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Focus 4 Teachers Book

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Focus is a rich, varied, carefully levelled course for upper secondary

students. Specially designed to motivate older teens, it helps them to H

track their level and achieve the exam results they need. With its unique

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blended learning package, Focus is the flexible course that gets results.  O


o  Language is brought to life o   The unique approach to o English is made
through grammar animations, vocabulary acquisition via the relevant to students’
interactive videos and Word Store helps new words own lives by frequent
culturally relevant clips stick in students’ memories personalisation

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o  Learning is tracked via o   Language acquisition is o  Meaningful practice
personalised reporting in the driven by careful recycling of is provided by the
online Gradebook vocabulary and grammar extensive selection of
o  Development of language o   Exam skills are reinforced by assessment programme
and exam strategies are Cambridge and PTE General
and tests
carefully levelled to the GSE practice booklets








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Introduction 4

Focus unit walkthrough 5

Focus Assessment Package 11

Assessment for learning 13

Components 14

Students’ Book
  Contents 16

  Starter unit 18

  Unit 1 26

  Unit 2 40

  Unit 3 54

  Unit 4 68

  Unit 5 82

  Unit 6 96

  Unit 7 110

  Unit 8 124

Grammar focus 138

Culture notes 157

Students’ Book audio script 167

Workbook answer key 181

Photocopiable resources 189

Grammar animations 286

+ Students’ Book Word Store booklet with answers

Dear Teacher, supplementary material we have developed, both
print-based and digital, offers you almost limitless
We are writing to you to introduce Focus , our new flexibility. You can give extra multiple choice grammar
course for upper secondary students. This course exercises, do a communicative A/B information-gap
is the fruit of our many years’ teaching, writing and activity or watch a video clip. Flexibility = choice. We
developing materials. Our aim has been to produce think you will appreciate the range of choice in Focus .
a set of materials that will help you to be the best
teacher you can be. In other words, we want to Credibility
help you to create the optimum conditions for your
students to learn English. So, while we are sure that a reliable and flexible
course will help you, it’s this third characteristic that
Of course, we accept that everybody’s teaching really counts. We’d like to take this opportunity to
context is unique and the perfect English course is an summarise our thinking on this and explain what lies
unattainable dream. That said, our own experience at the heart of Focus . We can do this by grouping
in the classroom has taught us to value three things our thoughts under three words beginning with M:
above all when using teaching and learning materials: Motivation, Memory  and Meaning.
reliability, flexibility and credibility.
Then the other one percent has to do with your
Reliability methods. This is our starting point: students learn best
Quite simply, we want the materials to work. when they are interested in the material. It’s as simple
We don’t want the course to let you down in the as that. We may not have got it right every time for
classroom. So we’ve gone for a clean design, clear, your particular teaching context, but our overriding
easy-to-understand instructions and a wide variety concern has been to select topics, texts and tasks that
of engaging topics, texts and tasks that have been engage students both emotionally and intellectually.
combined in a logical way that will make sense to you Memory
and to your students. Systematic recycling of new language is a core feature
Needless to say, the course covers all the necessary of Focus . There is a particular emphasis on vocabulary.
language work appropriate for the level and follows In the process of building their own ‘Word Store’,
the Common European Framework of Reference students using Focus  will devote valuable time to new
(CEFR). We hope you will appreciate the stimulating vocabulary, as well as learning a variety of ways of
and memorable way in which each carefully selected recording it.
grammar structure and vocabulary item is presented. Meaning
But we are well aware that presenting language is We are strongly opposed to mechanistic practice and
not even half the story. We have designed these drills where form dominates and meaning is irrelevant.
materials so that they systematically recycle the Don’t practise language for the sake of it. Language
language that has been presented. ‘Use it or lose it’ exists to make meanings and our learning materials
is our motto. You will discover that this course, with should reflect this.
all its supporting print-based and digital materials,
provides your students with the repeated exposure These are some of the more important ideas that we
and practice they require. Reliability = trust. We are hold dear. Over the years, they have influenced our
confident you will be able to trust Focus . teaching and our writing. Credibility = belief. We want
you to believe in Focus .
One of the things we learnt early on in our careers is So now it’s over to you. We’d like to take this
that you teach the students, not the lesson plan. There opportunity to wish you and your students every
is no point in slavishly following a prescribed ‘teaching success.
path’ through a set of materials if the students are not
Our warmest regards,
with you. Your ability to react to emerging classroom
situations and adapt your lesson accordingly is a vital Sue and Vaughan
teaching skill. We strongly believe that a rigid unit
structure does NOT have to be a teaching straitjacket.
The lessons themselves are brimful of different ideas,
task types and interesting information. Then the



Focus   unit walkthrough

Grammar lessons
The second and fifth lessons of every unit are both grammar lessons. These lessons are supported by grammar
animation videos, which make them more attractive and motivate students to focus on the grammar being covered.

1 The grammar in each lesson

3.2 Grammar
is presented in context and Future forms
Future Perfect Continuous
highlighted, to make it easily I can use a variety of forms to talk
about the future.
3.2  Future forms 4 We use the Future Perfect Continuous to talk about actions
or states which will have been in progress for some time by a
identifiable. 1 Rewrite the sentences in the negative.
Then think about your life three years
We use the Future Continuous:
certain time in the future:
By the end of the year we  will have been living in Toronto for
eight years.
from now and decide which alternative is
more likely.
In three years’ time:
THE VOYAGE •  to talk about actions which will be in progress at a particular
time in the future:
  This time tomorrow we’ll be flying to the Maldives.
 Affirmative Negative

•  to talk about planned or routine future events, actions or I/You/

  1 I’ll have moved toanotherpart ofthe country.  I/You/ have
situations: He/ won’t have been
I won’t have moved to another part He/She/ ’ll been working 
She/ (will

2   I’ll be going to the supermarket after work. working for

It/We/ (will) for
The GRAMMAR FOCUS box gives  
of the country.
2 I’ll have been studying atunivers ityforayear. na few weeks’time,the Franklinfamily will 1
Iyearsailingvoyage.Weaskedthechildrenhowthey feltabouttheadventure.
embarkingona three- •  to form polite questions or requests:
  Will you be doing the first aid course this month? 
They 10 hours.
It/We/ not)
10 hours.

  3 I’ll still be living at home with my parents.

students explanations of how to   4 I’ll have saved up enough money to go
Billy,fifteen,said,‘We’ll 2 
the endof this tripwe’ll 3 
missinga lot of school,but I think that by
learnt more thanin a classroom.We’llhave
  Will  you be using your car tomorrow?  (because I’d like to
borrow it)
Yes/No  questions

Short answers
 Yes, I/you/he/she/it/we/they
been will.
use the grammar, as well as clear
  travellingfor three years andwe 5  have seenplaces with he/she/
  5 I’ll have been driving for over a year.   Affirmative Negative Will working  No, I/you/he/she/it/we/they
ourowneyes. We won’t 6   just readabout ht emin books.’ it/we/
6 I’ll be sailing acrossthePacificOcean with I/You/ for won’t.
Mandy,twelve,hada fewworries:‘Theworstthingisthat I’ll 7  spending won’t they
examples. This is followed by a myfamily. 
2 In pairs, read the GRAMMAR FOCUS and
three years ina smallspace with my untidy brothers.’
Finally,Jake,seventeen,wasless keenthanhisyoungerbrother:‘Bythe timewe go,
I/You/He/ ’ll
She/It/ (will) sleeping.
sleeping .
Wh- questions
10 hours?
Subject questions
We/They be It/We/
variety of exercises which provide  
follow the instructions.
1 Translateexamplesentences1–3 intoyour own
I’llhave 8  playingbasketballfor my schoolforseven years,andI want
to be a professional.I’ll 9  practisingwhenever I can,but it’s not easy
been Who will
have been
working for
ona boat.’ Yes/No  questions Short answers
practice with new structures in  
2 Discuss the difference in meaning between
4 Complete Part 2 of the article with the Future Continuous, Future I/you/
 Yes, I/you/he/she/it/we/
they will.
long it/we/
working? 10 hours?

each sentence.
contexts relevant to students’ lives.   3 LookatExercise1 andname thefutureverb
Perfect Simple or Future Perfect Continuous form of the verbs in
brackets. Would you like to go on a voyage like this? Why?/
Will he/she/it/ b e
sle eping? No, I/you/he/she/it/we/
they won’t.
Typical time expressions used with the Future Perfect Simple
and Future Perfect Continuous are:
formsinblue. Why not? •  by 2030 / next month/next year
Wh- questions Subject questions
•  by then
Future forms
• Youusethe Future Continuous totalk about
2 EileenFranklin toldus, ‘We’re not in a hurry, so afterleaving San Francisco
we 1 
(travel)downthe coast of Mexico fora few weeks.Afterthat we
(sail) across the Pacific and we 3  (end) ourjourney in
Who will
sleeping ?
•  by the time
•  in two days/three weeks/one month’s time/ten years’ time
unfinis hedactio nsinprogre ssata timeinthe Indonesia.It’s a long voyage,but by the time we leave,we 4  (plan)for

3 Each lesson ends with a production

future .Itoftenreferstofutureeventsthatare
fixedor expected.
At 11 a.m. tomorrow, I ’ll be doing an exam. 
severalyears,so Ithink we’re as preparedas we canbe.’
‘Yes,’ addedBob. ‘Andby the time we set off,we 5 
possible to make this a safe trip:Mandy 6 
(do) everything
Future Perfect Simple
We use the Future Perfect Simple to talk about actions or
Complete the sentences with the correct future form of the
verbs in brackets.
1 This time next week I (work) here for three years.
exercise, where students actively • Youusethe Future Perfect Simple totalk about
anactionthatwillbe completedbeforeacertain
  (do)an advancedfirst aidcourse.On the boat,we 8  (use)
top-of-the-range technology to chart ourr oute.It’s the trip of a lifetime,so we
situations which will be completed before a certain time in
the future:
Doesn’t time fly?
2 Robert can’t meet us at 6 p.m. He (not finish) his
  (nottake)any chances!’
use the grammar from the lesson. timein thefuture.
2By11 a.m.tomorrow ,I ’ll have done anexam.
5 Read REMEMBER THIS. Then rewrite the questions in the Future
They will have crossed  the border by five o’clock.

 Affirmative Negative 3
homework by then.
(you/read) that book by Friday? I promised to
• Youusethe Future Perfect Continuous totalk
Continuous to make them more polite. lend it to George.
abouthowlongan actio nwillhavebeenin I/You/ I/You/ won’t
’ll finished  4 TomorrowMagda (visit) her grandfather, so we
progressbeforeacertaintimeinthefuture .The He/She/ finished by He/She/ (will
REMEMBER THIS (will) by10 can’t meet for coffee as we usually do.
formis:will + havebeen + -ing form. It/We/ 10o’clock. It/We/ not)
have o’clock.
3By 11 a.m. tomorrow, I’ll have been doing   You can also use the Future Continuous to make polite enquiries. They They have 5I (be) couch surfing three years in a row after
an exam for an hour. Compare: this summer.

