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Aquacultural Engineering 93 (2021) 102156

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Aquacultural Engineering
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Performance evaluation of venturi aeration system

Anamika Yadav *, Avinash Kumar, Sudipto Sarkar
Department of Agricultural Engineering, Triguna Sen School of Technology, Assam University Silchar, Assam, India


Keywords: The venturi aeration is an effective practice to increase the dissolved oxygen accessibility in the water bodies.
Venturi aeration This study aims to optimize the various geometrical parameters of the venturi aeration system. A non-
Dissolved oxygen dimensional technique was applied to find the optimum performance of various geometric parameters i.e.
Dimensional analysis
throat lengths (tl), number of air holes (N), and converging and diverging angles (α and β). These experiments
Standard aeration efficiency
Oxygen transfer
have been carried out using 1124 L capacity of tank having dimensions of 105 cm long, 105 cm wide and 102 cm
Aquaculture deep. The experiments were conducted at a constant flow velocity of water (1.096 m/s) with varying throat
length (tl = 20–100 mm keeping 20 mm as interval between two consecutive length), number of air holes (N =
1–17 at an equal hole to hole distance of 5 mm between them), and converging and diverging angles (α and β =
10◦ , 15◦ , 20◦ and 25◦ ). Multiple non-linear regression equations were also developed from the linear relation
with the dependent variable (Non-dimensional form of standard aeration efficiency, NDSAE) and independent
variables (tl and N). With the geometrically optimized venturi aerator the optimum performance was found for tl
=100 mm, N = 17, and α and β = 15◦ . The maximum value of standard oxygen transfer rate (SOTR) and standard
aeration efficiency (SAE) obtained was 0.0216 kgO2/h and 0.611 kgO2/kWh respectively. From the non-
dimensional study, it was found that the NDSAE is the function Reynolds number (Re) and Froude number
(Fr). The simulation equations were developed on the basis of Re and Fr for NDSAE, and subjected to 7.378 ×
10− 6 < Re < 3.689 × 10-5 and 0.163 < Fr < 0.817, respectively.

1. Introduction system enhance the DO concentration also decreases. The survival rate
of aquatic animals may affect due to the continuous prolonged lower DO
The venturi aeration method is used to raise the amount of oxygen in concentration below 1 ppm.
aquaculture ponds for better survival of aquatic species. This method is Generally, aeration system is very useful for sustainable management
the steady source of oxygen supply to fishes or other aquatic organisms of adequate DO levels (≥ 5.0 mg/l) in water systems. The aeration device
for respiration and other biological activity without limiting the pro­ also aims to improve the quality of the water for a healthy and sus­
duction at any given management level (Boyd, 1998; Boyd and Ahmad, tainable environment of a diversity of fish flora and fauna (Ellis et al.,
1987). The venturi as aeration method is not a novel technique, but over 1947; Boyd, 1998). Due to the several advantages of the venturi, which
the last couple of years more emphasis has increased enormously to this follows the Bernoulli’s principle, it is considered to be more productive,
system (Baylar and Emiroglu, 2003; Baylar et al., 2005; Baylar and adoptable, cost saving, highly efficient, energy saving (20 % needed to
Ozkan, 2006; Baylar et al., 2009; Khound et al., 2017; Yin et al., 2018; produce suction) and an attractive means of aeration (Ozkan et al.,
Haung et al., 2019; Zhang et al., 2020; Yağcı et al., 2020). Venturi has 2006a). The venturi has a very simple design as shown in Fig. 1. The
also high adaptation in the field of industrial wastewater treatment venturi has three different sections: converging, throat and diverging
(Wang and Zhang, 1999; Terasaka et al., 2011; Agarwal et al., 2011). section. All the sections of venturi add some significant impact in the
The lower concentration of dissolved oxygen (DO) is detrimental to the aeration process. The gas transfer process in the venturi is a very simple
aquatic animals. The concentration of DO varies with the sudden mechanism which follows the mixing of ambient air and liquid together
changes in environmental conditions. During the heavy rainfall, at the point of air entrainment, which is the constricted section of
drainage water mixing through the surface or subsurface system, which venturi. At the constricted section, area of the constricted section de­
correspondingly decreases the salinity and temperature of the water creases and velocity increases, this leads to a static pressure reduction

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: anamika.iit26@gmail.com (A. Yadav).

