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Propeller Design Optimization for a Mini Submarine

Article · January 2014


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1 author:

Kusnindar Priohutomo
National Research and Innovation Agency


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The 9th International Conference on Marine Technology

Propeller Design Optimization for a Mini Submarine


Indonesia Hydrodynamic Laboratory (IHL)
Surabaya, Indonesia


Inthis study, it willbe described how to design a propellerof a submarine. As known before, a type
ofpropellerusedis closely related tothe engineand the body ofthe submarineitself.The obstaclesposed bythe
hullandapendegesis onebasic for determiningorselectingthe type ofpropellerthat will be used. Aship
resistancebothfromanalysisandexperiments using a shipmodel can be usedas a referencebase.In addition,the
relationshipbetweena hullfactorwith its propulsion, alsoneed to betaken into account. This can be used to define an
engine powerto be determined.
Results ofresistancemeasurementsona modelsubmarine that is usedasinitial data, can then beapplytocalculate
thepower requirements ofthe submarine. Some of themethods usedin this studyis to look atthe
relationshipbetweenweightcoefficient calculationwiththesubmarine, thrustdeduction(t) andwakefraction (w), soit
canget thetotalpropulsivecoefficient. Furthermore, withthe acquisitionresult ofthe totalpropulsivecoefficient, it can be
calculatedsimilarly Powerdelevery(PD). Assuming avalueofapproximately98% lossesshaft, thepropellertypeB-series,
based on theopen waterdiagramexistingtestwecaniterateto findtheoutput.ofappropriateThrust(T) andTorque(Q).

Keywords: propeller design, submarine, thurst, and torque

1. Introduction
Propellerdesignoptimizationstudies done in this research has an objective to be part of a mini
submarine design. This mini submarine is a model submarine which is used as a research tool for
examining different aspect of a 22m submarine which is researched and developed in the Indonesia
Hydrodynamic Laboratory, Surabaya, Indonesia. As part of this submarine, a good propeller needs to be
designed which based on resistancetest resultsona minisubmarine. Thrust of of a propeller design is one
of variables that need to be known and generatedto be able to design a modelpropeller for this mini
submarine. Based on the results of previous research, a modelpropellerthrustmustbe knownto get
hullresistancesubmarinemodels. The relationshipbetweenthe thrust and resistances of the
submarinemodelcanbe presentedinthe followingequation.

𝑇ℎ = (1−𝑡)....................................................................................................................................(1)
Th = thrust propeller model (N)
RT = Resistance model (N)
t = thrust deduction factor

The shape of the model submarine that has been done before testing can be seen in Figure 1 (a),
where it shows that a foil is used to hold the model submarine during an experiment in underwater
conditions to get the resistance values show in Figure 1 (b). During the experiment, the model is drowned
at 2m below the water surface. This depth is assume that the submarine will be operate at this depth
conditions. The resistance values results from this experiments, will be used as the starting point for the
design of the propeller.
The 9th International Conference on Marine Technology

(a) shape of the submarine model (b)resitance test results

Figure 1. Previous research using the model submarine

Results of model resistance knownfrom the previous studies as shown in Figure 1 (b) can be
calculated by R=(Rfoil +Rmodel) -(Rfoil)

R = resistance model of mini submarine (N)
Rfoil+Rmodel = total resistance model mini submarine and resistance foil (N)
Rfoil = resistance foil (N)

The resistance R is known as the resistance of the submarine that need to be known. Based on this
graph, the propeller can be designed by calculating a first aspect of the relationship between the bare hull
model mini submarine with propeller models will ship in the design, efficiency Hull (Ƞhull), rotating
relative efficiency (Ƞrr), and open water propeller efficiency (Ƞop) (value of an initial estimate). Based on
these calculations, a propeller models in 2 dimensional is made as shown in Figure 2 (a). Figure 2 (b)
shows a 3-dimensional shape in the form of a solid condition. The latest figure is used for numerical
analysis by Computer Fluid Dynamic (CFD). In addition, this figure can also be used for the numerical
analysis of three-dimensional image can serve as a visual tool, as well as a validation of physical form on
propeller model manufacturing.



53 25°





54 19°











0.005 0.010 0.010










- -

(a) (b)
Figure 2.Propeller design with 7 blades
The 9th International Conference on Marine Technology

2. Background theory
This research is carried out to determine how much the efficiency of the propeller need to be been
designed. To determine the efficiency of the propeller without the hull it is necessary to do an open water
propeller test or tests in an open state without enclosed by the hull. This test uses the open water open
water propeller measuring tool available in IHL. Through this measure the size of the model propeller
thrust and torque can be measured by varying the magnitude of propeller rotation. From the amount of
thrust (T) and torque (Q) can then be calculated thrust coefficient (KT) and torque coefficient (KQ) based
advanced speed coefficient (J). KT, KQ, A row can be defined through the following equation

𝐾𝑇 = ..............................................................................................................................(2)
n 2 D 4
𝐾𝑄 = ..............................................................................................................................(3)
n 2 D5
𝐽= ..........................................................................................................................................(4)