Yes/No  questions Short answers
Will you be staying in tonight? = I just want to know. (polite) 6 This article says we (not live) in space for at least
The GRAMMAR FOCUS reference 3 Read Part 1 of an article. For each gap,
 Are you going to stay in tonight? = I’d like a decision. (more direct)
I/you/he/ finished 
she/it/we/ have by10
 Yes, I/you/he/she/it/we/
they will.
another 200 years.
(you/collect) Marge from the train station
choose from options A–D. Then discuss the No, I/you/he/she/it/we/
can be used for review at the end questions below in pairs.  
Are you going home straight after school?
Are you doing anything interesting this evening?
they o’clock?
they won’t. tomorrow or do I need to go?

A ‘ll B be C been D have

of a Grammar lesson or during unit   1 What problems do the children predict?
Who do you plan to see at the weekend?
When will you go on your next holiday?
Wh- questions

Subject questions

  2 Which child seems most positive about When will she/it/we/ Who by10
review. It can also be used by fast- the voyage?
Are you going to have a party for your 18th birthday?
Do you think you’ll leave home permanently before you’re 25?
finished? have

finishers or students who require 3 6 In pairs, ask and answer the rewritten questions in Exercise 5.

extra practice. Each structure 42

 Grammar Focus page 133
4 133

presented in Grammar lessons

has its own section in GRAMMAR L .in : L .in :

FOCUS, which includes a detailed

explanation of the structure and
additional practice exercises.

Grammar animation videos

Grammar animation videos are used to support new structures through lively animations. The animated videos can
be used for presenting new structures, for reinforcement after the teacher has presented the grammar point or as a
general tool for review.

1 Key language and structures from

3.5 Grammar 1
the Grammar lessons are used in Quantifiers 4 CD•1.52 MP3•52  Read Part 2 of the vlog post
and choose the correct options. Then listen
context in the videos, showing I can use a range of different quantifiers correctly.
and check.
 1 In pairs, take turns to describe your bedroom. On a scale
students how they are used in of 1 to 10 (1 = extremely tidy and 10 = extremely untidy),
what score is your bedroom? • Find a laundry basket and put 1 all / each the clothes

real-life situations. 2 CD•1.51 MP3•51  Read and listen to Part 1 of a vlog post.
on the floor into it. Too 2 much / many clothes? OK, get
 a couple / a fewof bin bags and put the rest in there.
Why does the vlogger want to tidy her room?    Then hide 4 both / either  of the bags in the wardrobe.
If the cool friend sees 5 plenty / either  of the bags, just
say it’s 6 a few / few  things you’re collecting for charity.
Welcome, fellow teens, to my video blog. Today’s vlog is
called ‘How to tidy your room in ten minutes!’ I’m sure   •  The whole place smells of snacks, so take 7every /
 some half empty drink and stale half-eaten crisp
all of you know what I’m talking about – your room’s a total

2 There are two animations per unit. nightmare. It looks as if a bomb has exploded. There’s
loads of dirty washing – in fact, the whole floor is covered.
packet to the kitchen immediately. There’s a big
difference between messy and disgusting.

•  There are 8 a number / several  of things that would

Further teacher’s notes on how to  There’s no space anywhere. You have plenty of clothes 
but you don’t wear half of them because you can’t find them.
give the wrong impression – things like your huge pink
teddy bear. Hide them.
Most of them are in a pile because there are not enough
use the grammar animations are drawers to put them in. You’ve had
• Make the bed. There’s 9 no / any  excuse for an
unmade bed.
a number of opportunities to tidy
available on pages 286–287 of the your room but you haven’t, and now • Open 10 plenty / all  the windows – now!
the very cool new friend you like  You’re
  ready! Justone more thing: – check your
Teacher’s Book. is coming round. Very few of computer and delete any messages that say
something like, ‘OMG, I’m so excited! I can’t believe X is
 your friends know what a
coming over!’
slob you are and you want
to keep it like that. You don’t
have much time, so here are 5 Complete the sentences with of  where
a few speed-cleaning tips. necessary. Tick the sentences that are true

3 Each video is accompanied by a 3 Read the GRAMMAR FOCUS.

Then match the examples in blue
for you. Then add other quantifiers to the
rest of the sentences to make them true
for you.

teacher’s commentary, where the in the vlog post with rules 1–3.
all of you = rule 2
1 A couple
2 Some
my friends are quite tidy.
classmates are very untidy.
  3 Several
grammar point is clearly explained. GRAMMAR FOCUS 1 bedroom.
people I know share a

  4  Very few my neighbours havebig

Students can use the video  Quantifiers
5 Many the buildings in my street
  Countable nouns Uncountable nouns Both
and commentary to analyse the  100% every, each all 
are old.
6 Every room in my house has wi-fi.
grammar point at their own pace. many much, a great dealof*  a lot of*, lots of*,
loads of*, plenty of* 
  7 None
my friends have a TV in their

a number of*, several 

a few
(very ) few
a little
(very ) little
some   8 Most rooms in my house have
paintings on the walls. 3
6 Write three sentences about yourself – two
both, a couple of*, either true and one false. Use a different word from
0% neither  no, none of*  the box in each sentence.
1 Use quantifiers without of   before nouns: most people   all couple every little loads
2 Use quantifiers with of   before determiner + noun: most of the lots most none plenty
people , and before pronouns: most of them  
3 * Always use these quantifiers with of : a lot of people   All of my music is on m y phone .
Note: All the people and all of the people are both possible. 7 In pairs, take turns to read your sentences
 Youcan’tuse of after no and every . Use noneof and everyoneof . from Exercise 6 to your partner. Can he/she
guess which one is false?

Grammar Focus page 134


L .in / / :


Focus   unit walkthrough

Listening lesson
The Listening lesson offers varied tasks and opportunities for students to practise listening skills with new vocabulary,
as well as with exam task types.

1 EXAM FOCUS exercises are exam-

3.3 Listening A place to live
specific tasks, which help students Multiple choice
prepare for the Cambridge English: I can understand distinguish between fact and opinion..  WORD STORE 3A WORD STORE 3E 3
Dependent prepositions Word families – adjectives ending in -able 
First exam. B 1  benefit from = get help or an advantage from
2  = balanced by
 1 afford
We need more
3  = extremely crowded with affordable homes.
4  = feelshappyaboutitsspecialquality 2 dispose  
smart house 5 = well-known for 3 profit
6  = have a lot of a particularquality 4 rely


Adjective-noun collocations
5 respect
6 suit
7  sustain
boxes in the Listening lessons focus Freedom Ship 
5 Complete the collocations from the recording
with the adjectives in the box. Then complete
1  inner-city area (= near the city centre)
2  city (= busy)
students’ attention on different 1 Match photos A–C with descriptions 1–3. Use the photo captions
to complete the texts.
the sentences to make them true for you.

domestic household housing

3  food (= delicious)
Prepositions – at, on, in
4  little backstreets (= charming)
aspects of pronunciation, such as 1 In the of the future all appliances will be
connected through wireless networking systems. The house
multi-storey residential second
self-contained tower
5  neighbourhood (= full of trees)
6  nightlife (= lively)
long and short vowel sounds or and car would use power that is collected through solar panels
and stored.
1 My least favourite
2 The nearest
chore is …
car park is …
7  skyline (= famous)
1  each floor
the horizon
shifting stress in word families. 2   is a housing development where each
  3 The one
without is …
appliance I couldn’t live
an altitude of …
household has a self-contained house or flat. People have   4 The newest development  in my EXTRA  Adjective-noun collocations
the opportunity to eat together and meet regularly in a large 2  28,000 km per hour
neighbourhood is … area backstreets city food
communal house. least
  5 The tallest block in my city is … neighbourhood nightlife skyline
  6 The area I’d most like to live in is …
3 The is designed to be twenty-five storeys 1  cosmopolitan/sprawling city   There are so a hurry
  7 I’d love to have a home in …

high. If the concept became reality, it would feature a casino, an art   8 I ’d p re fe r to l i ve i n a s ma l flat than… many different cultures in London. It’s awe of …
WORD STORE Exercise E at gallery, a park, a shopping centre and accommodation for 50,000  the most cosmop olita n city I know. 3 
people. It would cost $10 billion to build. PRONUNCIATION FOCUS
2 2  dramatic/impressive    the night sky
the end of the Listening lesson 2 In pairs, discuss which place in Exercise 1 you would most/least
like to live in. Give reasons for your answers.
CD•1.47 MP3•47   Listen and repeat the chants. 3  dull/hectic
4  built-up/urban
consolidates new language. 3 CD•1.46 MP3•46   Listen and match the extracts (1–3) with the
photos (A–C).
5  cobbled/narrow
6 exotic/plain   
   TO

Students can also access the audio A  B  C 

7  respecta ble/r un- down   
to  after certain verbs, adjectives and wh-  words

They’re planning to build a huge ship.

from the unit at  EXAM FOCUS Multiple choice

4 CD•1.46 MP3•46   Listen again and choose the correct
1 Where
I’m afraid to use my bike.
We didn’t know where to go.
  Useful phrases to describe cities
to review and practise.  
answer, A, B or C.
1 Which statement is an opinion and NOT a fact?
How long
How much learnt?
learning? 1  Berlin’s best kept secrets  are the lakes.
to + verb = infinitive of purpose

We stopped the car to admire the view.

2  New York is the Hudson River.
  A Over a third of British people don’t know their neighbours . How long earning?
  B In Denmark a small percentage of the populatio n live in 3  Berlin is by bike.
How much earned? to  as a preposition (= as f ar as a particular
co-housing developments. 4  Toronto has buses. point/limit)
7 CD•1.47 MP3•47  Complete the chants in
  C  The neighbourly relations at Springhill will be Exercise 6 with you and the correct future 5  The Berlin is called Mitte. People aged fifteen to twenty-nine.
100 percent better. forms. Then listen again and check. 6  Toronto’s is the CN Tower. The transition from daytime to night-time.
  2 The speakers think that the Freedom Ship  project is Practise saying them again and focus on 7  The main sights are the centre
  A  unlikely to happen. stress and rhythm. to  in phrases
of Berlin.
  B not big enough for 50,000 people. To be honest, I’m not sure.
C  a good investment opportunity.
3 Choose the most appropri ate headline for this news report.
WORD STORE 3E 3 8  Toronto is the most city. face to face, back to back.

  A Smart homes mean less shopping 8 CD•1.48 MP3•48   Complete WORD STORE 3E. to  in three-part phrasal verbs

  B Smart homes save time and money Add the suffix -able  to make adjectives from He looks up to me.
the verbs. Then listen, check and repeat. Let’s get down to work.
  C Smart homes need smartphones
Write example sentences.

43 7

L .in / / :
L .in 7 / / :

Reading lesson
The Reading lessons feature a variety of reading texts, which also present factual information that is interesting and
relevant to teenagers.