Received 8 December 2020; Received in revised form 3 March 2021; Accepted 5 March 2021
Available online 10 March 2021
0144-8609/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. Yadav et al. Aquacultural Engineering 93 (2021) 102156

and vacuum creation, this draws air in the flowing liquid in form of air (2000) suggested that with an increase in contraction angle up to 40◦ the
bubbles (Baylar and Ozkan, 2006). Through the air holes at the throat surface roughness of jet increases. Therefore, the volumetric rate in­
(constricted) section enormous amount of air enters this air is present in creases proportionally with an increase in surface roughness of jet.
the flowing quid in the form of air bubbles. These bubbles get divided Another experimental study on venturi nozzle in a plunged water jet
into finer bubbles with the flow of water and disperse through the entire aeration method was conducted by Baylar et al. (2005) they have
volume of water, at the diverging (outlet) section of venturi (Sun et al., investigated the effects of changing angles and length of the diverging
2017). section on air entrainment. The air entrainment rate increases with
The aeration through venturi helps to mix the DO in the full volume definite angle value of diverging section due to low flow velocity at
of water during extreme feeding, high stocking density, high application entrance of the converging and the constricted throat area of the venturi
of fertilizers, and during biological activities of aquatic animals. The (Yin et al., 2018). The water flow rate can be considered a major
performance of the venturi aeration system depends on the surface influencing factor on the performance of the aeration system. With the
contact area between air and water, which measured primarily by the maximum flow rate, very fine sizes micro bubbles can be produce. It was
size of the bubbles produced and the rate of air entrainment or oxygen also found that the size of the air bubbles decreases in diameter when a
transfer (Emiroglu and Baylar, 2003b; Li et al., 2017; Sun et al., 2017). wide diverging angle up to 30◦ is selected (Lee et al., 2019). By
The air entrainment or oxygen transfer rate is influenced by geometric increasing the venturi’s flow velocity, enormous amount of air bubble
parameters of venturi. In the past, several researchers have optimized has collapses and excessive small diameter air bubbles have been pro­
the venturi’s geometry (Baylar and Emiroglu, 2004; Baylar et al., 2007; duced (Haung et al., 2019). Gupta et al. (2016) studied the two phase
Kandakure et al., 2005; Laksitanonta and Singh, 2004; Tukimin et al., flow through venturi with varying air-water flow rate in multiphase
2016). In order to evaluate the durability of oxygen transfer rate loops to determine the pressure differential in venturi under two phase
(injected air capacity, bubble size and shape) as well as the energy flow. It was found that, the void fraction exponentially reaches up to 20
consumption, the parameters of aerator should be designed appropri­ % by a venturi, and was found to be feasible in 5% precision for flow
ately (Bunae and Ciocan, 2018). regime. According to the literature survey, there is no specific design
Many experiments were performed with venturi, which stimulate the available that could be used to verify the complete geometry of the
oxygen transfer applications through venturi systems having key pa­ venturi aeration system for aquaculture. The other researchers have not
rameters such as throat diameter, throat length, air holes quantity, given much attention to the converging and diverging angle in their
placement of air holes, size or diameter of air holes, flow velocity, and research study of the venturi aeration system. The converging and
length to diameter ratio of the venturi, and both the converging and diverging angle does play an important role as a geometric parameter to
diverging angles (Baylar and Emiroglu, 2003; Bagatur and Sekerdag, design the complete venturi aeration system.
2003; Baylar and Emiroglu, 2004; Bunae and Ciocan, 2018; Ghomi et al., The major objective of this study is to determine the effects of various
2009; Dursun, 2016; Khound et al., 2017; Ozkan et al., 2006b; Baylar, geometrical parameters on the performance of venturi aeration system.
2003; Baylar et al., 2005; Hamedi-Estakhrsar et al., 2018; Zhu et al., In order to determine the effect of geometric parameters of venturi,
2007). All these parameters characterize the operating conditions of initially the oxygen transfer coefficient was determined with varying the
venturi. Laksitanonta and Singh (2003) studied the effect of water flow different geometrical parameters of venturi. The dimensional analysis
velocity on the DO diffusion and they concluded that the DO concen­ was performed to determine the geometric similarity of the venturi
tration increases with increasing flow velocity and the nozzle size. The aeration system. The nonlinear equations were developed from
velocity of water was found to be 0.59 m/s. The oxygen transfer effi­ nonlinear regression analysis to establish the relationship among geo­
ciency is a factor of energy consumed through air injection process and metric parameters. Furthermore, the optimum value of converging and
air entrainment rate (Bunae and Ciocan, 2018). diverging angle has been determined through the nonlinear equations.
Baylar and Ozkan (2006) found by experimental study that the
diverging angle of the venturi nozzle is an important factor influencing 2. Theoretical consideration
the air entrainment rate. Further study to determine the effect of
different converging angles (2.5◦ , 10◦ , 30◦ and 90◦ ) on air entrainment 2.1. Mechanism of oxygen diffusion
rate was carried out by Yadav and Patwardhan (2008). They have
observed that the air entrainment rate is initially low at 2.5◦ of The two-film theory given by Lewis and Whitman (1924) is an age
converging angle. The air entrainment rate was found to be maximum at old practice and is extensively adopted to measure the oxygen transfer
10◦ of converging angle. Yet, in another study it was suggested that to rate through diffusion from the ambient air to water. This theory is
get the maximum entrainment, converging and diverging angle must be based on a physical model of two films placed at the interface of
kept between 5− 15◦ and 7− 10◦ , respectively. For commercial purpose, gas-liquid as illustrated in Fig. 2. The oxygen diffusion through two-film
the converging and diverging angle ranges in between 10− 75◦ and theory is accomplished by three-stage development process. In the first
5− 31◦ , respectively (Manzano, 2008). While authors Yamagiwa et al. stage gas moves from the bulk gas phase to the gas-liquid interface, in

Fig. 1. Schematic view of venturi section.

