Computer Application Packages: Exam Question Book

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Exam Question Book

Introduction to computer & windows ..........................................................................................................
Exercise 1 .................................................................................................................................................. 3
Exercise 2 .................................................................................................................................................. 4
Exercise 3 .................................................................................................................................................. 9
Microsoft office Word .................................................................................................................................
Exercise 1 ................................................................................................................................................
Exercise 2 ................................................................................................................................................
Exercise 3 ................................................................................................................................................
Exercise 4 ................................................................................................................................................
Exercise 5 ................................................................................................................................................
Exercise 6 ................................................................................................................................................
Exercise 7 ................................................................................................................................................
Microsoft office Excel..................................................................................................................................

Page 1 of 59
Exercise 1 ................................................................................................................................................
Exercise 2 ................................................................................................................................................
Exercise 3 ................................................................................................................................................
Exercise 4 ................................................................................................................................................
Exercise 5 ................................................................................................................................................
Exercise 6 ................................................................................................................................................
Exercise 7 ................................................................................................................................................
Exercise 8 ................................................................................................................................................
Exercise 9 ................................................................................................................................................
Exercise 10 ..............................................................................................................................................
Exercise 11 ..............................................................................................................................................
Microsoft office Access ...............................................................................................................................
Exercise 1 ................................................................................................................................................
Exercise 2 ................................................................................................................................................
Exercise 3 ................................................................................................................................................
Exercise 4 ................................................................................................................................................
Exercise 5 ................................................................................................................................................
Exercise 6 ................................................................................................................................................
Exercise 7 ................................................................................................................................................
Microsoft office Power Point ......................................................................................................................
Exercise 1 ................................................................................................................................................
Exercise 2 ................................................................................................................................................
Exercise 3 ................................................................................................................................................
Exercise 4 ................................................................................................................................................
Exercise 5 ................................................................................................................................................
Exercise 6 ................................................................................................................................................
Microsoft office Publisher ...........................................................................................................................
Exercise 1 ................................................................................................................................................
Exercise 2 ................................................................................................................................................
Exercise 3 ................................................................................................................................................
Exercise 4 ................................................................................................................................................

Page 2 of 59
Introduction to computer & windows
Exercise 1
1. Open My Document (Start button - My Document).
2. Create a folder (look across top of page or down left hand panel for New Folder) and name it
Numbers (followed by your name), e.g. NumbersTracey.
3. INSIDE the Numbers (your name) folder, create 2 subfolders and name them Odd and Even.
4. Open WordPad Program and type in the following text:

Apollo 11 was the spaceflight that landed the first humans, Americans Neil Armstrong and Buzz
Aldrin, on Moon on July 20, 1969.

5. Save the file with the file name Eleven into the Odd folder. Close the file and the word application.
6. open WordPad and type the following text;

The Three Musketeers is a novel by Alexandre Duma. It is set in the 17th century and it recounts the
adventures of a young man named d'Artgnan after he leaves home to travel to Paris, to join the
Musketeers of the Guard.

7. Save the file with filename Three into the Odd folder. Close the file and word application.
8. Open Word and the following text:

The seven deadly sins, also known as the capital vices or cardinal sins are currently recognized to be
wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony.

9. Save the file with the filename Seven into the Odd folder. Close the file and the word application.
10. Open WordPad and type the following text:

In Britain we have four seasons that divide up our years. They are:
Spring - March to May
Summer - June to August
Autumn - September to November
Winter - December to February

11. Save the file with the filename Four into the Even folder. Close the and the word application.
12. Open WordPad and type the following text:

Henry VIII had six wives who were:

Catherine of Aragon - 1509 to 1533 – divorced
Anne Boleyn - 1533 to 1536 – beheaded
Jane Seymour - 1536 to 1537 – died
Anne of Cleves - January 1540 to July 1540 – divorced
Katherine Howard - 1540 to 1542 – beheaded
Katherine Parr - 1543 to 1547 - widowed

13. Save the file with the filename Six into the Even folder. Close the file and the Word application
Well done!!!
Page 3 of 59
Exercise 2
Using WordPad and Paint Programs (Applications)
In this exercise students will learn how to use the WordPad and Paint programs. The
Students will learn how to use the ribbons in both programs and how to drawing tools in
Paint. Students will also learn how to copy a Paint image and paste it into a WordPad file.
Exercise Instructions
WordPad: Creating a new file, adding text
2. Type the Halloween party text into the WordPad file. Enter the text exactly as you see
Halloween Party
When: October 30, 2012
Where: Your House (Type your First and Last name here)
14 Main Street
Santa Ana, CA
Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Bring your kids and bring a trick-o-treat sweet. Wear your scary costume.

WordPad: Saving a document.

1. Click the WordPad button located in the top, left corner of your window. Notice that a
drop down menu appears. Click on SaveAs.

2. Notice that the SaveAs Box appears.

3. In the File Name, type Halloween Party and click Save.

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4. Notice in the Save as type it says Rich Text Format (RTF). Do not change the File
Type but notice that the WordPad file type is .RTF

Paint: Saving a Paint File

1. Open the Paint program. Click START, ALL PROGRAMS, ACCESSORIES, PAINT.
2. Click the Paint Button located in the top, left corner of your window. Notice that a drop
down menu appears.
3. Click on the SaveAs command.

4. Notice that the SaveAs box appears.

5. In the File Name, type Pumpkin.

6. In the Save as type, click the arrow and click on JPEG (*.jpg;*jpeg;*jpe;*jfif)

Paint - Using Paint Tools to Draw an Object

Draw the outline shape of a pumpkin
1. Go to the TOOLS GROUP and click on the Pencil tool to draw the outline shape of a
2. Use the Pencil tool to draw the vertical lines (top to bottom) for the pumpkin.

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Color the pumpkin
1. Go to the COLORS GROUP and click on COLOR 1. Now click on the color Orange.
Notice that the COLOR 1 changes to orange.
2. Go to the TOOLS GROUP. Click on the PAINT CAN (Fill with Color).
3. Move your cursor over the pumpkin and click to color each section orange.
4. Change COLOR 1 to green.
5. Move your cursor over the stem and click to color it green.

Draw the eyes and nose

1. Go to the Shapes tool and click on the triangle shape ∆. Move your cursor over the
pumpkin and click and drag to create each eye and nose using triangle shapes.

Color the eyes and nose

1. Go to the COLORS GROUP and click on COLOR 1. Now click on the color Black. Notice
COLOR 1 changes to black.
2. Go to the TOOLS GROUP. Click on the PAINT CAN (Fill with Color).
3. Move your cursor over each triangle and click to color each eye, the nose and the mouth

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WordPad: Changing Font Style, Font Size and Font Color
1. Maximize the WordPad file named Halloween Party. (Remember, the file is still open
and you can find it on the taskbar.)
2. Select all the text and change the Font to LUCINDA HANDWRITING. Now Center
all the text.
3. Click anywhere in the white area to de-select the text.
4. Select only the text “Halloween Party” and increase the text size to 48. While the
text is still selected, change the color of the text to Earthy Red.
5. Click anywhere in the white area to de-select the text.
6. Select all the other text in the document (not including Halloween Party). Increase the
text size to 24.
7. Click the Save command.

