Ortho Notes

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ORTHODONTIC WIRES (SIZE) 2) Square Wire - fixed; ex.

16 x 16"
A. Gauge of Wires 3) Rectangular Wire - fixed;
1) Thick Wire (e.g. 16 x 22" / 17 x 25%)
a. 0.060" - outer wire of face bow
b. 0.045" - inner wire of face bow; palatal crib
c. 0.036"
- Space maintainers: Nance appliance,
Transpalatal arch, lingual holding arch
• Consist of outer bow or wire
• Consist of inner bow or wire
• Part of a headgear which is used for a child to inhibit
excessive growth of maxilla


1) Stainless Steel (SS) - 1929
High stiffness, low springiness, low range, good formability,
and corrosion resistant
Used for space closure after extractions in orthodontic
2) Cobalt-Chromium-1950
Marketed as ELGILOY; Co (40%), Cr (20%), Fe (16%) and Ni
Increased resilience and strength; however, its stiffness was
Blue Elgiloy (soft), Yellow Elgiloy (ductile), Green Elgiloy
(semi-resilient) and Red Elgiloy (resilient)
THICK WIRE: SPACE MAINTAINER 3) Nickel-Titanium (NiTi) - 1960
Orthodontic appliance that is 55% Nickel and 45% Titanium
indicated when there is early Shape Memory and Superelasticity
loss of deciduous tooth/teeth 4)Titanium Molybdenum Alloy (TMA) or Beta-Titanium
Fixed or removable Better formability and springback than the stainless steel
• Some fixed space maintainer wires
are the following: lingual Ti (79%), Mo (11%), Zr (6%), and Sn (4%)
holding arch, transpalatal, Advantage: Allergic to Nickel
Nance Appliance
A. Bird beak or 139 Plier
• Universal plier; versatile plier
• Has pyramidal and conical beak
used for making bends in
orthodontic wires.

1) Round Wire - removable and fixed
2 Basic Modes of Bone Formation:
1. Intramembranous
B. Howe Plier or 110 Plier
2. Endochondral
Howe utility pliers have serrated tips for
- Can be classified as Endosteal or Periosteal,
gripping wires. It is useful for placement and
depending on the site of formation.
removal of archwires as well as placement of
- Endosteal bone formation may either be
pins and other auxiliaries.
intramembranous or endochondral depending on
Types of Howe Plier
the site.
a. straight howe plier (# 110 )
- Periosteal bone formation is intramembranous in
b. curved howe plier (# 111)



- Formation of bone - Bone is formed from

directly from cartilaginous anlage
osteogenic cells

- This occurs in sites of - Original mesenchymal

tension (periosteum, tissue becomes
sutures, periodontium cartilage first.
has its own
remodeling processes)
C. Specialized Orthodontic Pliers - Tooth movement - Allows for morphogenic
1. Nance Plier occurs via resorption adaption of the bones
Used to make uniform heights of vertical loops of bone and providing continued
2. Mathieu Plier intramembranous production of bone in
The Mathieu plier has a quick release locking and ossification special regions that
unlocking mechanism which is used for the involves high levels of
placement of elastomeric ligatures. compression.
3. Weingart Plier
Serrated tips hold wire firmly at a convenient
working angle. Tapered tips fit easily between DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CARTILAGE AND BONE
brackets. Rounded for patient comfort.

- Rigid and firm - Rigid and

- Pressure- - Tension-
tolerant, tolerant , does
- Change of shape and size of bone due to constant
provides not grow in
deposition and resorption of bone
growth in areas areas of heavy
- Differential rates of deposition and resorption cause
of compression pressure and
a change in morphology
(ex. Articular dependent on
cartilage and vascular
epiphyseal membrane
growth in long

- Grows via - Grows via

appositionally apposition and
and endochondral
interstitially (NEVER DRIFT
interstitial) - Apparent movement of the bone due to remodeling
and not due to the bone moving.
- Requires the
CONCEPTS combination of
deposition and
DEPOSITION resorption that
- The laying down of bone via, Intramembranous or results in the growth
endochondral means. movement towards
- Represented by "+" in diagrams side of deposition.
- Ex. Mandibular
RESORPTION Foramen: in a child the mandibular foramen is
- The removal of bone via the activity of osteoclast located below the occlusal plane and in adult it is on
- Represented by "-" in diagrams average located at the occlusal plane.


Serves as a location in Area of bone that CONCEPTS
the bone controls the
where the actual overall growth of bone DISPLACEMENT
growth occurs from its - The physical movement of the whole bone as it
locations through remodels
different signaling - Experienced when bone deposition is greater than
mechanisms. Growth at resorption. Enlargement displaces the bone.
centers are genetically EXTERNALROTATION
controlled. - Surface or soft tissue changes due to rotation
Dependent on the All growth centers can
growth centers be growth INTERNAL ROTATION
for growth. sites but not all growth -Rotation of the core of the jaw or body
sites can be -Tends to be masked or compensated by tooth eruption
growth centers. = 2 TYPES:
The apparent location Ex. Mandibular Changes due to the rotation of the condyle or body
of bone condyle, 2.INTRAMATRIX ROTATION
growth synchondrosis of the Rotations centered around the body of the
basicranium, mandible
membranous bones of
Ex. Mandibular ramus, 1. Primary Displacement
maxillary Displacement of the bone due to the bone growth
tuberosity, Ex, mandible continually grows upward and backward and is
synchondrosis of the displaced forward and donnward.
basicranium, sutures of 2. Secondary Displacement
the Displacement of the bone due to another bone's growth.
Ex. Secondary Displacement - the maxilla and glenoid fossa https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1uu8Ot2zPE (Links to
enlarges and grows downward and forward displacing the
mandible downward and forward as well.

-V-shaped bones tend to follow this type of remodeling an external site.)
-Deposition occurs on the inner portion of the "V"
-Resorption occurs on the outer portion of the "V"
-As the "V" moves towards the open
part of the "V", it increases in all c. Restoration - carious lesion must be restored to keep
dimensions. the deciduous teeth till the time of exfoliation. Primary teeth
will serve as guide for eruption of permanent
teeth. Restoring proximal lesions is important to preserve
arch length/perimeter.
M1-Lesson 1 Definition of Term

From British Society of Orthodontists: Orthodontics

Ø includes the study of growth and development of

the jaws and face

particularly, and the body generally, as influencing the

position of the teeth;

Ø includes the study of action and reaction of internal and

external influences on the development;

Ø includes also the prevention and correction of arrested

and perverted development

d. Space Maintainer - an orthodontic appliance, fixed or

M1-Lesson 2 Categories of Orthodontics Part 1 removable, that maintains the space left by a prematurely
lost tooth.
1. Preventive Orthodontics – action taken to preserve the
integrity of what appears to be normal occlusion at a
specific time
Band and Loop Fixed
Preventive Measures:
a. Oral Prophylaxis - is cleaning of the teeth by a dentist
Space Maintainer
or dental hygienist, including removal of plaque, material
alba, calculus, and extrinsic stains; done as a preventive
measure for control of gingivitis.
e. Habit Breaking Appliances - presence of oral habits
b. Topical Fluoride Application - hydroxyapatite crystals of like thumb sucking, tongue thrusting and lip biting when not
enamel in the presence of fluoride becomes fluoroapatite arrested with the use of habit breaking appliances will lead to
crystals which strengthen enamel. The tooth becomes more malocclusion. See the following illustrations of the different
resistant to tooth decay. Fluoride can be found in toothpaste, oral habit breaking appliances. Detail discussion of this topic
mouth wash, in communal water and can be applied by the will be in Orthodontics II
dentist every 3 - 6 months depending on the child whether
he is high/low caries risk.