A. Yadav et al. Aquacultural Engineering 93 (2021) 102156

0 to t is as follows (ASCE, 1997):

ln(Cs − C0 ) − ln(Cs − Ct )
KL aT = (5)

where, KLaT is the volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient at given tem­

perature T ◦ C (h− 1); t is the time, ln indicates a natural logarithm and Cs
is the saturation oxygen concentration, C0 is the initial oxygen concen­
tration and Ct is the oxygen concentration at time t.
To provide a level playing ground for comparison of different sys­
tems, KLa is often normalized to 20 ◦ C of standard temperature. This
method is well known as log deficit method. The actual output of the
Fig. 2. Two film theory of gas mass transfer through diffusion (Treybal, 1985).
venturi aeration with effect of temperature differential is defined by the
oxygen transfer utility in Eq. (6) (Eckenfelder and Ford, 1970).
the second stage gas diffuses through laminar flow into the gas and KL a20 = KL aT × θ(20− T)
liquid film, and lastly, the gas diffusion occurs evenly into the bulk
liquid phase (Metcalf and Eddy, 2003). Mass transfer by diffusion occurs where, KLa20 is the mass transfer coefficient at standard conditions
between the two phases when a driving force is created. This is the (h− 1), θ is 1.024 for pure water (Boyd, 1998), and T is the water tem­
partial pressure gradient in the gas phase and concentration gradient in perature (◦ C).
the liquid phase. The mass transfer through diffusion is generally The capability of an aeration system is the way of ambient oxygen
established by Fick’s law which can be written for oxygen transfer is as transfer to water is defined by a standard oxygen transfer rate (SOTR)
follows Eq.: (Eckenfelder and Ford, 1970). SOTR implies the amount of oxygen
transfer into the water body per unit time at standard conditions of 20 ◦ C
dM dC
= − DL .A. (1) water temperature, 0 mg/l initial DO concentration, one atmospheric
dt dy
pressure, and clear tap water (ASCE, 1993).
where, dM
dt is the rate of mass transfer by diffusion (kg/s); A is the cross- SOTR = KL a20 × (Cs − C0 ) × V × 10− 3
sectional area through which diffusion occurs (m2); DL is the oxygen
diffusion coefficient in water (m2/s) and dC where, Cs is the saturation concentration of DO at 20 ◦ C, V is the volume
dy represents the oxygen con­
centration gradient perpendicular to the cross-sectional area (kg/m /s). 3 of water (m3), SOTR is the standard oxygen transfer rate (kgO2/h). SAE
Mass transfer takes place by the interaction of gas and liquid at gas- is one of the suitable comparative parameter and is defined by unit
liquid interface. The laminar flow occurs at the gas-liquid interface power as SOTR by power input (Lawson and Merry, 1993).
whereas the turbulent flow occurs in the liquid body before an equi­ SOTR KL a20 × (Cs − C0 ) × V × 10− 3

librium condition is reached. The oxygen gas transfer from ambient to SAE = = (8)
the body of turbulent liquid can be expressed in the differential form, as
per Fick’s law: where, SAE is the standard aeration efficiency (kgO2/kWh) and P is the
[ ] [ ] [ ] power input (kW).
dm dc dc dc
= − Dg A = − DL A = − De A (2) The brake power (P) in kW is estimated using the following equation
dt dy g dy L dy b (Kumar et al., 2013)
[ ] [ ]
(9.81 × Q × H)
where, dc dc
is the concentration gradient in gas film, dy is the con­ P= (9)
dy η
g L
[ ]
centration gradient in liquid film, dy is the concentration gradient in where, Q is the pump discharge (m3/s), H is the total dynamic head (m),
and η is the mechanical efficiency of pump.
the body of the liquid, Dg is the gas molecular diffusion coefficient of
oxygen through gas film, and De is the eddy diffusion coefficient of ox­
2.2. Dimensional analysis
ygen in the body of the liquid. In comparison with the diffusivity in the
liquid film, the eddy diffusion in the liquid body is indeed very strong.
Dimensional analysis is the way to choose appropriate experimental
Hence, the concentration gradient within the liquid body is exceedingly
variables with the aim to reduce the complexity of experiments (Fox and
low and the DO concentration assumed to be consistent in the complete
McDonald, 1985). The air entrainment and its distribution is the rate of
depth of liquid body. Since the concentration gradient may be taken as
transmission of oxygen per unit water volume, which affects the dif­
uniform throughout the liquid, Eq. (2) may be expressed as,
ference between geometrical and dynamic parameters of an aerator
dm DL (Maise, 1970; Zlokarnik, 1979). The aeration efficiency of the venturi
= A ΔC = KL A ΔC (3)
dt yL relies on various significant parameters particularly, geometrical, dy­
namic and physical parameters (Maise, 1970). For dimensional analysis
dc DL
where, dy yL , and KL = yL
= ΔC all the variables are divided into three categories, each having 13 sig­
yL is the liquid film thickness, ΔC is the oxygen deficit (C∗∞ − C), and nificant variables as shown in Table 1.
C*∞ is the equilibrium concentration at the interface, C is the liquid Zlokarnik (1979) stated that the main parameter of the absorption
phase oxygen concentration and KL is the liquid film coefficient. process is the absorption rate coefficient KLa20×V, expressed as:
According to Lewis and Whitman (1924), the differential form of
KL a20 × V = SOTR/ΔC (10)
oxygen mass transfer coefficient at T ◦ C can be expressed as follows:
The functional relationship between SOTR/ΔC and the key variables
dC ( ∗ )
= KL aT C∞ − C (4) may be expressed as:
By integrating the above Eq. (4) within the limits of C = C0 to C and t = = f1 (tl , td , th , N, α, β, V, ρa , ρw , g, vw , σw , υw ) (11)