Paint: Using the Select and Copy tools

1. Maximize the file you created in Paint under the name of Pumpkin. Under the IMAGE
GROUP, Click on SELECT, then click on SELECT ALL. You should now see a box around
your pumpkin.
2. Under the CLIPBOARD GROUP, click the arrow, and then click on the word COPY.

WordPad: Using the Paste tool

1. Maximize your WordPad document. Hint: The document is still open on your Task Bar
under the name Halloween Party.
2. Place your cursor in the space under Halloween Party and CLICK. Go to the
CLIPBOARD GROUP, click the arrow under the word PASTE, then click PASTE. The
pumpkin should now appear here. Save your changes.
3. Point and Click under the sentence: Bring your kids and bring a trick-o-treat sweet.
Wear your scary costume.
4. Print the WordPad file. Click the arrow next to the WordPad icon. Click Print. The
PRINT Dialog Box appears. Click Print again.

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Completed Project

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Exercise 3
Part One

a) Create a folder on the desk top named “EXAMS” (2 Marks)

Procedure: right-click with the mouse button on the desktop free area and on the pop up menu
that appears, move to new the click on folder on the list menu that appear against menu item

b) Open the EXAMS folder and create another folder named “MARKS” (2 Marks)
Procedure:Double-click/right-click the EXAMS folder and choose open from the pop up menu that
appear. Then follow the same steps as was in (a) above

c) While still inside EXAMS folder, create following three files using specified programs
(6 Marks)

File Name Program to create the file

1 Image file Paint
2 Document file Word pad
3 Text file Note pad

Procedure:From the start menu, open a program for which you wish to create a file for, from the
program window that opens click on file menu and choose SAVE then specify the place to save the
file created by the program (DESKTOP>EXAMS folder)

Part Two

a) Open the image file using paint program and draw a picture in the form of a computer
(4 Marks)

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Procedure:right-click on your file and from the pop-up menu, choose open with and choose arespective
program for which to use in populating content in the file.

b) Open the document file and write a simple profile of yourself (4 Marks)

Sample Profile

My personal profile


NAME: Thomas Otieno AGE: 15 yrs



Certificate in Computers

Certificate in Secondary Education

Certificate in Primary Education


Working as a computer assistant


Eliud Ndegwa - Lecturer

Note: You don’t have to include the border as presented above

c) Place the Picture in Two (a) above as a logo in your document Two (b) after the profile
heading (2 Marks)

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Microsoft office Word
Exercise 1
Open a word processing program and type the following document as it appears. Save
document as Uniformdist in the KNECEXAM folder to print out latter. (15 Marks)

he digital divide, in brief, is the gap between people who have access to computer
technology and people who do not have. It appears that, as the number of people going
online increases, the gap also glows.

Digital divide in formal schooling is not simply an equipment differential that

can be overcome with further selective investments in hardware,
software and networking. Instead these factors are excavated by factors from
within school and homes that affect the learner.

Factors Attributing to the Digital Divide

a) Education
Widening levels of education magnify the digital divide; households with higher levels of
education are increasingly more likely to use computers and the Internet.
b) Income
Due to lower income levels, schools located within poor neighborhood lack the infrastructure
available in affluent areas. Telecommunication facilities are more readily available for schools in
the later areas hence enhancing the learner ability to collaborate with other leaners.
c) Resistance to change
Schools headed by those who are computer literate are likely to better in terms of acquiring
necessary resources than a school headed by individual who is not computer literate.
Overcoming the digital divide
a) Universal Access. alongside new technologies to promote the
As the use of computers and the internet best application of resources.
increases, so does the necessity for access d) Change of Attitude Regarding
b) Continued Support by the national Technology.
government and county government. Rather that perceiving computers and the
They should work hand in hand to promote Internet as superfluous luxury in schools,
the use of ICT’s in schools. must come to realize the incredible power
c) Additional, Well-Trained Technical of
Staff. Communities and schools must train Technologies and embrace them as tools for
and preserve additional, more qualified staff,

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Exercise 2
(a) i) Open a word processing program and key in the following text as it appears. Save the
document as Change management in the KNECEXAM folder to print out later. (6 Marks)
Change management

C hange management is an approach to transitioning individuals, teams, and organizations to

a desired future state. Organizational change is a structured approach in an organization
for ensuring that changes are smoothly and successfully implemented to achieve lasting
Reasons for change

1. Globalization and the constant availability and therefore

innovation of technology. accountability of knowledge.
2. Phenomena such as social media and 4. Easily accessible information
mobile adaptability. resulting to unprecedented scrutiny
3. The growth in technology also has a from stockholders and the media.
secondary effect of increasing the
Choosing what changes to implement
The following factors should be considered:
 Levels, goals, and strategies.
 Measurement system.
 Sequence of steps.
 Implementation and organization change.

ii) Format the heading to - Font: Bookman Old Style; Font Style: Bold; Font Size:20; All
Caps. (2 Marks)

iii) Apply 1.5 Line spacing to the text and save the changes. (2 Marks)

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(c) Open a word processing program and create the letter as it appears in figure below. Save the
document as letterhead in the KNECEXAM folder to print out later. (4 Marks)

P.O BOX 22289

To Mr Jayden
0554 555888
Maji Bottlers


This is to inform you that we shall be conducting the annual workshop in
the second week of the month of July. The theme of the workshop is
change management within organization.

The registration fee is Ksh. 2,000 per person. Meals and accommodation
will be catered for.

Yours faithfully,

Company Secretary.

Page 13 of 59
Exercise 3
a) Open a new word processing document and set the page layout as follows: (2 Marks)
i. Margins: 1 inch all around
ii. Paper size: A4 small
b) Create the following document as it appears in the page set in (a). Save it as Motivation in the
KNECEXAM folder to print out later. (8 Marks)


tress can be defined as a physical and mental Too m8uch stress can seriously interfere
tension caused by certain external or with your ability to perform effectively. By
internal factors in a person’s life. analyzing the likely causes of stress you will
be able to plan your responses to likely
The art of stress management is to forms of stress. These might be actions to
keep yourself at a level of alleviate the situation or may be stress
stimulation that is healthy and management techniques that you will use.
enjoyable. Life without
stimulus would be incredibly Stress arises when individuals perceive that they
dull and boring. Life with much cannot adequately cope with the demands being
stimulus becomes unpleasant made on them or with threats to their well-being.
and tiring and may ultimately
damage your health or well-

c) Open a blank word document and save it as New Motivation. Copy the contents of the
document named Motivation and paste in this document. Apply the following formats and
save the changes to print out later. (10 Marks)
i. Change the Heading font to Baskerville Old Face
ii. Change Heading font size to 18
iii. Space between line 1.5 and 6pt before paragraph;
iv. Insert a page border of your choice;
v. Insert your name and Regno as a header ensure the header is centered;

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(a) Open a word processing program and type the following document as it appears. Save the
document as Uniformdist in the KNECEXAM folder to print out latter. (12 Marks)

Ferry uniform distributers is a new company situated 3 Kms away from the town and sales
various types of uniforms which includes:
10% Discount

The following are the prices for some of the items.