1 Audio files accompany each text,  3.4 Reading

1 CD•1.49 MP3•49

allowing additional listening practice True/False 3 Read the article and check your ideas in Exercise 2.
to support reading. I can find details in a text about the International 4 Read the article again. Are the statements true (T) or
Space Station. false (F)?
  1 Hardly anybody bothers to look out for the
1 In pairs, read some facts about living on the
International Space Station (ISS) and discuss InternationalSpace Station(ISS).
the questions. 2 Astronauts get used to weightless conditions
before they go on the ISS. At 6.41 p.m. this Thursday, a small
  • Astronauts change their clothes every day – they don’t 3 Lack of gravity prevents astronauts from using
bright light will appear low in the
2 WORD STORE Exercise F is a   •
wash them but throw them away.
Astronauts often lose their sense of smell and taste, so
everything tastes like cardboard.
fresh water to wash themselves.
4 The transition from daytime to nighttime lasts
a few minutes.
night sky before disappearing
in the darkness.
language extension activity, linked   • To use the computer, astronauts have to sit in mid air,
holding onto a wall-strap with their toe.
5 Attaching sleeping bags to the wall solves
the problem of falling asleep.
1 Few people will notice and even fewer will care, but for so blinding  that astronauts reach for their sunglasses. But
to the end of the Reading lesson.   • In space, astronauts lose muscle power quickly, so they
have to exercise at least two hours a day.
6 Spacewalkers can’t sense the speed at which
the space station is flying around the world.
a handful of people, that light on the horizon is a place
called home. What looks like a wandering star in the
after forty-five minutes of daylight, a dark line appears on
the planet, dividing Earth into night and day. For a couple
  • When repairs are necessary on the outside of the ISS,
5 Put the words and phrases in blue in the article under heavens is sunlight reflecting  off the International Space of seconds, the space station is bathed in light  which is a
astronauts have to do spacewalks.
an appropriate heading. 5 Station. To get to the space station takes two days. The 35 coppery colour, and then complete darkness. Another
  • Astronauts’ urine is recycled as drinking water.
Light Water Sleep station flies at an altitude of about 350 kilometres (that’s forty-five minutes later, the sun rises to fill the station with
  1 Which facts do you find most surprising? more than thirty times the cruising height of a jumbo jet) brilliant light again.
  2 What would you like about living on board the ISS? and travels at an incredible 28,000 kilometres per hour. The short days and nights would disrupt the astronauts’
  3 What would you find most difficult about it?
6 Complete the questions with the correct form of a In total, the living space on the station is the equivalent of body clocks, so a bedtime schedule is imposed by mission
word or phrase from Exercise 5. 10 40
roughly one and a half Boeing 747s. This living space i s made controllers: the crew are told when to put the shutters
2 In pairs, guess which numbers in the box complete the   1 What does it look like when the sunlight’s off up of different ‘modules’ built by Russians, Americans and down on the windows and go to bed. Each of the crew
fact sheet about the International Space Station.
the ISS? other nations. There are sixteen solar panels attached to the has a cabin where they can attach a sleeping bag to the
6 16 16 90 350 28,000   2 What do the astronauts use wipes for? station and they provide electrical power. The space station wall and settle down for the night. Unsurprisingly, falling
  3 How do the astronauts the water and shampoo has a permanent crew of six. Although they have some asleep can be difficult. Just as you are nodding off , the lack
15 training in how to live in weightlessness, when they first 45 of gravity can make you feel as though you’ve fallen off
after washing their hair?

  4 Whatdothe astronautswearwhenthe lightis ? arrive on board the ISS, they take a while to get used to living a ten-storey building. In place of an alarm clock, sleeping
  5 What colour light is the ISS in when day turns without gravity, crashing into things as they try to move from crews are woken by music played over the communication
into night? one room to another. In time, people learn to fly down the system controlled by staff on the ground.
  6 Where do the astronauts attach their when length of the station without touching anything. When astronauts first arrive at the space station, they’re
they go to bed? 20 As they live so close together, personal hygiene is essential, 50 in awe of the views. It is the sight of our pl anet that takes
  7 What sensation do the astronauts get just as they are but the weightless conditions make washing difficult. Many the breath away. On board, you can get a panoramic view
? astronauts use moist  wipes. Hair-washing is trickier. Sunita of Earth. But for the really exceptional views, you need to
  8 What is used to wake the astronauts up in place of Williams, who spent 195 days on the space station, explains step outside for a spacewalk. One astronaut describes the
an ? how she managed: ‘Washing hair took time. I’d put a little experience: ‘Sometimes you feel that you are on this big
Fact sheet 7 Read the article again and answer the questions in
25 water under my hair, pat it down with my hand so it wasn’t
splashing everywhere, then put some shampoo in my hand and
55 flying building and it’s going round the world, but most
commonly you feel that someone is rolling this huge ball-
Exercise 6.
move it around. Then I’d wet a towel and try to soak it up.’ shaped map beneath you. You have no feeling of motion.’
8 Think about the idea of living on a space station for It takes the space station one and a half hours to fly around Those who have visited the space station can look at it
a year. What would you miss most about living on the planet, meaning that it circles the globe sixteen times shooting across the sky at night. They can imagine the
  kilometres above the Earth Earth? What would you miss least? Discuss in pairs. 30 a day. For those on board, the visual effect is spectacular. 60 astronauts in their sleeping bags and think, ‘My goodness,
Speed:  If the covers on the windows are opened, the light can be I was there’!
  kilometres per hour WORD STORE 3F 2
Power source:  9 CD•1.50 MP3•50  Comple te WORD STORE 3F. Add at , in 
and on to the diagram. Then listen, check and repeat.
  solar panels
Permanent crew: 
Time to orbit the Earth:  
Number of orbits: 
  per day

Science News
44 45

L .in / / : L .in / / :

Focus   unit walkthrough

Speaking lesson
The Speaking lessons prepare students for everyday interactions such as asking for and giving advice, giving an
opinion or asking for information.

1 These lessons are supported by

 3.6 Speaking 1
interactive speaking videos, which Organising a place to live
give students opportunities to I can suggest, agree to and object to
a course of action.
practise functional language. 1 In pairs, put these factors in order of
importance when looking for a flat to share
with friends.

decoration/furniture location
rent size security privacy
2 Compare your ideas from Exercise 1 with

another pair. Agree on a final order.

CD•1.53 MP3•53   Listen to a conversation

Suggesting a course of action
What do you think about (+ - ing)? 2
highlights useful functional language between two friends who are looking for
a flat to share. Which two factors from
Maybe we ought to (just) …
What would you say if we (+ Past Simple)?
Given the choice, I’d rather … A nd you?
from the unit and also presents 4 
Exercise 1 are not mentioned?
CD•1.53 MP3•53   Read the SPEAKING FOCUS

additional useful phrases. and complete the conversation with one word
in each gap. Then listen again and check.
No way!/Absolutely not!/You must be joking! (informal)
Fair? I think it’s completely unfair.
(Well, yeah, but) wouldn’t it be better to … ?
Zoe:  I can’t believe we’ve both been accepted
I know/see what you mean/what you’re saying, but …
into the same university!
I’m not convinced (we’ll be able to afford it/that’s a good idea/
Amy:  Isn’t it great? I’m so excited! And we’ll be
that’ll work).
living together.
Zoe:  I know. Ican’t wait! Compromising

3 Exercises in the Speaking lesson

Amy: What do you think 1  living in halls
of residence? To be honest, I’m not sure.
Zoe:  No, me neither. Do you know Jay?
If you agree to (pay more), I’ll (take the smaller room).
We could (split the cost/go halves/share).
Whydon’twecompromise/meethalfway (andagreethat…)?
focus students’ attention on how Amy:  Yep, why?
Zoe:  Well, his brother studies there and he
Iguessso./I supposethatcouldwork.
OK, that seems like a fair compromise.

functional language is used. says the halls are really old and noisy.
Maybe we ought to just look for a place
True./Right./Absolutely./Totally.  You’re absolutely right.
of our own. I fully/completely agree. OK, that’s settled then.
Amy:  You’re 2  right.
Zoe:  The question is, do wewant to share 5 Three teenagers are going to share a flat. Here are some possible
with other people? It would probably rules that could make sharing a flat easier. Look at each rule
be cheaper. and decide if you think it’s a good or bad idea. Note down your
4 Pairwork activities encourage
Amy: Well, yeah, but 3  it be better to
get our own place? Obviously, it depends
how much it costs, but if we could find  
opinion about each rule (with reasons). Then think of one more
rule of your own.
1 We need to have a plan for cleaning the flat every week. We

students to use the functional the right flat at the right price, I think
I’d prefer not to share.  
should write down exactly who is doing what and when.
2 We need to have a cooking rota so that we all cook for the others

language from the lesson and Zoe:  I know what youmean, but I’m not 4 
we’ll be able to afford it. Why don’t we  
on different days.
3 We should have a rule about noise! Like, after a certain time we
  half way and look for shared should keep our noise down so others can sleep or work.
increase their confidence in using accommodation, but in a place where we   4 Parties! We can have parties but we need to tell the others and
could have our own rooms? always invite them!
the language. Amy:  I suppose that could 6 
way we might even be able to afford
. That   5 The bathroom – we need a timetable for who uses the shower and
bathroom at different times in the morning.
something near the university. Given the   6 We all need to give the same money to decorate the living room
choice, I’d 7  be within walking or and choose the colours and do the work on it together.
cycling distance. And you?   7 We DON’T eat our flatmates’ food in the fridge or use their things
Zoe:  Totally. I don’t even mind if it’s a small without asking.
room as long as it’s close to the campus. 6 In pairs, compare your ideas from Exercise 5 and then decide

Amy:  That’s 8  then. So, let’s have a look
online and see what we can find.
whose extra rule is better. When you disagree, try to reach a
compromise. Then look at all the rules again and choose the two 4
best ones.


L .in 7 / / :

Interactive speaking video

Interactive speaking videos accompany most of the Speaking lessons, making them more attractive and dynamic.
The goal of these videos is to help students focus on and practise functional language in everyday situations.

1 The interactive speaking videos

 3.6 Speaking 1
have three parts. First, the Organising a place to live
complete conversation is acted out, I can suggest, agree to and object to
a course of action.
setting the context for students to 1 In pairs, put these factors in order of
importance when looking for a flat to share
see the language in use. with friends.

decoration/furniture location
rent size security privacy

2 Compare your ideas from Exercise 1 with  SPEAKING FOCUS

another pair. Agree on a final order. Suggesting a course of action
What do you think about (+ - ing)?

2 Then, while character A acts out a

3 CD•1.53 MP3•53   Listen to a conversation
between two friends who are l ooking for
a flat to share. Which two factors from
Maybe we ought to (just) …
What would you say if we (+ Past Simple)?
Given the choice, I’d rather … A nd you?
shorter version of the conversation, 4 
Exercise 1 are not mentioned?
CD•1.53 MP3•53   Read the SPEAKING FOCUS
No way!/Absolutely not!/You must be joking! (informal)
the other half remains silent and and complete the conversation with one word
in each gap. Then listen again and check. Fair? I think it’s completely unfair.
(Well, yeah, but) wouldn’t it be better to … ?
timed. This gap in the conversation Zoe:  I can’t believe we’ve both been accepted
into the same university!
I know/see what you mean/what you’re saying, but …
I’m not convinced (we’ll be able to afford it/that’s a good idea/ 2
gives students an opportunity to Amy: Isn’ t it great? I’m so excited! And we’ll be
living together.
Zoe:  I know. I can’twait!
play the role of character B by Amy: What do you think 1  living in halls
of residence? To be honest, I’m not sure.
If you agree to (pay more), I’ll (take the smaller room).
We could (split the cost/go halves/share).
performing their lines. Zoe:  No, me neither. Do you know Jay?
Amy:  Yep, why?
Whydon’twecompromise/meethalfway (andagreethat…)?
Iguessso./I supposethatcouldwork.
Zoe:  Well, his brother studies there and he OK, that seems like a fair compromise.
says the halls are really old and noisy. Agreeing
Maybe we ought to just look for a place True./Right./Absolutely./Totally.  You’re absolutely right.
of our own. I fully/completely agree. OK, that’s settled then.
Amy:  You’re 2  right.