A. Yadav et al. Aquacultural Engineering 93 (2021) 102156

Table 1 throat lengths. Thus, an optimum value of converging and diverging

Variables for dimensional analysis. angle (α and β) can be determined at which NDSAE becomes maximum.
Class of Variables Name of variables Variable Units Dimension
2.2.2. Dynamic similarity
Throat length tl M L
Throat diameter td M L In geometrically similar system, all forces operating on the fluid
Air hole diameter at should have the same ratio in both the systems to achieve a dynamic
th M L
Geometrical throat similarity between a model and a prototype. The forces including iner­
Parameter Number of air holes N – – tial, gravity and viscous forces acting during aeration process are indi­
Converging angle α ◦
Diverging angle β ◦
cated from two non-dimensional numbers: Froude number (Fr) and
Volume of tank V m3 L3 Reynolds number (Re). These two numbers should be equivalent for the
Dynamic Gravimetric acceleration G m/s2 LT− 2
model and the prototype, for dynamic similarity. Once the value of N,
parameter Flow velocity vw m/s LT− α and β is fixed, the values of NDSAE depends on the dynamic parame­
Mass density of air ρa ML− 3 ters: Fr and Re. Thus, Eq. (15) can be represented as:
kg/ 3 NDSAE = f5 ( Fr, Re) (16)
Physical Mass density of water ρw ML−
Kinematic viscosity of
m2/s L2T− 1
3. Materials and methods
− 2
Surface tension of water σw N/m MT
The experiments were carried out in the laboratory of Agricultural
Engineering Department of Assam University Silchar, India, to deter­
Although SAE is superior to SOTR, and also relies on the same factors
mine the effect of various geometrical parameters on the aeration effi­
on which SOTR depends, the parameter SOTR as expressed in Eq. (11) is
ciency of venturi aerator. This section described the detailed features of
substituted by SAE (Lawson and Merry, 1993). Thus the functional
the experimental setup, fabricated sections of venturi, the experimental
relationship between SAE/ΔC and the key variables may be expressed
procedure followed and the experimental design.
SAE 3.1. Experimental setup
= f1 (tl , td , th , N, α, β, V, ρa , ρw , g, vw , σ w , υw ) (12)
The above Eq. (12), according to the Buckingham Π theorem can be The experimental setup consists of a water tank, pump unit, venturi
expressed as follows in the dimensionless form: unit supported with a trolley structure, valves, and water meter joined
( ) with the pipe fittings for closed loop water circulation as shown in Fig. 3.
td th V ρ gtl σ w υw
NDSAE = f2 , , N, α, β, 3 , a , 2 , 2 , (13) The aeration experiments were conducted in a water tank of 1124 L
tl tl tl ρw vw tl vw ρw tl vw
capacity of measurements 105 cm × 105 cm × 102 cm (length × breadth
× depth) to estimate the aeration efficiency by altering the length of
throat section and angle of converging and diverging sections of venturi
NDSAE = Non-dimensional form of SAE = (SAE/ΔC)ρw v2w
system. A 2 HP centrifugal pump was used to circulate water in a closed
= Froude number (Fr) loop during aeration process.
tl v2w ρw
= Weber number (W)
tl vw = Reynolds number (Re) 3.2. Venturi unit
From the above Eq. (13) the first seven non-dimensional parameters
represent the geometric similarity of the system and the last three pa­ The venturi device with three sections (converging, throat and
rameters represent the dynamic similarities. Venturi aerator operates diverging section) was fabricated. All the sections can be dismantled
with a pure water-air system so the ρa/ρw is kept as a constant from one another as shown in Fig. 4. The angle of converging and
(Schmidtke and Horvath, 1977) and hence can be dropped from Eq. diverging section varies from 10◦ to 25º at an equal inter angle interval
(13). Furthermore, the water tank volume (V) is not varied during of 5º. All the experiments were carried out using each particular angle
experimentation. Therefore, V/t3l remains constant throughout the ex­ value of 10◦ , 15◦ , 20◦ , and 25º with five different throat lengths as 20,
periments and can be omitted from the Eq. (13). Thus Eq. (13) can be 40, 60, 80 and 100 mm. The details of the throat sections are presented
rewritten as:
( )
td th
NDSAE = f3 , , N, α, β, Fr, W, Re (14)
tl tl
Many investigators (Rushton, 1951; Schmidtke and Horvath, 1977)
believed that the influence of Weber number is negligible in comparison
with the influence of Re and Fr. This is because surface tension have less
influence on turbulent flow. Hence, the term W may be dropped from
Eq. (14) as it has some little or no significant effect and can be rewritten
as follows:
( )
td th
NDSAE = f4 , , N, α, β, Fr, Re (15)
tl tl