Item Name Size Price(Kshs)
Shirts 10-15 450
Shorts 10-15 650
Truck suits 10-15 1600
Socks 10-15 300

Note that these who come before 31st December will be given a 10% discount on each item.

Come 1! Come 2! Come all!!!

(b) Apply a drop cap in margin format to the 1st letter of the first paragraph. (1Mark)

(c) Apply a width of 3pts to all the borders of the table (1Mark)

(d) Apply footer with the text “Uniform distributers” to appear at the center of the page. (1Mark)

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Exercise 5
(a) Open a word processing program and create the following document as it appears, save the
document as Task1a in the KNECEXAM folder. (2 Marks)

TO: [Title] [Name]

Dear sir,


I am pleased to inform you that the courses inquired are offered at Menza TTC. Find attached
the detailed of the courses offered

Yours faithfully,

Jared Melvin
Academic Registrar.

(b) Create a data source with the following information and save it as Task1b and save it in the
KNECEXAM folder to print out latter. (3 Marks)

Title Name
Mr Jeremy Kenneth
Ms Mary Small
Mr Henry Matter

(c) Merge the data source to the task1a main document (8 Marks)
(d) Save the merged document as Task1c in the KNECEXAM folder to print out latter.
(2 Marks)

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Exercise 6
The school administration of Kiogotha High School intends to invite parents to attend a prize
giving day for their best performed students.

(e) Open a word processing program and create the student’ data as it appears in Table Below,
save it as datasource in the KNECEXAM folder. (5 Marks)

Student’s Name Admin No Student’s Grade Parent’s Name Telephone

Brian Dan 0029/2014 A Mr. Peter 0793 800 000
Mark Lewis 0012/2014 A Mrs. Nancy 0792 630 000
Lillian Mary 0006/2014 A- Mr. Moses 0721 560 000
Eva Shem 0030/2014 A- Mrs. Joyce 0795 870 342

(f) Open a word processing program and type the letter as it appears, save it as invitation in the
KNECEXAM folder. (5 Marks)

Dear <<Parent’s Name>>,



The purpose of this letter is to invite you to attend a prize giving day on the 22nd June 2015. Your
child << Student’s Name>>, of << Admin No.>> scored a mean grade <<Student’s Grade>>.

The occasion will take place on the school’s ground starting at 9.Am.

Kindly confirm your attendance.

Yours faithfully,



(g) Merge the invitation with the datasource. Save it as mergedletter in the KNECEXAM folder
to print out latter (5 Marks)

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Exercise 7
The Dean of Student intends to issue certificates to the student leaders of Makindu College. As
the secretary general of the students union you have been tasked to use a word processing
program to design the certificates.

(a) Open a word processing program and create the following table it appears. Save it as List in
the KNECEXAM folder to print out later.

Adm No. Students Name Position Held Year of Study

CS1252 Millicent Jones Chairman 2005
BS4565 Vane Annes Vice chairman 2007
CS4562 David Gregory Secretary 2006
ME4045 Mirriam Horse shoe Assistant secretary 2006
AE1487 Lavender Wells Organizing secretary 2005
BS6958 Hillary Fredrick Treasurer 2007

(b) Open a new word processing document and apply the page settings as follows:
i) Page orientation: Landscape;
ii) Margins: 1 inch all round;
iii) Paper size: A4.
(c) Open a word processing program and create the following document as it appears in the page
created in (b). Save the changes as Certificate in the KNECEXAM folder to print out later.

Certificate of Appreciation
This certificate is awarded to

<<Students Name>>
<<Adm. No>>/<<Year of study>>

In recognition to valuable contributions towards Makindu College in the capacity of

<< Position held>> in the student union.

Dean of Students Principal

Sign: _________ Sign: _________

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(d) Open a word processing program and use the file named List as the data source in (a) and the
file named Certificate created in (c) as the main document to generate customized certificates
for each students. Save the merged document as MerCert in the KNECEXAM folder.

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Microsoft office Excel
Exercise 1

Each question is 1Mark

1) Open a new Excel file. Delete the worksheets: Sheet1 and Sheet2.
2) Create the Worksheet shown above in Sheet1 and Rename it Coral.
3) Set the columns A,B:9; Columns C&D:11.
4) Set the height of Row 2 as 40.
5) Align all columns labels horizontally and vertically center.
6) After entering data, insert a new row between rows 2&3.
7) Format column F to include $ sign and 2 decimal places.
8) Center the worksheet vertically and holizontally on the page.
9) Save the file with the name EXCEL1 in the KNECEXAM folder

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Exercise 2
A certain hospital prepared the data in figure below showing the causes of death of infants in a
particular year. Use it to answer the questions that follow.

1 Cause Frequency Percentage frequency
2 Malaria 260
3 Tuberculosis 655
4 HIV/AIDS 490
5 Cancer 300
6 Typhoid 590
7 Diabetes
8 Total Frequency

(a) i) Open a spreadsheet program and key in the data as it appears. Save the workbook as
hospital data in the KNECEXAM folder. (2 Marks)

ii) Using appropriate function and cell address only, determine each of the following:
I. The total frequency; (1 Mark)
II. The percentage frequency for each cause; (HINT: Percentage frequency =
frequency/total frequency * 100); (2 Marks)
(b) i) Copy the contents of Sheet1 to Sheet2 in cell range A1:D8. (12Marks)

ii) Rename Sheet2 as Total. (21Marks)

iii) Sort the data in the Sheet named Totals by the column titled Cause in Descending order
and then by Frequency in ascending order. (2 Marks)

iv) I. Insert two rows above Row1 in sheet named totals. (1 Mark)

II. Insert a picture of a doctor in sheet named Totals in cell range B1:C2. (1 Mark)

v) Use an appropriate feature to lock cells C2:D9 with the password “doctor” in sheet named
totals. (2 Marks)

(c) i) Insert an embedded bar chart showing the percentage frequency against the cause in sheet1.
Label the chart appropriately. (2 Marks)

ii) Save the changes to print out later sheet1 and Totals. (1 Mark)

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Exercise 3
Figure below shows an extract from a spreadsheet program showing details of vehicles prepared
by the secretary in a car company. Use it to answer the questions that follow.