3 Students then switch roles and

Zoe:  The question is, do wewant to share
with other people? It would probably
be cheaper.
5 Three teenagers are going to share a flat. Here are some possible
rules that could make sharing a flat easier. Look at each rule
and decide if you think it’s a good or bad idea. Note down your
repeat. It is recommendable to Amy: Well, yeah, but 3  it be better to
get our own place? Obviously, it depends
opinion about each rule (with reasons). Then think of one more
rule of your own.

use the interactive videos at the how much it costs, but if we could find
the right flat at the right price, I think
  1 We need to have a plan for cleaning the flat every week. We
should write down exactly who is doing what and when.

end of the Speaking lesson, once I’d prefer not to share.

Zoe:  I know what youmean, but I’m not 4 
  2 We need to have a cooking rota so that we all cook for the others
on different days.

the other speaking activities have we’ll be able to afford it. Why don’t we
  half way and look for shared
  3 We should have a rule about noise! Like, after a certain time we
should keep our noise down so others can sleep or work. 3
accommodation, but in a place where we   4 Parties! We can have parties but we need to tell the others and
been completed. Students can could have our own rooms?
Amy:  I suppose that could 6  . That  
always invite them!
5 The bathroom – we need a timetable for who uses the shower and
practise either in pairs, as a group way we might even be able to afford
something near the university. Given the  
bathroom at different times in the morning.
6 We all need to give the same money to decorate the living room

or individually and can repeat the choice, I’d 7  be within walking or

cycling distance. And you?  
and choose the colours and do the work on it together.
7 We DON’T eat our flatmates’ food in the fridge or use their things

exercise as many times as they like. Zoe:  Totally. I don’t even mind if it’s a small
room as long as it’s close to the campus.
without asking.
6 In pairs, compare your ideas from Exercise 5 and then decide
Amy:  That’s   8
then. So, let’s have a look whose extra rule is better. When you disagree, try to reach a
compromise. Then look at all the rules again and choose the two
  online and see what we can find.
best ones.


L .in 7 / / :


Focus   unit walkthrough

Wr t ng esson
Each Writing lesson begins with a motivating text, based on the lesson’s writing goal, providing a model for students’
own writing.

1 Useful language for the writing task

 3.7 Writing
is presented through varied and A ‘for and against’ essay 3 Read the essay and underline the 4 In pairs, discuss the questions. 7 Read the LANGUAGE FOCUS. Then find two sentences
advantages and disadvantages from in the essay which express concession.
relevant texts. I can use a range of formal language when arguing for
and against an issue.
Exercise 2 that the writer mentions.
1 What is the writer’s opinion of halls of residence?
2 Would you like to live in this type of student LANGUAGE FOCUS
1 Read UK TODAY . How similar or different do you think the
Which one is not  mentioned?
accommodation? Why?/Why not?
5 Complete the WRITING FOCUS with the words and
 You can increase thevariety in your written English by
situation is in your country?
phrases in purple in the essay. including sentences that express concession.
•  Although/Even though + clause 
WRITING FOCUS Although halls of residence are not always the

2 The WRITING FOCUS box includes

 UK TODAY A ‘for and against’ essay
2 cheapest option, many students prefer them.  
Many students prefer halls of residence even though they
Halls of residence •  Begin with general or factual comments on the topic. are not always the cheapest option.
exercises which help students to • Most UK universiesprovide accommodaonfor first-year
studentsin university-ownedhalls ofresidence, onor near
Many young people beginning university choose to live in
halls of residence.
•  In spite of/Despite  + noun/ -ing
the campus.   In spite of  the cost , many students prefer halls of
focus, develop and organise their • There isoena supervisor, whose jobit isto maintainorder
•  End with a statement that mentions both sides of the issue.
Although there are several potential 1  to … , there

ideas. •
andsupport studentswith everyday issues.
 Roomsin these hallsare generally smallbut private andin most 1 ome university students prefer to live
are also numerous upsides.
Many students prefer halls of residence despite the cost .
Despite living cheaply, many students still find themselves
cases, billsare includedin the rentalprice.Kitchen faciliesare
usually shared. S with their families until they graduate
and can earn their own living. However,
Main paragraphs
•  Presentarguments  for  in one paragraph and arguments
short of money.

 In 2014 the average cost ofrenng a room inhalls ofresidence against  in another.
inthe UK was£123.96 per week. it is also very common for young people 8 Rewrite the sentences using the words in capitals.
5 beginning university to choose to live
Thefirst/One/A further/Another/ 2  anotherbenefit/
  1 Although there are numerous arguments for living
together with other students in halls of drawbackof …
with your parents while at university, there are also
residence. Although there are several Thereare numerous/potential/clear/considerablepluses/


2 Read the comments from first-year university students. Are
they advantages (A) or disadvantages (D) of living in halls of
residence? Compare your answers with a partner.
potential downsides to this communal way
of living, there are also numerous benefits.

One of the most 4 
arguments for/against … is …
/most persuasive/strongest
considerable drawbacks. DESPITE
 Despit e the nume rous arg uments fo r living with
your parents while at university, there are a lso
directs students’ attention to   1 Freedom! (Ammar, Newcastle)  
2 It’s impossible to get any studying done. (Ian, Edinburgh)  
10 One of the most convincing arguments
for halls of residence is that they allow •  Develop and support some of your arguments with
additional comments or examples.  
considerable drawbacks.
2 Many students live at home with their parents, even
3 I’m exhausted. There are parties every night. (Nick, Hulll)   students to experience independent living
language they may find useful 4 There’s a supervisor we can talk to if we have any problems. in a safe place with a strong sense of
community. Having never lived alone, most
This allows residents to save time and money.
•  Make comparisons.  
though there are minuses. SPITE
3 In spite of the cooking facilities in halls of residence,
(Emma, Durham)  students often survive on fast food only. ALTHOUGH
in their writing (e.g. expressing 5 Rules, rules, rules! Keep quiet, clean up, no visitors.
(Ollie, Oxford) 
15 new students appreciate this supportive

environment. In the same way , the

In the same 5 
,…   4 Although some student accommodation offers good
presence of an official supervisor is likely value for money, it is still likely to be cheaper for
contrast, using descriptive 6 We all help each other out. I’ve made so many new friends.
to be reassuring for students and their
parents. Yet  another plus is that halls of
•  Make a summarising statement.  
students to live with their parents. DESPITE
5 Many teenagers have plenty of freedom despite living
language, expressing cause and 7 Someone stole my sausages! (Jason, Manchester)  
8 Our halls are on campus. I fall out of bed and into my
20 residence are usually very convenient

because they are located on, or close to,

All things 7 
and cons to …
, /All in all,/On balance, there are pros with their parents. THOUGH
9 Read the writing task and follow the instructions below.
lectures. (Anahita, London)  
effect), giving tips on how they can 9 My room is OK but it’s tiny. (Richard, Nottingham)  
university campuses. This allows residents •  End with your personal opinion.

improve their written English.

to save time and money.

Despite these clear advantages, there are  

Personally, I think/feel/believe/ 8  …
4 Manyyoungpeoplewhoenterhighereducationchoose
tostudyin theirhometownandcontinuelivingwiththeir
25 also considerable drawbacks. The first parentsthroughouttheiruniversityyears.
6 Choose thecorrect options.
downside is that the rooms tend to be Write an essay of 200–250 words, in which you present
  1 One of the most persuasive / potential  arguments
 very small and bathroomsmay sometimes arguments for and against this arrangement.
for living at home is the amount of money that can
have to be shared. Being full of young
people, halls can also be very noisy. This
be saved.   1 Think about general or factual comments you could
30 can make them difficult places in which to   2 There are also several numerous / clear  upsides to living make on the topic.
study. Likewise, parties and late nights are independently while at university.   2 Write down arguments for and against the statement

4 Exam-style w g po d common, and can interfere with students’

academic progress. Other minuses are that
food can ‘go missing’ from shared fridges

3 The daily commute is one of the drawbacks of / for  
living a long way from the university campus.
4 Living alone, students learn to cook and clean for  
and choose the ones you want to use. Decide which
ones you will develop and support, and how.
3 Think about your personal opinion on the topic and
d w oppo 35 and cupboards, and communal kitchens are

often busy and sometimes dirty.

themselves. On balance / Equally , they gain experience
in managing their money.  
where you will include it.
4 Choose sentences from Exercises 6 and 8 to adapt for
op w g All things considered , there are pros and
cons to living in halls. Certainly, residents
  5 All in all / Personally , there are pluses and minuses to
remaining in the family home while at university.
your essay.
10 Complete the writing task in Exercise 9. Use the WRITING
need to be self-disciplined in order to FOCUS and the LANGUAGE FOCUS to help you.
40 successfully balance study and social life.
Personally, I imagine the benefits of living
closely with other students outweigh the
48 49

L .in / / : L .in / / :

Language n focus and Use of Eng sh

The Language in focus lesson and USE OF ENGLISH section in the WORD STORE booklet can be used as part of the
unit review.

1 The Language in focus lesson

 3.8 Language in focus 1 2
includes a mini presentation and 03   WORD LIST USE OF ENGLISH 3 
Determiners – special cases Townscape and landscape, describing cities

practice of areas that are common I can use all, both, each, every, whole, another , other  and
others correctly.
atthemouthofariver / tðmav rv /
benefit(from) / benft (frm) /
breathtakingview/ bretekvju /
1  For questions 1–8, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the
end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line.
There is an example at the beginning.
in Use of English exam tasks. 1 Read the information and choose the correct options in the
built-up/urbanarea / bltp /bneri /
bustlingcity /bslsti /
busy harbour /bzihb /
example sentences from this unit. canal /knl /
c a si n o / ksin /
all, both, each, every and whole  city’s bestkeptsecret/ stizbest keptsikrt / Katowice is not 0 exactly  a popular tourist destination, but it has some interesting EXACT
cityscape/ stiskep / things to do and welcomes all 1  with open arms. Don’t expect to see VISIT
+ of  + my 
 /the , etc. c l ea n a i r / klin e /
+ noun + pronoun cool /kul / medieval cathedrals or royal palaces, since Katowice is the capital of the 2  INDUSTRY 
+ noun cosmopolitan/ kzmpltn / region of Upper Silesia. However, there are some unique buildings, where you can see