2.2.1. Geometric similarity

Geometric similarity entails all corresponding dimensions between
model and prototype must be a constant at a specific dynamic condition
(Pallett, 1961). Thus the dynamic condition can be kept as a constant
and subsequently a particular relation between NDSAE and angles (α
and β) can be found out by varying number of holes of the respective Fig. 3. Line diagram of experimental setup.

A. Yadav et al. Aquacultural Engineering 93 (2021) 102156

recorded value of the DO concentration, the DO deficit values were also

determined. Subsequently, the gradient line acquired with the graph
plotting between natural logarithms for DO deficits on the Y axis, and
the aeration period on the X-axis, which has been adjusted to 20 ◦ C
water temperature correction factor (APHA, 1980; Kumar et al., 2010).
Lastly, the values of KLa20, SOTR and SAE were calculated by using Eqs.
(6)–(8) respectively. Based on the obtained data, the non-dimensional
numbers viz. NDSAE, Fr and Re were also computed.

3.4. Experimental design

Fig. 4. Fabricated sections of venturi.

The experimental investigation for optimizing the geometric pa­

in Table 2. The details of geometric parameters of venturi are as follows: rameters of venturi aerator is scheduled in Table 3. Such experimental
(i) diameter of converging section (cd) =60 mm, (ii) diameter of throat sets are planned to establish optimum non-dimensional geometrical
section (td) =20 mm, (iii) diameter of diverging section (dd) =60 mm, parameters (tl, N, α and β) of the venturi aerator. The flow velocity, vw
(iv) converging length (cl) = 113, 76, 55, and 43 mm (v) diverging (1.096 m/s) is maintained in all sets of experiments to maintain a spe­
length (dl) = 113, 76, 55, and 43 mm (vi) throat length (tl) = 20, 40, 60, cific dynamic condition. First, the experiments were carried out by
80, 100 mm, (vii) air hole diameter at throat (th) =2 mm, (viii) varying the number of air holes along the throat length that is with one
converging angle (α) = 10◦ , 15◦ , 20◦ , and 25º and (ix) diverging angle air hole, two air holes, and three air holes and so on. Next, the tl was
(β) = 10◦ , 15◦ , 20◦ , and 25º. changed with each set of the converging and diverging angle (10◦ , 15◦ ,
20◦ and 25◦ ) to see the effect of geometric parameters on the perfor­
3.3. Experimental procedure mance of aerator. Total 180 numbers of experiments were carried out as
detailed in Table 3. For each experiment of set (I, II, III and IV), the water
The venturi aeration system was operated by a centrifugal pump of 2 tank volume is kept constant and followed the same procedure as
HP, 3 phase motor (230 V and 9.5 A) of 2840 rpm manufactured by specified in above section 3.3. The volume of water (V) was selected
Kirloskar Brothers Limited, A kirloskar Group Company, Dewas-455001, throughout the experiments to satisfy the condition as stated by Elliott
India. The centrifugal pump was used to circulate the clean tap water at (1969):
a constant flow velocity (1.096 m/s) throughout the experiments of /
venturi aeration to determine the effect of geometric parameters. Me­ ≤ 0.1 kW m3 (17)
chanical efficiency of the pump was assumed as 60 % (Evans, 2012) for
estimation of brake power (Eq. (9)). In each experiment of the venturi
aeration, at first the water tank filled with the clean tap water and was 4. Results and discussion
deoxygenated using sodium sulphite and cobalt chloride at the rate of 10
and 0.1 mg/l, respectively, as a catalyst for reducing each mg/l of DO 4.1. Development of multiple non-linear regression equations with varying
(Metcalf and Eddy, Inc., 2003; Boyd, 1998) through the non-steady throat length and number of air holes at different angle value
re-aeration analysis. The EXTECH dissolve oxygen meter 407510 is
installed at the base of the water tank by connecting a luminescent The Multiple non-linear regression equations were developed from
dissolved oxygen (LDO) sensor to determine the DO concentration the linear relation with the dependent variable and independent vari­
during the experiments. In each of the experiments, along with the DO ables. The least square method was used to develop the non-linear
readings, the water temperature was also recorded frequently at equal equations, which is the sum of squares of differences in observed and
intervals up to DO concentration reaches 80 % saturation. For each predicted values and those are minimized (Onen, 2014). The developed
form of non-linear equation at each angle value as follows:
Table 2 Z = aX b Y c + d (18)
Schedule of experiments to optimize the geometric parameters of venturi
aerator. where, Z is the dependent variable, X and Y are two independent vari­
Set of α Throat Number Constants Number of ables and a, b, c and d were obtained by minimizing the sum of squares of
experiments and length of air Experiments error in prediction based on least squares. The multiple nonlinear
β (tl) holes (N) equations were developed for venturi aeration with non-dimensional
(º) (mm)
form of SAE (NDSAE) at various angle values of converging and
20 1 1 diverging sections based on the multivariate power function regression
40 1− 5 5
analysis. The clear agreements were established between the actual and
Set-I 10◦ 60 1− 9 9
80 1− 13 13 predicted values of NDSAE in the predictive nonlinear regression Eqs.
100 1− 17 17
20 1 1 Table 3
40 1− 5 5
Detailed result of the non-linear regression equations.
Set-II 15 ◦
60 1− 9 9
Flow rate
80 1− 13 13 α and β
=1.096 m/s, Coefficients
100 1− 17 17
and Water 10◦ 15◦ 20◦ 25º
20 1 1
tank volume
40 1− 5 5 Residual Sum of Squares 0.073 0.263 0.106 0.033
(V) = 1000 L
Set-III 20◦ 60 1− 9 9 Pearson’s r 0.96 0.95 0.97 1
80 1− 13 13 Adj. R2 0.93 0.91 0.93 0.98
100 1− 17 17 Intercept value 0.1352 0.1661 0.1165 0.0611
20 1 1 Slope value 0.9110 0.9052 0.9335 0.9628
40 1− 5 5 Intercept Standard Error 0.0611 0.0791 0.0669 0.0405
Set-IV 25◦ 60 1− 9 9 Slope Standard Error 0.0393 0.0447 0.0380 0.0223
80 1− 13 13 RSME 0.0428 0.0804 0.0502 0.0285
100 1− 17 17 MAE 0.031 0.064 0.038 0.022

