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Marketing Plan

Company A

Marketing Management
Dr. Ronnie Gao
Company A Marketing Plan 2

Table of Contents










Company A Marketing Plan 3




Company A Marketing Plan 4

Introduction and Objectives:


Company A is a family-owned fishing camp located 15 minutes east of K. City,

Ontario on Lake A. This location provides them the opportunity to offer several services

such as weekly cabin rentals, a fully licenced restaurant, guided fishing and hunting trips,

and a full service marina. Company A has been operating for over forty years since being

founded in 1971. Since the beginning the Company A have been forming life long

friendships with their guests and the camp now has four generations of loyal clientele.

Along with returning guests every year Company A also welcomes new guests, and hosts

various events, such as weddings, fundraisers, and conferences throughout the year.

Company A has a strong dedication to customer service, which has helped them

grow their client base over the years. This commitment is reflected in their mission


“Our mission is to provide our guests with an unforgettable experience. We do this

by building and maintaining personal relationships with our guests and customers
while delivering outstanding customer service and offering exceptional amenities all
at one of the most pristine locations on Lake A.”

Company A works hard to offer an unforgettable experience to all its guests and

hopes that they return for many years to enjoy the lifestyle that the Company A have built

their business around.


 Increase corporate market.

o The corporate market offers Company A the opportunity to cater to higher
income individuals, which in turn translates to higher revenue for the
o The goal is to add two or three new corporate accounts a year, which will
provide a drastic increase in revenue and the opportunity to sell multiple
services to one group.
Company A Marketing Plan 5

 Increase volume of cabin rentals during the slow part of the season by 15%.
o The first two weeks of July and the last two weeks of August typically
have a lower occupancy rate. Increasing the number of guests during this
time will have a large impact on revenue and help increase cash flow
during the earlier part of the season.
 Increase restaurant sales by 15%.
o Increasing the restaurant sales will help more effectively use human
resources and capitalize on one of the higher margin and higher volume
aspects of the business. The facilities, equipment, and staff are all in place
and capable of handling higher volume. Marketing efforts just need to be
made to increase traffic. Commented [AU1]: Good quantified objectives. You may
also like to briefly discuss how these objectives were reached
(i.e., to justify these objective decisions).

Situational Analysis
Internal Strengths and Weaknesses:
 Competitive prices
 Many services offered including accommodations, a fully licenced restaurant, a
full service marina, and guided fishing and hunting trips
 Location: One of the best fishing locations in the world; very close to the town
and to the wilderness
 Offer excellent customer service
 Environment: Small, friendly community
 Other amenities: Wi-Fi, marina, beach, beaver pond, and hiking trails
 Loyal customers

 Out-dated promotional efforts (old advertisements and advertising mostly limited
to radio).
 Seasonal industry: Only 100 days from Victoria Day weekend in May to Labour
Day weekend in September.
 Staffing challenges: hard to find and retain good staff
 Minimal staff training
 No corporate guidelines and standards for staff
 Lack of organization at managerial level.
 Inconsistent fish suppliers for restaurant
 Local residents consider restaurant too far out of town
 High operating costs due to the amount of required staff, utilities, and regular
 Aging clientele
Company A Marketing Plan 6

External Opportunities and Threats

 Facility expansion: add more docks and to create more seasonal docking spots and
increase revenue
 New public address (PA) system to host live entertainment events
 New point of sale (POS) system can provide financial analysis, inventory
management, and in depth sales reports
 Strong online presence and social media following
 Hire additional fishing guides to generate more revenue
 Lake A is becoming globally recognized as a world class fishing lake and boating
 Increasing strength of the US dollar
 US economy is rebounding from the 2009 recession

 Several competitors in close vicinity
 Weather and other uncontrollable factors heavily effect business
 Stricter government/environmental regulations
 Poor management of fishing resource by the Ministry of Natural Resources
 Changing fishing limits (trophy fish eliminated for some species and impending
threat of lowering limits)

Social, Economic, Demographic, Political, Legal, Financial Analysis,

Technological, and Ecological Threats Commented [AU2]: For parsimony purpose, you may like
to change the title to Macro-environment Analysis
 Catch and release fishing trend causes some individuals to get upset when guests
keep trophy fish.

 More foreign guests coming into what was a very consistent environment. The
main demographic consisted of conservative upper middle class US residents.
However this population is aging and the new generations have different views on
politics, faith, and family.

 Strengthening American dollar is a positive for Company A. American guests get
much better value.
 Recovering economy in US is allowing more households to spend money on
vacations and helping increase the number of reservations over the last couple

Political, Legal, Financial

 Increased safety regulations and inspections. Safety standards are becoming
difficult to comply with and often unreasonable. Following desired safety
standards can have huge impact on productivity (lowering productivity)
Company A Marketing Plan 7

 Ministry of Natural Resources is shifting from managing resources to

enforcement causing the sustainability of fish and wildlife levels to be questioned.
 Current nation Minister of Natural Resources is the local K. City MP and a close
friend to camp owner Al A. He offers a listening ear to local business and how the
government can help manage the natural resources in Lake A area so that it can
positively affect the tourism industry.

 Ownership is technologically challenged and has a hard time using technology to
their advantage.
 Company A does not have an online booking system.
 Company A has a new simple to use website and is making a strong impression
on social media.
 An online store to sell Company A products is currently being developed.
 Company A has a new point of sale system that the ownership is having difficulty
using and has not taken advantage of all the features it offers.

 Poor management of resources by the MNR could have a long-term effect on the
fishing industry on Lake A.
 Not properly regulated commercial fishing harms the fish population.
 Lack of recycling facilities often distress guests and customers (recycling services
are not offered by local government).
 Risk of gas spills and leakage into lake are a constant ecological threat.

Customer Value Analysis

The Company A currently has two typical customer groups. They are families

who come for a summer vacation, or groups of friends who go on fishing trip together.

