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Journal of Network and Computer Applications 80 (2017) 189–199

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HSecGR: Highly Secure Geographic Routing MARK

Mehdi Boulaiche , Louiza Bouallouche-Medjkoune
LAMOS University of Bejaia, Algeria


Keywords: An ad hoc wireless network is a set of nodes connected by wireless links in which nodes cooperate to forward
Ad hoc network packets from a source to a destination. Geographic routing (or position-based routing) has become an attractive
Secure routing solution for such networks since it reduces routing control overhead flooded in the network to construct routes
Attack (routes discovery). Many geographic routing protocols have been designed to guarantee packet delivery in such
networks. However, these protocols consider that all nodes in the network are trustworthy which allows
malicious nodes to violate network security and disrupt packet forwarding. In this paper, we propose and
evaluate a new security approach that secures geographic routing protocols against a variety of attacks. Our
approach is based on the use of MACs to allow intermediate nodes to verify the authenticity and the integrity of
forwarded packets and uses authenticated acknowledgements to prevent packet dropping attacks. To meet
node's resource constraints, we have based our solution on symmetric cryptography. Our solution is robust
against modification and dropping attacks even in the presence of compromised nodes in the network.

1. Introduction toward the final destination. GPSR (Karp and Kung, 2000) is an
example of geographic routing protocols.
An ad hoc wireless network is a set of nodes connected by wireless Geographic routing has become an attractive solution (Milocco
links where all nodes in the network cooperate to forward packets from et al., 2014; Peng and Kemp, 2011; Lee et al., 2010a; Boulaiche and
one point to another. The protocols designed for routing in this type of Bouallouche-Medjkoune, 2015; Tao et al., 2010; Kleerekoper and Filer,
networks are different from those designed for routing in wired 2015; Al-shugran et al., 2013) for wireless ad hoc networks where
networks. Routing protocols designed for wireless ad hoc networks nodes keep only information about local one hope neighbors. In
have to deal with the characteristics of such networks. These protocols geographic routing, a node selects a next forwarding node based only
have to be designed so as to minimize communication overhead since on the location of itself, its neighbors and the destination. The location
nodes have limited resources. They also need to handle mobility of information can be obtained with GPS or through any other localization
nodes within the network. And very importantly, a routing protocol system. As it does not use control packets to establish a path, the
designed for such networks should mitigate the impact of attacks on geographic routing reduces routing control overhead flooded in the
the protocol. Indeed, due to the broadcast nature of wireless channel it network to maintain network connectivity compared with other types
is sufficient that an attacker be in the transmission range of a node to of routing protocols. Protocols called greedy (Al-shugran et al., 2013)
eavesdrop on the on-going traffic, tamper, or drop packets since every forward packets such that their routes be the closest to the path as the
node in the network is expected to participate in packet forwarding crow flies between the source and the destination. NFP (Al-shugran
process. et al., 2013) protocol selects its closest neighbor among those in the
There are three main categories of routing protocols for ad hoc direction of the destination to forward the packet. Whereas, with MFR
wireless networks namely: flat routing, hierarchical routing, and (Al-shugran et al., 2013) protocol, a forwarding node selects its
geographic routing. Flat routing protocols include reactive protocols neighbor that is closest to the destination as next forwarding node.
such as DSR (Boukerche et al., 2011), AODV (Mulert et al., 2012) and NADV (Lee et al., 2010b) selects the neighbor with the optimal trade-
proactive protocols such as DSDV (Ade and Tijare, 2010). In hier- off between the advance and link cost. To overcome holes (Chen and
archical routing, nodes are divided into clusters and a cluster head is Varshney, 2007) problem (known also as local minima) in geographic
assigned to each cluster head. LEACH (Tyagi and Kumar, 2013) is an routing protocols, solutions proposed in (Karp and Kung, 2000; Tao
example of hierarchical routing protocols. In geographic routing et al., 2010; Won et al., 2013) use the right (or left) hand rule (Chen
protocols, the position information of nodes is used to forward packets and Varshney, 2007) to forward packets around the holes.

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: boulaiche.mehdi@yahoo.fr (M. Boulaiche), louiza_medjkoune@yahoo.fr (L. Bouallouche-Medjkoune).

Received 21 December 2015; Received in revised form 12 November 2016; Accepted 19 December 2016
Available online 25 December 2016
1084-8045/ © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Boulaiche, L. Bouallouche-Medjkoune Journal of Network and Computer Applications 80 (2017) 189–199