Watch this video to deepen understanding of Topical

Fluoride Application Palatal Crib -
thumb sucking habit
The following are illustrations of the different interceptive
appliances that will deepen understanding of the topics

Tongue Crib -
tongue thrusting habit

Bionator - a
type of myofunctional appliance for Class II case
Bumper - Lip Biting Habit

M1-Lesson 2 Categories of Orthodontics Part 2

2. Interceptive Orthodontics – recognizes and eliminates

potential irregularities and malposition in the developing
dentofacial complex. This is due to hereditary factor.

Interceptive Measures :

a. myofunctional appliance – for developing Class II and

Class III cases; principle of using this appliance is to stretch
active muscles that restrict growth of maxillary and
mandibular bones.
Extra oral Chin Cup
b. chin cup – indicated for developing Class III case
(excessive mandibular growth); this is worn by the child for 14
to 16 hours daily to redirect growth direction of
mandible. Chin cups are divided into two types: 1. The 3. Corrective Orthodontics - recognizes existence of a
occipital-pull chin cup, more frequently used in cases of malocclusion and needs technical procedures to eliminate the
mandibular prognathism 2. Vertical-pull chin cup that is used problem
in cases of steep mandibular plane angle and excessive
a. Limited Corrective Orthodontics – simple cases that
anterior facial height, the so-called “backward rotator”
can be treated in a few weeks or few months
patient with openbite.
b. Extensive Corrective Orthodontics –
c. serial extraction – indicated when there is excessive
complicated cases that are referred to Orthodontist
crowding of teeth after computation of mixed dentition
analysis. It is a planned extraction of certain deciduous teeth
and specific permanent teeth in an orderly sequence to
guide the erupting permanent teeth into a more favorable The illustrations below are example of appliances under
position. Eventually there is a need of extraction of premolars Limited Corrective Orthodontics:
M1-Lesson 3 Brief History Part 1

Edward Hartley Angle (June 1, 1855 – August 11, 1930)

was an American dentist, widely regarded as "the father of
Mandibular American orthodontics ". He was trained as a dentist, but
Incline Plane - cemented for few weeks; made orthodontics his specialty and dedicated his life to
for standardizing the teaching and practice of
treating anterior crossbite (1-2teeth) in the maxillary arch orthodontics. During his lifetime, Angle has been credited
with introducing following appliances to the field of
Orthodontics. His Edgewise bracket was his most important
contribution to Orthodontics.

Anterior Bite Plate - removable orthodontic appliance use to

treat deep bite case by allowing unopposed tooth to
continue to erupt until it comes into contact with another
surface, this appliance holds the anterior teeth while allowing
the posterior teeth to erupt.

• E (expansion) Arch Appliance (1907) - There were two

types: Basic & Ribbed. This appliance only allowed
tipping movement and provided poor control of
individual tooth position.
• Pin & Tube Appliance (1910) - Consisted of Gold and
Platinum bands and had attachment to all the teeth.
These bands had vertical tubes that were soldered to
them and a Pin was passed through it to achieve tooth
movement. Root parallelism and rotation was difficult to
achieve with this appliance. In addition, the pins had to
be repositioned every appointment through the process
of re-soldering.
• Ribbon Arch Appliance (1915) - This appliance was
created after the Pin and Tube appliance. This device
consisted of a Vertical bracket soldered to a band. It
allowed rotation to be possible. Dr. Raymond Begg (Links
to an external site.) eventually used this appliance to
create his light wire technique.
• Edgewise Appliance (1925) - These were identical Dr. Martin Dewey (1881–1933) was an American
brackets for all teeth and it allowed tooth movement in orthodontist and a past president of the American
all 3 planes of space by adding bends to the rectangular Association of Orthodontists (Links to an external site.) and
arch-wire, one of its disadvantages. The wire was held in the American Dental Association (Links to an external site.).
the slot by metal ligature. In this appliance, the slot was Dewey represented the "New School" of Edward Angle (Links
changed from vertically to horizontally. Therefore, the to an external site.) in the great Extraction Debate of 1911
bracket was wide mesio-distally and its slot size was .022 held in New York City. He was the founding editor of
x .028 inch. These brackets were initially referred to as International Journal of Orthodontia, later known
"open face" or "tie brackets". as American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial
o The edgewise bracket has been later modified to Orthopedics (Links to an external site.). He served as the
Single Width Bracket, Siamese Bracket, Lewis editor of the journal for 17 years and wrote many interesting
Bracket, Steiner Bracket, Broussard Bracket. articles Before his death, Dr. Dewey began publishing a
journal called Orthodontic Review (Links to an external
His increasing interest in dental occlusion and in the site.) which was designed as an open forum journal to discuss
treatment necessary to obtain normal occlusion led directly orthodontic related topics. The journal was however
to his development of orthodontics as a specialty, with discontinued later. He played an important part in opposing
himself as the "father of modern orthodontics". The the "Arizona Orthodontic Law''.
development of Angle's classification of malocclusion in the Dewey established Dewey School of Orthodontics at
1890s was an important step in the development of the Dental School in Kansas City, Missouri. The first classes
orthodontics because it not only subdivided major types of were given in the summer of 1911 for a period of ten weeks.
malocclusion but also included the first clear and simple The school was moved to Chicago (Links to an external
definition of normal occlusion in the natural dentition. He was site.) in 1917 and then to New York City (Links to an external
concerned with the aesthetics of orthodontics as well as site.) two years later. He served as faculty member at both
functionality Chicago and New York dental schools.

