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cannes Usmonuntan! Ure EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT me DLOmECH | a peo 22 186 [AMINA dA sears ——or ——— (2S TD mse SANSESMILE {na lesan | ——— eee = 2S a Et cr BE ral SBE UE char 3] SBR 1. roar roe ae RE an 3) suse Ce a 2 as caren OBR Sorna deel MONTAGUE AOS Tha - . i pero [Fier (AS Emeew Fees —— = aealae on 01202. gy (Sc mrs {¢ | PROMOTE PhlororoviE OF SEXUAL PERFORMANCE BY 7 [ESE TePeCE ER rest CI¥eS EW eee ee ee en Rete Lana. eens a 2 lr} lor fee | |Srate OF Fleeiot [¢ | PROMOTE PROTO/MOVIE OF SEXUAL PERFORMANCE BY ol wet Ores Ono 1 era CRT rR ere Sree = at ea feet ae sar {loamsw ssrn on GAINESVILLE TACHA Hee | | ONT rere A eee A || seoaived | reybertsp" Wan investigative leed, fron Discord, regarding ono of {fesse meee Siesl or maid egestmens eee moa Tlone (1) image, that ie child exploitation material, which was uploaded to Discord, by_ i m muapent sso enasi nonrass the suspect provided and verified wes theirs i eee eee jeeeneete ae Luar aerate eae ease eee SUPPLEMENT itera ee lmcrmeas er EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT an EE tmrem "a Cog pe — in me canoer (| RSE ose or suc remrORMANCEY [ES [SE VERSRTINET TEES A Barco Cone Tener Te eh TRS ea oles fo —_ 2 | STATE 0€ PLoei om § | FaSSESS PHOT ocRAru or SEXUAL PERFORMANCE BY eS eee set Ons 4 Sila cramer aa Ta a Saar See li yosaay on ei is ft permease ae Sanat = MEME lero —Lae - 1S oe Pmcinn z TT i =r. ae mo following is = description of tho inage that was uploaded to the suspect's Discord E viewed @ binary copy of image (005 nash is mage As a zoomed in picture of a pre-pubsscent Irensie s lower stomach to nex upper thighs, An adslt male sz seen pushing the tsp of Nie lpenis into tho child's vagina, the writang, "V5 in page 3 of toon age pussy 0 young Junior" is typed across the contar of tha iaage, his image war uplosded to Discord, by JA check of the upload xP address using revealed the 3p address belonga to Gainesville Ragional utilities (GRU) and is being subleased to an Junknown user in Gainesville, FL, A subpoena duces tecun, issued to GRU, revesied the IP -}2308 sw 30th Drive, apt 6 Jcainesviiie, FL lA check of the phone nunber provided by the suspect to Discord, using the Zetx website, Jnevesied it belonga to Verizon. A subpocna dices tocun, issued to Veriton, revealed tho [Subscriber of the phone number to be: Tempe, Az 65260 4 coun? ——~‘SATEATIONEY maar CeBIT rae 2 oe 8 See SUPPLEMENT Sn i000 f1o}TH Jupiciat cIRcurT rn Ql LIALEN | 7A Leone eee pe SORT He [ieee amv [wy [a me = [= =" Ets _— _ ERT am leone pare roi 7 doaceserme— ramen —| eS eset il i i q i 4 a7 4 { Pcie Be TRE —~ © hrm FE TART RAR TT —— hear ecun, iasued to Googie, for the subscriber information for the ‘account revesled that account was created on April 26, 2017, at st registered the scoount nder is "Jalen Kitna", with Slrecovery waail address of "kiens3s10008bsedaasl nat", = recovery phone funber of : hd a 2-stop vorifiostion phone Sumber of Googie alee flpcovided the ciogle Pay Gurtoner inforention for this snail account: [sat staatn na Dutlding 1008 3)esineevitie, mu 92612 ae 278 A) costs provided three methods of paysent that the subscriber provided then. Googie |pcovides the date thece methods of paynente were added to this account: 0¢/11/2021, «8570272028, and 07/25/2021. he Google Pay Paynents Profite erestion date is April 11, feean Hla searen warrant served to revetled the scoount wis created on Apeil 26, 2021, {]ae"0¢:20:43 onc, with = soeznane of produced the eriginal concent || 4 |feporved in cyperzin ‘Discord provided an adaitionai child aextal abuse | B]Saige, with che worde "#7 in page i of teen age pucey so Young