2 all  all the relatives  all (of) the relatives  all of them densefore st /densfrst /
some 3  nineteenth-century architecture. WONDER
The USE OF ENGLISH section both both (my) parent s  both (of my) parent s  both of them
designershop/ dzanp /
dramatic/impressive/iconicskyline / drmtk /mpresv /
aknkskalan /
A 4  network of buses, trams and trains makes getting to and around thecity RELY 
each (one) of the each (one) of really easy, both for tourists and those who have to make a 5  commute DAY 
in the WORD STORE booklet each each twin
every one of the
every one of
dull/hectic/vibrantnightlife / dl /hektk /vabrntnatlaf /
famousmonument/landmark / femsmnjmnt
gleamingskyscrapers/ limskaskrepz /
 /lndmk / from their homes. The city is fast gaining in 6  as a business centre, too.
A number of international companies believe that Katowice offers some great
historical heartof thecity / hstrkl htv ðsti /
provides opportunities to practise every 

every relative

thewhole flat
relative s 
thewhole of my flat
the whole of it 
immigrant/ mrnt  /
industrial area / ndstrileri /
  opportuniti es and have opened their offices in the city. That means
there are lots of job vacancies and 8  unemployment is relatively low.
inner-city area /nsti eri /
useful language, key phrases and another, other and others 
 jobopportunities / db ptjuntiz /
leafy neighbourhood / lifi nebhd /
livingcosts /lv ksts /
Another friend   means ‘a different friend’ or ‘an additional friend’.
expressions from the current and Other friends  means‘differentfriends’,butnot usually‘additional
friends’.(Use morefriends.)
mainsights /mensats /
marketsquare/ mktskwe /
mouth-wateringfood /mawtrfud /
Question 1: You need to form a plural noun from the verb to describe a type of person. 3
the previous unit. These exercises The others   refers to people/things that have already been mentioned. multicultural population / mltikltrl ppjlen /
narrow/cobbled/quaintbackstreets / nr /kbld /kwent
bkstrits /
Question 5: The adjective you need looks like an adverb.
Question 7: You need a noun here.
help students to analyse meanings  
1 Every / All   of you know what I’m talking about.
2 Unlike another / other   subways, the NY subway runs twenty-four
nightc lub/ natklb /
openspaces /pnspesz /
packedwithpartygoers/ pktwð ptiz /
hours a day. population/ ppjlen /
of language and structure, as well as   3 Each / Every   of the crew members has a cabin.
prideyourselfonsth/boaststh / prad jselfn /bst /
renownedfor/ rnand f /
2  For questions 1–6, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar
meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word
  4 The whole / All the  place smells of snacks. riverbank / rvbk /
various collocations.   5 Both / Every   country you can think of. ruinedcastle /rundksl /
sports facilities/ sptsfsltiz
sprawling/ sprl  /
given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.
There is an example.
2 Complete the questions with the words in the box. Then answer
steephill /stip hl / 0  3 
the questions. steepedin history / stiptn hstri /
I haven’t got enough money to buy anew laptop. Both Paul and Tina were unawareof the situation.
welcomevisitorswithopenarms /welkmvztzwðpn   CAN’T   NEITHER
all both each every whole mz /
widerange of(cultures/languages/food/arts) / wadrend   I can’t afford to buy  a new laptop.   were aware of the situation.
  1 Can you write your name with hand? v (kltz / lwdz /fud /ts)/ 1  When we went on holiday, we always started our 4 The hotel is a short walk from the convention centre.
world-classrestaurant/ wldklsrestrnt /

3 p p d w mo
2 Have you got earrings in
3 Do
4 Does
your relativeslook like you?
oneofyourFacebookfriendsknowyou personally?
youthemployment / jumplmnt /
youthfriendly /jufrendli /
youthful / jufl /
 journey early to avoid the traffic.
When we went on holiday, we used early
T he hotel the convention centre.
5 Olgagot sickandcouldn’tgo onholidayas planned.

d g g m p g   5 Are you off school for the month of August?

3 Match sentences 1 and 2 with meanings a and b. In which case
City transport
cyclelane/ sakllen /
easy togetaround(by bike) / izi tetrand ( ba bak)/
to avoid the traffic.
James, do you think you’ll travel to Mexico before
S ickness on holiday as planned.

m o b om mo d p d is there no difference in meaning?

A 1 Have another biscuit. 2 Have the other biscuit.
multi-storeycarpark /mltistrikpk /
reliablenetwork (ofbuses) / rlablnetwkv (bsz)/
(state-of-the-art)public transportsystem  
you’re twenty?

Our dinner will be over by8.30.
  a Thereisonebiscuitavailable.  /(stetvðit) pblktrns ptsstm /   James, will to Mexico by the time you’re   We our dinner by 8.30.
streetcar/tram / stritk /trm /
b Thereareseveralbiscuitsavailable. subway/underground/ sbwe /ndrand / twenty?
traffic jam / trfk dm /
B 1 Here’sone photo, where’s 2 Here’sonephoto,whereare
  the other? the others? TIPS:
  a There’sonephotomissing. artgallery / tlri /
artinstallation/ tnstlen  / Question 1: You need a phrasal verb that means ‘start a journey’.
  b Thereareseveralphotosmissing. fashion /fn /
incredible/first-classarts andmusic scene Question 2: Which verb form do we use to say that something will be completed before a certain time in
C 1 Wetext each other everyday. 2 Wetext one another everyday.  /nkredbl /fstklstsnd mjuzk sin / the future?
  a Itexthim andhetextsme. livemusic /lavmjuzk /
modernart /mdn t / Question 5: Think about the verb pattern that follows prevent .
b Itexther andshetextsme. museum night / mjuzimnat /
D 1 CouldIhave another coffee? 2 CouldIhave the other coffee? streetart / stritt /
a I’dlikethe samecoffeeagain. Types of houses and estates
  b I’dlikethe alternativecoffeeyouoffered. FreedomShip / fridmp /
hall ofresidence /hl v rezdns /

50 6

L .in / / :
L .in / / :

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Focus  Assessment Package
Test type Quant ty Tota marks T m ng
P acemen e 1 100 60 m n
G amma qu z 16 15 10–20 m n
Vocabu a y qu z 8 15 10–20 m n
Un e
Vocabu a y and G amma A B 8 40 25–35 m n
D c a on L en ng and Read ng A B 8 30 20–30 m n
W ng 8 30 30–45 m n
Rev ew e
Vocabu a y G amma and U e o Eng h A B 4 50 35–40 m n
W ng 4 30 30–45 m n
Speak ng A B Teache no e 4 20 8–10 m n pe pa
End o yea e
L en ng U e o Eng h and Read ng A B 1 60 40–55 m n
W ng 1 20 30–45 m n
Speak ng A B Teache no e 1 20 12–15 m n pe pa
P og e op ona 3 GSE co e 60 m n
Beg nn ng m dd e and end o cou e

Overv ew o package Vers ons o tests

The Focu A e men Package p ov de a w de ange o Mo e have wo ve on A and B Ve on A and B
e wh ch can be u ed a d e en po n n he cou e a e de gned o be a exac y he ame eve o d ficu y
Each eve ha and ea u e he ame a k ype howeve he e

1 P acemen e em n each a e d e en Fo en ng e he a k

16 A and B G amma qu e a e d e en bu he aud o he ame n bo h A and B

8 A and B Vocabu a y qu e ve on mak ng ea y o adm n e

8 A and B Un e You can u e he A B e n wo way

4 A and B Rev ew e •
g ve ha o he c a A ve on and ha o he c a B

1 A and B End o yea e ve on – h he p o de e chea ng

g ve a uden he A e and hen u e he B e
Assessment o earn ng or assessment or
e he o uden who m ed he e o a a e e
earn ng? o emed a wo k o uden who e co e how hey
Any e can be u ed e he a a e men o ea n ng o need a e mo e wo k on he un ob ec ve
a e men o ea n ng A e men o ea n ng u ua y
ake p ace a e he ea n ng ha happened and p ov de Exam preparat on
n o ma on abou wha he uden ach ev ng by g v ng A you uden a e go ng o be wo k ng owa d
a ma k o a g ade You can a o u e he e a a e men he exam he e a o p ov de egu a oppo un e
o ea n ng by p ov d ng pec fic eedback on uden o hem o y exam y e a k n a ow ake e
eng h and weakne e and ugge on o mp ovemen env onmen wh ch hou d he p hem ee mo e confiden
a pa o he con nua ea n ng p oce go ng n o he fina exam
a comb na on o bo h ype o a e men wh ch can We wou d ecommend u ng pa pape o p ac ce pape
p ov de powe u oo o he p ng you uden p og e n add on a you ge c o e o he da e o he exam

Mark ng Wr t ng and Speak ng tests Expected outcomes

W ng and Speak ng e have de a ed ma k key o We wou d expec a uden who have comp e ed he
he p you ma k con en y and g ve uden mean ng u n uc ona ma e a o co e a ea 50 pe cen and he
eedback you have he ma k cheme o he exam you be uden o co e 90–100 pe cen on any g ven e
uden w u ma e y ake you may p e e o e e o We have de be a e y nc uded mo e cha eng ng que on
h n each e o a o he p you den y uden pe o m ng
Wh cheve ma k cheme you u e can be ve y u e u o above he eve
go h ough w h you uden be o e hey ake he e
o hey know wha hey a e go ng o be ma ked aga n Tests on paper
You can hen e e back o he e ma k ng c e a n you The e a e p ov ded n bo h pd and Wo d o ma We
eedback ecommend u ng he pd ve on a hey a e Howeve
you do need o ed he e h hou d be po b e
When you a e ma k ng e he e an ex ended an we
key o he p you exp a n why a que on gh o w ong o
wh ch pa o he ex an an we can be ound n