The Angle Orthodontist (Links to an external site.), Dewey stressed the importance of a blend of the
founded in 1930, is the official publication of the Edward H. biologic and mechanical aspects of orthodontics.
Angle Society of Orthodontists. The Society of Orthodontists
Dewey's Modification (1915) he divided Angle's class I &
later became American Society of Orthodontists. He also
III into further types.
founded the Angle School of Orthodontia (Links to an external
site.) in St. Louis and schools in other regions of the United
M1-Lesson 3 Brief History Part 2
Norman William Kingsley attained skills in sculpturing
and was well known for his crafts in crafting dental Dr. Case was known to have ideas that were
prosthesis. He published a report of the case, a child with a V- opposite to Dr. Edward Angle (Links to an external site.).
shaped alveolar arch, in 1858 in the New York Dental Primarily, both these figures were divisive due to their views
Journal (Links to an external site.). In 1859, Kingsley created on extraction of teeth vs non-extraction of teeth when
an artificial palate of soft vulcanized India rubber for his first treating malocclusions in the speciality of Orthodontics. The
patient with a cleft palate. He eventually moved into teaching entire controversy between Angle and Case started when Dr.
and became the Founder of the New York College of Angle claimed that the use of Intermaxillary elastics (Links to
Dentistry, serving as its first dean from 1865 to 1869. Kingsley an external site.) were first used by Dr. Henry Albert
was also known for his work related to the vulcanite palatal Baker (Links to an external site.), as opposed to first used by
plate which consisted of anterior incline which allowed a Dr. Case. Calvin claimed that in 1890 he started using the
person to bite forward with their lower jaw. His appliance elastics first when he reported this use to Chicago Dental
was later modified by Hotz and it was known as Vorbissplatte. Society (Links to an external site.) and Columbian Dental
Congress (Links to an external site.) in 1893.
In 1880, he published, A Treatise on Oral Deformities
as a Branch of Mechanical Surgery, which was published in Case was one of the first to stress the importance of
New York and later in Germany and Britain. This was the root movement(1892); he was one of the first to use rubber
first comprehensive textbook that talked about orthodontic elastics in treatment; he was one of the first to use small
problems and treatments. This textbook discussed the gauge, light and resilient wires for tooth alignment. He
etiology, diagnosis and treatment planning that should be the pioneered the use of retainers to stabilize orthodontic results.
foundations of practice of a working orthodontist. The
textbook was the first to discuss cleft palate treatment in
terms of orthodontics. He was also a prolific writer with over
M1-Lesson 3 Brief History Part 3
100 articles on cleft lip and palate rehabilitation.


• During 1860s, he introduced the concept of "jumping the

bite" with the use of bite plate.
• In 1879, he introduced occipital traction into the field of
• In 1859, he perfected gold obturator and artificial vellum
of soft rubber.
• In 1858, he published the first paper on modern

Albert Ketcham (August 3, 1870 – December 5, 1935)

was an American orthodontist and a past president of the
American Society of Orthodontists. The American Board of
Orthodontics (Links to an external site.) created the Albert H.
Ketcham Award to commemorate Ketcham's
achievements. This award is currently known has the highest
achievement award given in the field of Orthodontics.
He investigated the problem of root resorption. His to rely on restorative procedures to obtain the optimal
study awakened a feeling of "biologic sense"; and existence esthetic result
of pathologic results of improperly guided orthodontic
treatment. B. Esthetic Dentistry

Attractive people have a much better chance of being

successful. Failure to adhere to proper orthodontic
technique could have adverse consequences. Simple closure
of a maxillary midline diastema often creates spacing
distally, restorative dentistry may also be required to achieve
proper esthetics.

Patients presented significant differences in the esthetic

perception of midline diastema and gummy smile
anomalies after they had completed orthodontic treatment.
Gender influenced the perception of smile esthetics, whereby
women were significantly more critical of midline diastema,
black triangle and gingival margin of the upper central incisor
than men.

Dr. Ricketts was concerned that in the name

of occlusion and alignment, orthodontists were actually
making the esthetic appearance of some patients worse by
not paying attention to what he called the “Esthetic Plane” or
“E” plane. Fundamentally the “E” plane is simply a line drawn
Milo Hellman was an American orthodontist and an
from the tip of the nose to the tip of the chin.
instructor at Angle School of Orthodontia and Chair of NYU
Orthodontic Program. He is known for his contributions to the C. Pediatric Dentistry
field of Orthodontia via his research on the relationship
between teeth, jaws and face. Children & Orthodontics malocclusions, or
misalignments of the teeth, can be recognized as early as 2 to
He was a student of Angle. He made the first 3 years of age. Often, early steps can be taken to reduce the
paleontologic analysis of Angle Classification of need for major orthodontic treatment at a later age. Pediatric
Malocclusion. He pioneered the use of Hand and Wrist dentist can help identify these early signs of malocclusion
radiograph to determine the growth age of the patient. In present in a child.
1919, he demonstrated occlusal relationship of the upper and
lower molars and emphasizied on the evolutionary trend of D. Periodontics Dentistry
the cuspal interdigitation. He studied the development of the
human denture and face with precise anthropometric While orthodontics can promote periodontal disease,
techniques. orthodontics also can help reduce the symptoms of
periodontal disease. Poor oral hygiene and abnormal occlusal
forces during orthodontic treatment could result in the fairly
rapid development of periodontal pockets.
M1-Lesson 4 Correlation to other Dental Disciplines
Orthodontic therapy has lead to an improved periodontal
A. Restorative Dentistry status by helping in easy removal of plaque and reducing the
occlusal trauma.
Preventing the children from dental caries will decrease
future need for orthodontic treatment. E. Oral Surgery

