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More verb phrases

a Match rhe ve rb s and picru res.
1 buy (a ticket) Iball
ca ll (your rnorn) Ibl/
dance (the tafliJo) Idrel1s/
draw (a picture) /dr:l!
drive (a car) Idralvl
f ind (a parkittB space) /famdl
for~ (sornebody's llame) /r~r'gctl
give (somebody flowers) Iglv/
hea r (a Iloise) /hIT/
help (samebady) IhEipl
look fo r (your keys) /lük br!
meet (Jor a coffee) Imill
pa int (a picture) /peml/
play (cltess) Iple,l
remember (somebody's llame)

run (a raee) IrAn/

see (a movie) ¡sil
sin g (a sOItB) ISIrJ/
swi m (in the ocean) /swlm/
ta ke (pltatas) Ilc,kl
ta lk (tayou r teacher) /l:>kl
te H (sornebody a secret) Itcl/
use (a comp/lter) /yU7}

w ait fo r (a bus) /welt LxI

b !PS4l)) Liste n and check.

e Cover rh e ve rbs and look ar rhe

piccures. Test yourself o r a pann er.

--< p.36
The weather and dates
a Com pl ete rhe chan \V irh words from che li st. a Com pl ete rhe monr hs. Reme m ber to use CA PITAL
cloudy /'klaudi/ hor /hall raining J'rcmllJ/ ¡erce rs!
cold IkooldJ snowi ng /'snoOlol w indy J'wmdil J-anuary _ pr il _ uly _ ctober
foggy I'rogil mnny !'SAni! _ ebru ary _ ay _ ug ust _ ovember
_ arch une _ eptember _ ecember
What's the weather like?
b 3 29 l») Listen and check.
It's - -
e Com plete the nu mbers and wo rds.
1st first If8rstl
It's _ _ _. It's _ __ 2nd seco nd I'sck;:)ndl
3rd thi rd /O;)fdJ
4 th fo urr h IbrOI
It's _ _o It's .511L fífth Ir,rol
6th _ _ _ /s,ksOI
7t h _ _ _ l'scvnOI
It's _ _o It's eighth lenel
ninrh InamOI
10t h _ _ _ /tenOI
11th ____ lI'lcvan91
b 3 8 l») Listen a nd check.
tweJ fth ItwdfOl
p Other adjectives for t emperature 13th ____ /Oar'tinOI
warm /w;)rml =a niee temperature, not very hot 14th _ _ _ lror'tinOI
(opposite =coollkull) twenrier h I't wcnt i;,91
2 1sr ____ /twt:nli 'farst/
e Cover rhe cha n and ¡oo k at rhe pi cr ures. Ask and twe nty-second It wcnti 'sck8nd/
an swer w irh a parme r.
23rd _ ___ /twcnti 'O:1rd/
What's the weather /ik:!l0's sunny. twenty-four th Itwcnti 'brOI
30th _ _ _ l'O;¡rtiolll
T he fo ur seasons
thirty-first /OJrti 'f;}rstl
d 3 9 1)) Match rhe words a nd pictures. Listen a nd check.
d 30 l») Listen and check.

p Writing and saying the date

We write We say
March 12th March twelfth or the twelfth of March
1/22 January twenty-second or the twenty-
second of January
Prepositions with years, months, and dates
Use in + years , e.g., The Rio Olympics are in 2016.
Use in + months, e.g., My birthday's in February.
Use on + dates, e.g., The meeting is on Friday, September 5th.
Saying years
1807 eighteen "oh" seve n
1936 nineteen thi rty-six
s pring /spno/ fa ll lfoll 2008 two thousand and eight (for years 2000-2010)
2011 two thousand and eleven OR twenty eleven
su rnmer !'sAmarl w inrer ¡'wlntar/
e W hat 's che wea ther like today? W ha r season is ir w here e W h at's the dare today? W hat's rhe date to morrow?
ya u are? W h at yea r is it?

-< p.40 -< p.46 Online Practice

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