T = Thrust propeller (N)
Q = Torque Propeller (Nm)
n = Propeller rotation (Hz)
D = Propeller diameter (m)
VA = Advance velocity(m/s)
Ρ = mass density (kg/m3)

When thepropellerefficiencyisdefinedas theratio between the powergivenpropeller(TVA)

withpowersuppliedto theshaft(2πQn), the efficiencycan be expressedinequation formasfollows

TVA n 2 D 4 1 V A J KT
0    ................................................................................(5)
2Qn Q 2 nD 2 K Q
n 2 D 5
0 = propeller efficiency

3. Methodology
The experimentcarried outin theTowingTankLaboratory ofIHL is aimedtofind out the resultsof
aperformancepropellerdesignsthat have beenin theprevious design. Stageswhich are implementedin this
studycan be seen inFigure 3.

model test

Production of propeller
simulation with
design of
submarine Open water test of
propeller model

Figure 3. Flowchart of research

The 9th International Conference on Marine Technology

Steps given in Figure 3can be explainedasfollows:

 Design apropellerdesignbased on resistance dataofthe submarine model.
o diameterpropellermodels=0.18m
o P/D=1.1
o BladeAreaRatio= 1.05
o Number of blades =7
o ScaleModel=1: 7
 Performnumericalsimulation(CFD) tocreate a3-dimensional designpropellerina solidformthatcan be
calculated byusingthe finite element methodona computer. Results of this simulation can be used as
an initial approach toexpect the characteristicsof thepropellerdesign.
 Manufacture a propeller model based on the figure given in Figure2(a). Fromthis figure, a table that
will be usedtoproduce amodel ofthe propellerin the mechanicalworkshopinthe IHL can be made.
 The propellermodelwill betestedin theTowingTanktoknow the characteristicsof
thrustcoefficientandtorquecoefficientinopen watertest.

Testingopen watertestis done using the componentmeasuring devicesgiven in Figure 4. These

equipments consistofa motor, a holder ofa measuringinstrument, ameasuring instrument,
andapropellershaft. The functionofthis measureisto determine themagnitude of the valuethurstin (Newton)
andTorquein (Newton meter). Theoutput ofthis experiment, an efficiencyofthe propellercanbe known,
taking into account themagnitude ofthe thrust coefficient and torque coefficient. The above instruments
are placedin a carriageand connectedto theDAQcomputerinTowingTank of the IHL. The functionof
theDAQcomputeristransferring datafromthe measuring instrumentto the computer usingLabviewprogram
with sampling frequency between800to 1000Hz. The tank has an effectivelength of235meters,
11meterswideand5.5metersdeep. As for thespeed ofthe carriagecanbevariedaccording to the needsat the
timeof testingbecause thetankis equippedwith atowingtrainswitha maximumspeed of7m/s.

Figure 4.Measurement equipments for Open Water Test

4. Discussion
Fromthe size ofthe resultingmainpropeller, thepropellerdesigncan be madein the form of3-
dimensional solidandmeshingasin Figure5(a). Meshingpropellermodelis intendedasa
measuringobjectsplitintoan infinitenumber of elements, making it easier forthe
computertocalculatethefiniteformelementthat aimsto get thenumericalsimulation resultsin the form
The 9th International Conference on Marine Technology

(a) Meshing Propeller (b) CFD Simulation

Figure 5. Propeller design process

Furthermeshing using the CFDcalculationscan beseen in Figure5(b). As results,ThrustandTorque

values are presentedin Table1. These results are calculated byusing theequation of Torque and
Thrustcoefficients to get a propellerefficiencybased on numericalsimulations. The results ofthis
approachcan bepresentedasthe resultof apropellerdesignthatwill be testedinthe TowingTank.
Based on theresults ofnumericalsimulation, the maximum efficiency of0.632 is obtainedwhereit is
comparable toa value of Torque and Thrustcoefficient of0.209and0.438. Based on these values,
thepropellerisable to work efficiently with J0831. Based on Table 1thecharacteristics of thepropellercan
already bein the know, butitcannot be aguarantee
whethernumericalsimulationspropellerrepresentactualconditions. The reasons are becausethere isa
correction, which isadummyhubwhichis a correctionto thepropellertorqueandthe emergence ofthe
phenomenon ofvortexonthepropellerhubandtip. Howeverthis simulationcan be usedas aninitialapproachin
the selection ofpropellerdesignin order tobe usedas abasis for
selectingpropellerdesignifsomealternativedesigns are generated. It isimportanttotestthe modelto know
whethercharacteristicsofpropellerdesignedare correct

Table 1. Numerical simulation results

Thrust Torque
J KT 10KQ Efficiency
(N) (Nm)
0.083 132.452 3.567 0.747 1.117 0.088
0.166 127.138 3.443 0.717 1.078 0.176
0.249 119.976 3.230 0.676 1.011 0.265
0.332 108.407 2.963 0.611 0.928 0.349
0.415 97.882 2.659 0.522 0.833 0.438
0.499 81.498 2.363 0.459 0.740 0.493
0.582 68.477 2.053 0.386 0.643 0.556
0.665 58.352 1.840 0.329 0.576 0.604
0.748 47.288 1.632 0.267 0.511 0.621
0.831 37.089 1.397 0.209 0.438 0.632
0.914 26.106 1.102 0.147 0.345 0.621
0.991 15.748 0.821 0.089 0.257 0.548
1.080 4.904 0.468 0.028 0.147 0.324