Restorative management of patients with teeth Patients who have jaw and facial deformities need
following orthodontic treatment is often necessary. both oral surgery and orthodontic treatment. When
Ideally, restorative treatment is done before start of corrective jaw surgery is necessary, oral surgeons work
the orthodontic treatment. These are situations where the together with orthodontists to develop comprehensive
buccal surface of the teeth is broken or fractured, so it needs treatment plans.
to be restored for proper bracket placement.
F. Prosthodontic Dentistry
The primary goal of modern orthodontics is to establish
the best possible occlusal relationship between the maxillary Some prosthodontic treatments are not possible or would
and mandibular arches while maintaining or enhancing facial be severely compromised without
esthetics. In order to do this, the orthodontist will often have first doing orthodontic therapy.
The alveolar bone and the cortical plates are thickest in the
mandible. The spaces between the trabeculae (Links to an
M1-Lesson 5 Tissue Systems of Human Dental Occlusion external site.) of the spongy bone are filled with marrow,
which consists of haematopoietic tissue (Links to an external
a. Teeth site.) in early life and of fatty tissue later (Fig. 1.149). The
shape and structure of the trabeculae reflect the stress-
Human teeth are divided into classes on the basis of
bearing requirements of the particular site. The surfaces of
form and function. The primary and permanent dentitions
the inorganic parts of the bone are lined by osteoblasts (Links
include the incisor, canine, and molar classes. The fourth
to an external site.), which are responsible for bone
class, the premolar, is found only in the permanent dentition
formation (Links to an external site.): those which become
(link (Links to an external site.)). Tooth form predicts the
incorporated within the mineral tissue are
function of teeth; class traits are the characteristics that place
called osteocytes (Links to an external site.) and maintain
teeth into functional categories. Because the diet of humans
contact with each other via canaliculi; osteoclasts (Links to an
consists of animal and plant foods, the human dentition is
external site.) are responsible for bone resorption (Links to an
called omnivorous.
external site.) and may be seen in the Howship's lacunae (Fig.
Occlusion is very important to the actual dentistry in 1.150). Cortical bone adjacent to the ligament gives the
terms of providing patients with a stable occlusion so they do radiographic appearance of a dense white line next to the
not have too much force on any particular teeth, which could dark line of the ligament (see Figs 1.144, 1.145). Bone is a
damage the teeth in the short or long term. It refers to the dynamic tissue, continually forming and resorbing in response
position of your teeth when your jaw is closed, or to functional requirements. In addition to such local response
more simply, your bite. Unknown to many, the alignment of to needs, bone metabolism (Links to an external site.) is
your bite contributes greatly to your oral health, as well as under hormonal control (Links to an external site.). It is easily
your overall wellbeing. For example, if undiagnosed and left resorbed under the influence of inflammatory
untreated, bite misalignments can induce a variety of issues, mediators (Links to an external site.) at either the periapex or
including: Loosening of teeth. the marginal attachment. In health, the crest of the alveolus
lies about 2 mm apical to the cemento–enamel
junction (Links to an external site.) (Fig. 1.151) but,
in periodontal disease (Links to an external site.), it may lie
much more towards the apex of the root.
(Links to an external site.)

c. Muscle

The four muscles of mastication are the temporalis,

masseter, medial pterygoid, and lateral pterygoid muscles.
These muscles receive motor innervation from the
mandibular nerve branches. The masseter muscle functions
to elevate and protract the mandible. The temporalis muscle
functions to elevate and retract the mandible. The medial
pterygoid functions to further assist the elevation and
protrusion of the mandible, but can also facilitate side-to-side
grinding. The temporalis, masseter, and medial pterygoid
muscles work synergistically to close the jaw vertically during
mastication. The lateral pterygoid muscle is thought to
control jaw movement, but there is a limited understanding
of its function. The lateral pterygoid has a superior head and
an inferior head that are thought to have different functions.
The inferior head of the lateral pterygoid muscle is thought to
play a role in the opening, protrusion, and contralateral
b. Bone movements of the jaw. The superior head of the lateral
pterygoid muscle is thought to play a role in the closing,
Alveolar bone is that part of the maxilla (Links to an retrusion, and ipsilateral movements of the jaw.[link] (Links to
external site.) and mandible (Links to an external site.) which an external site.)
supports the teeth by forming the “other” attachment for Bite guards, dental splints, or occlusal splints are placed
fibres of the periodontal ligament (Links to an external on the maxillary or mandibular teeth in order to alter the
site.) (Fig. 1.148). It consists of two plates of cortical occlusion of the bite by virtue of jaw muscle
bone (Links to an external site.) separated by spongy relaxation. Muscle and neurological pain in the head and
bone (Links to an external site.) (Fig. 1.149). In some areas, neck is the result of a dysfunctional occlusion. The link here
the alveolar bone is thin with no spongy bone (Fig. 1.148). will help us understand
better https://www.dentaleconomics.com/science- M2-Lesson 3 Review of Prenatal Growth
tech/article/16390305/is-occlusion-important (Links to an
external site.) Three Stages of Development

d. Nerve 1. Period of Ovum - from fertilization to the end of 14th day

The dental occlusion mediates proprioceptor information 2. Period of Embryo - from14th day to 56th day
about the position and movement of the head and neck in
space via the trigeminal nerve. The trigeminal nerve is the 3. Period of Fetal - from 56th day to 270th day/birth
largest and most complex of the twelve cranial nerves. Here is an illustration for the review of development of the
Itsupplies sensations to the face, mucous membranes, and face
other structures of the head. Neuromuscular Dentistry is
based upon restoration of the dental occlusion to a position
along an isotonic condition (minimal energy required) to bring
the teeth into intercuspation (Myocentric). Myocentric is
defined by minimal muscle electrical activity of the
mandibular posturing muscles (Rest Position of the Mandible)

M2 - Introduction to Craniofacial Complex

A comprehensive knowledge in craniofacial growth and

development is essential for every dentist and orthodontist as
they are greatly involved in the development of not just the
dentition but the entire dentofacial complex. These
practitioners may be able to manipulate facial growth for the
benefit of the patient and it is not possible to do so without a
thorough understanding of both the pattern of normal
growth and the mechanisms that underlie it (Proffit).
Branchial Arches

• 1st branchial arch (Mandibular arch) – its cartilage is

M2-Lesson 1 Importance of Craniofacial Complex known as the Meckel's cartilage. It gives rise to the
following structures: incus and malleus of the ear,
Understanding the principles and complexity of craniofacial maxilla, mandible, muscles of mastication, body of the
growth is of paramount importance to orthodontists, since tongue.
timely recognition and intervention of an abnormal jaw • 2nd branchial arch (Hyoid arch) – its cartilage is known as
growth pattern by appropriate orthodontic appliances can the Reichert's cartilage. It gives rise to the following
restore the normal occlusion and facial harmony using the structures: muscles of facial expression, base of the
active growth period. tongue, lesser horns and upper part of the body of hyoid,
styloid process, stylohyoid ligament, stapes.
M2-Lesson 2 Difference between Growth and Development • 3rd, 4th, 6th branchial arches– they contribute to the
muscles and cartilages of the neck
• 5th branchial arch - is a transient structure

• “An increase in size or number.” - Profitt. (1986)

• Developmental increase in mass.’’- Stewart.(1982)
• “Increase in size, change in proportion, progressive
complexity” -Krogman
• “increase, expansion or extension of any given tissue.” -


• progress towards maturity (Todd)

• maturational process involving progressive

differentiation at the cellular and tissue levels” (Enlow)