Geographic routing protocols forward packets based on the as- Other work in secure routing (such as Ade and Tijare, 2010; Perrig
sumption that all nodes in the network are trustworthy and don’t take et al., 2005; Kim and Tsudik, 2009; Tygar et al., 2002; Buttyan et al.,
into account the security problem. However, the presence of malicious 2006; Yi et al., 2001; Levine et al., 2002; Zapata and Asokan, 2002;
(or compromised) nodes in the network, can lead to a degradation in Johnson et al., 2003; Wang et al., 2010), is about protecting topology
the performances of geographic routing in terms of delivery ratio (route) discovery. ARIADNE (Perrig et al., 2005) and SRDP (Kim and
(routing failures). In geographic routing, a forwarding node selects its Tsudik, 2009) are two protocols that provide an extension to secure
next hop according to the destination position contained in forwarded route discovery in DSR (Boukerche et al., 2011) protocol using
messages. An attacker may alter or modify this information to disrupt cryptographic tools. ARIADNE provides three patterns (shared secret
the routing scheme. An attacker may also generate falsified messages keys between any pair of nodes, TESLA (Tygar et al., 2002), or digital
such as beacon messages or error messages to disrupt routing scheme. signature) to authenticate information provided by intermediate nodes
These types of attacks can be used with the blackhole attack (Sarma between the source and the destination. However, analysis of
et al., 2011) in which a node drops all packets going through it, or with ARIADNE protocol in (Yi et al., 2001) has shown some security
sybil attack (Md Zin et al., 2014) in which the attacker provides vulnerabilities in the protocol. Authors in (Buttyan et al., 2006)
multiple identities to other nodes in the network. Another type of proposed to sign Route Reply field instead of signing Route Request
attacks that can be launched against geographic routing is wormhole to eliminate these security vulnerabilities. Authors in SRDP (Kim and
attack (Qazi et al., 2013), two malicious nodes cooperate and build a Tsudik, 2009) Proposed the use of either aggregated message authen-
tunnel between them and get packets from one region to another. This tication codes (MACs) or multi-signatures to securely discover an
type of attacks is very difficult to detect. authenticated route to the destination in DSR.
In this paper we will propose a Highly Secure Geographic Routing To secure AODV (Mulert et al., 2012) protocol, Authors in SAR (Yi
approach. The objective of our work is to provide a mechanism that et al., 2001) ARAN (Levine et al., 2002), S-AODV (Zapata and Asokan,
allows both intermediate nodes and the destination node to verify the 2002) propose other extensions that can provide security properties for
authenticity and the integrity of forwarded packets in one hand and to AODV protocol. In SAR protocol, nodes in the network are divided into
protect against dropping attacks on the other hand. Our solution is confidence levels. Consequently, only nodes that belong to a higher
based on the use of MACs (Message Authentication Code) with a secret confidence level than the minimum required level can participate in
key to protect packets against modification and to prevent attackers route search process. S-AODV protocol proposes to use a digital
from tampering routing information. To protect packets against signature to authenticate non-mutable fields of the message (fields
dropping attacks, each intermediate node that receives a packet must that don’t change since message creation) and use a hash chain to
return back an authenticated acknowledgement to the packet's source protect the hop_counter field. SEAD (Johnson et al., 2003) and SDSDV
indicating both the previous and the next hop for this packet. For this, (Wang et al., 2010) are two protocols that have been proposed to
we propose an extension to the packet header to provide these security provide security services for DSDV protocol (Ade and Tijare, 2010).
services for geographic routing protocols. Our solution is robust against SEAD protocol tries to protect DSDV sequence_number field against
modification and dropping attacks even in the presence of compro- modification attacks using a hash chain. Whereas, SDSDV tries to
mised nodes in the network. To meet node's resource constraints, we improve DSDV security by preventing nodes from increasing or
have based our solution on symmetric cryptography. decreasing distance_metric and sequence_number fields.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents In detective solutions, CONFIDENT (Buchegger and Le Boudec,
related work on secure routing protocols in ad hoc networks. Our 2005) and Watchdog & Pathrater (Kevin et al., Mary.) protocols are
security approach that protects against these security attacks will be two protocols that have been proposed to enhance the security of DSR
presented and detailed in Section 3. Simulation results will be protocol. By monitoring nodes behavior in the network, malicious
discussed in Section 4. Section 5 concludes this paper. nodes are isolated in black lists and thus will be avoided during packet
routing. TAODV (Lyu et al., 2004) is another solution that has been
2. Related work proposed to improve AODV security based on node behaviors in the
The use of wireless links significantly facilitates attacks against To secure geographic routing protocols, Chen L. et al. proposed in
routing protocols in wireless ad hoc networks. Unlike wired networks (Lyu et al., 2013) the use of geographic leashes and the TESLA scheme
where the attacker must have physical access to the network, in to provide resistance against the Sybil attack and wormhole attack and
wireless ad hoc networks, it is sufficient that the attacker be in the the use of a distributed trust model and the packets opportunistic
transmission range of a node to eavesdrop on communications, modify, forwarding to prevent black hole and gray hole attacks. In (Marin-Perez
or inject packets in the network. To address routing security problem in and Ruiz, 2011) Rafael M. et al. proposed a Self-Protected Beaconless
ad hoc networks, several solutions have been proposed in the literature. Geographic Routing protocol (SBGR) in which nodes overhear the
Generally speaking, these solutions propose extensions to already forwarding of their neighbors to detect malicious behaviors. Authors in
existing protocols in order to strengthen their security efficiency (Pathak et al., 2008) proposed GSPR an infrastructure free geographic
against some attacks. routing protocol that is resilient to disruptions caused by malicious or
Authors in (Baadache and Belmehdi, 2012, 2014) proposed an faulty nodes. Authors in (Song et al., 2007) proposed secure geographic
approach that allows to secure both proactive and reactive routing forwarding (SGF) that incorporates both the Hashed MAC and the
protocols against simple and cooperative black hole attack. In (Yu et al., TESLA to provide security mechanisms for both data and control
2009) authors proposed SRAC a secure routing protocol to defend messages in geographic routing protocols.
Byzantine attacks as well as other internal attacks against routing Most of the earlier works deal with only one type of attacks but not
protocols for MANETs in adversarial environments by using both with a variety of attacks that can be launched against a routing
message and route redundancy during route discovery. Authors in protocol. For example, solutions proposed in (Perrig et al., 2005;
(Zhang et al., 2014) proposed TOHIP a TOpology-HIding multipath Kim and Tsudik, 2009; Tygar et al., 2002; Buttyan et al., 2006; Yi et al.,
routing Protocol which does not allow packets to carry routing 2001; Levine et al., 2002; Zapata and Asokan, 2002; Johnson et al.,
information so that the malicious nodes cannot deduce network 2003; Wang et al., 2010) protect route discovery packets against
topology and launch various attacks based on that. Authors in modification attacks. However, these solutions don’t protect against
(Djenouri and Badache, 2009) suggest a modular solution structured packet dropping attacks. Contrary, solutions proposed in (Buchegger
around five modules to monitor, detect, and safely isolate misbehaving and Le Boudec, 2005; Kevin et al., 2000; Lyu et al., 2004) protect
nodes that drop packets in mobile ad hoc networks. against packet dropping attacks but don’t protect against modification

