Kami Export - Kitwana Ruddock - Hs - Viol - 16 - Workbook - p69-70

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16 Student Journal
Preventing Suicide

Healthy Journal entry

behavior Describe at least 5 important things in your life that you love or value most.
You can write about people, places, things, interests, activities, dreams for
Getting help for the future, or anything else that means a lot to you.
suicide thoughts.
Family, Friends, Pets, Sports, and Shoes.
Health terms

warning signs
How would you feel if you no longer had or could do these things in your life?
I would feel depressed and empty

Suicide – The intentional taking of one’s own life.

Suicide is not an accident or a mistake. Suicide is
considered an act of self-inflicted violence.

Warning signs of suicide thoughts

High School

withdrawal from hanging with friends and family

Giving away most valued possessions

Seeming down all the time



Violence & Injury Prevention • Student Workbook • Lesson 16 69

16 Student Journal
Preventing Suicide (continued)

Barriers to getting help

What are some barriers or things that could get in the way of teens getting help
for themselves if they are having suicide thoughts?
No one to talk to about their problems
People not taking them seriously when they vent about how they are feeling

What are some barriers or things that could get in the way of teens getting help
for a friend who is showing warning signs of suicide thoughts?
The friend asked them not to tell anyone

The friend doesn't tell anyone how they're feeling

High School

Getting help
Where would you go to or whom would you talk to if you or a friend were
having suicide thoughts?
I'd talk to a suicide hotline for help and opinions on how i could help and what I
could do

70 Violence & Injury Prevention • Student Workbook • Lesson 16

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