• hypopharyngeal eminence will form the mucosa of the
posterior 1/3 of the tongue
The PowerPoint Presentation below will explain the prenatal • structures that form the anterior 2/3 of the tongue will fuse
development of the perioral region, tongue, and palate. with the components that form the posterior 1/3
• line of fusion is indicated in the adult tongue by the V-
shaped terminal sulcus
• A background on craniofacial growth and development is
• pit in the center of the terminal sulcus is called the foramen
necessary for
cecum, represents the origin of the thyroid gland, before it
every dentist
migrated inferiorly to take its final position in the neck
• It is important to distinguish normal variation from the
effects of abnormal
Development of the Palate
or pathologic processes
• palate is formed from a primary palate and a secondary
Development of the Perioral Region
Schematic representation of the
• secondary palate is formed from 2 palatine shelves, which
contribution of the embryonic
are tissue extensions from the
facial processes to the structures
maxillary prominences
of the adult face
• 2 palatine shelves, fuse together to form the secondary
4th week
Olfactory placodes
• This transverse section shows the development of the
(dashed circles) are
palate from a primary palate
visible on the surface of
(formed by intermaxillary segment) and a secondary palate
the frontonasal
(formed from left & right
prominence, the tissue
palatine shelves that fuse together)
that envelopes the
• The incisive foramen represents the anatomic boundary
between the primary palate and
secondary palate
6th week
• When the palatine shelves completely fuse, they also form
Growth centers that surround the nasal pits are termed the
the uvula
medial (mnp) and lateral (lnp) nasal prominences,
• If they don’t fuse? BIFID UVULA; CLEFT PALATE
premaxillary (premax) segment, two components of the
maxillary region (max and max′) and the mandibular (man)
portion of the first pharyngeal arch
M2-Lesson 4 Growth Of Craniofacial Skeleton
7th week Understanding the core concepts of growth
Stomodeum and development of the craniofacial skeleton and the impact
(primitive oral cavity of treatment on growth potential is vital to successful patient
management. The knowledge of growth and development of
craniofacial structures are necessary to attain a positive result
Development of the Tongue in orthodontic and orthopedic treatments as they are
• tongue begins its development during the 4th week specialization that works with the growth.
• forms on the floor of the pharynx from portions of the
arches 1,2,3,4, and the occipital somites (not
shown) Osteogenesis:
• first pharyngeal arch forms the median tongue bud, the Intramembranous bone formation
tuberculum impar and two lateral lingual Fontanelles of a newborn skullThe cranial vault is made up of
swellings a number of flat bones that
• as the two lateral lingual swellings expand, they completely are formed directly by intramembranous bone formation,
overgrow the median tongue bud without cartilaginous precursors
• these components will eventually form the mucosa of the
anterior 2/3 of the tongue As growth of surrounding soft tissues translates the maxilla
downward and forward, opening up space at its superior
• during the late 4th week, the 2nd arch forms an and posterior sutural attachments, new bone is added on
embryologic structure called copula both sides of the sutures by intramembranous ossification
• 3rd and 4th arches form a structure called the
hypopharyngeal (hypobranchial) eminence Osteogenesis: Endochondral bone formation
• during the 5th & 6th wks, the copula is overgrown by the From the Greek word, endon within and chondros meaning
hypopharyngeal eminence, copula eventually disappears cartilage
• Remember: Intramembranous and endochondral • The direction of movement is toward the wide end
ossification do not imply that there are two kinds of bone of the V
tissue (membrane bone and cartilage bone), they refer • Simultaneous growth movement and enlargement
merely to the environments in which bone of the same kind proceeds by additions of bone on the inside with
develops removal from the outside
Difference between Cartilage and Bone .
Features Cartilage Bone Mechanisms of Bone Growth
Surface Soft, provide Rigid, hard,
characteristic flexibility to provides Mandible and palate
joints protection
Direction of Remodeling
growth Bidirectional Unidirectional Functions of remodeling:
Haversian .
system and Absent, non- Present, Mechanisms of Bone Growth
Volkmann’s calcified calcified
canals 1. Progressively create the changing size of each whole
Bone marrow Absent Present 2. Sequentially relocate each of the component regions
of the whole bone to allow for overall enlargement
3. Progressively shape the bone to accommodate its
Cells Chondrocytes Osteocytes various functions
4. Provide progressive fine-tune fitting of all the
separate bones to each other and to their contiguous,
Blood supply Nonvascular Vascular growing, functioning soft tissues

Response to Pressure Pressure Growth Movements:

pressure tolerant sensitive • Drift is movement towards depository surface
• Displacement is movement of the entire
bone as a whole unit
A. Deposition and Resorption • Bone simultaneously remodels by resorption
• Bone deposition (+) – part of the overall process of bone and deposition (to an equivalent extent)
enlargement; it is one • As the bone enlarges, it is simultaneously
phase of a multi-phase growth system; bone addition carried away from other bones in direct
• Bone resorption (-) – must accompany deposition; bone articulation with it
subtraction .
. .
. Mechanisms of Bone Growth
Image Growth movements: drift and displacement
Mechanisms of Bone Growth
• as the mandible grows in
length, the ramus is extensively Mechanisms of Bone Growth
modeled • As bone moves, there’s simultaneous
• bone at the tip of the condylar remodeling with deposition and resorption
process at an early age can be • Remodeling of the palatal vault (which is
found at the anterior surface of also the floor of the nose) moves it in the
the ramus some years later same direction as it is being translated;
bone is removed from the floor of the nose
Enlow’s V-principle and added to the roof of the mouth.
• Based on the basic concept that many facial and • On the anterior surface, however, bone is
cranial bones have a V-shaped configuration in 3- removed, partially canceling the forward
dimensions; facial growth process translation.
• Bone deposition occurs on the inner side of the V; • As the vault moves downward, the same
resorption takes place on the outer surface process of bone remodeling also widens it.
• The V moves from position A to B and, at the
same time, increases in overall dimensions
M2-Lesson 5 Theories of Craniofacial Growth

Suture, cartilage and soft tissue are structures that will

influence growth and development of bone.

The following are the different theories of craniofacial


1. Genetic Theory

Sutures, cartilages and soft tissue are considered as growth

centers. These are bone forming elements and primarily
under the control of heredity.

2. Sutural Theory by Sicher

Sicher believed that craniofacial growth occurs at the

sutures. Paired parallel sutures that attach the facial areas to
the skull and the cranial base region push the nasomaxillary
complex downward and forward to pace its growth
with mandible

4. Functional Matrix Theory by Moss

Moss believed that bone growth within craniofacial

skeleton is influenced primarily by function. This theory was
developed complimentary to the original concept of
functional cranial component by Van der Klaauw. This theory
explained that as the soft tissues grow, both bone and
cartilage also grow in response to soft tissue growth.

3. Cartilaginous Theory by Scott

Scott believed that cartilaginous areas of skull are the

primary centers of growth. Sutures play little or no direct role
in the development of craniofacial skeleton. According to
him, the intrinsic controlling factors are present in the
M2-Lesson 7 Postnatal Development of Craniofacial Complex

A. Cranial Case

Growth of the cranial case/calvarium is linked to growth

of the brain. The cranial vault initially grows much more
rapidly than the facial bones in order to keep pace with the
developing brain, 90% of which is complete by 5 years of age.