The majority of the guests come from Midwestern area of the United States. Company A

hosts many guests from Illinois, Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Colorado, South Dakota,

and Indiana. Many guests have been faithfully retuning annually for many years,

including the families of the very first guests, who first stayed at Company A over forty

years ago.

The customer loyalty is a testament to the strength of the relationships that the

camp owners have built with their guests over the years. Typically guests have mid to
Company A Marketing Plan 8

high incomes, and conservative political views. This similarity between customers helps

create an inviting community that guest’s value being a part of.

The value customers receive at Company A is exceptional. While the prices may

be slightly higher than competing resorts, the amenities and customer service provide

much higher value for costumers. Guests constantly praise the camp for their exceptional

service and as it is a key part of every guests stay. The combination of services Company

A offers allows it to provide the best experience and value, which keep guests returning

year after year. Company A is an important part of many families’ summer traditions.

Industry-Competitor Analysis

Company A has several competitors that offer almost identical services. The

points-of-parity among these camps include guided fishing trips, a marina, cabin rentals,

a restaurant, and boat rentals. Both local and regional competitors overlap in regards to

target market. Appendix A shows information about competitors located between 15 and

100 kilometers away from Company A. Location, services offered, target market, price

comparison and points-of-difference are listed.

The main competitors are those located closest to Company A. They are

Competitor A, Competitor B and Competitor C. A couple of camps in Manitoba and

Northern Ontario are considered main competitors because they share the same target

markets as Company A. Despite their distance from the US, camps like Canada Fly-In

Outposts, Halley’s Camps, and Anderson’s Lodge, offer vacations to their American

customers at reasonable rates. Totem Resorts, which are close to Company A, are

considered a direct competitor because their prices are considerably higher than Company
Company A Marketing Plan 9

A, and they target a higher income customer. Totem Resort is the only camp that is

currently targeting Corporate Customers.

Perceptual Map

Organization Capabilities Strategy

Company A has several strengths that work strongly to their advantage. The Commented [AU3]: How are these strengths different
from the Strengths you discussed at the SWOT analyses? In
this part, you may like to focus your organizational
owners are long standing members of the local community and have a deep network of capabilities discussion on a customer value perspective, i.e.,
what are the value propositions your company has for your
friends and acquaintances in the surrounding area. The camp owners are very relational target customers, and how they match the customer needs
and wants.

which has allowed them to build long lasting relationships with their guests. The services

that Company A offers pair together well and functions so that guests and customers can

take advantage of a several services during their stay. By offering such a combination of

services Company A is able to leverage them into packages that help increase value and
Company A Marketing Plan 10

revenue. Along with an attractive product offering Company A is located in on one of the

most prime pieces of real estate on Lake A. Their location offers sheltered boat docking,

a large sand beach with a southern exposure, and unmatched views of the lake.

Additionally they are only fifteen minutes from the closest town, K. City Ontario, and

five minutes from a gas station/convenience/liquor store.

The staff at Company A are trained so they learn a wide variety of skills that

allows them to provide excellent customer services. From the moment customers arrive

they are greeted and offered assistance with anything they may need. Throughout their

stay the staff are observing their behaviour to anticipate their needs and meet them before

the customer asks for assistance.

Segmentation Strategy
The fishing camp industry has a very diverse market. With some customers

looking for a place where they can use their highly developed fishing techniques, to

customers who have never gone fishing before and might only do it once in their lifetime.

Something most guests’ share is that they travel in groups, mainly small or medium

groups of 4-8 people. While the group sizes are similar the needs and expectations of

each type of customers choosing or coming to any fishing camps are unique.

Five market segments were identified for the fishing camp industry: multi-

generational male groups, adult groups, families with children, local and summer

residents, and corporations. The segments were determined by the behaviour and Commented [AU4]: You need to clearly mention the
segmentation variable(s) you used to reach these five
segments. A detailed description of the segmentation process
motivations of its members and their characteristics are explained in the following is desired.

Company A Marketing Plan 11

Multi-generational male groups are customers that are fairly experienced anglers

that have been fishing for years. These groups typically include two or three different

generations of males: grandfather, father, and children. Fishing trips have become a

family tradition and are an activity that these men enjoy doing together. These groups

usually have their own equipment; they do not require a guide or much assistance. Male

generational groups are low maintenance for the camp, but they have higher expectations.

They will assume that all members of staff are knowledgeable in fishing, hunting, or

other activities available in the camp. This is the most common type of customer and they

will judge their experience in the camp based on the success of their fishing and the

staff’s expertise. This segment is loyal and appreciates informal interaction and

familiarity with camp staff members.

Another market segment is the families with children. This segment includes a

family with kids usually less than 18 years of age. This group likely includes a member

that has been on a fishing trip before, which is usually the father. Other members of the

family may or may not be interested in fishing and will take advantage of some of the

camp’s other amenities that don’t require them to fish. This segment will have more

interaction with staff members. Their experience in the camp will be judged by their

overall experience with staff, accommodations, the restaurant, and other facilities rather

than solely the fishing experience.

Adult groups include male groups or mixed-gender groups. This market segment

is looking to have fun while doing an outdoor activity, either fishing, boating, or water

sports. Members of the adult segment are mostly men between 25-60 years old, woman in

this group ages is mainly between 30-45 years old. They have a little experience with
Company A Marketing Plan 12

these activities but their main focus is to have a good time. The needs and expectations of

is a mix between those of the families with children and multi generational segments.

Therefore, both their interaction with staff members and their success while fishing will

determine their overall satisfaction with the camp they visit.

Summer residents and locals represent two different segments but share the same

characteristics during the summer. Summer residents are temporary but frequent visitors

that know the area that still expect to be treated as guests, not strangers. They appreciate

being recognized by staff and feeling that they are being welcome “home” whenever they

come back to town. Locals are used to the floating residents coming to town on a

seasonal basis. They will not be staying at the camp, but will use other services at the

camp such as the marina or restaurant. Both local and summer residents are familiar with

the industry and will appreciate aggregated value without any extra charge, similar to the

multi-generation segment.