Junior" typed across the Slop, thse the sunset sevourt uploaded and shared with another Discord ‘ser, on Sune. 20, 2023, at 23:31:53 UNC (lees then two minutes before the nage roported in the CyberTip ma court —SIATEATTORNEY sence ce 3 8 sa SUPPLEMENT een EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT oa 0309 fa ae rr TR = ai hy Leap gt 4 a rr = rere — fr ee heuer a Bre rar ra a Ra rare ETO retro BCR Saar fxs welcaded and shared Ey She suepect accoune) Jte following 1s a description of the second image that vas provided by Discord (mentioned dizectly above) ‘This inage depicte a pubescent juvenile renale, soon Jnearing only & bra. She's bent over at the waist and is reaching around with both hands eo pread her buttocks apart, exposing her anus and vagina. The juvenile fenale 1s ltooking over her right shoulder, the writing, "#7 an page i of tecn age Pussy 20 young [junior Sx typed across the center of the image, ‘This image war uplosded to Discord, by the suspect account ‘and then shared with another seer, on June 21, 2022, the following {2 an excerpt fron a chat that the suspect: account bad lwith another Discord user {where he iatribuced che two one seoal abuse snages! 1 [the suspect account sends an image but this wasn't provided to YA by i an .9.31,08 ptyag (*0F7 An poge 2 of tan oon lpucey 0 young junior". This is the second image described directly above.) nou cour SATEATTOREY noe ——ORFEIOMT me a SUPPLEMENT _ = : SGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT eT 2 kInNa, JALEN Fg aor —— RTT qe - = 2a ar pss corer raroe em ad — acne i =i meee as peas meron ree — — Sk hse cone rar At — arr Seon ec a r wade Cin pas Tot toes [pusey 0 young Junior". This ie the fizet iaage dascrihed and seported by Discord t= Irene) wait what Dae Are they undor 18 Imo following 1¢ an excerpt from a chat that the suspect account jeith another Discord user ase u lookin for What dou Like Encest. eon stuff ote T like a 1ot Feot incest pregnant pee breastfeed milfs nies. Dou have any good state?? Surveitlance of the location, 2308 SW 30th Drive, Apsrtaant 6, Gains Jnuitsplo cocasions, reveaied Jalen Kitna at the iecstion. eatanfoan im ccuRT—‘STATEATIONEY Mec CeBIT ae Sor 8 ‘SUPPLEMENT ese aie EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT a | Ffhll alates pace — peor pea pease Ba Gusmao | om | o p04 200 ‘i fa ed > Fg oom — eee pepe cnerome roe Tre yore Te aor aan & [gsr onemoee corso saya pa nramacRs| [SRE aR — mena —| Ae : FS. eee os 4 Rear caer recone yoo Tee ce arena | lon November 30, 2022, at approximately 0735 hours, s search warrant waz served at 2308 SW 30en Drive, Apartont 6, and contact was made with the defendant and his rooanates, [the defendant stated chat he owns an Apple iPhone cellphone that was on his person at the tine of contact. The defendant provided the proper passcode to this collphon Post Mixanda, the defendant confined he lives at the location and has officially since Japrii 2022, but that he visited the location prior to that. Tho defendant advised his [phone nonbar 22 ‘hat he has had chis phone nusber since he jae ersund fiveive or thirtean years old, and that his is the ony phone muaber that he has hed, lene datendant contireed his amet acdress ia ‘and that he has had the Jena:l account for approxinately five or six years. Ime defendant stated that the suspect account was his bot hae lncen donctivated. he dafandant stated that he renanbered the chats issved above and fenat he was the author. the dafendane stated thet he renenbered sharing the two inages (CSM) dasaribed above but beliaved then to be "legal", since he found them online, The JSetendant advised that he realised he shouldn't share those two images described above