QP 4

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Choose the option that lists the correct answers for the following:

1. In which year, the number of foreign tourists visiting India in January increased?
2. In which year, the number of foreign tourists visiting India in February were more?

(A) (1) 2020 (2) 2019 (B) (1) 2019 (2) 2020
(C) (1) 2020 (2) 2020 (D) (1) 2019 (2) 2019
15. Based on your understanding of the passage, choose the option that lists the factors that
were directly responsible for job loss in the Indian tourism and travel industry due to

1. suspension of flights, trains and buses 4. restricted mobility of people

2. conversion of hotels to quarantine 5. increased number of COVID-19

facilities cases in the USA and UK

3. non-availability of skilled persons 6. high growth in the IT sector

(A) 1 and 5 (B) 1 and 4 (C) 2 and 3 (D) 5 and 6
16. The fall in the number of foreign tourist arrivals in India before the announcement of the

lockdown indicates
(A) downfall of the economy.
(B) decreased quality of the services offered by the hospitality sector.
(C) people’s discomfort in travelling unless essential.
(D) increased physical mobility of people.
17. All international flight landings in India were cancelled from
(A) 25 March 2020. (B) 22 March 2019.
(C) 24 March 2020. (D) 22 March 2020.

18. The Indian travel and tourism industry “plummeted in March 2020” means that the industry
(A) fell from its peak. (B) witnessed a sudden growth.
(C) was destroyed. (D) could not recover.

Grammar and Writing

III. Answer any five out of the six questions by selecting the most appropriate option for each.
19. When my grandfather was young, he ____________ climb trees.

(A) can (B) might (C) could (D) may

20. We had ____________ time to prepare before we had to go.
(A) a little (B) little (C) many (D) few
21. I was tolerating being bullied. And I ____________ tolerated more bullying if I hadn’t
realised my self-worth.

(A) will have (B) would have (C) shall have (D) must have

22. Which option displays the correct change of the following to reported speech?
Calvin said to Susan, “Gosh, I’ve never been a vandal before!”
(A) Calvin sadly told Susan that he was never been a vandal before.
(B) Calvin excitedly told Susan that he was never been a vandal before.

(C) Calvin excitedly told Susan that he had never been a vandal before.
(D) Calvin surprisingly told Susan that he has never being a vandal before.

44 Score Plus CBSE Sample Paper with MTP in English Language & Literature-10 for Term-I
23. Which option displays the correct change of the following to reported speech?

Nitin told his mother, “While coming from school to the bus stop, I slipped by stepping on a
banana peel.”

(A) Nitin asked his mother that while coming from school to the bus stop, he had slipped
by stepping on a banana peel.
(B) Nitin replied to his mother that while coming from school to the bus stop, he had
slipped by stepping on a banana peel.

(C) Nitin said to his mother that while coming from school to the bus stop, he had slipped
by stepping on a banana peel.
(D) Nitin told his mother that while coming from school to the bus stop, he had been
slipped by stepping on a banana peel.

24. ____________ anyone seen my paintbrushes?
(A) Has (B) Have
(C) Is (D) Are

IV. Answer any five out of the six questions given with reference to the context below.
You are Ravi, a resident of Civil Lines, New Delhi. You have to write a letter to the editor of a
local daily—Haryana Daily, drawing attention about people abandoning their parents in old
25. What tone should be used in writing this letter?
(A) Serious and sad (B) Joyful and serious
(C) Humorous and sad (D) Threatening and formal

26. Select the appropriate subject for this letter.

(A) Spreading awareness regarding COVID-19 vaccination
(B) Drawing attention towards the increasing problem of eve-teasing in the area

(C) Precautions need to be taken for the safety of residents from a gang of goons
(D) Atrocities on the elderly
27. Which option should Ravi select, to elaborate on the problems faced by the parents in
their old age?

(A)  Financially sound

 Experienced in every field of life
 Become weak
(B)  Enjoy being free
 Harassed by the family members

 Opportunity to spend ample time in nature


(C)  Face difficulties almost everywhere

 Ill-treated by family members
 Violated of their rights in the public places
(D)  Independent


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28. How should we begin this letter? Choose the best opening line.

(A) Elderly people have to face a lot of difficulties almost everywhere.
(B) I am writing this letter to express my deep concern over the plight of the elderly people

in our country.
(C) At home, elderly people are not treated well by their own family members.
(D) At public places, old people’s rights are also being violated.
29. What is the worst situation that is faced by the old abandoned people?

