks like
surveillance program Dengue
Disaster Management Medical Services/assistance
preparedness program during disaster
Mental Hygiene Adolescent counselling
Pharmacy Services Distribution of medicines, to
all health centers
- can be defined as a sum total of all the
living and non-living elements and their
effects that influence human life. While all
living or biotic elements are animals, plants,
forests, fisheries, and birds, non-living or
abiotic elements include water, land,
sunlight, rocks, and air.
Environmental Health
– comprises those aspects of human
health that are determined by
physical, chemical, biological, social
and psycho social factors in the
surrounding environment.
Characteristics of a healthy
environment include:
1. Clean 6. Garbage cans are always closed
2. Neat 7. No flies and mosquitoes breed
3. Looks beautiful 8. Many plants are grown
4. Feels comfort 9. Enough space to work and play
5. No rubbish in sewage 10. Waste are segregated properly
Activity 1: Let’s Talk (Group Activity)
•Identify some of the pressing environmental
problems in the Philippines
•Give the effects of that environmental
problems to the health of the people living
in the community.
Why does
it matter?
What can
be done?
Activity 2: Speech – Perfect
•If you were given a chance to become
Planet Earth for a day, and you were asked
to give a 2-3 minute talk to address your
sentiments to the people, what would be
the content of your message?
“If We Heal the Earth,
We Heal Ourselves”-
Wangari Maathai
What does the picture tell you how do people
are coping up with the environmental issues?
Problems on Pollution

•Pollution prevention is a major global concern

because of its harmful effects on people's health and
the environment.
•Environmental protection is a natural extension of
caring for ourselves, loving our children, and ensuring
a sustainable future for generations to come
Ways to Prevent and Manage
Environmental Health Issues

•1. Stop Smoking. One butt thrown on the ground can

remain for up to 25 years, leaking chemicals like
arsenic, ammonia, acetone, benzene, cadmium,
formaldehyde, lead, and toluene into the
environment. Smoking is a dangerous activity for first
and second hand smokers. This adversely affect
respiratory and circulatory system.
Ways to Prevent and Manage
Environmental Health Issues

•2. Use Eco-Friendly Transportation. Choose to

walk or ride a bicycle whenever possible. This
will keep your body active and increase your
stamina. A regular brisk walk is a good exercise
for the heart.
Ways to Prevent and Manage
Environmental Health Issues

•3. Dispose Waste Responsibly. Adopt the 3 R’s

method of solid waste management. Reduce,
reuse, recycle and start composting leaves
and clippings from your yard and food scraps
from your kitchen to reduce waste while
improving your soil.
Ways to Prevent and Manage
Environmental Health Issues

•4. Choose Renewable Sources of Energy. This

helps to save energy in the environment,
improves energy budget and expenditure and
sustain our environment.
Ways to Prevent and Manage
Environmental Health Issues

•5. Use the power supplied abundantly and

freely by wind and sun. Hang your laundry to
dry to minimize your use of gas or electricity,
and open a window or put on a sweater rather
than turning on the air conditioner or heater.
Ways to Prevent and Manage
Environmental Health Issues

•6. Promote Conservation as a Consumer. Buy

local foods and goods. In this manner, the use
of fuel for transporting goods can be minimized
and buy products that are eco-friendly or
made with biodegradable materials.
Ways to Prevent and Manage
Environmental Health Issues

•7. Avoid Disrupting the Ecosystem- Plant more

trees. They clean the air, provide oxygen, and
beautify your surroundings and say a big "NO"
to pesticides.
•8. Make Reducing Pollution a Community Goal
Ways to Prevent and Manage
Environmental Health Issues
•9. If you own a business, make sure you have
considered the environmental impact of your
business practices. If you work for someone else,
take the time to assess your company's
environmental impact and try to implement positive
•10. Do not litter. Better yet, start an anti-litter
campaign to educate your community.
Activity 3: My Simple Ways
•Identify an environmental health issue.
Develop simple steps that will enhance
your creative thinking skills by suggesting
different ways to prevent environmental
health issues.
Activity 3: My Simple Ways
• Follow the simple guide below.
Environmental Health Issue:
Suggested Program/Activity to Solve the Problem:
Steps/Procedures to prevent the problem:
•is a sequence of steps that must be
taken , or activities that must be
performed well for a strategy to
Activity 4: MY ACTION PLAN
•Identify an environmental problem in your
community or at home. Make a simple
background of this problem.
•Develop an action plan to suggest
strategies that will solve your identified
environmental problem. Use the guide
Activity 4: My Action Plan
•Environmental Problem:
•Background of the Problem:
Title/ Action
Goals Benefits Evaluation
Problem Steps
What is the title of What do you How will it What positive How will you
your study? want to happen? outcomes do you know when it is
happen? expect? complete?
Timeline Cost

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