(a) Open a spreadsheet program and key in the information shown in figure below as it appears.
Save the workbook as Budget in the KNECEXAM folder to print out later. (6 Marks)

1 Car Type Vehicle Car Price Amount Paid Balance
(Ksh) (Ksh) (Ksh)
2 Truck Nissan 1,100,000 800,000
3 Bus Mazda 2,400,000 2,000,000
4 Saloon Toyota 800,000 800,000
5 Pick-up Peugeot 1,000,000 700,000
6 Lorry Isuzu 3,000,000 2,000,000
7 Pick-up Toyota 1,800,000 1,600,000
8 Bus Scania 7,500,000 7,500,000
9 Truck Toyota 1,800,000 1,800,000
10 Saloon Nissan 900,000 900,000
11 Pick-up Isuzu 1,500,000 1,200,000
12 Saloon Peugeot 600,000 600,000

(b) Copy the content of sheet 1 to sheet 2: (1 Marks)

(c) Perform the following tasks to the details in sheet2: (3 Marks)
i) Insert two rows above row 2
ii) Merge and center the cells A2:E2;
iii) Type the following text in the range A2:E2;


(d) Using cell addresses only, compute the Balances for each Vehicle. (2 Marks)
(e) Using the filter feature, extract the vehicles which have a balance of above kshs 200,000.
(2 Marks)
(f) Create a 3D column chart on a new sheet showing the vehicle and the respective Balance.
Label the chart appropriately. (4 Marks)
(g) Save the changes to print later: (2 Marks)
i) Sheet 1;
ii) Sheet 2;
iii) Chart sheet.

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Exercise 4
1. Enter the information in the spreadsheet below. Be sure that the information is entered in the
same cells as given, or the formulas below will not work.

1 PSC 556:Policy
2 Spring 1995
5 Thomas Steven 999-25-5683 94 65 89 90
6 Alexander Suzette 999-52-4544 93 91 97 80
7 Richard Billy 998-70-8574 92 83 88 90
8 Rasmussen Betty 997-43-4493 95 94 90 90

You will notice that when you enter the information in the first column, the text runs over into
the next cell. To adjust the size of the column, once all the information is entered for the first
column, click on the column heading (that is the letter A). Then open the FORMAT menu, select
the COLUMN options, and then select the AUTOFIT SELECTION command.

2. Enter the formula below into cell G5 and copy it into cells G6 to G8. This demonstrates the
use of a "relative reference" (e.g., C5) that points to the contents of a cell
G5: =c5*.3+d5*.3+e5*.3+f5*.1
Now copy this formula to cells G6, G7, and G8. To do this click on cell G5 to make it the active
cell. Then open the EDIT menu and choose the COPY command (a flashing border should now
appear around the cell G5). Now click on cell G6 and drag the pointer so the range of cells from
G6 to G8 are now highlighted. At this point you need to open the EDIT menu again, but this time
selected the PASTE option. . Notice that when you copy this formula into other cells the row
numbers for the cells change according to the row into which the formula has been copied.

3. Enter the information below in the cell indicated.

B10: Averages
4. Enter the formulas below in the cells indicated. These formulas demonstrate three methods for
calculating averages for a column of data.
C10: =(c5+c6+c7+c8)/4
D10: =sum(d5:d8)/4
E10: =average(e5:e8)
5. Enter the information below in the cells indicated. This will establish the weight each exam is
given in a student's final average.
B12: Weights
C12: .3
D12: .3
E12: .3
F12: .1

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6. Enter the formula below into cell G5 and then copy it into cells G6 to G8. This demonstrates
the use of an "absolute reference" (e.g., $C$12) that points to a specific cell in a spreadsheet.
Notice that when the formula is copied into other cells, the absolute reference remains the same
whereas the relative references change according to the location into which the formula is
G5: =$c$12*c5+$d$12*d5+$e$12*e5+$f$12*f5
7. Make the changes to the cell contents indicated below and notice how the final averages
a. D5: 74
b. C7: 98
c. C12: .25 and E12: .35
d. E12: .30 and F12: .15
8. Just when you thought you were finished calculating final grades, you realize that you forgot
someone. You know that quiet student that always sits in the back of the room. Anyhow, you can
start all over or simply insert a new row for the forgotten student.
a. Move the cursor to row 6 and click once (on any cell in this row or the row heading).
Open the INSERT menu, select ROWS option. Notice how a new row is inserted after row 6.
Also, check the formulas entered into cells D11, E11, G5, G7, G8, and G9 have now all changed
to accommodate the newly insert row.
b. Now that an additional student has been added to your grade book, the formulas used to
calculate the averages for Exams #1 and #2 are incorrect (this is because these formulas still
assume only four grades are to be averaged. To correct this, copy the formula in cell
E11 to cells C11 and D11.
c. Enter the information below in the identified cells.
A6: Linder, Barry
B6: 993-14-9283
C6: 81
D6: 73
E6: 83
F6: 65
d. Notice that the exam averages change when the new student's grades are entered but a final
average is not automatically calculated for him. This is because the formula was not copied into
that new row. Copy the formula in cell G5 into cell G6. Now your grade roll is completed.
Your final spreadsheet should look like the one below.

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1 PSC 556:Policy
2 Spring 1995
5 Thomas Steven 999-25-5683 94 74 89 90 85.9
6 Linder Barry 999-52-4544 81 73 83 65 76.8
7 Alexander Suzette 998-70-8574 93 91 97 80 91.65
8 Richard Billy 997-43-4493 98 83 88 90 89.3
9 Rasmussen Betty 997-74-4447 95 94 90 90 92.45
11 Average 92.2 83 89.4
13 Weights 0.25 0.3 0.3 0.15

9. IF statements can be used to automatically assign letter grades to each student.

a. Enter the following formula.
H5: =if(g5>89,”A”,if(g5>79,”B”,if(g5>69,”C”,if(g5>59,”D”,”F”))))
b. Copy the formula in cell H5 to cells H6 through H9.
c. The IF command evaluates the first logical test (i.e., G5>89). If the statement is true an
“A” is assigned. If the statement is false, the next logical statement is evaluated (i.e., G5>79). To
place an IF statement inside another IF statement is referred to as “nesting.”
Excel allows up you to nest up to seven IF statements.
10. To save the grade sheet onto your diskette, open the FILE menu, select the SAVE AS
command, and enter the following name at the blinking cursor in the shaded box:
EXCEL2 in the KNECEXAM folder

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Exercise 5

Each question is 1Mark

1) Create the worksheet shown above and rename it as NTU.

2) Format Column F to percentage type.
3) Find Price Increase (%), depending on the type.
4) Find Sale Price, where Sale Price = unit Price * Price Increase + Unit Price
5) Find Warranty. If Unit Price greater than 10, then YES and NO, if it is not.
6) Find Total Price which is equal is equal to Quantity * Sales Price
7) Calculate the TOTAL, AVERAGE, HIGHEST and LOWEST values as shown above.
8) Draw a pie chart between Type and Sales Price.
9) In cell G18, find how many items which are cheaper than 100.
10) In cell G19, find Total quantities which are greater than 20.
11) Save the file with the name EXCEL3 in the KNECEXAM folder

Page 26 of 59
Exercise 6

Each question is 1Mark

1) Create the worksheet shown above and rename it as Grades.

2) Find Grade which is equal to Midterm1 + Midterm2 + Project + Final.
3) Find Status for each student with a grade better than or equal to 80 as “Distinct”, and all
others as “Fulfilled”.
4) Create a Column chart based on the columns Student Name, Final and Grade.
5) Save the file with the name Excel 4 in the KNECEXAM folder.

