The Current EVENT 1

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***Find a recent news article related to politics/economics/military in

America and write a constructed response answering the following;

1. Write the headline of the article down.

¨Short-sightedness has become an epidemic¨

2. In a paragraph, SUMMARIZE the article in detail.

The new epidemic Myopia ¨short-sightedness¨ located in East Asia has become very
effective on children due to education. The cause of short-sightedness is students are constantly
spending large amounts of their day everyday in classrooms doing work, not getting enough time
outside as needed. Short sightedness began in the 1960s but was very uncommon, now in Hong
Kong, Singapore, and Taipei more than 80% of school leavers are short sighted. In Seoul over
nine in ten men are short-sighted, China is catching up as well.

3. ANALYZE the article in a paragraph. (AT LEAST FIVE SENTENCES)

* Why did the author write this? The author's reason for writing this is to fight for schools
to bring their students outside. The schools are not the ones being affected, it is the students.
Causing them to struggle in school, having eyesight problems, needing treatments etc. As days go
by, the rate of students with short sightedness keeps getting higher and higher.

* What is the main point/argument? The main point of this article is that schools need to
give their students more time outside. Getting the sunlight they need can improve their vision,
instead students are put in classrooms for many hours. Which affects their eyesight, leading to
short sightedness.

* What is the most important concept? The importance of this article is that so many
students can be prevented from myopia by simply being given more time outside, which they are
not given. Many students have to suffer with struggling in school, and many can't afford
treatment. As this keeps going the percentage of people with myopia will keep rising.

* What is your opinion on this topic? In my opinion although education is important, I

think the students of East Asia deserve their free time outside. From not getting that free time
they are affected by it negatively, the expenses of this are thrown at the parents which many can't
afford. Giving students more outside time can save them from struggling in school and parents
wouldn't have to worry about the expenses of helping their child with short sightedness.

* Was the author biased in their writings? Yes, in the article the author claimed the
students of East Asia suffer from Short sightedness due to being in the classroom for large
amounts of hours also saying they need to go outside. The author backed up their claim with the
evidence being ¨regular exposure to bright daylight is vital in properly controlling the
growth of children’s eyes. Too little light leads to elongated, short-sighted eyes¨ meaning
students need more sunlight during the day their say is consumed with little to no time
outside. The author also backed up their claim with the evidence that ¨ Researchers think that
this explains why rates are so high in Asia, where a strong cultural emphasis on the value
of education leads to long school days and, often, private tutoring in the afternoon and
evening. That leaves little time for sunshine¨. Giving students more time outside can cut
the amount of students who develop myopia, those who do develop myopia can be
treated with special eye drops, glasses, or contact lenses.
4. In a paragraph, explain the EFFECTS this news will have on the following;
* How will this affect the country economically, socially, politically, etc…
The epidemic is located in East Asia, meaning West Asia is not immune. Rates between
20% to 40% in Europe, the rate of 17-19 year olds alone in California is 59%. Many
can not afford glasses or contact lenses being that they are too expensive, which are
causing many children to struggle in school. Severe Myopia predisposes those with it to
other eye diseases, some of which can cause loss of vision.
* How does the information in this article affect your life today and in the future?

5. Cite the Source

¨Short-sightedness has become an epidemic¨

** Cite sources in text MLA style ** (Author’s last name)

Example: GDP increased by 3% (Jones).

**Sites: Fox News, CNN, Reuters, MarketWatch, CNBC, AP, etc…

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