CHN Module Ii - Tiffany Luv B. Adrias

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Name: Tiffany Luv B.

Adrias Year/ Section: BSN II - Orlando Score:


UNIT 1: Family as basic unit of the society

 Elaborate your answer.

1. As a nursing student would you or 
   would you not encourage your 
   family members to take 
   commercially available drugs/
   with no scientific evidence 
   or continue family traditions such as
   seeking arbolaryos and the like for
   the health care?


As a nursing student , I would disagree in the idea of encouraging my family

members in taking commercially available drugs with no scientific evidence who knows
what it’s made of that will possibly affect my family’s health status. In a need for medical
attention I should advise them to see a Physician/Doctor before consuming drugs that
has no scientific evidence.



Given a case scenario student’s is task to: 

1. Scale the family health problems.

2. Categorized the family nursing 


3. Formulate a comprehensive Family 

    Nursing Care Plan with at least 3 
    family health problems with at least 
    10 nursing interventions. 


1. Nature of the problem 3X1=1 It is considered as a

 Health deficit 3 health deficit since
 Health threats there is a presence
 Foreseeable Crisis of problem.

2. Modifiability 1X2=1 It is intermediate

 Easily 2 modifiability for the
 Intermediate reason that the
 Not modifiable family was able to
practice balanced

3. Preventive/potential It is
 High 2 X 1 = 0.66 preventive/potential
 Moderate 3 since the family was
 Low able to practice
balanced nutrition

Score: 2.66

2. Family Nursing Problem

Cues/ data
Possible Complicated
51 year old father with a BP of 140/100 Hypertension
 Father verbalizes “ nalipong ko jud
Pahuway sa ko”  Blurred Vision
 Chest pain
 Dizziness
 Numbness in the arms,
legs, and face
 Severe headache
 Shortness of breath
3. Family Nursing Care Plan
Method of
Health Goal Objective Intervention nursing Rationale Evaluation
Problem and family

Risk for After 8 After Monitor and record Home Comparis After 8
decreased hours of Nursing Blood pressure visit on of hours of
cardiac Nursing Interventi pressures Nursing
output Interventio ons the Auscultate heart tones provides a Intervention
related to ns the family and breath sounds. more The blood
Hypertension patient’s will be complete pressure
Provide comfort
Blood able to picture of results:
pressure vascular 120/80
results will Help Check laboratory data involveme
be normal manage nt or
120/80 stress Note presence, quality scope of
of central and problem.
Monitor peripheral pulses.
pressure Observe skin color, Persons
at home moisture, temperature, with acute
and capillary refill time or chronic
Evaluate client reports or may
evidence of
extreme fatigue, compromi
intolerance for activity, se
sudden or progressive circulation
weight gain, swelling of and place
extremities, and
progressive shortness of
breath. demands
on the
Note dependent and heart.
general edema.

Maintain activity

Instruct in relaxation
techniques, guided
imagery, distractions.
Health Goal Objective Intervention of Rationale Evaluation
Problem nursing
 Observe for the signs of Home For After 6 hours
Risk for After 6 hours After nursing infection and Visit personal of intervention
infection of nursing interventions inflammation: fever, assessment the patient’s
related to intervention the family flushed appearance, and blood glucose
Diabetes will be able wound drainage, diagnosis of normalizes and
the patient
Mellitus to purulent sputum, cloudy the client no
should have urine.
E prescribed complications.
treatment  Teach and promote
ffective good hand hygiene.
treatment to  Maintain asepsis during
normalize IV insertion,
blood glucose administration of
and decrease medications, and
complications providing wound or site
using insulin care. Rotate IV sites as
replacement, indicated.
balanced  Provide catheter or
diet, and perineal care. Teach
exercise. female patients to clean
from front to back after
 Provide meticulous skin
care: gently massage
bony areas, keep skin
dry. Keep linens dry and
 Auscultate breath
 Place in semi-Fowler’s
 Reposition and
encourage coughing or
deep breathing if
patient is alert and
cooperative. Otherwise,
suction airway using
sterile technique as
 Encourage and assist
with oral hygiene.
 Administer antibiotics as
Method of
Health Goal Objective Intervention nursing Rationale Evaluation
Problem and family
Risk for Auscultate bowel Home After 2 hours of
imbalanced After 2 hours After sounds Visit nursing
nutrition of nursing nursing For direct interventions
related to interventions intervention Encourage the family to observation The patient are
NPO diet The patient s assist her on early and teaching able to verbalize
ambulation that
will be able to The family in actual understanding of
promotes gatstric
verbalize will be able situation post-operative
understandin to verbalize exercises that
g of post- understandi Ascertain healthy body will promote
operative ng of post- weight for age and gastric motility
exercises that operative height. Refer to a
will promote exercises dietitian for complete
gastric that will nutrition assessment
motility promote and methods for
gastric nutritional support.
If patient lacks strength,
schedule rest periods
before meals and open
packages and cut up
food for patient.

Offer high protein

supplements based on
individual needs and

Offer liquid energy


Provide good oral

hygiene and dentition.

Set appropriate short-

term and long-term

Determine time of day

when the patient’s
appetite is at peak.
Offer highest calorie
meal at that time.

Discourage caffeinated
or carbonated
Checkpoint Question 1
Who is the basic unit of society?

A. Society B. Family member C. Family D. Community

Checkpoint Question 2
When both the husband and wife exercise a more or less amount of authority either father or

the and mother is

A. Laissez-Faire

B. Democratic

C. Equalitarian

D. Patricentric
I. Family Apgar Questionnaire (SMILKESTEIN, 1978)
(1 pt.) (0 PT.)

I am satisfied with the help I receive from my family

when something is troubling me.