Growth Site: Sutures

Increase in Width – coronal, lamdoidal, interparietal

sutures, parietosphenoidal,parietotemporal sutures

Increase in Height – temporal, occipital, sphenoidal


Increase in Length – coronal suture

5. Petrovic's Theory

This theory is about growth of bone as a response to a

feedback mechanism that occur as a result of bone growth of
adjacent bone structures.

B. Cranial Base

The cranial base is of crucial importance in integrated

craniofacial development. As distinct from facial bones, it is
formed through endochondral
Summary of Controlling Factors Of Craniofacial Growth ossification. Cranial base growth is due to
proliferation of cartilage and its replacement by bone,
1. Intrinsic genetic factors - genetic influences originating primarily at synchondrosis.
from the skull tissues. Example RNA, DNA
Growth Site: Synchondrosis
2. Local epigenetic factors - genetically determined
influences originating from adjacent structures. Example 1. Intersphenoidal synchondrosis – disappear at birth
brain, eyes
3. General epigenetic factors - genetically determined 2. Intraoccipital synchondrosis – disappear during 3-
influences originating from distant structures. Example 5yrs old
sex hormones
4. Local environmental factors - non - genetic influences 3. Spheno-occipital synchondrosis -disappear during
originating from external environments. Example muscle 20th yr
4. Spheno-ethmoidal synchondrosis - disappear during 5-
5. General environmental factors - non - genetic influences
originating from external environment . Example food
and oxygen supply
Scammon's Curve

Stages of maxillary growth

1. Sutural Growth. It continues till 10 years of age then

becomes less significant
2. Alveolar process development. It will add to the
height of the maxilla
3. Subperiosteal bone formation. Occurs throughout life
serves as a main factor for the growth of the maxilla.
4. Enlargement of the maxillary sinus
5 Bone resorption & bone deposition

Maxilla is joined to cranium by 4 sutures: frontomaxillary

suture, zygomaticomaxillary suture, zygomaticotemporal
suture, pterygopalatine suture
M2-Lesson 7 Postnatal Development of Craniofacial Complex
Part 2

C. Maxilla

Growth of the cranial base influences the growth of

maxilla. Position of maxilla is dependent on the growth of
sphenospheno-occipital synchondrosis. Growth of maxilla is
mainly intramembranous and similar to cranial vault. The
development/growth of maxilla is completed early when
compared to mandible. Maxilla (especially width) also follows
closely neural growth curve more than the general growth
curve in Scammon’s curve. Maxilla cannot be considered as a
separate bone, it has to be nasomaxillary complex because of
close association or attachment of maxilla to cranial base.

Maxilla is joined to cranial base by 2 synchondrosis

namely spheno-occipital synchondrosis and spheno-
ethmoidal synchondrosis

Increase in Height of maxilla is contributed by alveolar

bone, downward growth of orbital, nasal, palate (nasal
floor:resorption, inferior of palate:deposition), palate in Condylar cartilage of mandible serves as articular cartilage in
Expanding V TMJ, characterized by a fibrocartilage which is a growth
cartilage analogous to epiphysial plate of a long bone. The
Increase in Width of maxilla is contributed by pterygoid formation of bone within the condylar heads causes the
process, buccal segment, palate (Expanding V), sutures: mandibular rami to grow upward and backward , displacing
ethmoid, lacrimal, nasal, zygomatic: the entire mandible in an opposite downward and forward

Increase in Length of maxilla is through maxillary


D. Mandible

At birth, the two rami of mandible are quite short. Mandible

Condylar development is minimal and there is no articular
eminence in the glenoid fossa. A thin line of fibrocartilage and 1. Increase in Height:
connective tissue exists at midline of symphysis to separate
right and left mandibular bones. Between 4 months of age - ramus, condyle, alveolar process
and the end of first year, the symphysial cartilage is replaced
2. Increase in Width:
by bone. During the first year of life, appositional growth is
especially active at the alveolar border, at the distal and - Expanding V, posterior border of ramus
superior surfaces of the ramus, at the condyle, along the
lower border of the mandible and on its lateral surfaces - apposition on all surfaces

Mandible is an “expanding V”. Additive growth at the 3. Increase in Length or Depth:

ends of this “V” naturally increase the distance between the
terminal points. Continued growth of alveolar bone with the - condyle, posterior border of ramus
developing dentition increases the height of the mandibular.
- lingual tuberosity • When a tooth is subjected to a continuous force, it
moves, as the force applied altered the previous
• These continuous forces that move teeth may be caused
M2-Lesson 8 Dynamics of Facial Growth
by abnormal oral habits like thumb sucking, or by
orthodontic forces delivered by appliances, brackets and
The growth in each region of the face involves two basic
factors: (1) the amount of growth by any given part and (2)
• This module will deal with the biophysical considerations
the direction of growth by that part. The brain
in moving teeth using orthodontic appliances specifically
establishes the various boundaries that determine the
the wires.
amount of facial growth. This is because the floor of the
cranium is the template upon which the face is constructed.
Module 3
A. Differential Growth Biophysical Considerations in Orthodontics

