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Jaipur Engineering College and Research

Academic Year- 2022-2023

Centre, Shri Ram ki Nangal, via Sitapura
RIICO Jaipur- 302 022.

Table of Content Content Page Number

Candidate’s Declaration i
Bonafide Certificate ii
Preface iii
Vision and Mission iv
Program Outcomes (POs) v
Program Education Objectives (PEOs) vi
Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs) vii
Course Outcomes (COs) viii
Mapping: COs and POs ix
Acknowledgement x
Abstract xi
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Cloud Computing 1
1.2 Virtualization 1
2. Cloud Computing 2
2.1 Essential Characteristics 2
2.2 Service Models 3
2.3 Deployment Models 4
2.4 Benefits 6
3. Literature Survey 7
4. Virtualization 8
4.1 Objective 8
4.2 Types of Virtualization 11
4.3 Benefits 12
5. Virtualization Tools 13
5.1 QEMU 13
5.2 BOCH 14
Jaipur Engineering College and Research
Academic Year- 2022-2023
Centre, Shri Ram ki Nangal, via Sitapura
RIICO Jaipur- 302 022.

5.3 KVM 17
5.4 VMware Player 18
Challenges Faced 20
Future Scope 21
Conclusion 22
1. Research Papers
2. PDF Files
3. Other Resources

Table Index Title Page Number

4.1 Comparison between types of Virtualization 12
Jaipur Engineering College and Research
Academic Year- 2022-2023
Centre, Shri Ram ki Nangal, via Sitapura
RIICO Jaipur- 302 022.

Figure Index Title Page Number

2.1 Cloud Service Model 4
2.2 Deployment model 5
4.1 Cloud vs Virtualization 9
4.2 Physical vs Virtual Machine 10
5.1 BOCH Execution Process 16

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