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Annotated bibliography, Declan Bell,9/19/22

“Should Writers Use They Own English?” Writing Centers and the New Racism,
eds. Greenfield & Rowan (Utah State UP, 2011), pp. 161-72 (originally
published in the Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies, vol. 12, no. 1, 2010, pp.
In the article “Should Writers Use They Own English” the author takes a different
approach to the “standard” english language. He writes how there is not just one
approach to writing as long as there is a mutual understanding between the reader and
writer. Using AAVE language to prove a point that other forms of english are readable
and that “standard english” isn't the only method of writing articles. There's no such
thing as informal language according to the author. This relates to me because I always
code switched depending on my social setting and felt as if my English was not proper

Nancy Sommers, “Revision Strategies of Student Writers and Experienced Adult

Writers,” College Composition and Communication, vol. 31, no. 4, Dec.
1980, pp. 378-388.
In the essay “Revision Strategies of Student Writers and Experienced Adult
Writers” Nancy Sommers writes about the mental block of young writers and revising
their work. She continues to go into detail on the gap between scholars and younger
students on the understanding of refining vocabulary. The intended audience is for other
educators knowledgeable in the field of literature and writing. I think the purpose of
writing this article is to inform educators on ways to help their students progress their
writing skills and create better papers. I found a lot of things in this article familiar
referring to how in training writers revise their papers and never truly develop a stronger

James E. Porter, “Intertextuality and the Discourse Community,” Rhetoric Review,

vol. 5, no. 1, Fall 1986, pp. 34-47.
In the article “Intertextuality and The Discourse Community” written by James
Porter the author dives into his interpretation on intertextuality. James Porter is saying
something that I've heard for a long time and that is that “nothing is original”. Writing is a
very personified art and is meant to represent your personal expression yet how do you
do that if all your ideas are borrowed from another writer, the same way that musicians
make music that is influenced by other musicians. I find it hard to take what James
Porter is saying very seriously because nothing is truly original and I think that most
people understand that but its more so how you are able to creatively make it yours.
Rebecca Moore Howard, Tricia Serviss, and Tanya Rodrigue, “Writing from
Sources, Writing from Sentences,” Writing and Pedagogy, vol. 2, no. 2,
2010, pp. 177-192.
In the writing “Writing from Sources, Writing Sentences” Tanya Rodrigue begins
to explain how some students have mastered the art of citing sources on articles
that they hardly understand. Tanya explains that students should not be
evaluated on their sources but more on how they were able to retain the
information presented in the article. Teachers need to revise their grading criteria
to take into account the students interpretation of the article instead of short
quotes cited from the text. I agree with Tanyas perspective because I feel like
when I was a student in highschool and can still be guilty of this sometimes I tend
to skim the text for a sentence that I find to be important and then I will put that
into quotations and cite it in my essay.

Paul Heilker & [M. Remi] Yergeau, “Autism and Rhetoric,” College English, vol.
73, no. 5, May 2011, pp. 485-497.

In the article “Autism and Rhetoric” written by Paul Heilker and M. Remi the writers go
into detail explaining how the way that teachers and staff in the school system handle autism is
outdated and is in need of a reform. Autism is very common across the globe and mostly
everybody has a loved one that is on the spectrum, Autism is a “disability” that affects how a
person reacts in certain social settings. Both authors explain how there has been a bandaid put
over the issue on how children with autism are treated in the public school system and how
autism is less of a disability as it is referred to and more of a personal aspect of a person's life. I
found this article very interesting and enjoyed reading it because I find it compelling how people
over the years have been trying to understand more about autism and develop ways to help
people that are diagnosed with it since I have a very close cousin of mine that was diagnosed
with autism recently.

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