Based on thenumerical simulationsresults given in Table 1, the propellermodel can be

manufactured in theworkshop mechanicalworkshopof IHL, andfrom an open watertest a characteristicof
thepropellerhas been designed canbe known. The experiments carry outtake a constantpropellerrotation
contantly at 13 rpswithspeed variationofa carriagerange from0.194m/s to2,528m/s, where thevelocityinthe
modelscaleis 1: 7. Afterthe open water test, a dummyhub is measured toobtaina
correctionfactorofpropellertorquegenerated. The torque values resultsfrom the open water testwill be
corrected inthemeasurementof dummy hub. Torquecorrection is ussualy ranged from2% to 3%.
Thiscorrectionis importantbecause the effect onthe decreasing of thepropellertorquecan slightlyincrease
the efficiencyofpropellermodelsthat have beentested.
The open water test experiment as shown in Figure 6, is held in a calmwaterconditionin
accordancewith the rules ofthe ITTCstandard. Experiment resultsare presentedTable 2. It shows
The 9th International Conference on Marine Technology

thatvalues of the model propeller thrust is enoughto drivea minisubmarinemodelsfrompreviousresearch.

So thethrustthat causedby thepropelleris abletorun amini-submarinemodelsinevery speed variations.

Figure 6.Open water test experiment

Based on Table2, it is known thata maximum efficiency value is 0.644, where this valueis directly
proportional tothe value of the Thrust and Torquecoefficient of0.176and0.358. This experiment also
shows thatthe propelleris able to work efficiently at the J value of 0.824. This also prove that
thecharacteristics ofthe modelpropeller designed were correct

Table 2. Open water test result

Thrust Torque
J KT 10KQ Efficiency
(N) (Nm)
0.082 100.377 2.972 0.557 0.916 0.080
0.164 97.615 2.869 0.539 0.880 0.160
0.246 91.647 2.692 0.502 0.820 0.240
0.327 83.673 2.469 0.458 0.750 0.318
0.412 73.235 2.216 0.405 0.681 0.390
0.495 64.581 1.969 0.358 0.607 0.465
0.579 54.564 1.711 0.305 0.531 0.529
0.660 46.960 1.533 0.261 0.474 0.580
0.745 39.407 1.360 0.220 0.422 0.619
0.824 31.741 1.164 0.176 0.358 0.644
0.907 22.588 0.918 0.125 0.283 0.639
0.991 14.790 0.684 0.082 0.212 0.614
1.074 4.087 0.390 0.023 0.121 0.322

Based on Table 1 and Table 2above,it can be seenthat thenumericalcalculationsandtesta

modelinwhichcharacteristicsgetmore or lessthe samerange inwhich themaximumefficiencyvaluein the
range of0.6andJvalues of 0.8. This is also proved that thenumericalsimulationshave beenperformedcan be
usedas anearlyalternativetoknow the performance of the propellerdesigned before to do the experiment of
the model propeller
Table1andTable2 abovecanbe presentedin the form ofthe performancecharts given in Figure 7,
where Figure 7 (a) is based on the model experiment and Figure 7 (b) is based on the
numericalsimulation. Theresults ofthe modelexperiment can be usedas avalidationof the
The 9th International Conference on Marine Technology

Open Water Propeller Model Test Open Water Diagram CFD

1.0 1.2

0.9 KT
1.0 kT
10 KQ
Eff 0.9
0.7 EFF


0.6 0.7

0.5 0.6


0.1 0.1

0.0 0.0
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2
j j

Figure 7. Open Water Test results

5. Conclusion
From the results of the model propeller experiment and the numerical simulation, it indicates that
the maximum efficiency reaches 0.6, regardless thrust propeller differences generated. The propeller
thrust of the numerical simulation tends to be larger, due to the lack of numerical simulation of water
movement. It causes a water flow into the propeller tends to be restrained and makes the value of pressure
becomes larger than the pressure at the propeller side. But it gives no significant influence on the
characteristics of which is derived either from the propeller model test and numerical simulation. This can
be seen in the range of maximum efficiency in J 0.8.

6. Reference
[1] J.Carlton,(2007),MarinePropellersand Propulsion,2 ed.Oxford, UK (Butterworth- Heinemann)
[2] G.Kuiper, (1992),The Wageningen Propeller Series, MARIN Publication 92-001
[3] Erwandi,(2010),Laporan Hasil Pengujian Tahanan Kapal Selam 22 M.
[4] Edward V. Lewis, Editor (1988), Principles of Naval Architecture Second Revision, Published
by The Society of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineers. 601 Pavonia Avenue, Jersey City.

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