Jagain, based on the reaction frou the other ‘Seer that he shared then wich. he JSetendant advised shortly after that, hie account waz deactivated and that he lsseuned sonsone reported him to Discord. The defendant stated that he received an onal econ ‘tating that his account wae deactivated due to violation the terms of severe that discuss, eolicit, and ime defendant acknowledged that he was in Fomor) cour —‘SIATEATTOMEY none OFEIONT ot 6 or 8 een SUPPLEMENT pace aa EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT ee nae ONS ALES me aes Grime | w | szsa0 Joos 0 SS i 7 a ee — {rer ee rere — pen — ie = ie a ie BS cal a eee os ear merece a ara Seo asa RETA ESET aaa 4 a —S Ene te ae ese ia BS ‘re TIE or ror [Sisteibate child soxiel abuse asterial, but that he tries to oly avay from it We also Jedvised that he used to be on Kik end was in Kik groupe that distributed child somal Jabuse material. The defendant stated he has been struggling with controlling his interests (age-appropriate material, incest, etc) Ime defendant stated he searches Google for pornographic contant, frequently using the word "econ". he defendant advised that he does prefer pornographic content that ein [nse age sange. When asked what his age range was, he advised within a few years of his lage (29). He inter clarified and advised that he doesn't prefer anyone younger than sixteen years old. lane defendant advised he was worried deleted illegal content might recovered fron his IGovican. Ho advised he might have accidentally dovaisaded child sexual abuse material lat wouid innediataly delete it from his device(s). When asked how he would accidentally [Gownlond child sexusl abuse material, he advised he might have accidentally clicked on je Link he shouldnt have lcount 1 and Count 2 are for distribution of child exploitation material, for the two saages described above, that the defendant acknowledyed searching for, and eventually Jaistrsboting on Discord, IA subsequent, offsite, search of the defendant's Agple ithone revealed three child [Sexual abuse snages, which are described below (Count 3, Count 4, and Count 8) am ait cot SIATEATIOMEY NN OSFET ot 2 or 8 SUPPLEMENT —— scars cer) EIGHTH JUDICIAL eiRCUFT a Flats Gasser | wm | axasaon3 loos | 200 I i se Eater rz par = == Ere ee ererem ssi erro fe ad tana vila ——- res re te Ecos wi “npr at — ara Pilar fern ee ee aps TTR Fone oven, Feaaing Ue w ees Sovndie Ta veniig Te {front of duventie 2; and sha is eeen touching the nipple on her right bres fice hand, and looking at the caners, ouveniie 2, who's directly behind Juvenile 1, i faies looting at the camera. This image appears to be self-prodiced, This image vas saved fo the defendant's cellphone on December 7, 2021, at 03:14:04. lcount: 4 - ‘This image IGepicts the sane cwo muse pubescent juveniles, standing in a shover (described directly lSbeve), Suventie 2 se standing in front of Juvenile 1, with her Left hand on the shower wall, Juvenile 1, ie standing right behind Javeniie 2, hissing the right side of Exot, while cupping Juvensle 2's breast with both of her hands. This image ‘this image was caved to the dafendant's cellphone of leppeare to be self-produce Deceaber 7, 2021, at 03:14:03. count 5 ~ ‘this image epicte the sane two nude pubescent juveniles, standing in a shower (described directly Shove), Juvenile 1 ie standing facing Juvenile 2, eouching Juvenile 2's ieft breast with her right hand, Juvenile 2 is looking ae the camera, vith her mouth open. This inage fappeare to ba self-prodsced, ‘this image was saved to the defendant's cellphone on loecenber 7, 202%, at oa:i¢:00. emo rane cant STATEATIONEY vosncy DEBIT ee to 8

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