In the face, height or vertical growth shows the greatest Definition of Terms
incremental change followed by depth or anteroposterior
length and width. The width of the face showed the least The elastic behavior of any material is
change. defined in terms of its stress–strain response
to an external force (load).
In the differential growth of the various parts of the face,
Both stress and strain refer to the internal
the height of the cranium and the width of the face are the
state of the material being studied:
closest to adult size by birth. Then growth is generally
Stress – pressure when force acting upon an
completed first in the head then width of the face and last in
object distorts or produces deformation; is the
length or depth of the face
internal distribution of the load, defined as
force per unit area
Strain - the internal distortion produced by
B. Clinical Application the load, defined as deflection per unit length
Definition of Terms
Growth factors are important to pedodontist and
orthodontist. Mandibular intercanine width is relatively Stress may assume one of several forms
complete by nine to ten years of age in both boys and girls. In depending on the manner of force application:
the maxilla, intercanine width is complete by 12 years of age Tension – tends to pull the molecules apart
in girls but continue to grow until 18 years of age for boys. Compression – tends to crowd molecules
The final horizontal growth of the mandible of boys will lead together
to a forward movement of mandibular base and the maxillary Shear or torsion twisting – causes molecules
intercanine dimension serves as a "safety valve" for this basal to slide over one another
discrepancy. Elasticity – mechanical property of solids which
appear rigid and unyielding that can be
Most of the malocclusion cases confronting the
deformed temporarily or permanently
orthodontists involve disturbance of anteroposterior
Elastic Properties of Orthodontic Wires
relationship of jaw and teeth. The redirection of growth using
appliances offers the greatest hope to the orthodontist to
• For analysis, orthodontic archwires and springs can be
improve this type of malocclusion. The best time to influence
considered as beams, supported either only on one
growth will be the period just before and during puberty.
end (e.g., a spring projecting from a removable
Growth spurt is sex linked. The first growth spurt for both
appliance) or on both ends (the segment of an archwire
boys and girls is age 3, second peak is from 6 to 7 years in girls
spanning between attachments on adjacent teeth)
and 7 to 9 in boys. The third peak is 11 to 12 years in girls and
• If a force is applied to such a beam, its response can
14 to 15 in boys.
be measured as the deflection (bending or twisting)
produced by the force.
• Force and deflection are external measurements
M2 While Task-2 • Stress and strain are internal measurements
• Internal stress and strain can be calculated from force
Biophysical Consideration in Orthodontics and deflection by considering the cross-sectional area
and length of the beam
• The dentition is in equilibrium even while teeth are Cantilever and supported beams
subjected to a variety of forces. They do not move to a Source: Proffit, W.R et.al. (2019). Contemporary Orthodontics
new location under normal circumstances like chewing, (6th Ed). Philadelphia: Elsevier Inc
swallowing, and speaking.
Elastic Properties of Orthodontic Wires point where stress and strain still have a linear relationship
(this linear
1. Stiffness (load deflection rate) – a means of resistance to relationship is known as Hooke’s law).
deformation; a measure of force required • Precisely determining this point can be difficult, so a more
to deform or bend a material to a definite distance; other practical
things being equal, a stiffer wire delivers indicator is the yield strength—the intersection of the stress–
proportionally more force to a tooth strain curve
The mechanical property is described as: with a parallel line offset at 0.1% strain.
2. Strength (maximum load) – a measure of maximum • Typically, the true elastic limit lies between these two
possible load; it indicates the total capacity for points, but both
delivering forces. Measures in units of stress, megapascals serve as good clinical estimates of how much force or
(Mpa), gm/cm2 and psi (1MPa=10,197 deflection a wire
gm/cm2 = 145 psi) can withstand before permanent deformation occurs.
The mechanical property is described as: • The maximum load the wire can sustain—the ultimate
3. Range – (maximum deflection) – a measure of how far a tensile strength
wire can be bent without permanent —is reached after some permanent deformation and is
deformation or breakage; it indicates how far a tooth can be greater than the
moved with a single adjustment yield strength.
The mechanical property is described as proportional • This ultimate strength determines the maximum force the
to L wire can deliver
*Stiffness and strength are directly proportional to the width if used as a spring, so it also is important clinically, especially
in rectangular wires. because
*Doubling the width will double the total capacity and the yield strength and ultimate strength differ much more for the
force required for the same amount of newer
bending deflection. Source: Proffit, W.R et.al. (2019). titanium alloys than for steel wires.Elastic Properties of
Contemporary Orthodontics (6th Ed). Philadelphia: Elsevier Orthodontic Wires
Elastic Properties of Orthodontic Wires
• Three different points on a stress–strain diagram can be
• For orthodontic purposes, strength, stiffness, range can be taken as
defined by appropriate reference to a representative of the strength of a material
force (load)–deflection or stress–strain diagram: • The first two points attempt to describe the elastic limit of
• Stiffness: given by the slope of the linear portion of the the material, the
curve; the more vertical the slope, the stiffer the wire, the point at which any permanent deformation is first observed.
more horizontal the slope, the more flexible the wire • The most conservative measure is the proportional limit,
• Range: distance along the x-axis to the point at which the highest
permanent deformation occurs (yield point, at which 0.1% point where stress and strain still have a linear relationship
permanent deformation has occurred); measured in mm (this linear
• Springback: occurs if the wire is deflected beyond the yield relationship is known as Hooke’s law).
point (as to the point indicated here as “arbitrary clinical • Precisely determining this point can be difficult, so a more
loading”), but it no longer returns to its original shape practical
• Failure point: the wire breaks indicator is the yield strength—the intersection of the stress–
• Strength: measure of force a material can withstand before strain curve
it permanently deforms; Strength = stiffness x range with a parallel line offset at 0.1% strain.
Typical force–deflection curve for an elastic • Typically, the true elastic limit lies between these two
material: orthodontic archwire points, but both
Source: Proffit, W.R et.al. (2019). Contemporary Orthodontics serve as good clinical estimates of how much force or
(6th Ed). Philadelphia: Elsevier Inc deflection a wire
Elastic Properties of Orthodontic Wires can withstand before permanent deformation occurs.
• The maximum load the wire can sustain—the ultimate
• Three different points on a stress–strain diagram can be tensile strength
taken as —is reached after some permanent deformation and is
representative of the strength of a material greater than the
• The first two points attempt to describe the elastic limit of yield strength.
the material, the • This ultimate strength determines the maximum force the
point at which any permanent deformation is first observed. wire can deliver
• The most conservative measure is the proportional limit, if used as a spring, so it also is important clinically, especially
the highest because
yield strength and ultimate strength differ much more for the loops into the archwire, as shown in
newer the lower arch here, to increase the
titanium alloys than for steel wires. length of the beam segments between
Effect of Wire Diameter or Cross-Section on Properties of adjacent teeth; or using multistranded
Wire or small-diameter steel wires, as
shown in the upper arch
• Each of the major elastic properties, strength, stiffness and Orthodontic Wires
range, is affected by the geometry of a wires
• Both the cross-section (rectangular, round, square) and the • Stainless Steel – has 18% chromium and 8% nickel. It is
length of the wire are of great significance in sometimes called 18-8
determining its properties stainless steel
• Changing the diameter (d) of a beam, no matter how it is • Cobalt – Chromium Alloys – marketed as Elgiloy by RMO.
supported, greatly affects its properties It can be heat-treated.
• As the figures below the drawing indicate, doubling the The softest Elgiloy when heat treated can become
diameter of a cantilever beam makes it 8 times as strong equivalent to a regular stainless
and 16 times as stiff and reduces the range by half steel
• More generally, when beams of any type made from two • Nickel – Titanium (NiTi) Alloys – marketed as Nitinol (Ni
sizes of wire are compared, strength changes as a cubic for nickel, Ti for titanium
function of the ratio of the two cross-sections; and NOL for Naval Ordnance Laboratory). It is well known for
• Springiness changes as the fourth power of the ratios; its shape memory and
• Range changes as a direct proportion (but the precise superelasticity
ratios are different from those for cantilever beams) • Beta – Titanium – marketed as TMA by Ormco / Sybron. The
Effect of Length on Properties of Wire acronym TMA stands
for Titanium Molybdenum Alloy. It is used for later stages of
• Changing either the length of a beam or the way in which it Edgewise treatmentOrthodontic Wires
is attached dramatically affects its properties
• Doubling the length of a cantilever beam cuts its strength in • Stainless Steel – has 18% chromium and 8% nickel. It is
half, reduces its stiffness by 8 times, and gives it 4 times the sometimes called 18-8
range stainless steel
• More generally, strength varies inversely with length, • Cobalt – Chromium Alloys – marketed as Elgiloy by RMO.
whereas stiffness varies as a cubic function of the length It can be heat-treated.
ratios and range as a The softest Elgiloy when heat treated can become
second power function equivalent to a regular stainless
• Supporting a beam on both ends makes it much stronger steel
but also much stiffer than supporting it on only one end • Nickel – Titanium (NiTi) Alloys – marketed as Nitinol (Ni
• Note that if a beam is rigidly attached on both ends, it is for nickel, Ti for titanium
twice as strong and 4 times as stiff as a beam of the same and NOL for Naval Ordnance Laboratory). It is well known for
material and length its shape memory and
that can slide over the abutments superelasticity
• For this reason, the elastic properties of an orthodontic • Beta – Titanium – marketed as TMA by Ormco / Sybron. The
archwire are affected by whether it is tied tightly or held acronym TMA stands
loosely in a bracket for Titanium Molybdenum Alloy. It is used for later stages of
Effects of Diameter and Length on Elastic Properties of Wires Edgewise treatment
Orthodontic Wires
• A removable appliance
incorporating a cantilever spring for • Useful archwire sizes in various materials
initial tipping of a maxillary canine (dimensions in mils)
toward a premolar extraction site. • 0.016 inch = 16 mil
• Note that a helix has been bent into
the base of the cantilever spring,
effectively increasing its length to
obtain more desirable mechanical
Effects of Diameter and Length on Elastic Properties of Wires

