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Problem 2 - 20 A drum 700 mm in diameter and filled with water has a vertical pipe, 20 in diameter, attached to the top. How many Newtons of water must poured into the pipe to exert a force of 6500 N on the top of the drum? T-W Pp = Won _L. P = TOmm faccA fi te 6st A Tos) P= \b,4D3.11 Po Pz hh [6.904 = 4.81 +h Wz 1:113m W? ¥xV W? (Sid x ¥* 0.077 » |. We 5.310 Problem 2 - 28 (CE May 1993) In the figure shown, when the funnel is empty the water surface is at point A and the mercury of sp. gr. 13.55 shows a deflection of 15 cm. Determine the new deflection of mercury when the funnel is filled with water to B. Homa Fnac i Wem [ I bt ra [he ny L mera \3.c¢ nm \n.c¢ \NitlAL \Sum 213-55 = huge Vurote < W-150 cm FINAL, any. rset Foxx = (tx ot 19.85 x 2 BOWSOM Wig Tab0bS EIS F UNS on Problem 2 - x The pressure at point m in the figure shown was increased from 70 kPa to 105 kPa. This causes the top level of mercury to move 20 mm in the sloping tube. What is the inclination, 0? a ae iS K 40.02 - DOLE ~My 1.6 - Oorsnoris.c #0 e J ctl 4.8 = & B.0d - 0.07 H1Rb ~ 0.07 HHO 413-6 =0 4a Sine = [7-190 o < 0G COUND Ore» MAST BE tm mt (0.0Fm Problem 2 - 31 The U-tube shown is 10 mm in diameter and contains mercury. If 12 ml of water is wa poured into the right-hand leg, what are the ultimate heights in the two legs? E é g 8 Mercury fi | Solution Ee 120 mm, | : Iz ml xlo x = Vol vc aS eee os hrea =x 0.017 h = (52.194 wn Vie ee wa wa a 14.6 hen <) Sr? alle . Ime 7 UsT34mm Im N134 +H tro = Saw x = 114.289 Wet & + Wasa = (USD am A \Sv.184 = 107. tem p meee Problem 2 - 33 An open manometer attached to a pipe shows a deflection of 150 mmHg with the lower level of mercury 450 mm below the centerline of the pipe carrying water. Calculate the pressure at the centerline of the pipe. Gs) [ vam | 80 wm OAS x 19.6 © 0.45 = Nope cunt Woe ome = | 59 Poige ute = \S.59% kfa Problem 2 - 35 : Two vessels are connected to a differential manometer using mercury, connecting tubing being filled with water. The higher pressure vessel is 1.5 lower in elevation than the other. (a) If the mercury reading is 100 mm, wl] is the pressure head difference in meters of water? (b) If carbon tetrachlori (s = 1.59) were used instead of mercury, what would be the manome reading for the same pressure difference? DIFF. MANoMetER DIFF. ELEN. Bottom = tUBE W ow Po. Ph = 2.lom & ow bo Pa i ee Sy x) elo ho Ww . * ww ko tx th xpsy-h ~-x ea, he 2.136m 7 roblem 2-38 - For the manometer setup shown, determine the difference in pressure between A and B. DIFF. MANOMETER ) DIFF EUEV- (ae up TBE Pa yt Meee tye & — ee 0.68 + x = y ST x 4 + (7 - 0.68 x ae — Eq 2 Sub Eq 1 HW Eq I PR se. hor- Oegxoes ty = fe x J a J S > 1599 5 Pa-Pe = IS.GIGkP ex [=> ule Problem 2 - 39 A differential manometer is attached to a pipe as shown Calculate the pressure difference between points A and B. DIFF. MAMOMETER 2-39 SAME REV. UP TUBE Pp yo oe Ol (ee Cca0:4) nc Pe Pa _ fe Fee me) PAP (248 be 2-40 figure shown, the tion of mercury is initially m. If the pressure at A is (E40) =| fo oops yh Bove! he | gore ~ (xtoferx) ri06 +e of + oss x y + Fy 4% 4x lsseltea 10) 431 % = OCTH New Mercury Ranking 2 te + 0908 © 0.S874m o% ST4mm Note : Me Mas oink 6:04pm » Sending, August 7, Wr, \ vealed thok DIPFEREROA, MAYONETER Usualhy —umshite 2 captbimg lacie AS sobed. 