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A Learning Module for CTE Students Module

The Teaching Profession I

Esperanza B. Lusanta, Ed.D

This module was prepared to equipped students as future teachers on the rudiments of the
teaching profession, prepare the students in the world of teaching and hone their skills and
competence to be considered a 21st century teacher.
The subject deals with the teacher as a person and as a professional within the context of
national and global teachers standards anchored on educational philosophies. It also include
professional ethics, core values, awareness of professional rights, privelleges and responsibilities
as need as the teachers rale in the society as a transformative agent of change.
In this module the students will be guided with several section which will part into
detorts the targeted learning outcomes as stated in the outcome based framework regarding
teaching as a profession.


 Formulate awareness of the knowledge, insights, principles of the Teaching Profession as
a subject.
 Explain the life career skills for learners and teachers in the global landscape of the 21 st
 Discuss the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers.
 Reflect on the Teachers importance in honing the subject among the students as a
 Discover the rights and privelleges of Teachers and their teaching competence based on
the National Competency-Based Teacher Standards.
 Interpret the professional development for teachers.
 Discuss the legal Bases of the Teaching Profession.
 Take active part in the demonstration teaching.

What can you expect in this course module?

You will learn that each module contains specific indicator that lead you to love the Teaching
Profession to the utmost.
The module explore the following indicators;
 Module 1 – Course Overview/Classroom Policies/VMGO awareness, Memorize and
explain the philosophy and objective of the department and the institution as a whole.
 Module 2 – Elements of a Teaching Profession/Roles of a Teacher.
 Module 3 – The Teacher as a Person and as a Professional in the Society.
 Module 4 – The Teacher as a Model of Good Character, as a Community Leader and
Social Advocate.
 Module 5 – Laws Pertaining to Teachers – The Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers.
 Module 6 – Other Laws; Magna Carta for Public School Teachers Batas Pambansa Blg
232 – Educ Act of 1982.
 Module 7 – Curriculum Related Laws – Early Childhood Care and Development Act –
R.A. 10533 Enhanced basic learning Educ. Act of 2013.
 Module 8 – Philippine professional Standard for teachers.
 Module 9 – General Domains of Teaching Competence.
 Module 10 - General Domains of Teaching Competence.
 Module 11 – Classroom Management of Teachers.
 Module 12 – The Professional Teachers: Conformers of Legal Constitutional Mandates.
 Module 13 – Professional Teachers as Global Teachers.
Teaching and Learning Matrix
Unit Intended
Learning Outcomes Course Content Learning Activities Assessment Tasks
(chapter/unit title (activities to be (task to be forward
(objective of each and the IILO, PILO, utilized by the in accomplishing the
chapter/unit) CILO related to the teacher in delivering different learning
topic) the content) activities)
Memorize and explain VMGO awareness ppt. presentation Video presentation
the philosophy and Course overview lecture discussion then reflection
objective of the Classroom Policies Delivery of VMGO
department & the & subject syllabi
institutions as a whole orientation
Participates in the Elements of a Small group Written test
discussion Elements of Teaching Profession discussion sharing (reflection)
a Teaching Profession ideas lecturette Rubrics B
Reflect from demands Teacher as a PowerPoint/video Individual/Group
of society from the Professional and as a presentation sharing
teacher as a Person showing the teacher
professional and as a as a professional and
person as a person
Discuss the Code of Code of Ethics of Lecturette, Group presentation
Ethics of Professional Professional discussion video demonstration
Teachers Teachers presentation Rubrics C & E

Familiarize on the sale a teacher and the Lecturette, video Reflect on the
of a teacher with higher profession with presentation teacher’s with higher
authorities/other higher authorities authorities