A. Yadav et al. Aquacultural Engineering 93 (2021) 102156

(19)–(22) at different angle of 10◦ , 15◦ , 20◦ and 25º respectively. For h− 1, 2.789 h− 1, 2.732 h− 1, 2.717 h− 1 with maximum number of air holes
each sets of experiments (Set- I, II, III and IV) the relation between the occupied for air entrainment at 100 mm throat length for each
actual and predicted values of NDSAE is shown in Fig. 5 at various angles converging and diverging angle value of 10◦ , 15◦ , 20◦ and 25◦ respec­
of 10◦ , 15◦ , 20◦ and 25º respectively. The following nonlinear Eqs. (19)– tively. This is due to the fact that, the amounts of bubbles or air
(22) fit well correlated to the values of NDSAE with tl and N at specific entrainment increases by increasing the number of air holes and even­
angle value of 10◦ , 15◦ , 20◦ and 25º, respectively. tually contribute to a rise in the surface of gas and liquid interaction by
an ever-increasing amount of bubbles. The range of oxygen transfer
NDSAE = 2.74 × 10− 5 (tl )0.59 (N)0.92 + 0.01 (R2 = 0.93) (19)
coefficient varies from 1.652, 1.661–1.807, 1.688–2.022, 1.717–2.057
and 1.786− 1.786 h-1 for the 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 mm throat length
NDSAE = 3.96 × 10− 4 (tl )0.13 (N)0.91 + 0.01 (R2 = 0.91) (20)
respectively at constant converging and diverging angle of 10◦ and
having maximum air holes per length. Similarly for the 15◦ of
NDSAE = 5.92 × 10− 4 (tl )− 0.27
(N)1.31 + 0.02 (R2 = 0.93) (21) converging and diverging angle the oxygen transfer coefficient range
varies from 1.684, 1.724–1.849, 1.760–2.306, 1.867–2.681 and 1.763-
NDSAE = 1.20 × 10− 4 (tl )0.59 (N)0.49 + 0.01 (R2 = 0.98) (22) 2.789 h-1 for the 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 mm throat length respec­
From Fig. 5, it can observe that the R values vary for each angle tively. Also for the 20◦ of converging and diverging angle, the oxygen
value. The R2, root means square error (RMSE) and mean absolute error transfer coefficient value obtained as 1.753, 1.875–2.068, 2.006–2.524,
(MAE) values provides the performance of each angle on the NDSAE. The 1.870–2.639, and 1.776–2.732 h-1 for the 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 mm
R2 (0.93, 0.91, 0.93, 0.98), RMSE (0.0428, 0.0804, 0.0502 and 0.0285) throat length respectively. For the specific converging and diverging
and MAE (0.031, 0.064, 0.038, and 0.022) values obtained respectively angle of 25º, the value of oxygen transfer coefficient varies from 1.927,
for the specific angle value of 10◦ , 15◦ , 20◦ and 25º from the Fig. 5 as 1.832–2.026, 1.985–2.280, 1.920–2.539, 2.009-2.717 h-1 for the 20, 40,
presented in detailed in Table 3. The minimum value of RMSE and MAE 60, 80 and 100 mm throat length respectively. Thus, the highest per­
are calculated for 25º angle of converging and diverging section, which formance of oxygen transfer coefficient was observed at 15◦ angle
shows very close proximity with the fitting line. The predicted values of throughout the experiments.
NDSAE from Eqs. (19)–(22) varies from 1.348 × 102 to 1.896 × 102,
1.412 × 102 to 2.317 × 102, 1.533 × 102 to 2.220 × 102 and 1.477 × 102 4.3. Effect of converging and diverging angle on SAE
to 2.157 × 102 at angle of 10◦ , 15◦ , 20◦ and 25º respectively.
The converging and diverging angle of venturi plays a very signifi­
4.2. Determination of oxygen transfer coefficient cant role in the aeration process. The effect of varying angle on SAE is
presented in Fig. 7. It is clearly evident from the Fig. 7 that the aeration
The variation of oxygen transfer coefficient with changing the throat efficiency increases with increasing number of air holes for each angle
length for different converging and diverging angle value is presented in value. The maximum value of SAE was obtained at 25º converging and
Fig. 6. It can be seen from the figure that the oxygen transfer coefficient diverging angle. It can be seen from the figure that the SAE values rises
varies with number of air holes for converging and diverging angle at constantly with varying angle of converging and diverging section and
each throat length (20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 mm) of venturi. The oxygen obtained the optimal value of 0.420 kgO2/kWh for particular 20 mm
transfer coefficient also varies with each angle value of 10◦ , 15◦ , 20◦ and throat length at 25º converging and diverging angle. This is because of
25º. The maximum oxygen transfer coefficient was found to be 2.565 the high velocity distribution and maximum pressure reduction occurs