Focus Assessmen Package

Tests on MyEng shLab Each e ha h ee pa Vocabu a y G amma and U e

A o he Un e can be aken h ough he o Eng h W ng Speak ng The Vocabu a y G amma
MyEng hLab p a o m On MyEng hLab a uden and U e o Eng h pa have A and B ve on The e
ake he A e The B e become emed a on o ho e on y one ve on o he W ng a k S uden do he
uden who need Speak ng a k n pa and he e a e epa a e ma e a
o S uden A and B a we a no e o he eache w h
Mo pa o he e a e au oma ca y co ed and que on wh ch a e nco po a ed n o he An we key
uden ge n an de a ed eedback how ng hem
whe e hey wen w ong o how o mp ove you have A w h he Un e you can a gn a o none o he
a owed a y aga n op on The ee w ng and peak ng pa o he e depend ng on he me ava ab e
pa need o be eache g aded You a gn each pa
epa a e y o you can choo e whe he o add he e o no End o year test
The End o yea e p ov de a k ba ed e cove ng
P acement test ea n ng ob ec ve om he who e cou e
The Focu P acemen e a e de gned o he p he Each e ha h ee pa L en ng U e o Eng h and
eache o p ace uden a he gh eve o he Focu Read ng W ng Speak ng The L en ng U e o Eng h
e e Each e con a n 100 mu p e cho ce que on and Read ng pa ha A and B ve on The e on y one
and de gned o a o an hou uden ge e ve on o he W ng a k S uden do he Speak ng a k
han 60 pe cen o he an we gh hey hou d u e n pa and he e a e epa a e ma e a o S uden A
he owe eve nd ca ed n he e e g o he Focu 2 and B a we a no e o he eache w h que on
Focu 3 e hey hou d u e Focu 2 hey ge mo e wh ch a e nco po a ed n o he An we key
han 70 pe cen o he an we gh hey hou d u e he You can a gn a o none o he pa o he e
h ghe eve nd ca ed n he e 60–70 pe cen o gh depend ng on he me ava ab e
an we pu uden n he m dd e o he wo eve and
you dec on a o whe e o p ace he e uden hou d Us ng Progress to track progress
depend on he eve o he e o he c a P og e an op ona add on o he Focu co pu
a anda d ed package o h ee e ha a ow un o m
Grammar qu zzes e ng and compa on o e u o mp ove ea n ng
The e a e x een ho A and B G amma qu e wo ou come and accu a e y how ea ne p og e
pe un wh ch e he g amma augh n each G amma The e can be conven en y aken e he a choo o
e on n he S uden Book The G amma qu e can a home and e u a e de ve ed ve y qu ck y P og e
be u ed a he end o a e on o homewo k a a ev ew co ed on G oba Sca e o Eng h and emp ca y
a he beg nn ng o he nex e on o a e n he un a a gned o he CEFR o accu a e y mea u e ma amoun
qu ck ev on o p og e w h n a CEFR band The e epo ove a
co e and co e by k h gh gh ng eng h and
Vocabu ary qu zzes weakne e o he p uden and eache ocu ea n ng
The e a e e gh A and B Vocabu a y qu e wh ch e Fo mo e n o ma on ee pea one com p og e
he vocabu a y augh n each Vocabu a y e on n he
S uden Book Depend ng on he qu hey hou d ake The G oba Sca e o Eng sh
be ween en and wen y m nu e each The G oba Sca e o Eng h a anda d ed g anu a
ca e om 10 o 90 wh ch mea u e Eng h anguage
Un t tests p ofic ency Un ke o he benchma k wh ch de c be
The e a e e gh Un e wh ch e he ea n ng a a nmen n b oad band den fie wha a ea ne can
ob ec ve om each un The e hou d be adm n e ed do a each po n on he ca e ac o peak ng en ng
a e each e pec ve un ev ew ead ng and w ng k Fo n ance a pe on who ha
Each e ha h ee pa Vocabu a y and G amma a peak ng ab y o 47 can de c be he d eam hope
D c a on L en ng and Read ng W ng The Vocabu a y and amb on
and G amma and D c a on L en ng and Read ng pa The ca e de gned o mo va e ea ne by
have A and B ve on The e on y one ve on o he demon a ng nc emen a ep by ep p og e n he
W ng a k anguage ab y Teache can u e he know edge o he
You can a gn a o none o he e depend ng on he uden G oba Sca e o Eng h eve o choo e ma e a
me ava ab e you a e nc ud ng he L en ng e ha a e p ec e y ma ched o ab y and ea n ng goa
be o do he en ng fi and hen uden can do he The G oba Sca e o Eng h e ve a a anda d aga n
o he ec on n he own me wh ch Eng h anguage cou e and a e men
wo dw de can be benchma ked o e ng a u y g oba
Rev ew tests and ha ed unde and ng o anguage p ofi c ency eve
The e a e ou Rev ew e one eve y wo un The e V Eng h com g e o ea n mo e abou he G oba
a e cumu a ve ach evemen e and o e he ea n ng Sca e o Eng h
ob ec ve om a un o a
Rev ew e 1 Un 1–2
Rev ew e 2 Un 1–4
Rev ew e 3 Un 1–6
Rev ew e 4 Un 1–8
Depend ng on you choo yea you may w h o do a o
he e o u ome o hem

Assessment for learning

Focu nc ude e emen o A e men o ea n ng me hodo ogy The a m o
enhance ea n ng by uppo ng uden n unde and ng wha hey know and
wha hey need o do nex mak ng hem ac ve n he own ea n ng A he
ame me u ng a e men o ea n ng he p eache o unde and whe e
he uden a e n he ea n ng and eache o make dec on abou how o
he p uden mp ove
When we a k abou a e men o ea n ng we e ea y a k ng abou a e ng
uden o ma ve y wa ch ng and en ng o ou uden o ee how a hey
unde and and u ng h o he p dec de wha we need o do nex Th can be
du ng any ac v y n c a o u ng a e om he A e men Package
n Focu a hand u o a e men o ea n ng echn que and ac v e have been
n eg a ed n o each un o g ve uden an awa ene o wha and how hey
a e ea n ng and g ve you he eache o o oppo un e o a e how each
uden do ng
Each un a w h he un ob ec ve o he p uden unde and he goa
The e a hough p ovok ng quo e nked o he op c o he un o ge uden
h nk ng abou he heme a a who e a we a he p hem emembe any op c
vocabu a y ha hey a eady know The SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW ec on a
he a o he un e n o ce h and he p a uden a om a confiden
beg nn ng
The e on ob ec ve n he S uden Book and he SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW
ec on n he Wo kbook e ve a m a pu po e a a e on eve The e a e
uppo ed by SHOW WHAT YOU VE LEARNT ec on wh ch he p uden ee
how a hey ve come n one e on
Th oughou he un you can u e c a ac v e and o he qu e n
he A e men Package o check uden ea n ng and dea w h any
m unde and ng o a ea o weakne du ng he cyc e o ea n ng Con de
u ng he qu e and o he e n a e na ve way have uden wo k on hem
oge he o ma k each o he pape A k hem o h gh gh a ea o ev on o
u he wo k Ra he han ma k ng pape gh o w ong nd ca e how many a e
w ong and a k uden o wo k oge he o find he e o u ng he c a ma e
eedback he n e ne o e e ence book o he p make he co ec on
The Wo kbook un fin h w h a SELF ASSESSMENT page o owed by a
SELF CHECK The SELF ASSESSMENT page a k uden o eflec on he
ea n ng o each o he ea n ng ob ec ve n he un and po n hem o whe e
hey can go o ev e any po n o ge mo e he p S uden a o no e down new
vocabu a y em hey wan o ea n wh ch he p e n o ce he n en on and ocu
he a en on on an ach evab e goa and he ou o c a Eng h expe ence
du ng ha un wh ch w he p hem h nk abou he w de oppo un e o
ea n ng and u ng Eng h The SELF CHECK page a e a ad ona ev ew o
he g amma and vocabu a y om he un and w he p uden o confi m he
e a e men


Students Book and Word Store •
Sk ec on each un p ov de u he exam
Focu 4 S uden a n e gh hema c un Book con
o en ed p ac ce o Read ng L en ng Speak ng
each o wh ch we ve page ong and d v ded n o W ng and U e o Eng h
he o ow ng ec on Vocabu a y G amma L en ng The L STEN NG LANGUAGE PRACT CE ec on nc ude
Read ng Speak ng W ng and Language n ocu exe c e ha u he exp o he aud o c p om he
Add ona y he S uden Book open w h an n o S uden Book L en ng e on
un con ng o e gh nd v dua e on ha he p Bo h he READ NG and L STEN NG LANGUAGE
uden ev e he ma e a om he p eced ng eve PRACT CE ec on a o con a n exe c e wh ch p ac e
Each ma n un o owed by a wo page FOCUS he anguage em om he e pec ve WORD STORE
REV EW ec on wh ch ev e he ma e a cove ed n ec on n he S uden Book
ha un The ma o y o he a k ype n h ec on Speak ng exe c e he p uden memo e and p ac e
a e exam o en ed The GRAMMAR FOCUS ec on a he unc on n oduced n he S uden Book and n
he back o he book con a n g amma exp ana on o he n e ac ve peak ng v deo
each g amma po n w h add ona p ac ce exe c e
The S uden Book a o come w h a wen y ou W ng ec on nc ude a mode ex wh ch uden
page WORD STORE book e n e ed a he back u e o he homewo k a gnmen and a SHOW THAT
By comp e ng he exe c e n he WORD STORE YOU VE CHECKED box ha he p uden check he
uden comp e he own m n d c ona e o he mo w en a gnmen be o e hand ng hem n
mpo an wo d and ph a e om he un The WORD •
SELF CHECK ec on he e ec on n eve y un
STORE a o con a n a wea h o uppo ma e a uch he p uden p epa e o he e n he A e men
a a o ph a a ve b w h examp e en ence a Package And a he key o he e ec on p ov ded
o p epo ona ph a e and add ona U e o Eng h n he Wo kbook uden can a e he p og e
ac v e ocu ng on anguage om he un and dec de hey need u he p ac ce

C ass CDs MyEng shLab

Th an on ne Wo kbook wh ch can be acce ed by
The aud o ma e a an mpo an e emen o Focu
eache and uden a h p myeng h ab com
The c a CD nc ude d a ogue and en ng ac v e
p ov de add ona mo va ng ma e a o e udy and
om he S uden Book wh ch nc ude u e o a he
a ow eache n an acce o he uden co e
vocabu a y om he WORD STORE
MyEng hLab
Workbook •
con a n he ame ma e a a he pape Wo kbook n
The Wo kbook ha been pec fica y deve oped o he p an n e ac ve o ma
uden pa he exam ac va e a o he anguage •
con a n a he v deo con en o he cou e
n oduced n he S uden Book m o he o gan a on •
ha e check and emed a on unc ona y o ave
o he S uden Book and he p u ea u e nc ude eache me

Exam a eg e exp ana on o he d e en exam •
a ow uden o mon o he own p og e
a k ype uden w encoun e a we a coach ng •
n u ve and ea y o u e
uden n he be echn que o u e n he ac ua exam •
equ e an n e ne connec on

Func on ph a e bank w ng e e ence o he w ng You can a o add P og e an op ona epa a e e
exe c e n he Wo kbook componen o he p ack uden p og e n a g anu a

Func on ph a e bank peak ng a co ec on o ph a e way ee u de c p on on page 12
om he SPEAK NG FOCUS boxe n he S uden
Book p ov d ng e e ence o he peak ng exe c e n Teacher s Book
he Wo kbook The Teache Book con a n a wea h o add ona

Vocabu a y and G amma ec on a we a p ac ce ma e a o eache The n oduc o y page p ov de
exe c e con a n ng he o ow ng ea u e n o ma on abou he un que ea u e o he S uden
Book a we a he o he cou e componen nc ud ng

SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW ca ch up exe c e ha
he v deo e emen They con a n a Un wa k h ough ee
en u e ha a uden a w h he ame npu
page 5–10 wh ch g ve a v ua p e en a on o how

SHOW WHAT YOU VE LEARNT e o ma exe c e he S uden Book un wo k dea on how o u e he
ha he p uden a e whe he hey have ma e ed Wo d S o e a he back o he S uden Book and wha
he ma e a adequa e y add ona e ou ce and ma e a a e ava ab e a pa o

VOCABULARY BANK h ec on a he back o he he S uden Book
book con a n a he vocabu a y om he cou e The Teache Book con a n gh y educed
wh ch o gan ed by op c and ex ca e o owed ep oduc on o he S uden Book page comp e e
by p ac ce exe c e S uden a e adv ed o do he w h an we ugge on o ex a ac v e and
exe c e om h ec on once hey have comp e ed de a ed n o ma on abou he con en o a he o he
he co e pond ng un n he S uden Book componen ha can be u ed w h a g ven e on