Recognize a teacher and A teacher and his Video presentation Reflection Paper
his relationship with relationship with lecturette, discussion
parents & stakeholders learners, parents and Rubrics A & B
Discover the rights and Rights and Video viewing, Rubrics/Answering
privilleges of Teachers Privelleges of lecturette, discussion the reflection
based from Magna Teachers, Magna questions
Carta for Teachers Carta for Teachers
Discover the steps in Preparation of daily Lecturette/ Group/individual
preparing a lesson plan lesson plans discussion, sample presentation
lesson plan
Discuss the Teaching Teaching Lecturette/ Paper/Pencil Tests
Competence of Competence of discussion
Teachers based on the Teachers
Analyze how to be On Becoming a Video viewing, An Role playing
consider a global Global Teacher interview, reflection paper
teacher Interactive
Know the art of Classroom Video viewing Reflection Content
Classroom management Management Interactive Analysis
Techniques of Teacher Techniques of Discussion
Interpret the Professional Video/PPT Rubrics D
Professional Development for presentation,
Development for Teachers Interactive
Teachers discussion
Discuss the legal Bases Legal Bases of the Lecturette/ Individual/Group
of the Teaching Teaching Profession Interactive Outputs
Profession discussion,
Participate in the Demonstration Output Presentation Rubrics E
Demonstration Teaching (Part I) (Demo Teaching)
Teaching (Part I)
Take active part in the Demonstration Output Presentation Rubrics E
Demonstration Teaching (Part II) (Demo Teaching)
Teaching (Part II)
Take active part in the Demonstration Output Presentation Rubrics E
Demonstration Teaching (Part III) (Demo Teaching)
Teaching (Part III)

Love of God, self-fulfillment and service to others for a progressive, peaceful and humane

A center of educational excellence, whose graduates are global, imbued with high moral values,
socially responsible, and service-oriented.

Golden Gate Colleges, as a private non-sectarian institution, offers learners and scholars
excellent multidisciplinary programs through relevant instruction, research, scientific
training, and community development within the perspective of Christian ideals and values
to improve Filipino quality of life.

Golden Gate Colleges as an academic institution is God-centered, Goal-driven and Committed
to Excellence.


 Spiritually and Morally Empowered
 Academically and Technologically Competent
 Excellent Pedagogical and Andragogical Strategist
 Critical Thinker and Researcher
 Pro-Active Communicator and Collaborator
 Enthusiastic Lifelong Learner and Dynamic Leader
 Socially and Environmentally Responsive Filipino Citizen
 Manifest National Identity and International Individuality

Fosters human learning, growth and development in a productive, democratic and nurturing
environment in the service of Filipino people.

We envision a department whose graduates contribute to the advancement of knowledge and
worthwhile values that can respond to the current needs of society; be competitive locally and

Golden Gate Colleges, College of Teacher Education offers students and educators eclectic
programs to strengthen and broaden knowledge and values through quality instruction, training,
research and extension services.

Enhance competence and commitment of faculty members, students and administrative staff to
the values of Education for social justice, knowledge, service, leadership and foster unity in

 Provide the best opportunity for career growth and academic excellence among faculty
members and staff
 Promote a caring and supportive climate in values development
 Help improve lives of individuals
 Strengthen and develop linkages through collaboration, research and community
extension as formal activities in a changing and complex global society

Hello, CTE students

Welcome to one of the most essential subject as Education students; The Teaching
Lets start the session thru this prayer video

What does the song implies?

Lord we offer to you our lives this semester

As your teacher understanding this subject will help you achieve your dreams to the
utmost. Hold on fact.
Module I (Week 1)
Course Overview/Classroom Policies/VMGO Awareness
Pre-Learning Check
As a CTE student, are you familiar with the Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives of the
department as well as the institution?
Information check/sheets


Vision Goals



Vision Mission

Goals Objectives

Discussion Question (1)

How will you interpret the institution’s VMGO?
What do we want our graduates to be?
What does the institution offer?
How can it help the students?
What is GGC noted for?
Interpret in your own words that eight Institutional Intended Learning Objectives
Discussion Question (2)
How will you describe the philosophy of the College of Teacher Education?
What does the department envision to each graduate?
How will you interpret the CTE Mission?
Describe the goal of the department?
Discuss in your own words the objectives of the department?
Performance Task
Through a Venn diagram discuss the similarities and differences of the CTE department
and GGC as a whole

ON GGC’s identity and Institution Intended Learning Objectives;
Relate each of the objective to your life as a 21st century teacher following this scale
4 – Highly utilized 2 – Moderately utilized
3 – Utilized 1 – Least utilized
Learning Break
A. Course overview

