Dashain Vacation Assignment Class 9

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1 Read the following Poem and do the activities that follow:

The Wind and the Leaves
" Come, little leaves," said the wind one day.
" Come over the meadows with me and play.
Put on your dresses of red and gold;
For summer is gone, and the days grow cold."
Soon as the leaves heard the wind's loud call,
Down they came fluttering, one and all.
O'er the brown field then they danced and flew
Singing the soft little songs they knew.
Dancing and whirling, the little leaves went,
Winter had called them, and they were content.
Soon, fast asleep on their earthy beds,
The snow laid a coverlet over their heads.
by- George Cooper
i) Write similar words from the above poem for the following words: 4x1-4
(i) delicate: (ii) chanting:
(iii) bedspread: (iv) satisfied:
ii) Answer the following questions: 3x2-6
(1) Who has composed this poem? And why? Ans:the poem was composed by George cooper.
(2) What did the wind ask the leaves to do?
(3) Why were the leaves so satisfied to come down?

2. Read the following letter carefully and do the activities given below: 10
The River Dee Field
Chester, UE
Dear Lakpa, 21 April 2010
As you have asked me. I am giving you some suggestions on how you can have better
performance of the English language both verbally and in the written form. You should always try
to communicate in English with your English teacher and the friends. Listening to radio
programmes in English could be an interesting way. Why don't you buy a radio for yourself and
listen to such programmes .For better pronunciation, copying people could be effective. As you
listen to any new word you ought to repeat it. Using an English dictionary is another effective way
to learn the language. You had better buy a good English dictionary and use it. You know my
English was not that good when I was in Nepal. But now feel it's great. I had to speak it every time.
I picked up pronunciation and expressions one by one. How about talking to the foreign tourists
who come to visit our area? They will be happy to get information about our village and its beauty
from a student and you would be benefitted with the English words and expressions. I have heard
that the education related offices in Nepal have been developing and distributing different audio
visual materials on learning English. If I were you, I would talk to teachers about them too. These
materials, I guess, must have been developed considering the average performance level of the
Nepalese students. Wouldn't it be better if you got some of them for your practice? Going through
your letter, I can understand that you have a lot of knowledge on the importance of the English
language. I'd like to add here that as a lingua franca, English has much more significance than what
you have written. You know, people can have better understanding and respect for each other
only when they are able to communicate. Since the English language has been serving as an
effective tool for communication worldwide, it helps people of different nationalities to internalize
each other's culture, values and sentiments. This way it serves as a powerful means to promote
fraternity that results into better relations among individuals, societies and countries. These
attributes definitely contribute to world peace. Hope I have been able to suggest you on the
measures of improving your English language. As I come home, I will bring you some audio visual
materials on how the native speakers use English. That's all for now. Looking forward to your next
letter, Sincerely Yours,
A. Correct the italicized words in the following sentences and also put them in the correct
order. 4x1-4
i) You had better buy a good English book: is another effective way to learn the language.
Book : dictionary
Ii). I have heard that the training related offices in Nepal have used English language.
Training : educated
iii) You should never try to communicate in English with your teacher and the friends.
never: always
iv) I am bored to know that you want to improve your English. Bored:
B. Write ' T' for true and ' F' for false statement. 4x 0.5 = 2
i) The farm of the writer's father was a place of happiness.
ii) Most of children in the village went to school. false
iii) The house had flat roof.
iv) The writer worked hard. true

3. Complete the following dialogue with appropriate sentences in the box given below: 6
Student:………….. Which lesson do we learn today sir?
Teacher: Well, today we learn lesson 6. Is it okay?
Student: Okay sir ………………about?
Teacher: It is about..….Today I'll tell …….you and show you a model.
Student: Sir, would you please tell us how to write a letter?
Teacher : Yes , ………………Shyam Sir, have you ever written a letter?
Student ……

Listen, to me carefully
What is it?
No I haven't
Excuse me
Writing different types of
How to write letters
4. Rewrite the following sentences choosing the best Options.12x0.5-6

a) Mr. Ramesh has obtained…….M.Ed degree. (a, an, -the)

b) Please, take……your shoes before you enter. ( out, of, off)

c) One must speak the truth………..? (must not one, needn't he, needn't one)

d) None of the teacher……….present now (is, are, were)

e) She is a student too, is a positive statement of: She……. (isn't a student too, isn't a student,
isn't a student either)

f) The interrogative form of" She put it on the table " is ......... it on the table? [Do she put, Does
she put, Did she put)

g) When I met him last year ,he a truck [drove, was driving, had been driving)

h) The postman said to a lady " ........ ... you a letter. "[I had brought, I have brought, you have

i) Someone is calling me. In other words ........ [I am called, I am being called, Someone is being
called on me)

j)....... her carelessness, she always stood first in her school life.
[Although, Despite, Because]

k) Had he gone to the theatre, he ........ the fact.

[will know, would know, would have know)

l) I get a sweet song ........ by a singer everyday. (sing, to sing,


5. Write any six sets of rules and regulations for your classroom, as a class captain. [6]

6.Reproduce the following sentences as indicated in brackets(6x1=6)

a) She came to me early in the morning. [Neg]

b) Who teaches you English? [voice]
c) You should mix the floor with turmeric powder. [voice]
d I am a nurse. [tag]
f) He said, “The earth is round.” [indirect speech]

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