Corporations represent a small, but very profitable segment. One business

customer can bring enough people to get the camp to full capacity, and yet, it is easier to

manage as bill and other services are dealt with only a few people. The expectations of

this group are higher in regards to professionalism and organization from staff members.

Providing service to this segment involves more coordination among staff members and

management. This segment is aware that it represents a significant income for the camp,

so will try to negotiate pricing and will look for customized service. Due to its large size,

this segment is highly profitable if it is appropriately managed and operations flow

smoothly, without neglecting other customers.

Company A Marketing Plan 13

Company A will be targeting three of the five segments: families with children,

local and summer residents and corporations. One of Company A core competencies is

customer service, and these three segments value this attribute more than the other ones.

Local and summer residents will be attracted to the camp’s restaurant and marina.

Families with children will find staff members ready to help them make the best of their

stay. They will also enjoy the restaurant and the close proximity to K. City, which

provides more activities for guests who are not fishing enthusiast. Corporations will find

staff willing to make adaptations for their stay and packages that are appealing to

managers. Each segment will have a specific target strategy. Commented [AU5]: Great to see that you properly
justified your targeting decision.

Targeting Strategy

Target Market 1: Families with Children

Families with children represent a new market segment that Company A can

target. Young families seeking a summer vacation location should choose Company A

because its facilities provide excellent family friendly activities for all ages.

The main competitors for this target market include Halley’s Camps, Competitor C, and

Competitor A. Judging by the image each of these places reflect on their websites, they

seem to be targeting families, specifically, families that are looking for a calm outdoor

vacation destination. Other camps tend to focus mainly on attracting men who are hobby

anglers. Redden’s and Halley’s Camps offer the options for hunting which is the main

point-of-difference from Company A. Competitor A offers some of the same features as

Company A, but does not have a restaurant and marina, which are services desired by this

target market, giving Company A a competitive advantage.

Company A Marketing Plan 14

Target Market 2: Summer Residents and Visitors

The population for K. City Ontario increases from 15,000 residents in the winter

and then doubles during the summer months.1 This huge influx in population is because

the area is a popular cottage destination. Targeting the local and summer residents will

drive traffic to the camps restaurant and marina.

For this target market Company A faces many competitors. In this case other resorts

are not the direct competition but rather other restaurants, marinas, and fishing guides

because those are the services this target market requires. There are several restaurants in

the town of K. City. However there are none east of town or close to Company A.

Company A is also one of the only restaurants accessible by water and land, making it an

attractive destination for tourists.

Target Market 3: Corporate Groups

Company A has had success capturing larger accounts when catering towards

corporate groups. Typically these groups feature between 6-30 or more people. The

reason they are a great target market is because their invoices at the end of the stay are

often much higher because of the volume, and they use more services. A typical group

will stay for 2-4 days, hire several fishing guides, and eat two meals in the restaurant as

well as consume several alcoholic beverages every day.2 When adding all theses services

together it generates a lot of revenue for the business. Additionally it brings new people

the facility and introduces them to life at Company A, which often results in private

bookings when they return with their friends or family. Company A currently caters to a

number of corporate groups every year but the desire is to grow this market segment by a

few groups annually. Alan A., the camp owner identifies this market segment as one of
Company A Marketing Plan 15

the most profitable for the camp. The reality is that adding as little as two new corporate

groups a year can increase revenues by $25,000 - $50,000. Corporate groups also can

help fill vacancy during slower times throughout the season in spring or fall.

Corporate groups are attracted to the services Company A offers for a variety of

reasons. They use their stay as an opportunity for a retreat, to conduct team-building

exercises, or to entertain clients. Company A has the facilities and equipment to easily

accommodate these types of needs and offer any other services a corporate group may


Totem Resorts is the main direct competitor for Company A in this target market.

Totem Resorts offers a wide variety of packages and options targeted at organizations.

Nonetheless, Company A can satisfy different needs than the competitor. While Totem

Resorts services and facilities offer more to the customer, its price is much higher and it

is in a more remote location. Company A provide simple and quality services at a lower

cost and higher value for customers. This allows the company to enter and further explore

this market segment with promising results.

Brand Positioning Strategy

Company A’ is its own brand name, and this is what the brand equity will be built

around. The goal is to create a new and improved logo for Company A that will aid in

differentiating the brand from others, while making merchandise more appealing. A

strong logo is important as it is the first impression potential customers have when they

visit the website or see an advertisement. There is not a need for a Camp mascot or

character due to the size of the organization, because an enticing slogan can make up for
Company A Marketing Plan 16

it. The current slogan “Come play in our backyard” could be updated to appeal to a

broader audience.3 A new slogan could be written below all logos and advertisements to

help catch attention and build an image of the camp. An alternate option instead or in

addition to a new slogan is to add the mantra: Fish, Family, Fun to Company A’ brand.

This mantra is also short, simple, and memorable, while accurately communicating the

desired brand image and services offered by Company A. Having the brand present in

promotional efforts will help promote the fun and friendly feeling Company A seeks to


Through the use of the Company A Fishing Club we are able to create a brand

community. This is a place where a community of guests and employees are able to share

their stories, pictures and experiences with fishing and Company A. This allows guests to

feel connected to the brand while not being at the camp. Shared experiences will help

bring out memories experienced at Company A and will hopefully entice guests to return,

and be excited about their return. Commented [AU6]: This is a very good idea, but you may
like to discuss in detail how you will design and implement
The goal of Company A is to communicate how it is a fun, relaxing and exciting

place to be for all ages. The value proposition Company A offers to promote this is:

Company A ensures a stress free and fun fishing getaway in which the staff will take care

of all your needs and concerns.