I am satisfied with the way my family discovers items

of common interest and shares problem-solving with

I find that my family accepts my wishes to take on new

activities or make changes in my lifestyle.

I am satisfied with the way my family expresses

affection and responds to my feelings such as anger,
sorrow and love

 I am satisfied with the way my family and I spend time


Check one of the three choices:
Total Score:
 7-10 = suggests a highly functional family
 4-6 = moderately dysfunctional family
 0-3 = severely dysfunctional family


1. What is the true meaning of family?

-  the true meaning of family means a group of people related by blood or ancestry. To others, it has nothing to do
with genes and everything to do with love, compassion, and support.

2. What makes family a family?

- What makes family a family is how each of you love and support each other no matter what happens. A strong
bond of relationship whether blood related or not.

3. What does family mean to you?

- Family means having to share your feelings with. The people who accept you for being you and who loves you
Family Health Assessment



Identify the categories of health problems.

1. Health deficit Unsanitary waste disposal

2. Foreseeable crisis Mr X is terminated from work

3. Health threat One of the family member is hospitalized due to Dengue

4. Foreseeable crisis Mother and father is having strained marital relationship

5. Foreseeable crisis The eldest son is going to college

6. Health threat Mrs Y is allowing her children to eat junk foods

7. Health threat The house of Sosyal family’s house is with poor lighting condition

8. Foreseeable crisis Ms. Milk an 18 year old female student is 3 months pregnant

9. Health threat Lenovo family’s house is located near the dumping site.

10. Health threat A 4 years old child is seen walking barefooted.

II. Multiple Choice: Select the best answer of the following questions. Write the letter of choice

on the space provided before each number.

Situation: Community Health Nursing utilizes the nursing process that leads to desires outcome

of health status:

B 1. Assessment process involves participation of clients. Which step determines the health

status of families regarding family dynamics and patterns of coping?

A. Analysis of data C. Interpretation of data

B. Collection of data D. Presentation of data

C 2. While using the nursing bag in giving nursing care at home, handwashing is done

frequently as the situation calls for. This is in line with what principle?

A. The bag should show the effectiveness of care given to family

B. The use of the bag should minimize if not totally prevent the spread of infection

C. The bag and the content should be cleaned as often as possible

D. The bag should save time and effort of the nurse

A. 3. Chocolate is the community health nurse of Rural health unit for 6 years, in communicable

diseases cases, which of the following should be done to the CHN bag?

A. Thoroughly cleansed and disinfect

B. Well-kept and convenient to the nurse

C. Basic medication and articles competence

D. Contents thoroughly completed

A. 4. Which of the following activities is done during the pre-consultation phase?

A. Take clinical history

B. Counselling
C. Work with the physician during the examination

D. Observe confidentiality of examination results

B. 5. It is an effective and appropriate type of family nurse contact if the objectives and

outcomes of care require accurate appraisal of family relationship, home and environment

And family.

A. Job site visit

B. Home visit

C. Telephone conference

D. School visit

Formulate a Family Nursing Care Plan

Case Scenario: This is a case of King Family.

King Family is composed of 5 children and both parents were alive. Upon observation the family

practices improper hygiene in eating and waste disposal. The 5 children have 2 to 3 years of

age gaps, having the youngest child to be 1 year old and the oldest to be 9 years old.

Problem Identified: Improper Hygiene

Date Identified: August 6, 2020 @ 7:00AM

Problem Cues:

Subjective data: “Dahil so dami ng anak ko, minsan ant dudungis na nila. Mabuti na lang

nandyan ang panganay ko na si Nene, siya yung nagbabantay sa dalawang kapatid niya.”

Objective data: Nene, her nine-year-old daughter cuddles her younger brother Jose who has

flu at this time. She manages to feed her other sibling with bare hands without hand washing.

The fingernails and toenails of these children were not trimmed properly and filled with dirt. The

other two siblings came into the house sweating and their feet were smudged with mud. Jose

suddenly wet his shorts and Nene must clean him up. The place wherein he peed was not

cleaned but left only. The pillow that was affected by the urine was just placed outside for the

sun to dry.
Health Family Goal of Objectives Intervention Plan
Problem Nursing Care of Care
Nursing Methods Resources
Intervention of Required
Improper Inability to After After  Health teaching Home  Soap/ other
hygiene provide a nursing nursing visit cleaning
related to home intervention intervention a) Importance of materials
lack of environment the family the family proper hygiene in  Adequate
knowledge conducive to will take the can state relation to health knowledge
health necessary the ways on b) Practices to be regarding
Subjective maintenance measures to how to done in order to health
data: “Dahil and personal properly observe observe proper teaching
so dami ng development and proper hygiene
anak ko, due to adequately hygiene and
minsan ang ignorance of manage will be able  Demonstration
dudungis na the poor to perform and return
nila. Mabuti importance hygiene. proper demonstration
na lang of hygiene hand
nandyan ang and washing a) Proper hand
panganay ko sanitation especially washing
na si Nene, the children
siya yung Lack of
nagbabanta knowledge
y sa regarding
dalawang preventive
kapatid measures

Short – Answer Question:

1. Discuss the importance of accurate recording.

- the patient's nursing record provides a correct account of the treatment and care given and allows

for good communication between you and your colleagues in the eye care team. Keeping
good nursing records also allows us to identify problems that have arisen and the action taken to
rectify them.

2. Discuss the difference between reporting and recording.

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