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tree of ict of from imes The smallest prime number is 2 and smallest composite umber is 4, Case Study Based 29, (0) Assertion (A): >» HCF x LEM = Product of two = LCM = 3972 99 5169 Case Study 1 6 To enhance the reacting skills of grade X students, So, Assertion (A) is fatse. the school nominates you and two of your friends Reason (R): tis true to say that to set up a class library. There are two sections: HEF x LCM = ax b section A and section B of grade X, There are 32 Hence, Assertion (A) is false and Reason (R) is true. students in section «A and 36 students in section B. 30. Given numbers are in the ratio 21: 17 sala: oN Let two numbers be 2Ix and 17x Core HCF (21x. 17x) = x be tet Butit is given HCF (21x 174) <5 x= The numbers are 215 = 105 and 17x5-85 = s TRICK Based on the above information, solve the following questions. The smallest prime number is 2 and smallest odd composite number is 9, Q1. The product of the powers of each prime factors of 36 is: LCM (2.9) =2*9=18 a2 b4 63 a5 432, The greatest possible whichaman canwatk _Q2 If p and q are positive integers such that p = ab? of 52. km and 91 km in exact number of minutes is and q = 4°b, where a,b are prime numbers, then the HEF (62, 91) LEM (p,q) is: HOF (13 x 22,137) a ab bab cae dott? S Sanknin 3, What is the minimum number of books you wilt acquire for the class library, so that they can be 33. Wehave 7” distributed equally among students of Section A or Now 727, Section B? P=49, a. 1 be 6288.22 P=343 4, If the product of two positive integers is equal to 722401, the product of their HCF and LCM is true, then the 716807, HCE (32, 36) is: Here we see that there is no power of 7, in which we a2 b4 6 ae ‘get O in the last digit. Q5. If 288 books are distributed among the students of Hence. consecutive zeros in 7"is rit. section B, how many will each get? 34. * 3 is an irrational number and 2 is a rational ee oe o Sol number. e Solutions * + ¥3+2willbe an irrational number 1. (b) Prime factorisation of 36.2% 23%3 35. True 36. False oP ae? 7 +. Required product of powers=2x2=4 ‘50, option (b) is correct. 2. (b) Given, p=ab* and gab TRICK «LCM=(p.q)= Product of the greatest power of each prime fattorin the numbers = ob? ‘So, option (b) is correct: Using prim 5 Va | MASEERIVRTEE Srne temrrers me — : ‘Minimum number of books = LCM (32. 36) ———— Solutions} “—-=Product of the greatest power of each 4 (4) prime factorisation of 108 prime factor inthe numbers. Dearie es f =25 3? 232 BB Pai 50, option (c's correct, Required sum= 24365 IRQR So, option (1) is correct, SCHMON ERI 2. (b) Using, prime factorisation, 60-2424 3x56 224905 ‘Some students take HCF (32,36) for finding minirnum BG = 24243676224 3K7 ‘number of books in haste. ‘4 (b) We know that. and B= 22x 3x 3x9 2d? ‘One number » Other number = LCM x HCF ‘Maximum number of participants that can be 32x 36 = LCM (32, 36) « HCF (32, 36) ‘accommodated in each room HCF (60, 84, 108) Product of the smallest power of each ‘common prime factor in the numbers, COMMON ERRQR Some students take LCM (60,84,108) for finding maximum So, option (b) is correct: 5. (b)Each student witl get ~ 228 _ number of participants that can be accommodated in ee each room. So. option (b) is correct. : Wadeduaeld Case Study 2 So, option (b) is correct. 3. (d) Given, The number of participants in Hind! = 60 The number of participants in English » 84 A seminar is being conducted by an educational organisation, where the participants will be educators of different subjects. The number of participants in Hindi, English and Mathematics and the number of participants in Mathematics «109 0, ant 108 ecpecticy. «Total number of participants = 60 + 84 + 108 252 Hence, minimum number of rooms requlred during event. : Total number of participants ‘Maximum number of participants that can be ‘accommodated in each room _252_ _ oi pl ‘Based om the above