(A) Their whole money earned by them is spent in raising up their children.
(B) Since they are illiterate, they can’t earn a livelihood.
(C) Since they are old, they can’t earn a livelihood, and no one is there to look after them.
(D) Since they are weak, they can’t afford their living.

30. Select the option that completes the concluding line appropriately.
I hope that my letter will ____________.
(A) help spread awareness about the good condition of the elderly

(B) improve the circulation of the local daily
(C) open the eyes of the young generation who abandon their old parents
(D) convince the elderly to live peacefully

This section has sub-sections – V, VI, VII, VIII & IX. There are a total of 30 questions in this section.
Attempt any 26 questions from the sub-sections V to IX.
V. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow:
I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he

who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.
No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his background, or his
religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love
comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite. Even in the grimmest times in prison,

when my comrades and I were pushed to our limits, I would see a glimmer of humanity in one of
the guards, perhaps just for a second, but it was enough to reassure me and keep me going. Man’s
goodness is a flame that can be hidden but never extinguished.
31. Select the word(s) that describe Nelson Mandela’s tone in this extract.

(A) Narcissist (B) Boastful and aggressive

(C) Inspiring and uniting (D) Careless and cruel
32. Choose the option that lists the set of statements that are NOT TRUE according to the
given extract.

1. Mandela was satisfied with the ‘amount’ of freedom he got.

2. Mandela felt that one should achieve triumph over fear.

3. One should love/hate other person based on the colour of the skin.
4. A good man shall always remain good. Goodness never dies.
5. There was not even a single person in the prison who possessed humanity.
6. It is easy to love than hate.

7. A glimmer of humanity was enough for Mandela to keep going in his struggle.
(A) 1,3,5 (B) 1,6,7 (C) 2,6,7 (D) 5,2,6

46 Score Plus CBSE Sample Paper with MTP in English Language & Literature-10 for Term-I
33. Pick the option that correctly classifies fact/s (F) and opinion/s (O) of the students below.

1. I think Nelson Mandela was right in saying that it is easier to love than to hate.
2. Of course, but we must also remember that it is not easy to convince someone to give

up their differences or prejudices and love everyone equally.
3. We are born equal. The differences and prejudices are created by us.
4. I think we must always overcome our differences and attempt to understand and respect

(A) F - 1, 2 and O - 3, 4 (B) F - 2, 3 and O - 1, 4
(C) F - 2, 4 and O - 1, 3 (D) F - 3 and O - 1, 2, 4
34. Which word does ‘grimmest’ NOT correspond to?
(A) Forbidding (B) Harshest

(C) Gloomiest (D) Satisfied
35. Man’s ____________ is a flame that can be hidden but never be extinguished.
(A) goodness (B) body
(C) property (D) mind

VI. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow:
The minute they entered the classroom, they stopped short and gasped. There were drawings all
over the room, on every ledge and windowsill, dazzling colours and brilliant, lavish designs, all
drawn on great sheets of wrapping paper. There must have been a hundred of them, all lined
up. These must be the drawings for the contest. They were! Everybody stopped and whistled or
murmured admiringly.
36. What was made in the drawings displayed in the classroom?
(A) Designs of bedsheets (B) Designs of sweaters

(C) Designs of dresses (D) Designs of chairs

37. The designs were made on sheets of ____________ paper.
(A) drawing (B) wrapping (C) painting (D) tracing
38. Who had made these drawings?

(A) Jack Beggles (B) Peggy

(C) Maddie (D) Wanda Petronski
39. Everybody was ____________ by the drawings.
(A) disgusted (B) impressed

(C) disappointed (D) moved

40. Which of these words is NOT used by the narrator to describe the drawings?
(A) Great (B) Dazzling
(C) Brilliant (D) lavish
VII. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow:

But if it had to perish twice,


I think I know enough of hate

To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

41. In the line, “But if it had to perish twice”, the poet is referring to ____________ as “it”.
(A) ice (B) fire (C) hate (D) the world

Score Plus CBSE Sample Paper with MTP in English Language & Literature-10 for Term-I 47
42. What is the rhyme scheme of these lines?

(A) ababb (B) abcba (C) ababc (D) ababa
43. Through the line, “I think I know enough of hate”, the poet implies that

(A) people hate him.
(B) there is enough jealousy and hatred in the world to destroy it.
(C) he hates the people and will destroy them.
(D) he knows people who hate him.

44. What is the poet NOT likely to say?
(A) “We must end the hate.”
(B) “Hate and indifference will destroy us.”
(C) “Hate is destroying the world.”

(D) “Global warming will destroy the world.”
45. The word “ice” here signifies
(A) solid form of water. (B) cold weather.
(C) hate and indifference. (D) greed and desire.