Componen s

a o con a n he S uden Book aud o c p and he •

n e ac ve peak ng v deo he e v deo accompany
Wo kbook an we key mo Speak ng e on and demon a e a conve a on
The Cu u e no e p ov de a wea h o n o ma on ha appea on he S uden Book page n he
connec ed w h he peop e h o y and pho o n he Speak ng ec on Each n e ac ve peak ng v deo
S uden Book med w h na ve peake who mode he
conve a on n o de o uden o v ua e he
The bank o pho ocop ab e ac v e con a n he
con ex The ame conve a on hen epea ed w h
o ow ng
op ona ub e a hough on y one ac o peak

vocabu a y and g amma ac v e he ha o he conve a on and he o he pa

Te you e pa wo k ac v e ema n en and med Th gap n he conve a on

ac v e p ov d ng uppo o he peak ng and a ow uden o ake on a o e o e he S uden
w ng a k om he Focu ev ew ec on A o S uden B and ac ou he m ng pa o he

Language n u e ac v e o add ona p ac ce and conve a on o wo k n pa and pe o m bo h pa A
ev on o unc ona anguage and B S uden may ke o epea h exe c e eve a

h ee m n e me e he nd v dua y o a a g oup Th p ov de
a mp e bu e ec ve oo o mp ov ng peak ng
Act veTeach and p onunc a on uency a we a he p ng uden
The Ac veTeach an n e ac ve Wh eboa d So wa e o ocu on u ng unc ona anguage n eve yday
wh ch nc ude many nnova ve ea u e and a wea h conve a on uch a a k ng o d ec on g v ng an
o ma e a con a n he S uden Book page n op n on o buy ng ood We ecommend u ng he
e ec on c o ma whe e a exe c e have he n bu n e ac ve v deo a he end o he Speak ng e on
unc ona y o eache o check and o how an we once he peak ng ac v e n he S uden Book have
The ma o y o ac v e a e n e ac ve exe c e n wh ch been comp e ed
uden can fi n gap d ag and d op ma ch em a •
New eed e v ce h con o cu en au hen c
we a check he an we Open ended p ac ce a k e ev on new c p wh ch a e de ve ed pe od ca y
a o nc ude amp e an we uden can o ow when h oughou he choo yea and a e accompan ed by
p epa ng he own d a ogue mono ogue o w en wo k hee a E emen a y CEFR A2 and n e med a e
a gnmen CEFR B2 eve De gned o uden o wa ch and
Add ona game a e ava ab e o a d ex a p ac ce n wo k w h a home eache can a o choo e o wo k
he c a oom and eache can ave he wo k and no e w h hem n c a hey w h They p ov de a un que y
d ec y n o he o wa e nc uded a e n an nk o a o mo va ng ou ce o au hen c anguage npu
he aud o and v deo om he cou e a ong w h op ona e ec ed o he mmed acy and e evance o uden
ub e o he eache o u e he o he w he o ve The au hen c c p a e e ec ed o he n e e
eve o he uden wh e he accompany ng a k
Mo eache e ou ce ma e a a e acce b e on
and ac v e a e p ov ded a wo eve E emen a y
he Ac veTeach n down oadab e o ma uch a
CEFR A2 and n e med a e CEFR B2
pho ocop ab e ac v e and aud o o v deo c p The
A e men Package can a o be down oaded e he
Assessment Package
n PDF o ed ab e Wo d w h a documen c ea y
o gan ed by un The A e men Package mo e han u a co ec on
o e o e a cohe en y em o eva ua on and
V deo g ad ng wh ch cove a w de ange o e ype wh ch
eflec common ex e na exam A e can be u ed a
Ava ab e e he v a MyLab Ac veTeach o he Teache
a e men o ea n ng o a e men o ea n ng See
mu om he v deo e emen o Focu pa cu a y ch
page 11–13 o mo e de a
and va ed The h ee ype o v deo ava ab e a e

G amma an ma on eve y G amma e on
u a ed h ough he e ve y an ma on Key
anguage u ed n con ex n he e v deo p ov d ng
ev dence o uden o how he anguage u ed
n ea e ua on The an ma on o owed by
eache commen a y on he g amma po n wh ch
p ov de a b e mp e e ume o he anguage and
e ve a u he back up o he p ac ce ac v e
done n c a Howeve he an ma on can be p ayed
e he a he beg nn ng o he G amma e on o
how he g amma n con ex a e he eache ha
exp a ned he g amma po n n de a o a he end o
he c a a a oo o ev ew S uden can a o acce
he an ma on and he eache commen a y o ana y e
he g amma po n a he own pace and a many
me a hey need


01 02 03
0 p 4 G mm P e en en e p 5 G mm P p 6 G mm Cond on w h
e ew en e e ew nd on
Vo bu Food Vo bu Spo Vo bu F m Peop e

1 Vocabu ary Grammar L s en ng

Do your best
pp 12 13 Edu on Co o on p 14 P e en nd p p 15 Memo
Ph e b S non m pe on h b E m Fo u Mu p e m h ng
de e P onun on Sound nd
Re d ng Wh nd o uden e pe ng owe
ou que onn e Vo bu Wo d m e eb
end ng n e

pp 26 27 F m e eb on p 28 P Pe e S mp e p 29 A b neu o en
2 nd e g ou e emon e nd Con nuou E m Fo u Sen en e omp e on
Compound noun Ve b noun P onun on Sound nd
t takes a sorts o o on Common ph e pe ng on on n
Re d ng Com ng o ge Vo bu Dependen
e emon e p epo on

pp 40 41 nd pe p 42 Fu u e o m p 43 P e o e
3 nd pe Dependen E m Fo u Mu p e ho e
p epo on Ad e e noun P onun on Sen en e e
A p ace to ve o o on U e u ph e o u u e que on o m
de be e Vo bu Wo d m e
Re d ng The You h u C e nde de e end ng n b e

pp 54 55 Shopp ng nd mone p 56 Que on g nd p 57 M e d ng

4 Shop Ph e b Mone d om ep que on E m Fo u Mu p e ho e
Co o on bu ng nd e ng P onun on ong nd ho
The cost of v ng Re d ng Coo p e o h ng ou owe ound
n own Vo bu Co o on

pp 68 69 Emp o men ob e p 70 Repo ed pee h p 71 The u u e o wo

5 Ph e b Co o on Wo d E m Fo u Mu p e m h ng
m e P onun on Wo d p noun
The wor d at your feet Re d ng The e u n o he Be nd e b Wo d e
ob n he Wo d Vo bu Ad e e o de be

pp 82 83 T u h nd ehood p 84 Cond on u e p 85 A ee
6 Ad e e o de be peop e en e o E m Fo u Sen en e omp e on
Ph e w h e Compound P onun on Wo d e
True or fa se? de e n ou b e wo d
Re d ng Wh n ou be e e Vo bu Wo d m e
e e h ng ou ee n he med

pp 96 97 U ng ompu e p 98 Ad n ed p e p 99 P ob em w h e hno og
7 Co o on o do w h n e ne om E m Fo u Mu p e ho e
u e He h ue Co o on n P onun on Wo d e n
Log on e ph e wo d m e
Re d ng Te hno og d nge o Vo bu E e on
u e u oo ommun on

pp 110 111 The n u wo d p 112 Un e p nd p 113 n e gen n m

8 Po u on nd nd w e H d eg e w h on E m Fo u Mu p e ho e
nd po u n Compound noun me nd wou d he P onun on Vowe nd
Around the g obe Re d ng A oung on on n m n m p
en onmen Vo bu Co o on

Fo u e ew pp Un 1 pp Un 2 pp Un 3 pp Un 4 pp Un 5 pp Un 6

pp 124 141 G mm o u p 142 egu eb

WORD STORE pp 2 17 U e o Eng h p e nd wo d oe pp 18 21 P epo on pp 20 21 Ph eb


04 05 06 07 08
p 7 G mm Mod p 8 G mm Repo ed p 9 G mm A e p 10 G mm p 11 G mm The
e b o pe u on Spee h Vo bu Cu u e Comp e u ue P e h e h done
Vo bu S en e Vo bu Ad e ng The Vo bu Ad e e Vo bu Po
nd d e b So e

Read ng Grammar Speak ng Wr ng n Focus
pp 16 17 E pe men p 18 Ve b p en p 19 De b ng pp 20 21 A epo p 22 ng o m
n edu on pho o Spe u ng ngu ge Fo u
E m Fo u G pped De b ng omeone
e qu e
Vo bu
Co o on

pp 30 31 Two e p 32 Re e u e p 33 Te ng pe on pp 34 35 An e p 36 Co o on
bou m e ou e en ne do e ngu ge Fo u
E m Fo u Mu p e Sem o m e
ho e
Vo bu Wo d
m e

pp 44 45 The p 46 Qu n e p 47 O g n ng pp 48 49 A o nd p 50 De e m ne
n e n on Sp e p e o e g n e pe e
S on Sugge ng g ee ng ngu ge Fo u
Vo bu o nd ob e ng o E pe ng on e on
P epo on on n ou e o on

pp 58 59 e n p 60 P e en nd p p 61 M ng nd pp 62 63 A o m p 64 Mod
E m Fo u Mu p e mod u ue u ng ho e em de b ng n en e u ue
m h ng E u ng op on n den nd m ng
Vo bu Wo d omp n
m e ngu ge Fo u
E p e ng u e nd
pp 72 73 A e bou p 74 Repo ng e b p 75 P ob em o ng pp 76 77 An e p 78 Ph eb
men nd women o e E p e ng nno n e ngu ge Fo u
E m Fo u Mu p e R nge o d e e
ho e
Vo bu n ng
ph e

pp 86 87 An mpo e p 88 M ed p 89 E h ue pp 90 91 An op n on p 92 Wo d m e
E m Fo u G pped ond on E p e ng en e e u e
e op n on nd dd ng ngu ge Fo u
Vo bu Ph ommen E p e ng on

pp 100 101 We b e p 102 P e epo ng p 103 C on pp 104 105 A o nd p 106 E on u ed

e hno og u ue g n e wo d
E m Fo u Mu p e ngu ge Fo u
ho e n odu ng e on n
Vo bu Wh he o m w ng
bod doe

pp 114 115 p 116 Emph e p 117 G ng pp 118 119 A e ew p 120 Wo d m e

Summ e o m en en e nd n e on p e en on ngu ge Fo u p e e nd u e
bou m ng ou ne De b ng he o on
E m Fo u Mu p e o p e
m h ng
Vo bu Wo d
m e

pp Un 7 pp Un 8

pp 23 24 Add on pe ng p 25 Ke o phone mbo


0.1 Diet
5 Read REMEMBER TH S Then omp e e he
a oon ap on w h he o e o m o he
ve b n b a ke U e ea h en e on e on y
Grammar P esen enses – ev ew
Vocabu ary Food REMEMBER TH S
SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW P esen S mp e = ac s hab s ou nes
P esen Con nuous = ac es n p og ess
1 n pa ood and d nk ha an be de bed u ng he
ad e ve n he box T ME UP TO NOW
P esen Pe ec S mp e = fin shed ac ons
b e d ed a en ng e h g ea aw o unfin shed s a es
pe a ou p a e wee P esen Pe ec Con nuous = unfin shed
b =b a k o us fin shed ac ons

2 Te you pa ne wh h em on you you ke and how

o en you ea o d nk hem

3 CD M Read he ommen abou h ee u d e and

hoo e he o e op on Then en and he k

H HON Y D m ng he Hone D e a he momen

Ba a ou u e ou e u ng hone n ead o H
uga A o ou a o d ou e a o d ng un Amy Wow ou oo g ea ou o e we gh
ood ou e a wa ha ng ou a wa ha e Ma Ye ha e Fo he pa wo wee w
b ea a and ou d n ou e d n ng o o ow he 5 2 D e
o wa e and u a m Sn e a ed he Amy We ea a he me
de e been ha ng e had o mu h mo e
u e peop e ha a he momen m
ene g e o e been o ng a o h
do he 24 7 D e

