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In this modern era, traffic jam is a topic interest and concern.

There is a lot of reason for this situation and

it can causes negative effect.There are many causes of traffic jams,the main reason is overpopulation.

Obivously people migrate to big cities to find job that increase in the number of citizens.The demand on

private also rise, along with the development of the automobile industry, cars have become affordable

items for ordinary people lead to the increase of personal vehicles, which increases the traffic

congestion.Moreover drivers are responsible for this problem. They do not comply with traffic rules, the

tendency to run red lights and park on the street it causes accidents and prevents other from travelling

smoothly.The main problem is that environment pollution .It is obvious that Traffic congestion causes a

lot of emissions from vehicles that cause air pollution. People take a long time to stop due to traffic jams.

This stop burns more fuel than continuous driving. This increase will encourage people to exploitation

make environment suffers.Besides this problem waste time. it makes their work less efficient .for

example when there is an important traffic jam causing work to be delayed affecting everyone's work

productivity. Especially in emergency cases, traffic jams hinder travel, making it impossible to solve

problems in time , thus leaving many serious consequences.In conclusion traffic jams causes by

overpopulation and drivers ,its effects including environment pollution and waste time are obvious

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