When looking at competitors in the local geographic area, it is easy to understand

points-of-parity, as they are all fishing camps. It is the points-of-difference that should be

the center of focus. Many of the other camps offer more hunting tours. While Company A

offers hunting excursions, they are not very popular activity. A couple of the competitors

have extra leisure facilities that Company A does not offer. Competitor A has a sauna and
Company A Marketing Plan 17

Totem Resorts has a sauna along with a gym with massage packages. What Company A

offers that not all competitors offer are a restaurant, gas pump, boat ramp, and beachfront

swimming and free canoe rentals. On top of these differences, a key advantage Company

A has is location. It is the closest camp to town, and therefore is easy for guests to

accesses all the amenities available in K. City. All of the points-of-difference are

desirable to customers and deliverable by Company A.

The camp mantra and positioning capture the environment Company A wishes to

create, and meets the needs of customers. When people are on vacation, they want to do

something they enjoy doing while being comfortable and welcomed. It is a goal of the

staff at Company A to take care of all the guests’ needs. If there is anything they need

before going on a fishing trip, the staff takes care of it. The guests never have to worry

about untying or tying up their boats because the staff is there waiting to do it for them.

The staff will even clean and prepare the fish that the guests catch. The care for the guests

that the staff embodies, help build the family feel of the camp. The benefit of a small

camp allows for guests to get to know each other as well and the staff. This enhances the

experience by making the vacation more comfortable and enjoyable. Everyone at the

camp becomes one big family for the duration of the trip. This is an attractive attribute for

the corporate guests as their corporate employees are able to relax while bonding as a

group or corporate family. Commented [AU7]: Good discussion.

Product Strategy
Company A offers a variety of products and services, of which the most

substantial are weekly cabin rentals, a fully licensed restaurant, a full service marina and
Company A Marketing Plan 18

bait store, and guided fishing trips. All the products and services complement each other

and customers usually participate in multiple aspects of the business. This combination of

services cannot be found anywhere else in the area at a competitive price or a more ideal


Each product and service that is offered has a unique benefit to the customer. The

weekly cabin rentals provide guests with contemporary accommodations that offer all the

amenities and comforts of home. Cabins have to sizes, either three or four people and Commented [AU8]: ?

depending on the size can accommodate anywhere from four to eight guests. The Old

Pilots Pub located at Company A offers a variety of dining options but specializes in

preparing fresh Lake A walleye, a type of fish sought after and enjoyed by almost

everyone in the area. The marina and bait shop at Company A are the only ones east of K.

City and one of the only places on the entire lake that offers a boat launch, fuel, and bait.

There are many fishing guides on the Lake but very few have as much experience or

credibility the camps main guide, Al A.

Different target markets will take advantage of a different combination of

services. The corporate target market will often utilize all the service Company A offers

so that they can maximize their time at the camp and have the best experience possible.

Using all of Company A services is the most costly but it requires guests to do extremely

little work and instead just relax and enjoy themselves for the duration of their stay. The

local and summer resident target market will very rarely use the cabin rentals but instead

spend their time at the restaurant, the marina, or on a guided fishing trip. Often this target

market just uses one service at a time while occasionally taking advantage of multiple

services. The families with children target market will rent a weekly cabin, and purchase
Company A Marketing Plan 19

goods from the marina, but will not as likely eat meals at the Old Pilots Pub or go on a

guided fishing trip. Instead they will use some of the other features Company A offers

such as the sand beach and hiking trails.

Company A works hard on keeping its customers satisfied which has resulted in

very low customer complaints. The biggest issues that arise because of low customer

satisfaction are when the restaurant is really busy the service gets slow, which causes

impatient customers to be frustrated. A major problem causer is bad weather, which

unfortunately is out of the control of the staff and management. When the weather is bad

and guests are stuck inside then it can cause them receive mild cases of cabin fever.

However the staff works hard and to offers games, big screen televisions, and free

Internet to help pass them time if the weather is not cooperating. Throughout the summer

season there are occasional maintenance malfunctions that require immediate attention

and can risk negatively affecting a guest’s stay. However these matter are always

attended to quickly to reduce complaints and keep customer satisfaction high.

Company A product offering provides exceptional value to its guests. The prices

are on the higher end of what similar services are offered by the competitors but the value

of the services is much higher. Company A provides many additional benefits to a guest’s

experience, which greatly increases the perceived value of the service. These benefits

include outstanding customer service, a weekly guest appreciation fish fry, free bagged

ice, free fish processing, and a life long relationship with the camp owners that causes

most guests to return year after year.

Customer service is a pivotal part of Company A’s business model and this

dedication to outstanding service is highlighted in the mission statement. Customer

Company A Marketing Plan 20

service is provided by training staff to go beyond expectations to meet guest’s needs.

Since Company A is in the service industry the staff are often awarded gratuities for their

hard work, which helps motivate them to offer the outstanding service they pride

themselves on. The goal of the staff is to make the guests lives as easy as possible. The

service expectations are outlined in a detailed training manual, which all staff are

required to familiarize themselves with so they know what is expected. Company A has

proven their superior customer service for many years and continues to use it as a

building block for future success. Commented [AU9]: Very good product strategy

Pricing Strategy

Company A currently has different packages available for purchase, each

including different options and prices. All pricing information is taken from The packages are as followed:

American Package
 $160/person
 Includes:
 Launching and docking the boat with electrical hookups
 Parking for the trailer
 Private cabin complete with kitchen, bath, and linens
 Morning and evening meals
 Professional processing and freezing of fish
 All ice required

Cabin Package #1 (Weekly Rentals)

 $1,350 for 2 bedroom cabin (up to 4 people)
 $1,750 for 3 bedroom cabin (up to 6 people)
 $2,000 for deluxe 3 bedroom cabin (up to 6 people)
 $55 for each additional person
 Includes:
 Launching and docking boat with electrical hookups
Company A Marketing Plan 21

