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Class Activity Requirement Elicitation

Simple Music Portal


1. Identify which of the above-mentioned requirements/descriptions

are functional and which are non-functional requirements.
2. Develop Use Case Diagram identifying important actors, use cases,
and system boundaries.
3. Generate system requirements by expanding any 3 functional
requirements mentioned above using Use Case Descriptions that
are detailed enough to be easily implemented.

1. Functional And Non-Functional Requirements:

Functional Requirements:
• To log in by username and password.
• Searching by name of the album • A list of matches of the album is shown.
• Album details.
• Buy and then download option available/shown.
• Payment through credit card.
• Profile/account of the user is maintained.
• History of previously bought albums. Non-Functional Requirements:
• Links for login or logout should be shown/available.
• Links for registration should be shown.
• Link for the user account that is logged in should be shown.
• A search box should be displayed on each page.
• Each album should only have one artist name to avoid complexity
• The data of the credit card recharge should be available.
2. Use Case Diagram:

3. Format:
Use Case ID: UC-07
Use Case Name: Simple Music Portal

Actor(s): The registered user and not-Registered user

Pre-Conditions: UC-01: - The user should be authorized before login UC-

02: - The download option should be shown when you
have bought the album.
UC-05: - For payment the user should have a credit card
and money in it and can be authorized.
Basic Flow: Yes

1.Login 2. Home 3. Search album by

Page name of the

No moneyIf have

4. Buy 5. Payment Sign Up Album through card

enough If not

6.Download Enter credit card details money

album and amount to recharge

7.want to search more card

albums or logout
The Alternative course of
Actor Actions: Action:
UC-01 Users enter login details Actor Action
1. If the data of the user is
not valid while logging in
2. If the credit account of
UC-02 The name of the album the user does not have
is the name of the user enough money to pay
for the album System
If the user selects the album
Check whether the data entered is valid or
not. If valid then navigated to the home
page. If not valid then the login page is
UC-05 If the user selects the
again shown to re-enter data.
buy option
A list of the album with the name entered
is shown/displayed below.
Album details are shown on the page
which shows the title of the album name
and list of the songs along with the price of
the album.
Payment to purchase the album is checked
on the credit card. If a credit card is
enough money to buy the album, then
credit card details would be required. If it
is valid then you can buy the album. If
there is not enough money on the credit
card, then It has to be recharged first and
an option is shown which requires credit
card details and the amount to be

User Action
The system also displayed a signup option
for user validation A recharge option is
given to recharge the account which
requires credit card details and the
amount to be recharged.

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