Page 27 of 59
Exercise 7
a) Open a spreadsheet program and key in the data as it appears in sheet1. Save the workbook
as juicesupplied in the KNECEXAM folder.

b) Copy the content in sheet1 to sheet2

c) i) Insert a blank row above the column headers
ii) Type the title “EDY’S JUICE COMPANY” in the inserted row
iii) Merge and centre the title to cover the cells A1 to E1
iv) Apply font size 17 to the title
d) Use a formula with cell references only to compute;
(i) Selling price, given that that the selling price is the buying price increased by 20%
(ii) The value of the juice not sold based on the buying price
e) Create a bar chart with appropriate labels to compare the number of bottles of mango and
orange juices supplied
f) Save the changes to print out latter
(i) Sheet2
(ii) Bar chart

Page 28 of 59
Exercise 8
The figure below shows an extract of a spreadsheet program showing transaction details of Ferry
Uniform Distributors. Use it to answer the questions that follow.

1 Customers Items bought Price Quality Bought
2 Leeny Distributors Tunic 600 1000
3 Maky Distributors Stockings 300 1500
4 Top Hill Distributors Pullover 1000 7000
5 Karigi Distributors Tie 150 3000
6 Lonny Distributors Shirt 500 2000
7 Maky Distributors Shirt 500 1500
8 Top Hill Distributors Tie 150 400
9 Discount 10%

(a) Open a spreadsheet program and create the document as it appears. Save the workbook as
uniformdistributers in the KNECEXAM folder. (5 Marks)
(b) Copy the data in sheet1 to sheet2 and rename sheet2 as modified. (3 Marks)
(c) On sheet2, use a formula with cell references to: (5 Marks)
i) Determine the total cost of each item bought by each customer.
ii) Determine the new cost of each item bought given that a discount of 10% is awarded on each
item bought.
(d) Create a column chart that compares the quality of ties bought by Karigi and Top Hill distributors.
Label the chart appropriately. (5 Marks)
(e) Save the changes to print out later: (2 Marks)
i) Modified
ii) Chart sheet1

Page 29 of 59
Exercise 9
The figure below shows an extract of a spreadsheet file with the details of revenue earned by
Theconia Road Sacco drivers. Use it to answer the questions that follow.

(f) Open a spreadsheet program and create the worksheet as it appears below. Save the workbook
as theconia in the KNEXEXAM folder to print out latter.

2 Driver Name Car No Qrt1 Qrt2 Qrt3 Grand Total Commission
3 Rebeccah Njoma MLM324 700,00 1,789,200 850,500
4 Job Wanjau KJM234 966,699 695,200 699,900
5 Fred Achwanga KTM345 696,500 1,996,900 999,900
6 Kimberly Tim KJM590 452,966 900,600 950,450
7 Vinke Mwasote KKT356 855,963 985,600 990,600
8 Jane Siboi KLM357 789,632 695,500 770,900
9 Ruth Kawanga KLM567 136,560 500,536 605,600
10 John Alihabkar KJM578 285,966 436,458 896,850

(g) i) Copy the content of sheet1 to sheet2 (1 Mark)

ii) Rename sheet2 as earnings (1 Mark)
(h) Perform following operations on the details in the sheet named earnings (2v Mark)
i) Insert a blank row above Row1
ii) Merge and center cells A1:G1
iii) Key in the following text “Theconia Driver Earnings” in the merged cells in the row
inserted in (i)
(i) Using cell references only, insert a formula to calculate the grand totals for quarterly earnings.
(2 Marks)
(j) Compute the commission earned by each driver if the commission payable is based on the
criteria below. (3 Mark)

Criteria % of Grand Total

Less than 1,500,000 0%
1,500,000 to 2,500,000 5%
Greater than 2,500,000 10%

(k) Create a clustered bar chart for driver name, car number against the quarter. Save it as chart1
in its sheet. (2 Mark)
(l) Display formulas instead of values in sheet earnings (2 Mark)
(m) Print the chart (1 Mark)

Page 30 of 59
Exercise 10
(a) i) Open a spreadsheet program and key in the following data as it appears below. Save the
workbook as contributions in the KNEXEXAM folder to print out latter. (6 Mark)

1 Members Number of months Amount Status
contributed Contributed (ksh)
2 Lillian Wilson 250
3 Monica Johns 105
4 Browns James 90
5 Linda Henson 340
6 Helen Checks 180
7 Peter Siboi 70
8 Vivian Fox 401
9 John Gregory 63
12 Monthly Contribution 10,000

ii) Insert a row above R1, merge the cells A1:E1 and: (2 Mark)


II. Format the title to font Elephant of size 18.

(b) i) Using cell addresses and appropriate function, determine the Amount contributed by each
member (2 Mark)

ii) Format the data in column C to have the thousand separate with zero decimal points (1

iii) Using appropriate function, determine the total amount contributed (1 Mark)
iv) Using IF function and cell addresses, determine the status for each member as “Step up”
if the members monthly contribution is below 100, otherwise “Keep it up”. (3 Mark)
(c) Create a pie chart in a new sheet to show the Members and Amount contributed. Label the
chart appropriately. (3 Mark)
(d) Save the changes to print out latter: (2 Mark)
i) Sheet1 showing formula instead of values
ii) The chart

Page 31 of 59
Exercise 11
Table below shows the marks stained in various subjects by students in streams H and K at mt.
Gathabi Technical Institute. Use a spreadsheet to manipulate the data provided.

1 Adm. No. Name Stream Business English Maths STUDENT RANK
stu5dies MEAN
2 C001 Barasa H 36 56 26
3 C002 Ambayo K 90 54 23
4 C003 Kamau H 54 45 25
5 C004 Kirui K 78 46 24
6 C005 Kerubo H 68 35 52
7 C006 Akinyi K 25 63 54
8 C007 Ndida H 45 65 56
9 C008 Zeinabu K 65 53 51
10 C009 Muli H 45 54 52
11 C010 Tamoh H 78 52 53
Stream H
Stream K

(a) i) Use a spreadsheet program to capture the data in Table above and save it as marks in the
KNECEXAM folder to print out later. (4 Marks)
ii) Rename the sheet containing marks as mark1 (1 Mark)
(b) Copy the data in mark1 to sheet2. Rename the sheet as mark2 (1 Mark)
(c) Carry out the following tasks on mark2 sheet using functions: (1 Mark)
i) Find the total marks for each subject; (1 Mark)
ii) Find the total marks in each subject for; (2 Marks)
• Stream K;
• Stream H.
iii) Determine the mean mark for each student to two decimal place; (2 Marks)
iv) Determine the best mark in every subject. (2 Marks)
(d) Use a function to rank the student in descending order of their mean marks. (1 Mark)
(e) Create a well labeled column chart on a different sheet to show the mean mark of each
student. Save the chart as mark3. (3 Marks)
(f) Print mark1, mark2, mark3. (3 Marks)

Page 32 of 59
Exercise 12

Page 33 of 59
Microsoft office Access
Exercise 1
XYZ hospital intends to use a Database Management System to manage their patients’ records.
Assume you have been tasked to create the hospital’s database.

(a) i) Open a database program and create a database system named Hospital in the
KNECEXAM folder.
ii) Create tables named Patient, Ward and Doctors using the following details. Set
appropriate primary key for each table.