Course Calendar
Target Date
Specific Topic/s Leads
(Week No.)
Course Overview/Classroom On line facilitated discussion of
August 20
Policies/VMGO Awareness VMGO policies of the department
(Week 1)
August 27 Elements of a Teaching Profession On line facilitated discussion,
(Week 2) Giving reflection
Demands of Society from the teacher On line teacher facilitated
Sept. 3 & 10
as a Professional and as a Person discussion with the help of
(Week 3 & 4)
video/ppt. presentation
Sept. 17
(Week 5)
Code of Ethics of Professional On line teacher facilitated
Sept. 24
Teachers Preamble/Article I-III discussion role playing of the diff.
(Week 6)
Code of Ethics
A Teacher and the Profession, with On line facilitated discussion with
Oct. 1
higher authorities, other personnel the help of video/ppt. presentation
(Week 7)

Oct. 8 A Teacher and his relationships with On line facilitated discussion with
(Week 8) Learners, Parent and a Person the help of video/ppt. presentation
Rights & Privileges of Teachers / On line lecturette/discussion &
Oct. 15
magna Carta for Teachers video viewing
(week 9)
Answering of reflection questions
Oct. 22
(week 10)
On Becoming a Global Teacher Lecturette/discussion on how to
Oct. 29 become a global teacher with the
(Week 11) help of video viewing and an
C. Teaching Competence of Lecturette/discussion thru ppt.
Teachers based on the Competency presentation about NCBTS and
Nov. 5&12
Based Teachers Standard steps in preparing a lesson plan
(Week 12&13) (NCBTS)
(including preparation/lesson plan)
Nov. 19
(Week 14)
Classroom Management and Teacher facilitated discussion thru
Nov. 26 Professional Development for the aid of video presentation group,
(Week 15) Teachers individual presentation
Legal Bases of the Teaching On line interactive discussion via
Dec. 3
Profession ppt. presentation & video viewing
(Week 16)
Part of Finals Teacher facilitated critiquing
Dec. 10 Demo Teaching (Part I) Demonstration Teaching (Part 1)
(Week 17) thru the help of rubrics
Demo Teaching (Continuation) Teacher facilities critiquing
Dec. 19 Demonstration Teaching
(Week 18) Part of Finals (Continuation)

B. Classroom Policies

Course Policies

1. Attendance – It is the responsibility of the students to come to class on schedule

and on time. Attendance will be checked regularly. Students who have incurred 12
hours of absence will be dropped from the roll and given a grade of FAILED.
2. Make up Exam/quizzes – would only be given to students with a VALID reasons
like illness (with medical certificate) and/or death of family member.
3. Academic Integrity – you are expected to maintain integrity at all times. Avoid
cheating during quizzes and assignments. Plagiarism would not be tolerated as
well. In the academic paper that would be submitted, proper citations/references
should be included.
4. Strictly submit all class requirements as scheduled.
5. Consult the professor for any problems regarding lessons and course requirements.
6. Maintain professional decorum at all times.
7. Strictly observe intellectual and academic honesty at all times. Acknowledge all
sources of information used in your papers and in class discussions.
8. Strict compliance to all policies as stipulated in the GGC student’s handbook.

C. Course Reference Materials

Major reference Materials:

 Bilbao Puspita P. Corpus Brenda B. Llagas Avelina T. Salandanan Gloria G.

(2018) The Teaching Profession, LORIMAR Publishing Co. Quezon City,
 Pawilen Greg Tabios, (2016) Teaching Profession, Passion and Mission, Rex
Bookstore, manila, Philippines
 Casihan Luvimi L; Caubic Rosalina A; Lim Lourdes (2014) The Teaching
Profession, Adriana Publishing Co.

Extended Reference Materials:

 Mc Gough Hannah & hunt Francis (2012) The Global Dimension: A Practical
Handbook for teacher Educators, University of London
 Sadker D.M and K.R. Zittle Man (2012) Teachers School and Society, Mc Graw
Hill, Co, Inc; New York
 NCBTS modules/handbooks

Prepared by:

Dr. Esperanza B. Lusanta

Module Developer

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