M. Boulaiche, L. Bouallouche-Medjkoune Journal of Network and Computer Applications 80 (2017) 189–199

attacks. Although solutions proposed in (Lyu et al., 2013; Marin-Perez

and Ruiz, 2011; Pathak et al., 2008; Song et al., 2007) provide
resistance against modification and dropping attacks, they still focus
on a simple attack launched by an individual attacker, but not on a
cooperative attack launched by a set of cooperated attackers. On the
other hand, previous isolation (reputation) systems are based on
vulnerable techniques in which the system can be circumvented by
dropping packets at a lower rate or after a collision the retransmission
can be skipped. In addition, these techniques allow isolating dropping
attackers but not modification attackers.
The major value added by the approach proposed in this paper is Fig. 1. Our protocol's header.
that it protects geographic routing against a variety of attacks
altogether, i.e.; dropping, modification, and injection attacks launched
by both individual attackers and cooperative attackers along the end- copy of the packet sent in order to compare it with the received
to-end path. Another value added by our approach is that the proposed acknowledgements sent by the intermediate nodes along the path
isolation (reputation) system is based on authenticated acknowledg- toward the destination. Afterwards, the source node alarms a timer. If
ments rather than on previous vulnerable techniques. And very the destination acknowledgement is not received within a timeout,
importantly, the proposed isolation system allows detecting and then, the source considers that the packet was dropped by an
isolating both dropping and modification attackers. One another intermediate node (this includes both malicious and non-malicious
feather added by our approach is that it allows detecting and isolating causes) and the link between the last node in the downstream where its
attackers in the whole network and not just attackers in the neighbor- acknowledgement was well received and its next forwarding node is
hood. considered as a suspected link.
Each intermediate node “I” verifies the authenticity of the packet by
3. Highly Secure Geographic Routing comparing the received MAC1 field to the MAC value computed over
the received packet header with the secret key it shares with its
3.1. Assumptions and notations previous forwarding node “I-1”. If the checking succeeds, the inter-
mediate node modifies the MAC1 field by a new one computed over the
We consider a wireless ad hoc network in which all nodes cooperate header with the secret key it shares with its next forwarding node and
to forward packets from the source node to the destination. It is forwards the packet. Then, the intermediate node sends back an
assumed that each node is aware of its own position, neighbor's acknowledgement packet toward the source node S. Since the inter-
position, and the position of the destination. The location information mediate nodes don’t have the secret key shared between the source and
can be obtained by equipping nodes with GPS or through any other the destination, they can’t verify whether the payload of the packet was
localization system. Neighbor's position can be obtained by periodic tampered or not. This allows a compromised node to tamper packet's
beacon messages. We also assume that wireless connections between payload, however, this information is transmitted to the source node in
nodes are bidirectional because our solution requires a bi-directional the acknowledgement packet since the MAC2 field of the acknowl-
exchange of packets. We also assume that a source node S truste the edgement packet is computed over the following received fields:
destination node D (i.e: the source node S doesn’t disclose its secret key HKIS{Type, Ident, Length, Source_Address, Destination_Address,
shared with D for any node in the network in any case and so the node Prevoius_hop, Next_hop, MAC2, msg} with the secret key shared with
D). We also assume that there is a shared secret key between each pair the source node S. The acknowledgement packet contains the previous
of nodes in the network i.e. n (n-1)/2 keys distributed in the network and the next forwarding nodes as well, which allows the source node to
using, for example, a Key Distribution Center (KDC) where n is the construct the path traversed by the packet toward the destination.
number of nodes in the network. The following notations are used in Finally, when the destination receives the packet, it firstly verifies
this paper: its authenticity using MAC1 field, and then it verifies the payload of the
packet (the message) by comparing the received MAC2 field to the MAC
• A, B, C …: are nodes. value computed over the received payload with the secret key it shares
• KAB: is the secret key shared between the two nodes A and B. with the source node S. if the checking succeeds the destination sends
• MACKAB{X}: is X's Message Authentication Code calculated with back to the source an acknowledgement packet where the MAC2 field is
the KAB key shared between nodes A and B using hush function like computed with the secret key shared with the source node S over the
HMAC or MD5. following received fields: HKIS {Type, Ident, Length, Source_Address,
Destination_Address, Prevoius_hop, Next_hop, MAC2, msg}.
3.2. HSecGR overview Otherwise, the destination sends an error message to the source node.
When the source node receives an acknowledgement packet, it first
Our approach is based on the use of two MACs to prevent packet verifies its authenticity using its MAC1 field, then, it checks whether the
tampering attacks throughout the path toward the destination. The first message received by the originator of the acknowledgement was
MAC is computed over the header of the message with the pair-wise modified or not by comparing the received MAC2 field to the MAC
shared secret key between the sender and its next forwarding node value computed over the packet fields it has sent before (i.e., the
toward the destination in order to provide per-hop authentication. The following fields: Type, Ident, Length, Source_Address,
second MAC is computed over the payload with the pair-wise shared Destination_Address, Prevoius_hop, Next_hop, MAC2, msg that the
secret key between the source and the destination in order to protect source node has sent before). If the message was modified then the link
the message against modification along the path. To prevent packet between the acknowledgement originator and its previous forwarding
dropping attacks, we propose to use authenticated acknowledgements. node is considered as a suspected link.
In our approach, we also propose the use of a reputation system to Note here that acknowledgement packets sent back to the source
detect and isolate packet tampering and dropping attackers. node traverse the reverse path traversed by the corresponding data
Our proposed approach works as follows. When a source node S packet in order to prevent attacks on acknowledgements packets
sends a message to a destination D, it encapsulates the message in a because an attacker can’t modify or drop the acknowledgements of
new packet where the header is illustrated in Fig. 1. Then, it keeps a its upstream nodes. The reception of an acknowledgement acknowl-