Field name Data type
PatientId Number
PatientName Text
DOB Date/time (medium date)

Field name Data type
PatientId Number
WardId Text
DrId Text
BedId Text

Field name Data type
DrIdd Text
DrName Text

iii) Create Relationships between the tables.

(b) Using appropriate Forms enter the following data in their respective tables

PatientId PatientName DOB
201 Alice 18/07/2001
202 Peter 12/04/1999
203 James 16/02/1978
204 Pamela 29/10/2002

Page 34 of 59
PatientId WardId DrId BedId
201 Pona01 D1 Bd1
202 Pona02 D2 Bd2
203 Pona02 D1 Bd5
204 Pona01 D3 Bd8

DrId DrName
D1 Meloy
D2 Mark
D3 Wein

(c) Create a query named qrypatients to display the fields PatientName, DrName, WardId and
(d) i) Create a report named rptpatient from the query generated in (c).
ii) Enter a label in the header of the report title “PATIENT DETAILS”.
(e) Print out later the following:
i) qrypatients query
ii) rptpatient report

Page 35 of 59
Exercise 2
The management of EDY Juice Company would like to create a database to manage delivery of

i. Open a database program and create a database named juicyfruit in the KNECEXAM folder
(1 Marks)
ii. Create the tables named farmers, fruits and fruittransact in the database created in (a) and
enter the data into the respective table. (7 Marks)

Farmercode Farmername
F001 Anthony
F002 Andy
F003 Linda
F004 Rita

Fruitcode Fruitname Price
FR001 Mango 50.00
FR002 Pineapple 150.00
FR003 Lemon 5.00
FR004 Orange 15.00

Farmercode Fruitcode Date delivered Number Delivered Number spoilt
F001 FR001 2/2/2016 3000 200
F001 FR001 3/3/2016 500 20
F001 FR002 3/3/2016 4500 250
F001 FR003 2/2/2016 3200 89
F001 FR004 4/2/2016 1800 70
F002 FR002 4/2/2016 2000 290
F002 FR001 4/2/2016 6000 150
F003 FR003 7/2/2016 1000 200
F003 FR002 4/2/2016 7000 250
F004 FR004 9/2/2016 1500 100

iii. Set an appropriate primary key for the farmers and fruits tables (1 Marks)
iv. Create a relationship between the tables. (1 Marks)
v. Create a query to display the fields, farmername, fruitname and number delivered. Save the
query as fruitsupply. (2 Marks)
vi. Create a report for the query created in (e). Save the report as FruitsupplyRep (2 Marks)
vii. Print out later:

Page 36 of 59
I. Fruitsupply query;
II. Farmers, Fruits and Fruittransact tables;
III. FruitsupplyRep report.

Page 37 of 59
Exercise 3
(a) Open a database program and create a new database. Save the database as Task3 in the
KNECEXAM folder. (1 Mark)
(b) i) Create the following tables in the database created in (a) (7 Marks)

Field Name Data Type Size Specification
strDeptCode Text 4 Primary key
strDeptName Text 50

Field Name Data Type Size Specification
strEmpID Text 4 Primary key
intHours Number Integer
curPayRate Currency
strDept String 4
memComment Memo

Field Name Data Type Size Specification
strEmpID Text 4 Primary key
strEmployeeName Text
strAddress Text
dtmHireDate Date
strDept String Drop down list fetching
the information from
tblDept table

ii) Create a relationship between the tables. (2 Marks)

(c) i) Key in the following data into the respective tables. (4 Marks)

strEmpID strEmployeeName strAddress dtmHireDate strDept
K001 David Lois Box 879, Alemba 05/11/2014 Finance
K002 Sarah Adam Box 876, Nairobi 01/01/2015 ICT
K003 Harry Potter Box 987, Nairobi 01/10/2014 Finance
K004 Janet Basilar Box 198, Kisumu 07/07/2014 Human Resource

Page 38 of 59
strDeptCode strDeptName
FIN Finance
HRD Human Resource Department
ICT Information Communication Technology

strEmpID intHours curPayRate strDept memComment
K001 40 £ 720.00 Information Communication Recently
Technology Promoted
K002 40 £ 500.00 Finance Newly Recruited
K003 38 £ 450.00 Information Communication On Contract for
Technology three months
K004 37 £ 650.00 Human Resource Department Recently moved
from Finance

ii) Create Respective forms to the tables to display the information as splits (showing table
and form together in one screen – Use split forms). Save the forms as Department,
PersonalData and HRData respectively to print out later. (4 Marks)

(d) Create a report to display all patients who have bought drugs showing EmployeeName,
EmployeeID, Department, Salary and Comment. Save the report as EmployeeReport in the
KNECEXAM folder to print out later. (2 Marks)

Page 39 of 59
Exercise 4
(a) Open a database program and create a database named College in the KNECEXAM folder.
(2 Marks)
(b) Create the following tables named School and Student respectively in the database created in
(a). Use appropriate data types and set a primary key for each table. (4 Marks)

Field Name Size Specification Caption
StdID 11 Primary key Student ID
Depart 25 Lookup Department
DOA 10 Date Date of Admission

Field Name Size Specification Caption
IDCard 8 Primary key Identification Card
StdName 25 Text Student Name
StdID 11 Text Student ID
Gender 6 Lookup Gender

(c) Apply the following field properties to each field with a lookup field type: (4 Marks)
i) Display control: combo box;
ii) Row source type: value list;
iii) Row source for each field name respectively:
I. Depart (Computer, Business, Engineering, Mathematics);
II. Gender (Male, Female) default Male.
(d) Create one data entry form for the two tables. Save the form as DataEntry in the
KNECEXAM folder to print out later. (2 Marks)
(e) Using the DataEntry form, enter the following data into their respective tables. (4 Marks)

IDCard StdName Gender StdID Depart DOA

12345678 Johnson Mathews Male BS/2000/001 Business 4/01/2000
23457890 Vivian Moths Female CS/2001/009 Computer 12/01/2001
34567890 Grey Jackson Male ES/2002/017 Engineering 17/02/2002
45678901 Fox Adams Female MS/2005/012 Mathematics 13/03/2005

(f) Create a query to display the following StdName, stdID, Gender, Depart and DOA. Save the
query as DataQuery in the KNECEXAM folder. (2 Marks)
(g) Create a report from the query created in (f). save it as StudentsReport in the KNECEXAM
folder to print out later. (2 Marks)

Page 40 of 59
Exercise 5
Create a database names “MY WORK” to hold the following information in the table below

Name Basic Pay Department Age Employment Date

Peter 15,000 Computer 34 12/12/80
John 17,000 Computer 44 11/11/80
Kamau 19,000 Finance 33 10/11/80
Charles 21,000 Research 33 9/10/10
James 23,000 Research 25 8/10/80
Thomas 25,000 Computer 26 7/10/80
Ann 27,000 Finance 28 6/9/80
Jane 29,000 Finance 29 5/7/80
susan 31,000 Finance 24 4/8/80

Create queries to determine:

1) The number of people with a basic salary greater than 20,000

2) The number of people with a basic salary less than 30,000
3) The number of people with a basic salary greater than or equal to 17,000 and less than or
equal to 30,000
4) All employees from research department
5) All employees from finance department
6) All employees from computer or finance department
7) All employees having the first character of the name as “J”
8) All employees with the name ending with “S”
9) All employees from computer department and have age greater than 30 yrs.
10) All employees who were employed on before on or before 10/11/1980

NOTE: Save the queries with respective numbers as Query1 to Query10

Page 41 of 59
Exercise 6
Create a database file called Marbles

Design the following table, creating your own primary key and name the table “Arch Hotel”


001 Ezla Dre 12/9/1987 12,000 M
010 Fred Joe 11/6/1988 23,000 M
200 Mohamed Ali 2/4/1989 11,000 S
100 Odeh Stanly 3/7/1991 13,000 D
020 Musa Davo 11/11/1992 12,300 M
017 Falstine Gome 3/5/1999 13,500 M
102 Chris Mali 2/3/1988 12,900 S
100 Collins Munui 12/6/1996 17,000 D
005 Anne Jerono 23/7/1994 15,340 W
007 Jane Claus 3/6/1993 14,000 D
020 Saley Kamutu 4/6/1993 11,000 W
056 Vera Safiri 15/9/1991 10,500 M
078 Sarah Tanui 12/5/1998 24,240 S
150 Edy Onyango 11/4/1999 23,000 S
127 Terry Awiti 5/6/1997 16,500 M
189 Janet Zawaridi 2/2/1995 16,300 M
250 Kim Keboi 12/1/2017 25,000 M

M Married
S Single
D Divorced
W Windowed

Design queries to show:
1) All married people whose last name has character “I” and save it as Family.
2) First names starting with “J”, save it as Jobs.
3) All married people whose salary is over 20,000, save it as Chapaa.
4) Last name with character “O” whose salary is over 16,000, save it as Sambo.
5) Add two calculated fields, Allowance and Net pay. Allowance is to be calculated on
18% of Salary and Netpay as Salary plus Allowance. Save the query as Netpay.
6) Create a report to show the following records: First Name, Employment Date, Marital
Status, Salary and Allowance. Use Marital Status as your grouping field. Save it as The
7) Design a form based on the following fields: First Name, Last Name, Salary, Allowance
and Net pay. Save the form as Marbles

Page 42 of 59
Exercise 7
Create the following database and save it as SCHOOL


1 Ann Std2 Central 1/2/1999
2 Gladys Std3 Coast 3/4/1997
3 Peter Std4 Nyanza 4/6/2000
4 Alex Std5 Nairobi 5/9/2003
5 John Std6 Central 6/7/2003



001 2 345 Good
002 1 420 Excellent
003 4 254 Fair
004 3 435 Good
005 5 200 Try hand



001 Ann Female Married 25 Volleyball
002 Gladys Female Single 20 Netball
003 Peter Male Single 21 Football
004 Alex Male Married 33 Football
005 John Male Single 26 handball

Create queries to:

1) Sort the names in ascending order from the From the personal table details table
2) Display names that starts with “A”
3) Display names that ends with “S”
4) Filters all the provinces except “Central”
5) Display comments starting with “E”
6) Display ID, Comments, Marks and Gender
7) All students who were born between 1/1/1997 and 2/9/2003
8) All those Playing handball
9) All these whose age is more than 25 yrs
10) All students who are from central

a) Save the queries with respective numbers as Query1 to Query10
b) Use appropriate single table for respective query

Page 43 of 59
Microsoft office Power Point
Exercise 1
(a) Open a presentation program and create a presentation document using the slide outlines
shown in figure below. Use appropriate slide layouts for each slide and save the presentation
as orientation in the KNECEXAM folder to print out later.(16 Marks)
Slide Slide Content
2 1) Chancellor speech
2) Introduction of the students’ union officials
3) Characteristics of Holistic student
4) AOB
3 The chancellor called the meeting to order and thereafter an opening prayer was offered by
the chairman of the students’ union. Being the first meeting of the year, the chancellors
welcomed all employees and the students to the campus and give his speech.


Academic Physically
focused fit


5 There being no other business the meeting ended by a word of prayer.

(b) i) Apply the following to all slides: (3 Marks)

ii) Transition scheme of your choice;
iii) Theme of your choice;
iv) Slide number.
(c) Save the changes to print out later the presentation in three slides per page. (1 Marks)

Page 44 of 59
Exercise 2
(a) Open a presentation program and create the slides as shown in figure1. Save it as agrobio in
the KNECEXAM folder. (8 Marks)

Slide No Content
It is an area of agricultural science involving the use of:
Scientific tools and techniques including;
 Genetic engineering
 Molecular markers
 Molecular diagnostics
To modify living organisms: plants, animals, and microorganisms
3 Some of the categories of biotechnology are;
Agricultural Biotechnology Life Science Industry
Agricultural biotechnology is a collection of It comprises of the pharmaceutical,
scientific techniques used to improve biotechnology and medical technology.
plants, animals and microorganism. It faces much pressure from high costs and
Based on an understanding of DNA, overwhelmed health systems.
sciences have developed solutions to Among drivers for growth are an aging
increase agricultural productivity. population, rising incidence of chronic
diseases, technological advancements and
product innovation


YEAR 2009 2010 2011 2013 2014
Production 450 670 550 660 800


Town Area harvested (1000 acres) Yield per Acre (Tonnes)
2013 2014 2013 2014
Koran 160 470 970 105
Nyuhu 280 300 30 40
Rukuna 96 82 93 89

Figure 1

Page 45 of 59
(b) i) Insert a column chart to represent the information in the table of slide4. Place the chart
below the table in slide4 (3 Marks)
ii) Insert a new slide between slide3 and slide4. (1 Marks)
iii) Create the chart as shown in figure2 in the newly inserted slide(3 Marks)

Land Usage

Active Fallow Forest


Land Usage Land Usage

Land Usage Land Usage

Figure 2

(c) i) Apply an appropriate slide design of your choice to all the slides. (1 Mark)
ii) Apply transition Dissolve, at a slow speed to all slides(2 Marks)
(d) i) Save the changes in agrobio. (1 Mark)
ii) Print out later agrobio as handout with six slides per page. (1 Mark)

Page 46 of 59
Exercise 3
Table below shows the content of slides to be used during a talk at Mt. Gathabi Technical
Institute. Use it to answer the questions that follow.