 Parking for trailer

 Private cabin complete with kitchen, bath, and linens
 Fish cleaning and processing supplies

Cabin Package #2 (Daily Rentals)

 $225/night for 2 bedroom cabin (up to 4 people)
 $330/night for 3 bedroom cabin (up to 6 people)
 $375/night for 3 bedroom deluxe cabin (up to 6 people)
 $55 for each additional person
 Includes:
 Launching and docking boat with electrical hookups
 Parking for trailer
 Private cabin complete with kitchen, bath, and linens
 Fish cleaning and processing supplies

Resolute Island Outpost

 $100/person/night without boat
 $150/person/night with motor boat and gas (min 4 people)

Guided Fishing Trips

 2-4 people $90/hour
 5-6 people $95/hour
 7-8 $110/hour (maximum 8 people)
 Includes:
 Minimum 6 hour trip
 Fuel, bait, soft drinks, and shore lunch

Custom Trips
 Pricing is determined on a case-by-case basis
 Includes:
 History tours
 Ice fishing in heated huts
 Ecology and educational trips
 Other trip the guests request

Company A uses a product-quality leadership style when selecting their price

objectives. Company A believes they are able to offer the greatest value to their

customers due to the quality of the services they offer. The pricing of their products and

services are then relative to the quality of said products and services, while remaining

competitive. By examining the prices and quality of immediate competitors, Company A

will be better prepared to price their own goods and services relative to competitors.
Company A Marketing Plan 22

Company A aims to be priced in the top 20% of fishing camps in the area. This is a form

of going rate pricing with an addition of perceived quality.

There is some sensitivity with the pricing, as many of the guests at Company A

are American, resulting in goods being generally more expensive north of the border.

Lowering the price is not an option, so in order to make up for those who complain about

price, Company A must ensure leading customer-service quality. There are other camps

on the lake that offer similar services, but Company A has an advantage through superior

service. As many of the customers are loyal customers, price increases with inflation will

not be enough to deter guests. There is a concern that increasing the price too

aggressively will result in a decrease in revenue, and therefore small incremental

increases will be preferred. To help avoid cancellations or to minimize the damage from

cancellations there is a nonrefundable deposit paid by guests when booking the trip.

The prices at Company A have not been modified in several years, which must

change as operating costs continue to increase with inflation. With the new plans to

increase marketing and advertising expense, prices will need to increase to reflect this.

To estimate costs for future budgets, previous income statements will be examined to

discover the trends of increasing operating costs. We can also use this as a basis for

determining how much we need to budget for new advertising ventures. Much of the

operating expenses of the cabins, boats, and restaurant are fixed costs and simpler to

estimate. The current plan is to increase prices 1-2% every year.

Implement the returning guest promotion to will help counter the price increases.

If customers book a trip one year in advance, they will receive the current year’s price.

Other discounts will be offered through the implementation of the referral program. Commented [AU10]: Were these initiatives developed by
your group or by the client? Please specify.
Company A Marketing Plan 23

Company A will not offer any introductory pricing options for first time users because we

are not looking to attract one-time users. Company A is about building a family of loyal

customers who will be rewarded for returning, not coming once. The current method of

payment is credit, and booking is done over the phone with a Company A representative.

The implementation of an online payment and bookings system will allow customers to

do more of the process themselves if they choose. This will be a more efficient method Commented [AU11]: You may like to mention this as a
recommendation in the Executive Summary (ES) part when
you are sending the MP to your client company. I understand
for both customers and Company A employees. that you do not have an ES part in this version, but adding it
in your client copy will make your MP look more

Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy

In the past the typical consumer has learned about Company A through word of

mouth advertising. New guests and customers come because of a recommendation by a

family member, friend, or colleague. Many times customers will bring a friend with them

for a week of fishing and then the following season the friend will return with their

families. Word of mouth has been a powerful tool that has helped Company A be a

successful business thus far, however more intentional marketing efforts will have to be

made for the resort to see exponential growth in the future.

With this marketing plan Company A will shift its target market and begin

focusing on corporate groups, local and summer residents, and families with children.

This shift will call for a new promotional strategy that focuses elements of advertising,

public relations, personal selling, and sales promotion to reach the targeted customers.


Current advertising methods that are being used are magazine ads, radio ads, and

road signs. These forms of advertising have a strong impact but in a very limited
Company A Marketing Plan 24

geographical range. This works good for the local and summer resident target market but

fails to reach the other two target markets.

Current and new advertising methods will be used which are radio ads,

advertising in local newspapers and magazines, advertising in fishing magazines, social

media advertising, event sponsorship, and coupons. Ads will be created by an outside ad

agency to ensure creativity, unbiased and high quality design, as well as for the higher

probability of reaching communication objectives.

Print ads will aim to direct viewers to the camps website which provides a

platform for communication to begin between the business and the potential customers.

Additionally the website has all the pertinent information that a potential customer needs

so that they can learn about the camp and be enticed to purchase the services that

Company A offers.

Radio Advertising

Advertising on K. City’s two local radio stations CJRL The Lake 89.5 FM and

Q104 will serve as a way to reach the local and summer resident target market. This

method of advertising has been used for the past several years and has proven to be

successful. Radio ads are limited to a certain geographical area but effectively reach

people in the vicinity. Radio ads are typically low cost and can be broadcasted frequently,

which gives it a large reach and great value. The ads themselves can be produced and

modified very quickly and are easily adaptable to promote various events and services

throughout the season. Radio advertising also has high target market selectivity because

the ads can be broadcasted during certain programing that attracts a specific listener. For

Company A this means that their ads can be broadcasted at times when the listener is of
Company A Marketing Plan 25

the desired target market, making it easier to reach multiple target markets with one

advertisement. Another benefit of radio advertising is the fact that light magazine and

newspaper readers spend more time listening to the radio. This means that if print ads do

not reach potential customers there is a good chance the radio ads will.