M. Boulaiche, L. Bouallouche-Medjkoune Journal of Network and Computer Applications 80 (2017) 189–199

edges all upstream nodes in the path. Non authenticated packets or 18) If (H2== p.MAC2) Then
acknowledgements are dropped and don’t acted upon and this is to 19) Message was received correctly;
prevent malicious nodes from forging packets. 20) Send back an acknowledgement to the source node;
21) If (p.type== report) Then
• Type: this field allows to define the packet's type ( data, acknowl- 22) Broadcast the report to all neighbors;
edgement, error, or report packet). 23) EndIf
• Ident: packet identifier. 24) Else
• Length: header length. 25) Send back an error packet to the source node;
• Source_Address: packet's source address. 26) EndIf
• Destination_Address: packet's destination address. 27) EndIf
• Prevoius_hop: this field is used in acknowledgement packets to 28) Else
indicate the previous forwarding node of the acknowledgement 29) Replace p.MAC1 field by HKii+1{p.Type, p.Ident, p.Length,
originator (a node the packet was received from). p.Source_Address, p.Destination_Address, p.Prevoius_hop,
In report packets, this field contains the source of the suspect p.Next_hop, P.MAC2};
link. 30) If (p.type == Ack) Then
• Next_hop: used in acknowledgement packets to indicate the next 31) Send the packet to the previous node in the upstream of this
forwarding node of the acknowledgement originator (a node the packet;
packet was sent to). 32) Else
In report packets, this field contains the destination of the 33) Forward the packet to next node towards the destination;
suspect link. 34) Send back an acknowledgement to source node S;
• MAC1: Message Authentication Code used to protect packet's 35) EndIf
header against modification and to authenticate packet's originator 36) Else
(hop by hop authentication). 37) Packet header was modified;
• This MAC is calculated over the following fields: HKii+1{Type, 38) Ignore this packet;
Ident, Length, Source_Address, Destination_Address, 39) EndIf
Prevoius_hop, Next_hop, MAC2} with the secret key shared be-
tween the current node and its next forwarding node.
Note that this MAC is recomputed by each intermediate node to
3.3. Example for 3 nodes
authenticate the packet hop by hop.
• MAC2: Message Authentication Code used to protect non mutable
In this section we illustrate the functioning of our security approach
fields of the packet against modification and to authenticate message
with an example of three nodes S, I1, and D (Fig. 2), where S sends a
• This MAC is calculated over the following fields: HKSD{Type, Ident,
message msg to D through the intermediate node I1. And the
destination D sends back an acknowledgement through I1.
Length, Source_Address, Destination_Address, Prevoius_hop,
Next_hop, msg} with the secret key shared between the source S: S→I1: Msg1= < Type=Data, Ident, Length, S, D, Null, Null,
node and the destination node. MAC1, MAC2, msg > ;
• Payload (or msg): the message to send in the packet. MAC2 =HKSD{Type, Ident, Length, S, D, Null, Null, msg}
MAC1=HKSI1{Type, Ident, Length, S, D, Null, Null, MAC2}
Lets msg be the message to send from a source node S to a I1: If (MAC1= HKSI1{Type, Ident, Length, S, D, Null, Null,
destination node D and lets I be an intermediate node between S and MAC2}) Than
D. I1→D: Msg2 = < Type, Ident, Length, S, D, Null, Null, MAC1,
Algorithm 01. Receiving a packet “p”. MAC2, msg > ;
MAC1=HKI1D{Type, Ident, Length, S, D, Null, Null, MAC2}
I1→S: Ack1 = < Type=ACK, Ident+1, Length, S, D, S, D, MAC1,
01) H1← HKi−1i{p.Type, p.Ident, p.Length, p.Source_Address, MAC2 >
p.Destination_Address, p.MAC2} MAC2 =HKI1S{Type, Ident+1, Length, S, D, Null, Null,
02) If (H1 == p.MAC1) Then MAC’2,msg}; MAC’2: is the field MAC2 received in the packet
03) Packet's header wasn’t modified; header
04) If (p.Destination_Address == my addr) Then MAC1 =HKI1S{Type, Ident+1, Length, S, D, S, D, MAC2}
05) If (p.type == Ack) Then EndIf
06) H2← HKi−1i{Type, Ident, Length, Source_Address, D: If (MAC1= HKDI1{Type, Ident, Length, S, D, Null, Null,
Destination_Address, Prevoius_hop, Next_hop, MAC2, msg} MAC2}) Than
07) If (H2== p.MAC2) Then
08) Message well received by the intermediate node;
09) Acknowledge all previous forwarding nodes of this node(up-
10) Else
11) The message received by this node was modified;
12) Insert this link into global black list;
13) Send a report to this node;
14) EndIf
15) EndIf
16) If (p.type == dataOrp.type == report) Then
17) H2← HKi−1i{p.Type, p.Ident, p.Length, p.Source_Address,
p.Destination_Address, p.Prevoius_hop, p.Next_hop, p.msg}
Fig. 2. Example for 3 nodes.

M. Boulaiche, L. Bouallouche-Medjkoune Journal of Network and Computer Applications 80 (2017) 189–199

If (MAC2= HKDS{Type, Ident, Length, S, D, Null, Null, msg}) Upon receiving a report broadcast by a neighbor, the suspected
Than node in the report is inserted in the local blacklist. This report needs to
D→I1: Ack2 = < Type=ACK, Ident+1, Length, D, S, I1, Null, be authenticated to prevent any byzantine reports coming from
MAC1, MAC2 > malicious behaviors which try to blacklist a legitimate node.
MAC2 =HKDS{Type, Ident+1, Length, S, D, Null, Null, Therefore, we propose to use the TESLA (Tygar et al., 2002) broadcast
MAC’2,msg}; MAC’2: is the field MAC2 received in the packet authentication method to authenticate broadcast suspected neighbor's
header reports.
MAC1 =HKDI2{Type, Ident+1, Length, S, D, I1, Null, MAC2}
Else 3.5. Protocol proof
D→S: Err = {Type=Err, Ident+1, Length, D, S, I1, Null, MAC1,
MAC2} In this section we will present a formal proof for cryptographic
MAC2 =HKDS{Type, Ident+1, Length, S, D, Null, Null, properties of our approach. For this, we will use a formal method called
MAC’2,msg}; MAC’2: is the field MAC2 received in the packet BAN (Burrows et al., 1990) logic. BAN logic, named according to the
header names of its inventors Michael Burrows, Martin Abadi and Roger
MAC1 =HKDS{Type, Ident+1, Length, D, S, I1, Null, MAC2} Needham who introduced it in 1990, is the first and the most famous
EndIf logic dedicated to the analysis of cryptographic protocols. It is a belief
EndIf logic that models principal's beliefs involved in a protocol and the
evolution of these beliefs after exchanging messages during the
execution of the protocol.