(a) Open a presentation program and create the slides as they appear using appropriate slide
layout. Save it as interclasstalk in the KNECEXAM folder to print out later. (12 Mark)

Slide No Slide Content


Mt. Gathabi
Technical Institute


Information Created by
Is Power Alvin Kweya

2 Education is the key gateway through which the society gets its progress

leads to

of mind
and soul

Progress in the Poverty

family and eradication

3 Characteristics of good information

Page 47 of 59


Government and Private information Centers

County Number of Active Dormant Targeted
Name information information information population
centers centers centers
Kapu 3
Roma 6
Vera 5


(b) Perform the following tasks on the interclasstalk presentation:

i) Insert footer with the text information is power. The content of the footer should appear
in all slides. (2 Marks)
ii) Apply the dissolve transition and shape animation on slide 2. (2 Marks)
iii) Apply the angle design on all the slides. (1 Mark)
iv) Insert a slide at the end of the presentation containing your name and index number.
v) Save the changes and print the interclasstalk presentation as handouts with three slides
per page. (2 Marks)

Page 48 of 59
Exercise 4
(a) Open a presentation program and create the slides as they appear in figure below. Save the
presentation as Business in the KNECEXAM folder. (8 Mark)

Slide Slide Content


2 Content
• Business characteristics
• Types of business ownership
• Frequency distribution of business organizations

3 Business Characteristics


Financial Busines personal

characteristics liability

Control & life


Page 49 of 59
4 Types of Business Ownership
Ownership Liability of the Capital
Owner Contribution
Sole Proprietorship One owner Unlimited personal Owner contributes
liability all capital needed
Partnership Unlimited number Unlimited personal Partners contribute
of partners liability of the money or services
Corporation Unlimited number No personal Shareholders
of shareholders liability of the purchase stock in
shareholders the corporation
Cooperative Unlimited number No personal Members
of “members” liability of the contribute money
member or services to the

(b) A survey was carried out on the frequency distribution of the business organizations in a
certain county with the results as shown in table below. Use it to answer the questions that

Type of Business Organization Number of Organization

Sole Proprietorship 55
Partnership 30
Corporation 10
Cooperative 5

i) Insert a new slide after slide4 (1 Marks)

ii) Create a pie chart in the new (slide5) using the details of table above. (2 Marks)
(c) Apply each of the following to all the slides; (2 Marks)
i) Slide design of your choice;
ii) Slide transition of your choice with transition speed as slow;
(d) i) Insert footer with the text “Business Structures”. (1 Marks)
ii) Save the changes to print out later the document named business as handout with three
slides per page. (2 Marks)

Page 50 of 59
Exercise 5
(e) Open a presentation program and use the outline in table below to create the presentation
using appropriate slide layout. Save it as Edyjuice in the KNECEXAM folder to print out
later. (10 Mark)

Slide Slide Content

By Ronney Negs
 Ingredients:
 Two Fresh oranges
 Sugar – 2 tea spoon
 Crushed ice cubes – ½ cup
 For orange juice: Place orange in big jar for 30 seconds then
 Place orange juice, sugar, crushed ice in a big jar and blend at
speed 1 for 30 seconds or till smooth.
 Keep the environment clean.
 Wash the fruits before blending the juice.
 Follow the right procedure stated.
 Ensure fruit juice is packed in the right bottle.
 Observe the expiry date.

Page 51 of 59



ask for one

6 Thanks and Welcome

(f) Apply each of the following: (1 Mark)

i) Motion path: down on all the content of slide1;
ii) Slide transition: dissolve to slide2;
(g) i) Insert table below into slide2. (1 Mark)

Type of Juice Number Packaged

Mango 4000
Pineapple 6000
Lemon 7300
Orange 5500

ii) Create a column chart for the table above in the same slide (2 Marks)
(h) Save the changes to print out later the presentation with three slides per page. (1 Mark)

Page 52 of 59
Exercise 6
The ICT Department of Kenza Ltd has organized a retreat to deliberate on the performance
contract for the new financial year. You have been assigned the responsibility of preparing the
presentation for the retreat.

(a) Open a presentation program and create the slides. Use appropriate slide layout for each
slide. Save the presentation as retreat in the KNECEXAM folder. (10 Marks)

Slid Slide Content

THE FY 2015-2016
2  Based on the Balanced Score Card
 The Department Top Structure
 Review of the Analytical framework for the department goals
 Review of the PC Balance Score Card Matrix
 Opportunity for Question & Answer Session (Q&A)
ICT Department Top Structure



Targets, Staff
performa 100% Capacity
n 1 implemen P
Development HR
ce and tation Program,
Transfers and

Page 53 of
Revenue 15
People 20
Internal Processes 15
Customer 50
Total 100




(b) (i) Create the following diagram in slide2 (3 Marks)

Chief Information
Officer (CIO)
Mr. David Brown

Senior Secretary
Mrs Nancy Green

Chief Manager
Chief Manager Chief Manager
Infractracture Service Delivery
Peter Parker Hellen Pelosi Bryan Manner

(ii) I. Insert a new slide below slide4 (1 Mark)

II. Create the following chart in the slide created in I above (3 Marks)

Page 54 of 59
Performance Contracting FY
15 15

Revenue People Internal Customer

Insert the following to all slides: (1 Mark)
Footer as “ICT DEPARTMENT – PC FOR FY 2015/2016”;
Slide number.
(c) Apply the following transition properties to all slides: (1 Mark)
(i) Transition: any of your choice;
(ii) Speed: medium.

(d) Save the changes to print out later the handouts with 3 slides per page. (1 Mark)
Page 55 of 59
Microsoft office Publisher
Exercise 1
Figure below shows a publication designed using a DTP program. Use it to answer the questions
that follow:

(a) Open a DTP program and make following page settings; (2 Marks)
i) Page orientation: landscape;
ii) Paper size: A4.
(b) Create the publication to appear as shown in figure below, ensuring that the publication
covers the entire printable area of the paper size. (16 Marks)
(c) Save the publication as certificate in the KNECEXAM folder to print out later. (2 Marks)


P.O.BOX 4477-10009,

Certificate of Participation
This is to certify that


Participated in a Football Clinic

Held between 28th and 31st February 2016

Signature PATRON Date

Signature SECRETARY Date

Page 56 of 59
Exercise 2
Figure below shows a publication designed using a DTP program. Use it to answer the questions
that follow:

(d) Open a Desktop Publishing program and make following page settings; (2 Marks)
iii) Page orientation: landscape;
iv) Paper size: A4.
(e) Create the publication to appear as shown in figure below, ensuring that the publication
covers the entire printable area of the paper size. (16 Marks)
(f) Save the publication as Driving in the KNECEXAM folder to print out later. (2 Marks)

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Exercise 3
Figure below shows an Advert Publication designed using a DTP program. Use it to answer the
questions that follow:
(a) Open a Desktop Publishing program and make following page settings; (2 Marks)
i) Under Templates: choose Advertisement;
ii) Template type: Bring-In.
(b) Create the publication to appear as shown in figure below, ensuring that the publication
covers the entire printable area of the template. (16 Marks)
(c) Save the publication as Advert in the KNECEXAM folder to print out later. (2 Marks)



Your Business Your Best
Consultant Choice


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Exercise 4
Figure below shows an Business Card Publication designed using a DTP program. Use it to
answer the questions that follow:
(d) Open a Desktop Publishing program and make following page settings; (2 Marks)
i) Under Templates: choose Business Card;
ii) Template type: Arrows.
(e) Create the publication to appear as shown in figure below, ensuring that the publication
covers the entire printable area of the template. (16 Marks)
(f) Save the publication as Business Card in the KNECEXAM folder to print out later. (2

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