VIII. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow:
I tried to sound severe: “Now I really mean this. If you don’t cut his food right down and give him
more exercise he is going to be really ill. You must harden your heart and keep him on a very strict
Mrs Pumphrey wrung her hands. “Oh I will, Mr Herriot. I’m sure you are right, but it is so difficult,
so very difficult.” She set off, head down, along the road, as if determined to put the new regime
into practice immediately.
46. Why did the speaker try to sound severe?
(A) To make Mrs Pumphrey take his advice seriously and act on it

(B) To upset Mrs Pumphrey

(C) To impress Mrs Pumphrey
(D) To prove his authority
47. The advice of a new regime was given for

(A) Mrs Pumphrey.

(B) Tricki.
(C) Everybody in Mrs Pumphrey’s house.
(D) Mrs Pumphrey’s driver.

48. Which word in the extract means ‘serious’?

(A) Harden (B) Mean (C) Severe (D) Down
49. Which truth did Mrs Pumphrey accept?
(A) She knew that Mr Herriot was overconfident.

(B) She knew that Mr Herriot was wrong.

(C) She knew that Mr Herriot was right.

(D) She knew that her dog was going to die.

50. Mrs Pumphrey was determined to put the new regime into practice immediately. What
does it mean?
(A) She was now ready to follow the new routine properly.

(B) She was angry with the advice of Mr Herriot.

(C) She was confused.
(D) She was ready to change her habits.
48 Score Plus CBSE Sample Paper with MTP in English Language & Literature-10 for Term-I
IX. Attempt the following.

51. Lencho compared the quantum of damage with
(A) attack by rats. (B) attack by crows.

(C) plague of locusts. (D) none of these
52. The speaker says, ‘at first as a student I wanted freedom only for myself.’ Why do you
think he only thought about himself?
(A) He didn’t want to think about the freedom denied to others.

(B) He was too young to realise that freedom was denied to others as well.
(C) He was being selfish and was only bothered about himself.
(D) He didn’t think that freedom denied to him was important for others.
53. Pick the most appropriate reason why the young gull felt dizzy.

(A) He hadn’t eaten anything for a day. (B) He was dizzy with excitement.
(C) He was flying for the first time. (D) He was wary of heights.
54. If the diary were a ‘real friend’, what qualities would Anne expect it to have? Pick the
option that lists these correctly.

1. optimistic 2. good listener 3. confidant 4. energetic
5. non-judgmental 6. outgoing 7. ambitious
(A) 1 and 4 (B) 5, 6 and 7 (C) 2, 3 and 5 (D) 3 and 7
55. The teacher refers to Wanda’s designs as ‘exquisite’ because
(A) each one of them was very beautiful and different.
(B) each one of the hundred designs was similar.
(C) each of them was a copy of the latest fashion trend.
(D) each one had the same colour theme as the other.
56. What does ‘Dust of Snow’ represent?

(A) Healing power of nature (B) Particles of snow

(C) Cool weather (D) None of these
57. Name the poetic device used in the line “Some say the world will end in fire”.
(A) Metaphor (B) Imagery (C) Alliteration (D) Oxymoron

58. What did Mrs Pumphrey think her dog is suffering from?
(A) Cough (B) Malnutrition (C) Fever (D) Starvation
59. How was the meal Hari cooked the first night?
(A) Delicious (B) Mouth-watering

(C) Finger-licking good (D) Terrible

60. Why was it a bad time to wander about in London without clothes?
(A) It was a rainy season. (B) It was very hot.
(C) It was bitterly cold. (D) None of these

Answers (Model Test Paper–4)

1. (C) 2. (A) 3. (B) 4. (C) 5. (D) 6. (A) 7. (C) 8. (B) 9. (D) 10. (B)

11. (B) 12. (C) 13. (D) 14. (A) 15. (B) 16. (C) 17. (D) 18. (A) 19. (C) 20. (B)
21. (B) 22. (C) 23. (B) 24. (A) 25. (A) 26. (D) 27. (C) 28. (B) 29. (C) 30. (C)
31. (C) 32. (A) 33. (B) 34. (D) 35. (A) 36. (C) 37. (B) 38. (D) 39. (B) 40. (A)

41. (D) 42. (D) 43. (B) 44. (D) 45. (C) 46. (A) 47. (B) 48. (C) 49. (C) 50. (A)
51. (C) 52. (B) 53. (A) 54. (C) 55. (A) 56. (B) 57. (C) 58. (B) 59. (D) 60. (C)

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