Fig. 5. Relationship between the actual and predicted NDSAE at an angle of (a) 10◦ (b) 15◦ (c) 20◦ and (d) 25º.

A. Yadav et al. Aquacultural Engineering 93 (2021) 102156

Fig. 6. Variation of oxygen transfer coefficient with different throat length for various angle values.

80 and 100 mm throat length respectively. The detailed experimental

result data is presented in Table 4.
The Fig. 8 illustrated the varying angle effects for 40 mm value of
throat length. It can be seen from the figure that the value of SAE in­
creases with the increasing converging and diverging angle. This is
attributed to the fact that the turbulence increases with the increasing
converging and diverging angle, leading to the large pressure differen­
tial in the throat section of venturi. The turbulence is at its maximum at
the largest angle. The resultant high turbulence also maximizes the SAE
value. The SAE value reaches up to the maximum value of 0.451 kg O2/
kWh at 20◦ angle of converging and diverging section. Furthermore,
with 5º increments in the angle value, the SAE value gets reduced by
1.25 % as 0.445 kg O2/kWh. It can be observe that the SAE values be­
comes the highest at 20◦ angle and smallest for 10◦ angle for 5 numbers
Fig. 7. Variation of SAE with different angle at tl =20 mm. of air holes at 40 mm throat length. The results of the experiments are
mentioned in Table 4.
Moreover, the similar effect was established from the Figs. 9–11 for
at throat section, with increasing angle of converging and diverging
60, 80 and 100 mm throat length, respectively. Initially the SAE value
section of venturi. Hence it is completely justified that the SAE value
rises with addition of number of air hole intended for each increasing
increases with increasing angle of converging and diverging section of
angle of converging and diverging. It can be said that, the angle of
venturi. The SAE values increases by 13 % from 10◦ to 25◦ converging
converging and diverging section provides diverse effect on the SAE
and diverging angle for 20 mm throat length with a single operating air
value. The maximum values of SAE was found at an angle 15◦ , and then
hole. While for the operating 5 number of air hole at 40 mm throat
gradually decreases with any further increase in the converging and
length (Fig. 8), the SAE values get increased by 13.25 % from 10◦ to 20◦
diverging angle for the 60, 80 and 100 mm throat lengths. It can be
angles and then decreases by 1.25 % from angle 20◦ to 25º. Thus the
observed that the SAE values become highest at an angle of 15◦ and
converging and diverging angle of venturi also express a strong relation
smallest at an angle of 10◦ . The maximum SAE value calculated was
with particularly the number of air holes. The SAE values for an addi­
0.502, 0.583, 0.611 kg O2/kWh at 15◦ angle of converging and diverging
tional expanded number of holes has only risen up to 14.36 %, 23.25 %
section for the 60, 80 and 100 mm throat lengths respectively. It may be
and 9.13 % by varying the angle from 10◦ to 15◦ and after that again
for the reason that the flow pattern of venturi is mainly controlled by
start to decrease 1.12 %, 5.73 % and 2.58 % from angle 15◦ to 25º for 60,
pressure variations resulting in a change in flow rate or reduction in
pressure which causes the air entrainment on the form of air bubbles.
Thus, the air bubble reaches over the throat section of venturi and gets
dispersed into maximum amount of air bubbles at the edge of the venturi
outlet. Therefore, the overall efficiency of the system gets increases as a
result of the maximum ambient oxygen distribution into the flowing
water. From further experimental results it was observed that, with
increasing the converging and diverging angle from 15◦ to 25º, the air
entrainment rate increases whereas the aeration efficiency decreases for
the 60, 80 and 100 mm throat lengths.