3 - 6 (CE Board May 1994) vertical rectangular plate is submerged half in oil (sp. gr. = 0.8) and half in ter such that its top edge is flushed with the oil surface. What is the ratio of force exerted by water acting on the lower half to that by oil acting on the half? ‘ Force on upper half: Fo=yolt A Fo = (Yw x 0.8)(d/4)[b(d/2)] Fo = 0.17 bd? . Force on lower half: Fw= pep xA Peg2 = Yo Ito + Yoo Ih Pega = (Yw * 0.8)(d/2) + yo(d/4) Pega = 0.65 Yo d Fy = (0.65 yw d)[(b(d/2)] Fw 0.325 Yu bP Ratio = 5W. Fo Ratio = 0.3257 ybd* _ 3.25 0.17 bd Problem 3 - 7 (CE Board May 1994) \ A vertical circular gate in a tunnel 8 m in diameter has oil (sp. gr. 0.8) on side and air on the other side. If oil is 12 m above the invert and the pressure is 40 kPa, where will a single support be located rer the tunnel) to hold the gate in position? / / Solution Fea ™ You ht A Fou = (9.81 x 0.80)(8) x 4 (8)? Fou = 3,156 kN I oF i )* “F07@) z=4-e=35m Fur pair Ar = 40 x 2 (8)? Foie = 2,011 kN The support must be located at point O where the moment due to Fair and Fea is zero. Since Fei > Fa, O must be below Foa. [EMo = 0} Fou(z ~ y) = Faie(4 - y) (3,156)(3.5 - y) = 2,011(4 - y) 15693.5-y)=4-y 5.493 - 1.569y =4-y y=262m closed cylindrical tank 2 and 8 m deep with axis vertical 6 m deep of oil (sp. gr. air above the liquid surface has a of 0.8 kg/cm? Determine the total normal force in kg acting on the at its location from the bottom of the tank. Fy = 10,400(2n x 6) = 124,800x kg Solve for e: Fr=yoh A 124,800x = (1000 x 0.8) hr (2x x 6) h=7=13m 1 3 po te 2 BONO Ay — (2xx6)(13) = 0.23077 m ye=3-e=277m P= P+ =186800n1g > Total normal force Problem 3 - 9 In the figure shown, stop B will break if the force on it reaches 40 KN. Find the critical water depth, The length of the gate perpendicular to the sketch is 15m [ Munge = 0] Fz=40(1) F=yh A=981h (1)(15) F=14715h = SE where 9 = 3 ew BODY 521 (15*1)h 12h 1 =05+e=05+ —— z e ir 14.715h (05+ 3) =40 Th O5h + 0.08333 = 2718 it =5.27m=h +05=5.77m > critical water depth 3-10 % vertical circular gate is submerged in a liquid so that its top edge is flushed the liquid surface. Find the ratio of the total force acting on the lower to that acting on the upper half. Solution E, Ratio = —2 5 Ratio Liz Az hy Ay A= Az Problem 3 - 11 A 30 m long dam retains 9 m of water as shown in the figure. Find the total resultant force acting on the dam and the location of the center of pressure from the bottom. Solution F=yha F=981(4.5){(30)(10.392)] F=13,763 kN 34 (30)(10.392)° (30x 10,392)(4.5 /sin 60°) e=1732m y = ¥2(10.392) - 1.732 y=3464m or y= 4 (10.392) = 3.464 m L2 20m rac = Im Vue Be ae ee rest) ee ae sin 60° 4 pecs a2: + (Save) 4s AS 2 x ton 4 _— * GWbd? "Sy bb" 140m las d4ogm a 4s 4° yinto Solution F=yha ht =2+05sin 60° h = 2.433 F=981(2.433) 5 (1)? F= 18.746 kN a Pa? bxt\: = ¥hA = aure(2s OsinGt) ie 2 1b 74 Pd B) rae! scfm sue 8 4 tond Re \ Voy 4 Wg Nou a ae ye ND ee A ee , ‘ We Wo = i) Problem 3 - 14 The gate in the figure shown is 1.5 m wide, hinged at point A, and rests against a smooth wall at B. Compute (a) the total force’on the gate due to seawater, (b) the reaction at B, and (c) the reaction at hinge A. Neglect the weight of the gate. Wall Solution P=z+ 2 d=3.6m tan 0 = 2/3 6 = 33.69" Mh sind ae sin 33,69° y=7.21m Ww Feyha F = (9.81 x 1.08)(4)[(1.5)(3.6)] F = 218.25 kN a é I aa (3 ae == oe ® °° 75” Gsxae72i) e=0.15m x=18-0.15 x=165m [=Mz = 0} F(x) - Ra(2) = 0 218.25(1.65) = 2 Re Rs =180kN (©) (2Fx=0) Ray + F sin @ -Re=0 Ray = 180 - 218,25 sin 33.69° Ray = 58.94 KN Rav = 181.6 KN Ra= Rav? iRpe's 081.6)? + (58.94) Ra = 190.9 kN a. Fs YGR = ARabored = Bits Sim Bo-6V? 5 UG St KN Fi eA Py . Me ttm Ee OiSa 4 . 133 64 fe MA =D = ‘ asso — 45 - ols | - a : ear Bat ramet” Re * 100.201 RW 100.01 py sa) Tye UB -STpd Rne e) ben Ruy totale Se 50.51% ~ UF.S40 om Se. $17 =D Ray = 98.5068 De eed ~Pee * UaBssay cas Sb- 31° ~ 199.1 on Sb." 2d Rap = 6S. 670 bY

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