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Mathematics Language and Symbols ( . ‘Asst. Prof. Shiela May M. Ledesma Logic Topic Outline > Statement or Proposition > Simple Statements and Compound Statements > Truth Value and Truth Tables > Writing Compound Statements in Symbolic Form @ ? > Translate Symbolic Statements Logic > Allows us to determine the validity of arguments in and ‘out of mathematics > Illustrates the importance of precision and conciseness of the language of mathematics eaten eteeeneee eevee eee eee Logic > Every language contains different types of sentences, such as statements, questions, and commands. Statement or Proposition > Must express a complete thought. > Adeclarative sentence thats either tue 2 or false but not both. Logic Determine whether each sentence is a statement. 1. Zamboanga del Sur is a province in the Philippines. (cHatrrwt / TKUE) 6) af shtml 2.9742 teeta numb (sant / Thue) Te 4, All multiples of 5 are odd numbers. (open shtinunt) 7 cat ot 5. x is a real number. Cotte nud [PAA 6. Open the door. 7. 7055 is a large number ( ops otote nat 2? Ts Logic Simple Statements and Compound Statements A simple statement is a statement that conveys a single idea. Acompound statement is a statement that conveys two or more ideas Connectives: v and Yor Y if... then ¥ ifand only if Logic Symbolic Type of Statement Connective $Y" ee not p not =p negation pandq 9D pAq conjunction porg or pyq disjunction fptheng |if...then |p—q __ | conditional in a and only it and only if | po q biconditional Pi me Gimp esate ent PAY pve t7P °—74 es Log ‘Truth Value and Truth Tables > The truth value of a simple statement is either true (T) or false (F). > The truth value of a compound statement depends on the truth values of its simple statements and its connectives > Atruth table is a table that shows the truth value of a compound statement for all Possible truth values ofits simple statements. Logic Negation of the statement ‘Statement: Today is Friday Negation: Today is not Friday. Truth Table for =p (~p) pp T F FE iT Logic Negation of the statement ‘Write the negation of each statement. 1. Bill Gates has a yacht. 2. Avatar was not selected as best picture at the 82nd Academy Awards ceremony 2) Avatar war glebhd as best provls gerement): Logic Write Compound Statements in Symbolic Form Consider the following simple statements. p: Today is Friday. q: Itis raining. ) fas Y : Lam going to a movie. s: | am not going to the basketball game. 2» amar Write theRollowing compound statements in symbolic form: 1. Today is Friday and itis raini ee is Friday and itis raining. My » 47 S$ 2. Itis pot rz and | am going to amovie. - 3. Ifitis raining, then | am not going to the basketball ga Logic Write Compound Statements in Symbolic Form Consider the following simple statements. p: Today is Friday. g: Itis raining. A 15 A ar r: 1am going to a movie. s: 1am not going to the basketball game. Write the followin, ound statements in symbolic form: or 4 he i th ll 4. | gGing the baskeba ame Gnd) am not going to ‘movie. yy 5. |am going to the movif if and only ifffis raining. Logic Translate Symbolic Statements i) Pu game will By shawn mn COs Consider the following statements. and the gant wih be p bay! p: The game will be played in Atlanta. 4 : The game will be shown on CBS. ia 4 tla r. The game will not be shown on ESPN. s: The Dodgers are favored to win Write each of the following symbolic statements in words 1.q A 2s 0 -p Ae 4 Logic Compound Statements and Grouping Symbols If a compound statement is written in symbolic form, then parentheses are used to indicate which simple statements are grouped together. LZ ce Al ‘Symbolic form “The parentheses indicate that pA@v~9 ‘q and ~r are grouped together. wove Pp and q are grouped together. oA-9 Va Pend ae pooped wget: a and sa alo grouped wget > Compound Statements and Grouping Symbols Statements on the same side of a comma are grouped together. English sentence “The comma indicates that: and gor not 4 and ~r are groupe together because they are ae both the same side ofthe comma, and gor ‘and qa grouped together because they are both —— on the same side ofthe comma, fp and notq.thea rors. | pand ~q are grouped together because they are Se _| botttotte eof he comma ‘rand sare grouped together because they are both to the right ofthe comma, no Logic (par ‘Translate Compound Statements 0 I yp yor 4 A_promodiim na yu Let p, q, and r represent the following. p: You get a promotion. Comp Lett He frm ms rau a q: You complete the training. nun & onus r: You will receive a bonus. ym mill uur Example 4) Write (pag) —>r as an English sentence. 2) 14% (ap A ar) 2) Write “If you do ni plete the training, then you will not get a promotior/and)you will not receivé a bonus.” ir symbolic form Sn ie Logic ‘Combining Statements P Truth Value of a Conjunction 0) aT The conjunction p agis tue if and only it both p and q are true. A Truth Value of a Disjunction The disjunction pv qis true if and only if pis true, qis true, or both p and gare true. t Logic a) Example: Determine whether each statement is true or }) 5 33 a whale numba - i false. 