Radio ads will be most effective if used through the summer, which is the busiest

time of the season. Radio ads will be used to target customers for the resorts restaurant,

the Old Pilots Pub, and the camps fish guiding and marina services. To be the most

successful radio ads will begin in June and peak in July, then start winding down in

August and finishing by the Labor Day weekend.

Local Newspapers and Magazines

There are several local news publication that offer advertising opportunities. The K.

City Stuff Magazine and the K. City Daily Minor News are the two largest publications

with the most circulation.

The K. City Stuff Magazine is published once a year and showcases events and

businesses in the K. City area, as well as offers coupons to many local businesses.

Company A could establish a presence in this magazine by placing a small advertisement,

and offering a coupon for the restaurant. This magazine is really popular among tourist

because it is a free publication that showcases events and activities in and around K. City.

It also highlights shopping and dining establishments in the area. This will help reach the

local and summer residents target market and provide them with an exposure to a print ad

about Company A.

The Daily Minor News is published daily and contains stories about local news and

events. It is a trusted source of news and a respected publication. The Daily Minor News
Company A Marketing Plan 26

offers print and online advertising, which are both features Company A could take

advantage of. Using his newspaper would reach the local and summer resident target

market. Locals purchase the paper to keep with what is going on around town while the

summer residents use it to learn about events. The type of ad created for newspaper

would be a display ad that focuses on the competitive advantages of the restaurant. These

are the high quality food, the availability of fresh Lake A walleye, the extensive wildlife

displays, the location accessible by land and water, and the famous Friday and Saturday

night all you can eat prime rib and fish buffets. Several ads can be run throughout the

summer highlighting different competitive advantages so they appeal to a broader

audience. The advantages to newspaper advertising are similar to those of radio

advertising in terms of frequency and reach. However they offer more opportunity for

creativity and reader involvement. If the ad catches the eye of the reader then they are

likely to interact with it and process the message it is communicating and react to it.

Fishing Magazines

Advertising in fishing magazines such as Outdoor Canada, Sport Fishing, In-

Fisherman, Just Fishing, Real Fishing, or Hooked Magazine will help inform a broad

audience about our the products Company A offers. The target market that fishing

magazine ads will focus on is the families with children. The ads will be created to

communicate the facilities and services offered such as weekly cabin rentals, guided

fishing trips, all-inclusive packages, and the family friendly resort. The camps mantra

Fish, Family, Fun will be communicated through these ads as well as the core

competencies. These ads will likely be more expensive then local advertisements so they

may not be used as frequently. The ideal time to run ads in fishing magazines is
Company A Marketing Plan 27

throughout the winter months when customers will be planning a fishing trip for the

upcoming season. However due to the nature of the business and the reduced cash flow

throughout the off season planning and purchasing ads for the next season before the

current season may be a good practice to ensure that there is room in the advertising

budget for such a campaign. Commented [AU12]: The above types of advertising are

Event Sponsorship Commented [AU13]: Event sponsorship is actually a form

of PR, so you may like to move it to the following PR
Sponsoring local events is nothing new to Company A; however making a heavier

sponsorship presence in the community may have a very positive effect on business.

Sponsorship gives the impression of generosity towards the business owners and creates a

positive feeling about the quality and success of the organization. Event sponsorship

would target the local and summer resident market and aim to help establish a brand

name and presence in the community. There are many local events occurring throughout

the season that offer sponsorship opportunities. Some of these events are the Bronzeback

Classic Bass tournament, Harbourfest, and the K. City Bass International.

The Bronzeback Classic is a smaller but while known local fishing tournament that

lasts two days and draws a hundred fishing teams and hundreds of spectators. The price

of sponsorship for this event ranges from $250-$1000. Commented [AU14]: Great to see the numbers you
provided (here and in the following). Please provide the
information sources.
Habourfest is K. City’s largest event every summer, which takes places on the

August long weekend and draws thousands of visitors. Harbourfest features three nights

of musical entertainment provided by some of the industries biggest artists and

attendance by thousands of individuals.

The K. City Bass International (KBI) is the areas largest fishing tournament. It

draws competitors from all over North America. The KBI has a 150 boat field with a top
Company A Marketing Plan 28

prize of $25,000. The three day tournament is capped off with the final weigh in which

features the top ten boats parading through the Whitecap Pavilion and weighing their fish

in front of thousands of screaming fans. The KBI is also broadcast on live television

across Canada and is one of the most popular events in K. City every summer. The price

of sponsorship for the KBI ranges from $200-$30,000.

Public Relations

Public relations at Company A have been minimal throughout the duration of the

businesses life. Company A has a close community of guests and customers and public

relations do not extend far past this group. New forms of public relations can and will

need to take place as the camp grows its customer base and builds brand recognition.

Forms of public relations that Company A can take advantage of are social media a new

website/social club called the Company A Fishing Club.

Social Media

Company A currently has a well-established prescience on Facebook. This has

served as an excellent platform to interact with customers and share news and events

about the camp and the Lake A and Sunset Country area. The response to some of the

camps posted has been outstanding with some posts reaching ten to thirteen thousand

people. Company A Facebook page is used to create an online community where guests

and customers can share and interact with each other, as well as offer a media outlet for

the camp to share photos, videos and news.

Company A also has a prescience on YouTube where it shares promotional,

educational, and miscellaneous videos that they create. The video’s are hosted on

YouTube but shared on Facebook so that they reach a broader audience. YouTube allows
Company A Marketing Plan 29

users to easily share the videos, which is why it was chosen as the hosting platform for

that type of media.

A social media that is not yet being used but could be introduced to Company A

followers is Instagram. Instagram is an effective way to share photos and short videos (15

seconds of less). Instagram currently has over 200 million active users and has content

that is easily shareable with other social networks like Facebook and Twitter.5 Company

A could use Instagram to share photos of fish, meal specials, guests, and events around

camp. This will allow current guests to stay in touch and receive up to date photos and

information as well as showcase the camp to potential customers who are reviewing it on

social media.