3.5.1. Protocol formulation

3.4. Isolating suspected nodes
In standard notation, a step of a protocol is presented as follows:
P→Q: message. Our approach can be seen as the exchange of two types
In this section, we present our solution to detect and isolate
of messages (data/report messages and acknowledgement/error mes-
malicious nodes. In geographic routing, the forwarding node selection
relies only on one-hope neighboring nodes. Therefore, each node
maintains two black lists; a global and a local one. The global black
list allows nodes to construct a list of suspected links in the whole
Message1: Type=Data, Ident, Length, S, D, Null, Null, MAC1,
network. This list is constructed from acknowledgements and error S→D: MAC2, msg;
messages received from the destination and the intermediate nodes MAC2 =HKSD{Type, Ident, Length, S, D, msg}
because the acknowledgements are interpreted and acted upon only by MAC1=HKSD{Type, Ident, Length, S, D, MAC2}
the source of the data packet. Whereas, the local black list allows to Message2: Type=ACK, Ident+1, Length, D, S, S, Null, MAC1,
blacklist malicious neighbors and avoid them when selecting the D→S: MAC2
forwarding node. This list is updated from reports received from MAC2 =HKDS{Type, Ident+1, Length, S, D,
source nodes and neighbor's broadcast reports. MAC’2,msg}; MAC’2: is the field MAC2 received in
When a source node S detects a suspicious link (for example the red the packet header
link I3I4 in Fig. 3), it generates a report and sends it to the source of MAC1 =HKDS{Type, Ident+1, Length, D, S, S, Null,
the suspicious link (node I3 in the figure). Upon receiving a report, the MAC2}
source of the suspicious link (node I3) acknowledges the report, inserts
the destination of the suspicious link (node I4 in the figure) into its The first step of BAN logic is protocol idealization. In our approach,
local blacklist, and broadcasts the report to all its neighbors. All the Ident is considered as a nonce. Unencrypted messages will be
neighbors that receive a broadcast report insert the destination of the removed during the idealization step. We also remove all components
suspicious link (node I4) in their local blacklist. In the figure, only blue of the encrypted message that do not contribute to the development of
nodes that insert node I4 in their local blacklists because I4 is not a agent's knowledge. In our approach, we remove the hash function H (as
neighbor for grey and white nodes. the hash function H is known by all nodes in the network and therefore
If the same suspicious link (The red link I3I4 in the figure) detected can be used by all nodes and do not contribute to the development of
another time by the source node S, then, node S resends this time the agent's knowledge.
report to the node precedes the source of the suspicious node (node I2
in the figure). This node acknowledges the report, inserts the source of
the suspicious link (node I3) in its blacklist, and broadcasts the report Message1: S→D: {Type, Ident, Length, S, D, MAC2}KSD, {Type,
to all its neighbors. In the figure, only grey nodes that insert node I3 in Ident, Length, S, D, msg}KSD
their local blacklists because I3 is not a neighbor for the other white Message2: D→S: {Type, Ident+1, Length, D, S, S, Null, MAC2}KSD,
nodes. {Type, Ident+1, Length, S, D, MAC2,msg}KDS

Fig. 3. Isolating malicious nodes.

M. Boulaiche, L. Bouallouche-Medjkoune Journal of Network and Computer Applications 80 (2017) 189–199

The second step of the BAN logic is writing the initial assumptions. sends a message encapsulates this message into a packet where the
To analyze our approach we give the following assumptions: header contains a field called MAC1. This field allows intermediate
D | ≡ D ←→
⎯ S, S | ≡ S ←→
⎯ D nodes to authenticate forwarded packets hop by hop. Whenever an
KDS KSD intermediate node I receives a packet, it calculates HKI-1I{Type, Ident,
length, S, D, MAC2} using the shared key with the node it received the
D | ≡ #(Ident ), S | ≡ #(Ident )
packet from, then it compares the result with MAC1 field. In our
These assumptions are: shared keys between each pair of nodes and protocol, the packet is authenticated if HKI-1I = MAC1. According to
the freshness of the identifier Ident. Indeed, each node I believes that it the formal demonstration of our protocol presented above, to calculate
shares a secret key with another node J in the network. In addition, the right MAC1 field, an attacker should have the secret keys shared
each node that receives a message believes that the identifier Ident between the two nodes. Thus, an attacker can’t calculate the right
received in the message has not been used in any other previous MAC1 field unless it has the shared keys. Let's consider the worst case
message. where the attacker compromises all intermediate nodes between S and
The third step is the use of the postulates of BAN logic to deduce D (i.e: the attacker has all the keys shared between intermediate
other beliefs. In our approach, we need to deduce the following beliefs: nodes). When the destination D receives a packet, it calculates
HKDS{Type, Ident, Length, S, D, msg} using the secret key KDS it
1. D |≡ S |≡ Type, Ident, Length, S, D, MAC2 shares with the source node S and compares the result with MAC2 field
2. D |≡ S |≡ Type, Ident, Length, S, D, msg of the packet header. In our approach, a destination node D confirms
3. S |≡ D |≡ Type, Ident+1, Length, S, D, MAC2,msg the reception of a packet if and only if HKDS= MAC2. A malicious node
4. S |≡ D |≡ Type, Ident+1, Length, D, S, S, Null, MAC2 can claim to be S if and only if it has the secret key shared between S
and D which is impossible because by assumption the destination D
The first belief means that the principal D believes that the principal trusts the source S.
S believes Type, Ident, Length, S, D, MAC2. The second belief means
Theorem 02. A malicious node can’t modify a message without being
that “the principal D believes that the principal S believes Type, Ident,
Length, S, D, msg”. The third belief means that the principal S believes
that the principal D believes Type, Ident+1, Length, S, D, MAC2, msg. Proof. Let msg be the message to send from a source S to a destination
The fourth belief means that the principal S believes that the principal D and let ni( i≥1) be the set of intermediate nodes between S and D. In
D believes Type, Ident+1, Length, D, S, S, Null, and MAC2. our approach, each intermediate node ni sends back an
According to the notation proposed by BAN receiving the message 1 acknowledgement to the source node S and includes in the header a
by D is modeled by the following formula: field called MAC2=HKIS {Type, Ident+1, Length, S, D, MAC’2,msg}
where Type, Ident+1, Length, S, D, MAC’2,msg are the fields received
D⊲{Type , Ident , Length, S, D, MAC 2}K SD ,
in the packet. Whenever the source node S receives an
{Type, Ident, Length, S, D, msg}K SD (1) acknowledgement from an intermediate node I, it calculates
HKSI{Type, Ident+1, Length, S, D, MACKSD,msg} where Type,
By applying the rule R3 we get the following formula which means
Ident+1, Length, S, D, MACKSD,msg are the fields that node S has
that D sees {Type, Ident, Length, S, D, MAC2}KSD:
sent before and compares HKSI with the field MAC2 received in the
D⊲{Type , Ident , Length, S, D, MAC2}K SD (2) acknowledgement header. The message msg received by node ni has
not modified if HKSI= MAC2. Supposing node ni has modified the
By applying the rule R1 on formula (2) and the assumption
message, than this modification will be discovered when S receives the
⎯ S , we get the following formula which means that D believes
D |≡D ←→
KSD acknowledgement of ni's next hop. Let's consider the worst case where
that S said type, Ident, Length, S, D, MAC2. Here, D doesn’t know all intermediate nodes between S and D are compromised nodes. When
whether S said Type, Ident, Length, S, D, MAC2 in the current the destination D receives a packet, it calculates HKDS{Type, Ident,
execution of the protocol or in a previous one: Length, S, D, msg} using the secret key KDS it shares with the source
D | ≡ S |~Type , Ident , Length , S , D , MAC2 (3) node S and compares the result with MAC2 field of the packet header.
The destination node D acknowledges the reception of the packet if and
A formula X is said to be fresh if it wasn’t sent in any previous only if HKDS= MAC2. A malicious node can modify a message without
message. The rule R4 says that if one part of a formula is fresh, then the being detected if it can recalculate MAC2 field in the packet header
entire formula must also be fresh. Based on this rule and the which is impossible because this field is calculated using the secret key
assumption D |≡# (Ident ) we get: shared between S and D and by assumption S and D trust each other.
D | ≡ #(Type , Ident, Length, S, D, MAC2) (4)
Theorem 03. A malicious node can’t drop a packet without being
By applying the rule R2 on (3) and (4) we obtain the following belief detected.
which means that D believes that S believes Type, Ident, Length, S, D,
Proof. A malicious node can drop a packet without being detected if it
can fabricate the acknowledgements of all intermediate nodes between
D | ≡ S | ≡ Type , Ident , Length , S , D , MAC2 (5) the source and the destination D. But in our approach, the source node
doesn’t confirm the reception of the packet until it receives the
Finally, we get the following belief: the destination D believes that
acknowledgement of the destination node D. to fabricate the
the message type, Ident, Length, S, D, MAC2 was sent by the source S.
acknowledgement of the destination D, a malicious node should have
(i.e: the principal D acts as the message received Type, Ident, Length,
the secret key KSD shared between S and D in order to calculate MAC1
S, D, MAC2 is right).
and MAC2 fields which is impossible because by assumption S and D
Note. : the deduction of second, third, and fourth belief is done in the trust each other.
same way as the first belief.
3.6. HSecGR overhead
Theorem 01. (Authentication) a node that participates in routing
process is the one it claims to be.
Like any other security approach, our approach adds additional
Proof. The purpose of our protocol is to authenticate each forwarded overhead in the network due to acknowledgements sent by each
packet to detect any packet with malicious intents. Each node S that intermediate node, the header added by our protocol, and report