information, solve te following So, option (dis correct questions: 4. (a) LCM (60, 84, 108) = Product of the greatest power 1 The sum of the powers of each prime factor of 108 2S ese rine , factor in the numbers. is: 22x23 x 5x7 a2 b3 a4 a5 24x 27x 5x7 Q2. In each room the same number of participants are = 3780 to be seated and all of them being in the same So, option (a) is correct. subject, hence maximum number of participants 5 (d)_HCF (60,84, 108) = 2? x3 =12 that can accommodated in each room are: pos LGM (60,84 108) =3780 Sie ee oie ey HCF x LCM =12 x 3780 aa ie the iuloks = 45360 Ne! Fn ae ee we eae earn 50, option (4) is correct. serine she vere Case Study 3 all A mathematics exhibition is being conducted it a reputed school and one of your mathematics teacher is making a model of a factor tree. He has some difficulty and asks for your help in ‘completing a quiz for the viewers. = =e “a 5 5. The graph of a quadratic polynomial is always a parabola and intersects the X-axis atmost two points, Hence, graph (iii) is not a quadratic polynomial. Case Study 6 A student was given a task to prepare a graph of quadratic polynomial p(x) =~ 8 -2x+x° . To draw this graph he take seven values of y-corresponding to different values of x. After plotting the points on the graph paper with suitable values, he obtain the graph as shown below. y Ql. Q2. Q3. Q4. Q5. Based on the above graph, solve the questions: following What is the shape of graph of ‘ polynomial? P @ quadratic Find the zeroes of given quadratic polynomial, Read from the graph, find the valu corresponding to x = - 1, The graph of the given quadratic polynomial cut at which points on the X-axis? The graph of the given quadratic polynomial cut at which point on Y-axis? le of y L i 2 4. 5. The graph of a quadratic polynomial is a parabola. The zeroes of the quadratic polynomial p(x) =-8 - 2x + x¢ are x-coordinates of the points where the graph intersects the X-axis. From the given graph -2 and 4 are the x-coordinates of the points where the graph of p(x) = -8 - 2x+x* intersects the X-axis. Hence, ~2 and 4 are zeroes of p(x) =~8 - 2x+ x. For x=—1, then y=—5 The graph of the given quadratic polynomial cut X-axis at points (-2, 0) and (4, 0). The Braph of the given quadratic polynomial cut Y-axis at point (0, -8). In Maw. ©. a Q7 2: (Sven are a pata «120 * 20» 4-(20~ 25) (4 28)= RO 80.— (280 — 40x ~ 26x» ax?) = 120 So, option () ts corroe mm BO mee qecencs fon is xv? 1744 30-0 eth oc! «bs c=. we get Discriminant. Ds b? age (Pas 229 Here. discriminant is post distinct (0) 20 = 16950 tive, so raots are reat and So. option (b) Is correct 4 (0) Quadratic equation ts x2 Here. o=1.b=—17.¢~30 Using quadratic formuta, 1430-0. pa bty0 _+17ViI69 17413 20 2xt 2 = pet 5 | vag 2

0, = —- B¥WoKetoR=4o0z0 Hence, roots of given equation are real and distinct. (by splitting the middle term) 2. Given quadratic equation is 3° 2x + 4k-= 0 = xhx+40)-10 («+ 40) = 0 (On comparing with ox2-+ bx + c= 0. we get er (+40) (x-10)=0 E teneea nds z . = x+40=0 orx-10=0 As the roots of the given equation are equal. x=~40 or x=10 Therefore, discriminant, (D) = b?— 4ac=0 But speed cant be negative, aa 4ea x ane i xe10 (x =40) es 4-4» 12 ‘Therefore, speed of the stream is 10 km/h. = 1=Rk= So, option (b) is correct. _ ve 5. (0) Time taken by motorboat to go downstream fe ‘3. Given quadratic equation is 7 + 3x+3=0. ‘On comparing with ax + bx + c=0, we get = 1,b=3andc=3 j Discriminant, D= 6? - 4oc =@)P=4x1%3 =30min =9-12=-3<0 So, option (¢) is correct. Hence. roots of given equation are imaginary. A study 4 ?| Very Short Answer / cane enab railway bridge is the World's tallest Type Questions k away bridge in Jammu and Kashiie Teritory, @1. Wx = 3 As one root of the quadratic equation Chenab river. Its shape is 22 Dor 6 = O,then find the value OF.) I Q2. Find the roots of the equation x? - 3x -m (m+3)=0

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