Company A Fishing Club

Company A Fishing Club is an online community where members can share

photos and stories of their fishing adventures, get up to date fishing reports and tips, and

be a part of a exclusive club that receives special promotions and deals at Company A. A

website will need to be created and it will be an online interactive platform where

members can share their fishing stories. The fishing club will be free to join upon the

submission of a photo proving the entrant caught a fish. Incentive for joining can be

monthly prizes given for things like biggest fish or best photo. Also the website can be

leveraged with Company A Facebook page to increase content and followers for both


Personal Selling

Personal selling is not prominent in the promotional part of the marketing mix due

to the low volume and highly repetitive customer base. Over the course of the last forty
Company A Marketing Plan 30

years the camps ownership has developed deep relationships with guests, which has

required a little amount of personal selling. A new personal selling method that can be

introduced is a referral program where current guests get a discount for referring new


Referral Program

Company A can introduce a referral program to help acquire new customers. How

it would work is that current guests who refer a friend to stay at the camp for a week will

be rewarded with 10% off their next stay. This translates into a $130-$200 of savings for

the current guest. Introducing a referral program is a way to have individuals selling the

camps services without having to actually employ anyone. It also allows for an extremely

low cost of customer acquisition and helps build brand and customer loyalty. Using a

referral program also help maintain current customers because for them take advantage of

their referral discount they need to return the resort for a week. This will help reach all

three target markets because the referral program will be open to all existing guests.

Sales Promotion

Company A can offer a number of sales promotions and events to attract new

customers and reach the desired target markets. Sales promotions such as returning guest

discounts and events like fishing derbies and fish fries will encourage repeat business and

build a buzz around Company A. Coupons will also be distributed to encourage new

customers and reward existing customers for their patronage.

Company A Marketing Plan 31

Returning Guest Discount

Company A can offer a returning guest a discount to help encourage repeat

business. If guests book a year in advance they will receive the current years rates. This is

beneficial to Company A because it helps them plan and book cabins early. As well when

guests leave a deposit it increases the camps cash flow. Additionally it will indirectly help

other promotional efforts such as the referral program because if guests book a year in

advance and are planning on returning, they will be more likely to invite friends and

family to join them so they can capitalize on the referral discount.

Fishing Derby

2015 can be the start of a longstanding summer tradition, the annual Company A

Fishing Derby. The fishing derby would be a one-day event that would consist of a

fishing tournament followed by a dinner, awards presentation, and after party. It could be

well advertising and include camp guests, local anglers, and summer cottagers. It would

be a relaxed fishing tournament where teams would compete against each other in a

variety of categories with small prizes which include fishing equipment, and gift cards to

the Old Pilots Pub. After the fishing tournament there could be an outdoor fish fry and

awards ceremony where all the anglers and any of their friends and family members

could enjoy each other’s company and celebrate a good day of fishing. Prizes would be

awarded for various categories including largest fish, fish closest to specific

measurements, and fish that are closed to a mystery weight that is only revealed after the

tournament. Additional prizes for various team configurations, age groups, and boat sizes

can also be awarded. Company A could ask local fishing shops to sponsor the event by

donating prizes for the participants. This would help build a relationship between local
Company A Marketing Plan 32

businesses and give them low cost advertising. Following the dinner an after party in the

Old Pilots Pub could be had featuring live music or a professional disc jockey. This event

could also garner unpaid press, which would help gain attention for the camp and in

return attract new customers. There is not a public family friendly fishing derby currently

taking place in K. City so this event has potential to become a well-known competition in

the community.

Fish Fries

Company A currently has a private weekly fish fry every Wednesday for camp

guests as a guest appreciation activity. These are always very popular events and often

the public who is not invited tries to extend an invitation for themselves but are usually

turned away. Introducing a community fish fry on weekends where customers can show

up during certain hours and receive a fresh shore lunch style meal outside on the camps

sand beach would be a great way to offer a new service and appeal to new customers. A

fish fry allows customers to enjoy a shore lunch style fish fry without the cost of a guided

fishing trip. Guests can have the whole meal provided by Company A or have the option

of providing their own fish, which would reduce the cost of the meal for the consumer

and make it more attractive to them. Logistically they type of event would be very easy to

orchestrate and could be run by one staff member. This type of event would target locals

and summer residents who do not fish themselves but would enjoy the shore lunch

experience. This event would also appeal to camp guests because it would give them the

opportunity to enjoy a shore lunch without the hassle and effort of having to prepare it

Company A Marketing Plan 33


Coupons are a great way to attract new customers because they are low risk to the

consumer. They lower the customers perceived risk of trying a new product or service.

Coupons get the customers in the door and then ideally they will enjoy themselves and

return for future services. A coupon issued in a newspaper or magazine for an item such

as a free appetizer or desert with the purchase of an entrée will convince new customer to

try Company A while being relatively low cost advertisements. The target market

coupons would entice local and summer residents who would come to the restaurant. The

purpose of coupons is twofold, one reason to use them is to attract new customers, and

the other is to reward existing customers for their patronage and encouraging them to

return again. Commented [AU15]: Very detailed promotional mix

strategy. The best part in your paper.

Distribution Strategy

All products and services of Company A will be offered to customers directly and

they will have to come to the camp location to receive the products and services. Due to

the type of offering Company A has, customers are willing to travel in order to receive

their unique services. Location and access to the Company A facilities are ideal as it is

only 15 minutes outside of town while still feeling completely surrounded by nature. The

season in which the Camp is open and available for customers is May-September. This is

the season when the weather is most favorable and when most families are looking for a

vacation getaway. There simply is not enough volume in the winter months for it to be

worthwhile to keep the Camp open. The restaurant takes private bookings for events such

as Christmas parties but other than that the services offered in the winter are limited. One
Company A Marketing Plan 34

way we plan to aid the customers in receiving our product is by developing an online

booking and payment system so they will not have to call the office if they do not wish.