W m
G amma Fo u page 124
e done m do ng he Pa eo D e ea e
H PA OD 6 Comp e e he en en e w h he o e
he a emen M d e on on ng
p e en o m o he ve b n b a ke Exp a n
o mea h e h u and ege ab e egg
you ho e o en e Then k he en en e
nu and eed g e up e g en up whea ha a e ue o you
and da hn m h n ng a e
na u a wa o ea m o ow ng e been
1 h n o ee a e b e
o ow ng he Pa eo D e o n e wo mon h no e
bu don o e ha en o an we gh e 2 M g andma ba e a o She m
p obab ma e a a e gh now
Exe c e 7
m 3 M dad no ee wh oung peop e
1 Ha e ou e e
ed p Tha o e a ood o mu h
ood 4 ne e be on a d e n m e
2 A e ood p e H 5 2D
m do ng e been do ng he 5 2 D e 5 h n o g ng up ho o a e
go ng up a he o n e 1 anua mp e ou ea 6 do ome oo ng Tha wh
momen ou e ea ng no ma on e da o he wee m me o on on
3 Ha e ou e e bu on wo da ou e on ea ng ou on
ea 500 a o e m on a 500 a o e da oda 7 U e he p omp o w e que on n he
u ou nge
and ha e m ha ng m b ea a – o e p e en en e Then n pa a k and
p epa ng ood
amb ed egg and ome mo ed a mon an we he que on
4 How o en do
ou oo a mea Tha he nd o d e e m ng 1 ou e e p Tha ood
o he am 2 ood p e go up a he momen
C@ C m
5 How ong ha e 3 ou e e u ou finge p epa ng ood
ou been ha ng 4 how o en ou oo a mea
hoo un he o he am
6 How ong ha e 4 Read he ommen aga n Wh h d e do you h nk wou d be 5 how ong ou ha e hoo un he
ou had he ame he ea e o do? 6 how ong ou ha e he ame d n ng ab e
d n ng ab e

p 4

0.2 Fun and games 5 CD M Comp e e wo mo e oke w h

he o e pa o m o he ve b n b a ke
Then en and he k
Grammar Pas enses – ev ew
Vocabu ary Spo A o ood ok bou oo b Th FA Cup
Fn d nn nd d n k p n
SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW London Th p d wh n Exe c e 1
1 n pa ma h he ve b n box A w h he noun n box B o h m n Th o b ea a e o d
make o o a on h k bu h o d h boun ome
h w nd o h
A bea b eak ome B a ba ng fi go ng
go keep oe + fi a goa an opponen So h boun d n h do eep
h ow w n ap e a e od w h h nd nd w h ow h m ou o e a goa
b a an pp n n h ow a ba
w wnap e
2 Choo e h ee o o a on and w e h ee ue en en e B Am n d nd m wh n po
offi op h m Wh h m
Th pp n n k b a ng m my b h
offi k d h d

3 CD M Read he oke and hoo e he o e op on You h n no d bu ou w

Then en and he k Do you ke he oke? Why? Why no ? off ou nd m oup o
k om b k…
Th o h d w down n ow w n
moun n o d on m b Am n w Oh h d h d
ow uph ow d m h nk o d
A hm h w k k h ho n nd h
m COW h d
w up db u n h n w on Bu 6 Comp e e he en en e w h he o e pa
w h fi m d w n m o m o he ve b n he box
m o w h m nd w
b eak ne e bea no b ng oe
un d h on nd p omp h d no ow ka e an
1 Tom pped on he e and b o e h eg
4 Read REMEMBER TH S Then omp e e he a oon ap on w
w h he o e o m o he ve b n b a ke U e ea h en e when he
on e on y 2 wa 2 2 Then oe he w nn ng goa
n nu me
REMEMBER TH S 3 Be h ou dn do PE be au e he he
Pas S mp e = desc b ng he ma n e en s o a s o PE
comp e ed pas ac ons 4 a wa e a He h b o he
Pas Con nuous = se ng he scene an ac n p og ess be o e
a ound a me n he pas 5 Te ou dn be e e he he hoo
Pas Pe ec = c a ng necessa ha one pas e en e od
happened be o e ano he 6 u o a a h on when he w ed
he an e
7 n pa pu he unde ned ve b n o Exe c e 7
he Pa Pe e D u how h hange 2 had ea n had
he mean ng Then k he en en e ha a e ea ned
ue o you 3 had had
1 a ed wa ng when wa e gh een 4 hadn won
mon h o d 5 had e
had a d wa k ng wh n wa 6 had a ed
gh n m n h d
2 When wa ou ea ned how o de a b e
3 had w mm ng e on when a ed
pa he w hm end We pa e ea p ma hoo
game when he a d e find a wa o ma ng h game 4 When a ed p a ng o he hoo he
mo e n e e ng So we op p a ng he d dn w n a game
5 A 7o o h mo n ng e m hou e
6 Th e on a ed when a ed n a
G amma Fo u page 124

p 4

Improve Your Experience 

Rating will help us to suggest even better
related documents to all of our readers!

 Useful

 Not useful

0.3 Teenage types

4 Read REMEMBER TH S and find examp e o he F Se ond
and Th d Cond ona n he que onna e
Grammar Cond ona s w sh and REMEMBER TH S
on y
F s Cond ona = he p obab e u u e esu o an ac on A B
Vocabu ary Fam y Peop e Second Cond ona = he p esen o u u e esu o
an mag na ac on
SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW Th d Cond ona = he mag na pas esu o an mag na
pas e en A B
1 n pa de de whe he he e ad e ve a e
po ve + o nega ve way o de b ng
pe ona y Pu ? hey an be bo h
Exe c e 5 5 Choo e he mo app op a e ve b o m and exp a n he ea on
Re on o a e e + a ng + ha m ng + o you ho e Then omp e e he ond ona en en e
ed n we
heek ? u – mma u e – 1 e ed o be e en …
1 e
efi h – po – hough u + 2 e ed o be 170 …
2 un e
3 go wen ou on gh …
3 e 2 Choo e h ee ad e ve and g ve examp e
o yp a behav ou o ea h one 4 go wen ou e e n gh …
4 un e
5 wa had been unn a he momen …
5 The ua on y ua h y u n y h nk 6 wa had been unn e e da …
d e en ab u y u and d n a ab u 7 o ge had o go en m mum ne b hda …
6 an mag na h p p F xamp wh n … 8 o ge had o go en m mum a b hda …
pa e en
7 a p obab e 3 Comp e e he que onna e w h he o e 6 Read REMEMBER TH S and he a oon Who unhappy w h
u u e ua on o m o he ve b n b a ke Then do he he ua on? Who unhappy w h omeone behav ou ?
T w T w
8 an mag na que onna e and ompa e w h a pa ne
pa ua on
w sh on y + Pas S mp e = ou wan a p esen s ua on o

GOODY-GOODY  be d e en
w sh on y + wou d + e b = ou wan someone s p esen
OR SPOILT BRAT beha ou o change
w h ou wou d how
1 Wha a e ou pa en mo mo e en hu a m
ke o a be o e ou
b hda ? on he a we e ed
A ou wan w n n w w g
ou on
B ou on nu o do w hoo
w p o w d ng on
2 ou pa en a k ou o ook a e
a ounge b ng wou d ou …
A u nd h m ou no h
B p nd do w ng
3 ou w be a a e au an and ou
pa en o de ome h ng ou ha ed
wou d ou …
A m bg u
B nd no h ng G amma Fo u page 125

4 Wha a e ou pa en mo ke o a 7 W e en en e w h w h o on y o how ha you wou d ke

abou ou? he ua on S o behav ou B o be d e en Then k he
w he ha a e ue o you
A w no do o mu h o h m h
h h wou dn h u n d n o po b 1 don e ab oad S
B h h no b u h good good w h ny v d ab ad
h umm mp h h wou d 2 an ead mu S
h h d mo un w m
3 M e doe n he p a ound he hou e B
w m w
M A m 4 M dad ha o wo e ong hou S
w m w
5 M e doe n e me u e he ap op B
M w m w m
6 M b o he
m w m e anno
w ng Sw
7 M mum a wa emba a e me n on o o B
w m m mw m m
8 Ou ne ghbou p a oud mu a n gh B
w w m

p 5


0.4  Visitors from space

4 Rep a e he unde ned ve b u ue w h
a e na ve u ng an ou d may m gh and mu
and an nfin ve o pe e nfin ve U e ea h moda
Grammar Moda ve bs o specu a on ve b on e on y
Vocabu ary Sc ence
Exe c e 1
1 n pa w e he noun o m o he ve b n he de u on
box n ude noun o peop e app op a e Then e o u on
unde ne he e ed y ab e e p o a on
e po e
ana e on ude de o e o e exp o e
n e ga on
n e ga e ob e e p e e e e ea h
n e ga o
ana y = ana y ana y ob e a on
ob e e
2 n pa d u wh h o he e h ee h ng
gove nmen hou d pend mo money on  A cco d ng o a ecen UK su vey many peop e s
be eve ha a ens have poss b y v s ed Ea h
When peop e epo s gh ngs o Un den fied F y ng
p e e a on
e ea h
a p e e a on o p ane Ea h
Ob ec s UFOs hey usua y desc be s ange gh s e ea he
b pa e e p o a on
and shapes O he peop e say a ens defin e y haven
med a e ea h Exe c e 4
app oached ou p ane because o he w se he e
wou d be some p oo They be eve ha a s gh ngs 1 ma m gh
3 Read REMEMBER TH S and hoo e he o e op on o UFOs a e defin e y e he na u a wea he even s ou d ha e ed
n he a oon ap on Then e you pa ne wh h 2 an ha e
o man made e a c a Ch nese an e ns o even
op n on o e o you own app oa hed
hoaxes Bu ce a n gove nmen offic a s h nk ha a ens
REMEMBER TH S have poss b y been o Ea h o m a y econna ssance 3 mu be
sc en fic esea ch o ou sm and w poss b y con nue 4 ma m gh
mus + nfin e pe ec nfin e = ou e su e o do so n u u e ou d ha e been
some h ng s was ue o
m gh may cou d + nfin e pe ec nfin e = ou 5 ma m gh
hn s poss b e some h ng s was ue ou d on nue
5 n pa d u you v ew on pa e exp o a on and
m gh no may no + nfin e pe ec nfin e=
whe he you h nk he e anybody ou he e
ou h n s poss b e some h ng sn wasn ue
can + nfin e pe ec nfin e = ou e su e 6 Choo e he o e mean ng A o B o he
some h ng sn wasn ue unde ned ph a e
pe ec nfin e= ha e + pas pa cpe 1 Spa e e p o a on m gh ead o he d o e o o he
e om
We mu an be a one n he un e e
A po b e B e an
oo b g The e mu an be o he 2 So ou e a en You mu be e n e gen
e omewhe e A ompu o B m op n on
3 Man e p o e ma no ha e unde ood he
The e mu an be gn fi an e o he d o e e

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