4.4. Optimization of the geometric parameters of venturi

The optimization of geometric parameter (tl, N, α and β) were eval­

Fig. 8. Variation of SAE with different angle at tl =40 mm. uated using Simple C programme with Eqs. (19)–(22) as an objective

A. Yadav et al. Aquacultural Engineering 93 (2021) 102156

Table 4
Significant performance from different angle of converging and diverging section of venturi.
Set of experiments α and β tl (mm) N KLa20 SOTR (kgO2/h) SAE (kgO2/kWh) NDSAE×102
(º) (h− 1)

20 1 1.426 0.01294 0.354 1.345

40 5 1.527 0.01385 0.391 1.439
Set-I 10 60 9 1.677 0.01521 0.430 1.580
80 13 1.747 0.01584 0.448 1.647
100 17 2.167 0.01966 0.555 2.043
20 1 1.454 0.01319 0.373 1.370
40 5 1.573 0.01427 0.403 1.483
Set-II 15 60 9 1.958 0.01776 0.502 1.845
80 13 2.276 0.02064 0.583 2.145
100 17 2.385 0.02163 0.611 2.248
20 1 1.520 0.01379 0.389 1.433
40 5 1.760 0.01596 0.451 1.659
Set-III 20 60 9 1.914 0.01736 0.490 1.804
80 13 2.230 0.02022 0.571 2.102
100 17 2.336 0.02119 0.599 2.202
20 1 1.640 0.01487 0.420 1.545
40 5 1.738 0.01576 0.445 1.638
Set-IV 25 60 9 1.936 0.01756 0.496 1.825
80 13 2.146 0.01946 0.550 2.022
100 17 2.324 0.02108 0.595 2.190

Fig. 9. Variation of SAE with different angle at tl =60 mm.

Fig. 10. Variation of SAE with different angle at tl =80 mm.

A. Yadav et al. Aquacultural Engineering 93 (2021) 102156

Fig. 11. Variation of SAE with different angle at tl =100 mm.

function. The significant performances of different angle of converging

and diverging section of venturi at optimum conditions are enlisted in
the Table 4. The maximum values of KLa20, SOTR, SAE and NDSAE were
obtained 2.385 h− 1, 0.0216 kg O2/h, 0.611 kg O2/kWh and 2.248 × 102
at 15◦ angle of converging and diverging section of venturi. The geo­
metric parameters were optimised at α and β = 15◦ , tl = 100, N = 17 and
are presented in Table 5.

4.5. Relationship between NDSAE and Re

Fig. 12 shows the graphical relation between Re and NDSAE for

different length of throat section of venturi. It is observed from the
Fig. 12 that the relation between the NDSAE and Re can be fitted by a
second order polynomial function of the following form with R2 value
Fig. 12. Effect of NDSAE on Re.
NDSAE = 0.22 × Re2 − 1.2804 × Re + 3.099 (23)
The NDSAE values declines with the increasing Re. The maximum
value 3.689 × 10− 5 of Re reached at lowest NDSAE value 1.370 × 102.
This is because at maximum NDSAE the highest turbulences was
recorded and therefore influence of Re minimum. Thus, it can be said
that the increasing length of the throat and corresponding number of
holes are more responsible to create strong relation between air
entrainment and turbulent flow.

4.6. Relationship between NDSAE and Fr

The experimental study followed similar procedure to determine the

relation between NDSAE and Fr. In case of venturi aeration, NDSAE was
found to have a significant relationship with Fr (Fig. 13). NDSAE in­
creases linearly with Fr because of the increasing number of air holes for
varying throat length. The maximum value of Fr obtained was 0.817 at Fig. 13. Effect of NDSAE on Fr.
the maximum NDSAE value 2.248 × 102. This is may be due to the fact
that supercritical flow condition occurred at constricted section of situations under which a surface undulation may contribute to the air
venturi. This supercritical flow was controlled at the converging section entertainment rate. Venturi with the maximum throat lengths associated
of venturi. Further, disturbances are transmitted in constringent section with greater Froude number were also found to be more sensitive to
and diverging section side. Thus, Fr can be helpful in determining liquid flow. From the Fig. 13 it is also observe that the relation between
the NDSAE and Fr can be fitted by a linear function of the following form
Table 5 with R2 value 0.97.
Optimized geometric parameters of venturi.
NDSAE = 1.4805 × Fr + 1.093 (24)
S. No. Geometric Parameter Optimum Value

1. α and β 15◦
2. tl 100 mm
3. N 17

A. Yadav et al. Aquacultural Engineering 93 (2021) 102156

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