M. Boulaiche, L. Bouallouche-Medjkoune Journal of Network and Computer Applications 80 (2017) 189–199

Table 1 between the maximum number when using NFP and the minimum
Simulation parameters. number when using MFR. NADV (Lee et al., 2010b) is a good example
for protocols combining multiple metrics to select next hop towards the
Parameter Value
destination. With NADV, the selection of next hop is a trade-off
Number of nodes from 15 to 55 nodes between the advance towards the destination and the transmission
Simulation area 1000 m×300 m cost. For this, we have simulated our approach with NADV to evaluate
Transmission range of nodes 150 m
the additional overhead generated by our approach when using
Source data pattern (each) 8 packets/second
Packet size 1024 bytes/packet protocols combining multiple metrics to select next hop. We have
HSecGR header size 50 bytes measured 3 performance metrics:
Hash length 128 bits (16 bytes)
Hash function MD5 1. Average latency: Latency is the time required for a packet to be
transmitted from a source node to a destination node. Therefore, the
average latency is the sum of latencies of all packets divided by the
packets sent to isolate malicious nodes in the network. However, this total number of received packets.
overhead does not consume a lot of bandwidth because acknowl-
edgements and report packets used in our approach consist of a header Average _latency = (∑ n
i =1
(reception _time − )
sending _time) / n
and don’t carry a payload (data). In addition, the intermediate nodes
where: n is the number of received packets.
ignore unauthenticated packets and don’t acknowledge an unauthenti-
2. Packet overhead: The number of packet transmissions; for
cated packet to minimize the additional traffic in the network. Hash
example, a packet forwarded through 4 hops is considered as 4
functions used in our approach generate codes with very low size and
packets in this metric.
the header added to the packet doesn’t add a large overhead to the
3. Byte overhead: The number of bytes transmissions; for example, a
packet according to the real size of the data packet.
packet with 1024 bytes forwarded through 4 hops is considered as
1024*4=4096 bytes overhead in this metric.
4. Simulation and analysis
All results shown in the following are the average of 30 independent
We have used J-Sim as a simulation environment to evaluate the scenarios.
performances of our security approach. Nodes used in our simulations
are considered homogeneous: having the same calculation and memory
4.1.1. End to end delivery delay
capacity, the same transmission range and equipped with the same
Fig. 4 shows the end to end transmission delay of the three
IEEE 802.11 communication interfaces. These nodes are deployed
protocols NFP, MFR, and NADV using and without using our security
inside a square size of 1000 by 300 creating topologies containing from
approach. From the figure, it can be noted that the end to end
15 to 55 nodes. Node's positions are generated randomly. Each node
transmission delay obtained with NFP routing protocol is very high
generates random packets of 1024 bytes toward random destinations.
and this can be justified by the number of intermediate nodes selected
The table below summarizes parameters used: (Table 1).
by NFP protocol to forward packets from the source node to the
destination. Effectively, with NFP protocol, a node selects its nearest
4.1. Performance evaluation neighbor toward the destination as next hop to forward packets. This
selection strategy increases the number of hops along the path between
To evaluate the performances of our security approach, we have the source and the destination. As each intermediate node takes time
simulated our security approach with NFP (Al-shugran et al., 2013) for processing a packet (encapsulation, next hop selection, queuing,
and MFR (Al-shugran et al., 2013) geographic routing protocols. The etc.), the end to end transmission delay increases with NFP protocol. In
functioning of our approach is mainly based on the acknowledgments contrary, with MFR routing protocol, a node selects the closest
sent by each intermediate node along the end-to-end path. Basically, neighbor toward the destination as next hop to forward packets which
the additional traffic generated by the approach depends on the allows reducing the number of intermediate nodes that constitutes the
number of intermediate nodes along the end-to-end path; more nodes path between the source and the destination and so reducing end to
in the path implies more overhead generated in the network. Moreover, end transmission delay. We can also note that the end to end delay
the end-to-end transmission delay (latency) is affected by the number obtained when applying our security approach is higher. And this can
of hops along the path since our approach applies more processing in be justified by the additional processing performed at each intermedi-
each hop. To gauge these two metrics, we have chosen MFR and NFP ate node. Indeed, with our security approach, each intermediate node
geographic routing protocols. According to the study performed in performs additional processing such as: computing MAC1 to authenti-
(Al-shugran et al., 2013), MFR and NFP are two protocols representing cate the forwarded packet, replacing MAC1 field with a new one, and
the basic functioning of geographic routing where the distance is the
only metric used to select the next forwarding node. Based only on the
distance, with NFP each node selects its closest neighbor to forward a
packet. Consequently, the number of intermediate nodes along the end-
to-end path will be the maximum. With MFR, each node selects its
furthest neighbor towards the destination to forward a packet which
minimizes the number of intermediate nodes along the end-to-end
path. Since NFP maximizes the number of intermediate nodes and
MFR minimizes the number of intermediate nodes along the end-to-
end path, using our approach with NFP allows us to study the
maximum additional traffic and the maximum end-to-end transmis-
sion delay. On the other hand, using our approach with MFR allows us
to study the minimum additional traffic and the minimum end-to-end Fig. 4. End to end delivery delay.
transmission delay. The number of intermediate nodes selected along
the end-to-end path when using other metrics will be comprised

