Can The Prophet Help You

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The articles on this website may be reproduced freely as long as the following source reference is provided: Joseph A Islam

Salamun Alaikum (Peace be upon you


!opyright " #$$% &oseph A 'slam: Article last modified %th (ebruary #$)*

The following verses leave no room for ambiguity and remain e+plicitly clear in what they state. Prophet ,uhammad (pbuh was instructed to make known to his audience in no uncertain terms that: 010.049 Say: -I have no po e! ove! an" ha!m o! p!o#$% %o m"sel# e&'ep% as (o) $lls. To every people is a term appointed: when their term is reached. not an hour can they cause delay. nor (an hour can they advance (it in anticipation .00*+1,, Say: -I have no po e! ove! an" -oo) o! ha!m %o m"sel# e&'ep% as (o) $lls. 'f ' had knowledge of the unseen. ' should have multiplied all good. and no evil should have touched me: ' am but a warner. and a bringer of glad tidings to those who have faith.04..009 Say: ' am not the first of the messengers. an) I )o no% /no ha% $ll 0e )one $%h me o! $%h "o1: ' do not follow anything but that which is revealed to me. and ' am nothing but a plain warner. The previous verse also makes it clear that Prophet ,uhammad (pbuh was no different from the previous messengers in that he had no knowledge what would be his outcome or that of his people. thus clearly intimating that he had absolutely no capacity to assist another. especially if he couldn/t help himself. Similar sentiments are also shared by other messengers of 0od. 1e note Prophet 2oah (pbuh to assert: 011+021 -' tell you not that with me are the treasures of 0od. nor do ' know what is hidden. nor claim ' to be an angel. No! "e% )o I sa"3 o# %hose hom "o1! e"es )o )esp$se %ha% (o) $ll no% -!an% %hem 4all5 %ha% $s -oo)+ (o) /no s 0es% ha% $s $n %he$! so1ls+ I sho1l)3 $# I )$)3 $n)ee) 0e a !on-6)oe!.Prophet &esus (pbuh also absolves himself of any wrongdoing or knowledge of what his people would do after him. This also confirms the sentiments of all the messengers that they had no prior

knowledge of what would be the outcome of a people underscoring the fact that they would be in no position to provide any assistance. 007+11.611* And when 0od will say: 3 &esus son of ,ary4 did you say to men. Take me and my mother for two gods besides 0od. he will say: 0lory be to 5ou. it did not befit me that ' should say what ' had no right to (say 6 $# I ha) sa$) $%3 Yo1 o1l) $n)ee) have /no n $%8 Yo1 /no ha% $s $n m" m$n)3 an) I )o no% /no ha% $s $n "o1! m$n)3 s1!el" "o1 a!e %he -!ea% 9no e! o# %he 1nseen %h$n-s. ' did not say anything to them e+cept what you commanded me with: That worship 0od. my 7ord and your 7ord. an) I as a $%ness ove! %hem as lon- as I as amon- %hem3 01% hen "o1 'a1se) me %o )$e 4A!a0$'+ Ta a#a"%an$53 "o1 e!e %he a%'he! ove! %hem3 an) "o1 a!e $%ness o# all %h$n-s.

There is no support from the 8uran for the belief that messengers of 0od knew what would happen to their people or themselves. 'f the appointed messengers of 0od couldn/t help themselves. it is inconceivable that they would be in a position to help another on the 9ay of &udgement. 0,<.01*619 -And what will e+plain to you what the 9ay of &udgment is: Again. what will e+plain to you what the 9ay of &udgment is: ('t will be The =a" hen no so1l shall have po e! 4%o )o5 an"%h$n- #o! ano%he!+ :o! %he 'omman)3 %ha% =a"3 $ll 0e 4 holl"5 $%h (o)-

Rela%e) A!%$'le+ 415 'ntercession and the Prophet/s ;elp

&oseph 'slam " #$)$ All <ights <eserved

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