Potential customers will easily be able to see when and for how long cabin rentals are

available. Making the process smoother for customers will hopefully improve their

overall experience of Company A.

The marketing plan will be implemented throughout the year even though it is a

seasonal business. This plan is designed to start activities at the beginning of January

2015, progressively increasing its efforts and peaking during fishing season. Other

activities will be consistent throughout the year to maintain awareness and to advertise

during “holiday planning season”. A full implantation schedule can be viewed in

Appendix B.
Company A Marketing Plan 35

1. Economic Overview. http://www.K.
overview.aspx. 2010. Accessed December 1, 2014.

2. A, Alan. Personal Communication. November 4, 2014.

3. Company A. Accessed November 15, 2014.

4. K. City Daily Minor and News. http://www.K.

us. Accessed November 12, 2014.

5. Digital Marketing Ramblings.

instagram-stats/. Updated October 6, 2014. Accessed November 12, 2014.
Company A Marketing Plan 36

Appendix A

Competitor / 1-5 (5 Core
About Target Market
Location being competences
Mistery Country Fish Camps -Founded in 1988. - Middle age men 3 - 5 boat caches
- Services: Fishing, Bear Hunting and who have experience located 30-60 air
Moose Hunting Camps. fishing. miles away
Thompson, Manitoba. - Facilities include: Marina, - Year round camps
Restaurant, Convenience store & Gift - U.S. Market. services
(970km Northwest) shop, Ice cream Parlor and Ice - Ice Fishing Shack
Fishing Shack rentals, Fuel Depot, Rentals
Laundromat, Equipment Storage and - Nearby
Cabins attractions:
Museum, Inco
Tours, Golf, Zoo,
Pisew Falls, and
Spirit Way.

- Fly-in post

- “50 fish a day

100% guarantee”

Canadian Fly-In Outposts - Services: Fishing, deer and moose - Young and middle age 4 - Located almost at
hunting, air transportation, men. the border to the US
Emo, Ontario border
(181km Southeast) - Cabins in four
different lake

Halley’s Camps - Founded in 1945 - Families 3 - Minimum of 3 or

- Family run business - Groups from 2-45 5 nights depending
Minaki, Ontario - Services: Fishing, bear, wolf, and people on the season
(52km North) moose hunting, fly in outposts,

Anderson’s Lodge - Founded 30 years ago - American market 4 - Cabins that hold
- Adult woman and man up to 62 people
Sioux Lookout, ON - 4 outposts
(231 km east)

Competitor A - Sauna - Families 3

- Docking - Only weekly
K. City, Ontario - Canoeing reservations
(300m apart) - Paddleboat
- Boat rentals,
- Gas and oil

Mackenzie 2 - 3 hours from

Lodge International Falls

K. City, ON
(12 km east)
Company A Marketing Plan 37

Totem Resorts - Founded 75 years ago - High socio-economic 5 - Resort has 4

- Luxurious and adventurous groups lodges that targets
- Families, Corporate different customers.
Sioux Narrows, Ontario - Services: Eco History Tour, fishing, groups, small and big - 5 star resort
(75 km. Southeast) deer hunting, duck hunting, massage, groups. - Eco History Tour
gym, transportation, sauna, gourmet - Guarantee:
dinning, events: conference, Sponsors
corporate, and weddings. - Closer to the US.

Competitor C - Services: Fishing; turkey, duck, - Family - Canoeing and

bear, deer and moose hunting; Trailer 1 kayaking
Longbow Lake, ON parking, swimming, golf, canoeing Trailer
(11 km East) and kayaking, parking

Neat website, no social media, 4

easy to navigate, attractive to Cabins
Company A Marketing Plan 38

Appendix B
Date Media Target Market/ Objective
May 1 to Radio - Locals and summer residents
September 7 2015 89.5 FM  Highlight competitive advantages of restaurant:
fresh quality fish, easy access and familiar
 Inform of promotional events

May and June Local Newspaper: Locals and summer residents

K. City Daily Minor News Regional families (magazine)
 Highlight competitive advantages of restaurant:
Local annual magazine: fresh quality fish, easy access and familiar
K. City Stuff Magazine atmosphere
 Inform of promotional events
 Print coupons

Magazine ad will include the 3 objectives

November ‘15 to Fishing Magazines: Families with children

February ‘16  Outdoor Canada  Promote camps mantra: Fish, Family Fun
 Sport Fishing
 Hooked Magazine
 Describe facilities and services offered: cabin
rentals, guided fishing trips, all-inclusive

June - July Event Sponsorship: Local and summer residents

 Bronzeback Classic  Branding positioning
Bass Tournament
 Harbourfest
 K. City Bass

January ‘14- Social Media Local and summer residents

February ‘16  Facebook Corporate market
 YouTube  Brand awareness
 Twitter  Branding and positioning
 Instagram  Stay “in-touch” with target markets

Year Round Add to current website: Local and summer residents

- Company A Fishing Club Families with children
 Create an online community to increase brand

Year Round Referral Program and Returning Local and summer residents
discount Families with children
Corporate Market
 Encourage repurchase
 Increase loyalty

January-February Personal Selling Corporate Market

2015 (in coordination with referral  Contact new corporate prospects
 Create awareness in corporate market.
November 2015
Company A Marketing Plan 39

 Increase at least 1 corporate booking per year for

the next 3 years.

July 2015 Fishing Derby Local anglers and summer cottagers

My Comments:

This is a well developed marketing plan. You have covered all the major parts. It is great
to see that you have properly applied many of the marketing concepts/models covered in
class into your marketing plan. I left some comments throughout your plan. Revising
these places will improve the quality of your marketing plan further. Overall, good job!

You got **/100 for this assignment. Congratulations!

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