1. 5 isa whole number and 5 is an even number. (Faw) Sis an own umburs & mD 2 Omani (Trae) q e73it >) Type! Oitguad 3. 2isa prime number and 2is an even number. (Tre) ) 36 ( P) Logic Conditional Statements. Conditional statements can be written in if p, then q form or init, qform. Arrow Notation: p —»g. Read as “if p, then q or as “p implies a" = “_— Logic Conditional Statements 1 pot: rdow dart ‘Suppose your teacher makes the promise that “if you pass at the exam, then you will pass the course." Under what fun part Conseqne circumstances did he/she break his/her promise? Consequent seroupace to eran | Youpasrton course | YOUDsEE the eam You pase he course an : Truth Value of the Conditional p — q The conditional p — q is false if p is true and q is false. 9 Itis true in all other case: i Logic p 429 (te) Dp Moet) Hen 123. Example: ea qe 24s a (Fate) a Other grammatical constructions for“if P then.” gy wa v QitP ——= ae o ¥ Qwhenever P. Guim 47, phen AT ou ¥ Q, provided that P. F v Whenever P, then also Q. as =u if 423 ¥ Pisa sufficient condition for Q ¥ For Q, itis sufficient that P. ¥ PonlyifQ Logi Biconditional Statements The statement (p-+q)A(q-»p)is called a biconditional and is denoted by p +» q, which is read as “p if and only if q.” G ayy a (yp) 2 liawae Logic Da a> , x4 =? Example: State whether the each biconditional statement ite below is true or false. cea 9-2 Rxpy, xveet KES Vt xeb gta Logic Kou , EH) Lm ‘Other grammatical constructions for “P if and only if Q.” EHF ip and nly op X= z ¥ P is a necessary and sufficient condition for Q. yf XH <4 yn xX =D and ways Uy. ¥ For P itis necessary and sufficient that Q sche rand ony tes ( True) 2.x%= 36 itand only itx=6. (F alu) ¥ If, then Q and conversely. Logic Two statements are equivalent if they both have the same truth value for all possible truth values of their simple statements Equivalent Forms of the Conditional Given: P=Q Converse: Q =P Inverse:

4Q Contrapositive: 4 Q > +P The statement P = Qis equivalent to 5 Q=> 4P Logic Equivalent Forms of the Conditional Given: P=Q P| Q | | 7a [Conditional] Converse | Inverse | Contrapositve P>Q |Q=>P| P5710] 705-4? sb ee oe ee a a tee ee : See Ee ——4 ir? 4p —- Tnwre! Tp bit gd pe, 1. Write the converse, inverse, and contrapositive of “If | He an wil uct vat He get the job, then | will rent the apartment.” . pel . aif oe Siler eee Ces ae ee, Je ap ar tah 9 v Codey ooh. Jf Lame 4 Wonviage | Tp Dwi vat He apart Kin he. apartrant fan Toa SEE ge r ce 2. Determine whether Related Statements Are Equivalent a. If a number ends with a 5, then the number is mt qu vnkuts divisible by 5. C Girvan If a number is divisible by 5, then the number ends with a5 (Ga nyuae) 2. Determine whether Related Statements Are Equivalent ? Tu bus in © phn wo ut b. (i) Iftwo lines in a plane do not intersect, then the jn cect Bra (p37?) lines are parallel. 4 ye Two ha are faa (2) If two lines in a plane are nt parallel, then the ap lines intersect — p ate? -p ( untapestis) ivate nt Lx ay li. yy X iste kuin yt tam, hen it 5 Bre. Gomace Ip A is pooh yt, Hun it 4 height of & bix: Truth table a) Construct a table for (p Aq) A (=rVq) b) Use the truth table from part a to determine the truth value of (p Aq) A(rVq)given that p is true, q is true, and ris false (pat) A (v4) ar [2H [pap A Gr ®) Quantifiers Existential quantifiers are used as prefixes to assert the existence of something > some > there exists > at least one > Symbol: 3 Example: “there exists an object x in the universe, x> 1", which is expressed as “axyx>1" 2 Logic Quantifiers The universal quantifiers none and no deny the existence of something, whereas the universal quantifiers all and every are used to assert that every element of a given set satisfies some condition. » “For all” or “For every” > Symbol: v | Example: "for every object x in the universe, x > 1", whic Vx x a is expressed as « "Vx, x>1" 4 ogic Quantifiers Example: Express the following in symbolic form. Let S be the set of all students and A the set of all smart people. 1 ajswsens oe smn ¥seS, seA- 2. fredersts a student 4 Se ] 3. Thereexistsasmartstudent. 46S sé x. ii Logic Quantified Statements and Their Negations Statement Negation AIX are ¥, Some X are not ¥. No X are ¥. Some X are Y. Example: Write the negation of each of the following statements. 2.somesiporsare open. Nga ms No airport ace open Logic Quantified Statements and Their Negations Statement Negation AILX are ¥. Some X are not ¥. No X are ¥. Some X are ¥. Negeh an Some movie ave, not worfh he paw Ades, b. All movies are worth the price of admission. : jie c. No odd numbers are divisible by 2. Tuaatiea: Som odd numbers ave dust iy?

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