M. Boulaiche, L. Bouallouche-Medjkoune Journal of Network and Computer Applications 80 (2017) 189–199

Fig. 5. Packet Overhead. Fig. 6. Byte overhead.

sending an acknowledgment to the source node which increases the also note that the usage of our security approach increases the byte
end to end transmission delay. However, this augmentation is related overhead generated in the network. This is due to the header added by
proportionally to the number of intermediate nodes along the path; the our approach in one hand and the acknowledgments sent back to the
more nodes in the path taken by the packet the more additional source node on the other hand. However, the additional byte overhead
processing on the packet and so the more end to end transmission generated by our approach is relatively small compared with that
delay. This is what the figure shows, when applying our approach with generated without using our approach. The header size added by our
NFP routing protocol, the end to end transmission delay increases in a approach is quite small compared with the complete size of the data
very high way. And when applying our approach with MFR and NADV packet (the header size represents only a small percentage of the whole
protocols, the end to end delay obtained is relatively less high. We can packet size). The acknowledgment used in our approach consists of a
also note that the network density greatly influences the end to end header without any payload which means that the acknowledgments
transmission delay when applying our approach with NFP routing sent back to the source node don’t generate so much overhead in the
protocol. In conclusion, the end to end transmission delay is related network. We can also remark that the overhead generated when
proportionally to the way a routing protocol uses for selecting next applying our security approach with MFR and NADV routing protocols
forwarding node. is relatively small. Whereas, when applying our approach with NFP
routing protocol the overhead generated is relatively high. This can be
4.1.2. Packet overhead justified by the number of intermediate nodes selected by each protocol
Fig. 5 depicts the number of packets generated in the network by to forward packets towards the destination. Effectively, contrary to
the three protocols NFP, MFR, and NADV using and without using our NFP, the strategy used by MFR and NADV routing protocols to select
security approach. The figure shows that the number of packets the next forwarding node allows reducing the number of intermediate
generated in the network when applying our security approach is nodes along the path between the source and the destination. This
greater than that generated without using our security approach. This allows reducing the number of acknowledgement packets sent back to
can be justified by the number of acknowledgement packets sent by the source node and so reducing the additional overhead generated in
each intermediate node toward the source node in one hand and report the network. In conclusion, our security approach performs well with
packets sent to isolate malicious nodes on the other hand. Indeed, in protocols that minimize the number of hops between the source and
our approach, each intermediate node along the path (source-destina- the destination.
tion) should send back an acknowledgment packet toward the source
node which increases the number of packets generated in the network 4.2. Attacks detection efficiency
when applying our security approach. The figure also shows that the
number of generated packets in the network depends on the routing In this section, we will evaluate the detection efficiency of our
protocol used. When using our approach with MFR and NADV routing approach against black hole attack. In this type of attacks, a malicious
protocols, the number of packets generated in the network is relatively node drops all packets or some packets that go through it. To evaluate
less high. Whereas, when using our approach with NFP protocol, the the efficiency of our approach against this attack, we have chosen
number of packets generated in the network is relatively high. watchdog as a comparison approach. To compare our approach with
Effectively, the number of intermediate nodes in the path between watchdog, we have measured the following metrics:
the source and the destination with NFP routing protocol is greater
than that with MFR and NADV routing protocols. And since each 1. Delivery ratio: the delivery ratio represents the fraction of packets
intermediate node sends back an acknowledgment when applying our sent that are actually received by the respective destination node
approach, the number of packet generated when applying our approach among all packets sent ((the number of received packets / the
with NFP is relatively high. The more intermediate nodes in the path number of all packets sent)*100).
between the source and the destination the more acknowledgements 2. Detection ratio: the detection ratio represents the percentage of
generated in the network and so the more packets overhead in the true attackers isolated among all nodes isolated ((the number of
network. In conclusion, the packet overhead is related proportionally to isolated attackers / the total number of isolated nodes)*100).
the way a routing protocol uses for selecting next forwarding node.
As our approach is a generic security mechanism that can be used
4.1.3. Byte overhead with any geographic routing protocol in ad hoc networks, we have
Fig. 6 illustrates the byte overhead generated in the network by chosen NFP and MFR protocols to evaluate the detection efficiency of
NFP, MFR, and NADV protocols using and without using our security our security approach.
approach. The figure shows that the NFP routing protocol generates Fig. 7 shows the delivery ratio marked with our security approach,
more byte overhead in the network compared to MFR and NADV watchdog approach, and without any security mechanism measured on
routing protocols. This is due to the strategy used by NFP protocol the two geographic routing protocols NFP (Fig. 7a) and MFR (Fig. 7b).
when selecting next forwarding node which increases the number of According to the results shown in the Figure, we can see that
intermediate nodes in the path between the source and destination. We geographic routing is greatly affected by black hole attack which

