Unit-1Geographic Information System

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Capacity to integrate information from many

term “spatial data” is often used as a synonym for
5. Complex analysis / query involving geographic
“attribute data”. E.g. rainfall, temperature, population
reference data to generate new information
For any application there are five generic questions
“GIS is computerized information storage,
a GIS can answer:
processing and retrieval systems that have hardware
i) Location: what exist at a particular
and software specially designed to cope with
geographically referenced data and corresponding
ii) Condition: identify location where
attribute information (tables, charts and statistics).”
certain condition exists
“GIS is an organized collection of computer
iii) Trends: what has changed since ?
Hardware, Software, Data and Analyst to effectively
iv) Pattern: what spatial pattern exist ?
capture, store, manipulate, analyze and retrieve all
v) Modeling: what if ……………..?
types of spatial and non-spatial information.”
1.3 History of Development of GIS:
Geo-informatics: the discipline that deals with all
 Environmental System
aspects of spatial data handling is called
Research Institute (ESRI) was the first to develop
geoinformatics. It is defined as: -
the commercial softwares for GIS applications and
“Geoinformatics is the integration of different
till date became the landmark in GIS development
disciplines dealing with spatial information”
activities and making the GIS common and easy
Frequently Used Terms in GIS:
for one dealing with spatial data.
 Spatial Information: information about a
Components of GIS
particular location called spatial data. E.g land use,
GIS comprises of four components.
soil, slope, drainage, road etc
1. The Hardware: used to store, process and display.
 Non-spatial Information: Description of
2. The Software: used to control and perform
spatial data in the form of table or statistics. E.g.
rainfall, chemical data of soil, temperature data
3. The Data: on which GIS operations are performed
(Spatial, non-spatial)
 Attribute or Spatial data: similar to non-
4. The Expertise (Live ware): the human element
spatial data
required to drive the system to meet needs.
 Coverage, Theme, Feature, Layers: all are
GIS Hardware
different names for spatial data when different GIS
Softwares: The GIS softwares to carry out the GIS
software’s are used.
operations. These are required for driving the hardware.
1.2 Objectives of GIS:
GIS Softwares are : ESRI products like Arc/Info,
1. Maximize the efficiency of planning and
Arcview, ArcGIS,
decision making
Data: includes both spatial and non-spatial data on
2. Provide efficient means for data distribution and
which GIS operations are performed to derive new
information. Spatial data from various sources such as
3. Elimination of redundant data base – minimize
Remote sensing images, Aerial Photographs or Map

Data can be integrated with corresponding non-spatial contamination by extraneous data. Filling and
data in GIS. accessibility provides an authorized user to
Live Ware or Analyst: equally important as the organize data into categories, directories, study
computer hardware and software, the brain ware refers area etc.
to the purpose and objectives, and provides the reason  Data maintenance provides the authorized user
and justification, for using GIS. with the ability to update, delete or add data to the
1.5 Capabilities of GIS GIS database.
A GIS is a computer-based system that provides four Data Processing: Data processing operations are those
sets of capabilities to handle georeferenced data. performed on the data to produce information. It
a) Data inputs includes removal of errors and updating or
b) Data management (data storage and retrieval) matching them to other data.
c) Manipulation and analysis c) Manipulation and Analysis:
d) Output.  Data conversion is only part of the input phase
a) Data Input: of GIS. What is next is the ability to interprete and
The function of data input to convert data from their to analyze qualitatively and quantitatively the
existing form into one that can be used by GIS. information that has been collected.
Georeferenced data are commonly provided as proper  Spatial analysis tools are used to model, make
maps, table of attributes and associated attribute data, predictions and reach conclusion about the
aerial photos and satellite imagery. problem of interest.
Digitization: The process of converting the analog  Other techniques are creation of 3D perspective
information into digital information is called view using elevation data and generation of slope
Digitization. Information on a map can be captured by maps, network analysis, costing etc. Given in brief
digitizing each feature. Thus the process of digitization a few illustrations of some of these techniques.
is which converts the spatial features on a map into  Overlay
 Buffer Generation
digital format. Digitizing tablet is a device in graphic
 Clipping
peripherals, which allows the user to select point from a  Proximity Search
 Modeling
map, and automatically enters its X, Y co- ordinates in
d) Data Presentation /Output:
the computer.
Display and conversion operations produce graphic
.b) Data Storage and Database Management:
output and reports such as maps and color display
 The data storage and management are the
drawn on a graphic terminal as well as formulated
functions of database management system of GIS.
reports of tabular information, where geographic
Effective data management includes all related
entities are represented as a series of points, lines and
aspect like data security, data integrity, data filling
and accessibility and data maintenance abilities.
Data Integration:
 Data security ensures security against
GIS facilitates integration of data from various
modification of GIS or access of data to
sources such as maps, photographs, satellite images,
unauthorized use.
socio-economic data and other tabular statements into a
 Data integrity defines the ability of the system
format the allows data to be compared and inter related
to protect data from accidental loss or from
for extraction of information to make decisions about
the real world.

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