M. Boulaiche, L. Bouallouche-Medjkoune Journal of Network and Computer Applications 80 (2017) 189–199

Fig. 9. Detection ratio.

watchdog. The reason is that with watchdog, an attacker can circum-

vent the watchdog by dropping packets at a lower rate than the
watchdog's configured minimum misbehavior threshold or after a
collision an attacker could skip retransmitting the packet without being
Fig. 8 illustrates the delivery ratio of our approach, watchdog, and
without any security mechanism measured with the time. From the
figure we can see that delivery ratio converges to the normal case
without attack, i.e., at the beginning of simulation, the delivery ratio is
Fig. 7. Impact of black hole attack on geographic routing. significantly affected by blackhole attack when applying our security
approach or watchdog. Subsequently, delivery ratio increases to
become closer to that measured in the normal case (case without
attack). The reason for this is that with our security approach or
requires the adaptation of a security mechanism to protect it against watchdog, nodes require some time at the beginning of the simulation
this attack. Indeed, the delivery ratio decreases to 10% with NFP in order to detect and isolate attackers in the network. In contrast,
protocol when the number of attackers represents 32% of the nodes in without applying any security approach, attackers continue to drop
the network and decreases to 18% with MFR protocol when the packets in the network without being detected or isolated and so the
number of attackers represents 32% of the nodes in the network. In delivery ratio measured with NFP or MFR without applying any
contrast, when applying our security approach, delivery ratio continues security mechanism continue to give low values for all the duration
in a steady way with the increasing number of attackers in the network of the simulation.
in both NFP and MFR-based networks. And this proves the efficiency of Fig. 9 shows the detection ratio of our approach versus watchdog
our isolating system that allows nodes to isolate attackers in the on both NFP and MFR-based network. As depicted in the figure, the
network and avoid them when forwarding packets towards the detection ratio of our approach outperforms that of watchdog which
destination which improves the delivery ratio. We can see as well, that has multiple drawbacks such as false misbehavior reports in which a
the delivery ratio of our security approach is better than that of node falsely report innocent nodes as malicious nodes, or insufficient
transmission power in one hand and because of selective forwarding in
which the attacker sometimes forwards the packets and sometimes it
drops them on the other hand. Note here that with our security
approach, non malicious droppers (such as local minima or insufficient
transmission power) are considered as malicious droppers, which
slightly degrades the detection ratio.

5. Conclusion and future work

The functioning of a wireless ad hoc network mainly relies on multi-

hop communication of nodes that cooperate with each other to connect
the remote nodes. Many geographic routing protocols for wireless ad
hoc networks have been proposed. However, these protocols have been
proposed for trusted environments. Due to the broadcast nature of
wireless channel, an attacker can disrupt the routing process by
launching several attacks on routing protocols. In this paper, we
proposed and evaluated a new security approach that allows securing
geographic routing protocols. We based the design of our approach on
efficient one-way hash functions to meet networks resources con-
straints. Simulation results show that our security approach gives
better results in terms of end to end delay and packets/bytes overhead
with an MFR based network than with an NFP based network. The
comparison of our approach with watchdog approach has shown the
efficiency of our approach in terms of isolating malicious nodes and so
increasing delivery ratio. However, considering non malicious droppers
Fig. 8. Delivery ratio in the presence of 4% of attackers.
as malicious slightly degrades the detection ratio. A potential solution
to this problem may be to send an error packet whenever a node

M. Boulaiche, L. Bouallouche-Medjkoune Journal of Network and Computer Applications 80 (2017) 189–199

encounters a local minima or insufficient transmission power. minimizing the number of intermediate hops along the path between
Simulation results show that our approach performs well, in terms of the source and the destination.
additional overhead and end to end transmission delay, with protocols


The BAN's notations and rules used in our protocol proof (Section 3.5) are presented here as they are explained in Burrows et al. (1990), where:
the symbols P and Q are principals; X and Y are statements; and K is encryption key.

Basic notations

• P |≡ X: P believes X, or P would be entitled to believe X. In particular, the principal P may act as though X is true. This construct is central to the
• P ⊲X : P sees X. Someone has sent a message containing X to P.
• P |~X : P once said X. The principal P at some time sent a message including the statement X. It is not known whether the message was sent long
ago or during the current run of the protocol, but it is known that P believed X then.
• #(X): The formula X is fresh; that is, X has not been sent in a message at any time before the current run of the protocol.
• P |≡Q↔ : P and Q may use the shared key K to communicate. The key K is good, in that it will never be discovered by any principal except P or Q,
or a principal trusted by either P or Q.
• {X}K: This represents the formula X encrypted under the key K.

Logic postulates

Rule 1: If P believes that the key K is shared with Q and sees X encrypted under K, then P believes that Q once said X.
P |≡ Q ↔ P, P◁{X}K
P |≡ Q |~ X (R1)
Rule 2 (Nonce verification): if P believes that X could have been uttered only recently (in the present) and that Q once said X (either in the
past or in the present), then P believes that Q believes X.
P |≡ #(X ), P |≡Q |∼X
P |≡ Q |≡X (R2)
Rule 3: If a principal sees a formula, then he also sees its components, provided he knows the necessary keys:
P⊲(X, Y)
P⊲X (R3)
Rule 4: If one part of a formula is fresh, then the entire formula must also be fresh:
P |≡#(X)
P |≡#(X, Y ) (R4)

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