• Improved springiness and range with

steel archwires can be obtained by
either of two strategies: bending
M3 Introduction-2

Spot welding is the process of joining two pieces of

metals by means of heat generated by a blow of electric
current of a special equipment known as the spot welder. A
spot welder is a very useful equipment for fabricating
appliances like space maintainers, habit-breaking
STRENGTH appliances, minor tooth movement appliances, etc. Prior to
 How easily a material will break and how much force it can band formation, the tooth or teeth to be banded must be
deliver separated from the tight contact with the adjacent tooth or
 The stonger the wire, the higher force it can deliver teeth. Molar bands may be fitted and fabricated directly in
 Related to 3 factors in the stress-strain curve the mouth of the patient or indirectly on stone models.
 Proportional limit: wire is purely elastic and will return back
to its original shape M3 Pre-Task
 Yield strength: where measurable permanent deformation
starts Tooth Separation
 Ultimate tensile strength: maximum amount of stress the
material can handle Tight interproximal contact of the posterior teeth
 Failure point is when the wire breaks necessitates tooth separation prior to placement of the
STIFFNESS molar bands. Tooth separation is made possible by inserting
 How flexible a wire is and how much force it a device to push the teeth apart long enough for the teeth
will deliver as it returns back to its original to be separated and create space wherein, bands are to be
shape fitted. There are several types of separators that can be
 Represented by the slope of the elastic used, these are: separating springs, ligature wire or copper
portion of the stress-strain curve wire, elastomeric separators (ring or doughnut), and the like
which can be left in place for several days to not more than
 Stiffness and springiness are indirectly
two weeks.
proportional to each other
 Distance the wire can deflect elastically before permanent
deformation occurs
 How far a wire can be deflected while maintaining its
elasticity (loading/activation) Separation is an orthodontic procedure which aims to slightly
 How far and by extension how long the wire can remain loosen tight interproximal contacts between teeth to create
active (unloading/deactivation) space for accurate fitting of the orthodontic bands. The
 Strength = stiffness x range following are the step by step procedure.

springback 1. Oral Examination

Wire is deflected beyond the yield point, but it no longer
With the use of the mouth mirror and explorer, check for
returns to its original shape
tight contacts of the permanent upper or lower first
permanent molars.
Wire material size
 Stiffest to least strong: SS > TMA > NiTi 2. Separation with an elastomeric separators (ring or
 Increasing the diameter: Increases doughnut)
strength and decreases range
 Increasing the length: Increases range • Two loops of dental floss is placed on the ring to
and decreases strength and stiffness stretched the separator.
 Rectangular wire is stronger and stiffer • The floss is slipped through the interproximal contacts of
than a round wire of the same dimension the molar and the separator is pulled below the contact.
• The dental floss is removed. Indication
• Teeth with tight contact
• Teeth with no adjacent tooth

2 sets of Sterilized four basic instruments
Articulator with complete set of
permanent teeth (Typodont)
Disposable gloves
Patients’ disposable bib
Aligator clip
Enamel tray
Disposable tray cover
Cotton dispenser
Waist receiver
Dental floss
Step 2 Elastic separators
In the completion of the activity, elastic separators must be Laboratory uniform
placed into the tight contact of adjacent teeth with elastic
separators properly in placed as shown in the picture. Procedure
1. Oral Examination
With the use of the mouth mirror and explorer, check for
tight contact of the permanent upper or lower first

Image or icon
2. Separation with elastomeric separators
2.1 Two loops of dental floss is placed on the
ring to stretched the separator.
2.2 The floss is slipped throughout the
interproximal contact of the molar and
the separator is pulled below contact.
2.3 The doughnut is pulled upward and
slipped into position
2.4 The dental floss is removed
2.5 Have it checked by the teacher •

Other Types Of Tooth


Molar Separation
• Enumerate the materials used in molar separation
• Explain the step by step procedure in molar separation Separating spring Brass wire

firing switch is pressed continuously
firing switch
on/off switch +
heat selector
Parts of a spot welder
4. turrets
upper turret
-has 3 copper electrodes and 1 carbon tip which
may be rotated into position for whatever tip is desired
lower turret
Elastic separators -has 4 copper electrodes, each is capable of being
rotated into position for use
-this turret is attached to the pressure pad (when
the pressure pad is depressed, the upper and lower
turrets are separated)
-note: it is important to keep the electrode tips
clean and not corroded to maintain the good working
condition and to expect an ideal result of the weld or
lower turret
upper turret
Dumbbel separator Parts of a spot welder
5. pressure pad
-spring-loaded to give firm pressure between
the electrodes
-has a locking switch underneath
-current may be routed through the extension
cables if pressure pad is locked open
6. 2 extension cables
-usually attached on top or at the side of the
unit housing
-each of these cables has 2 reversible tips,
one is a notched brass tip and the other is a
brass alligator clip or tapped carbon tip
Image or iconMolar Separation Using Pliers
• The elastomeric ring is
placed over the beaks of the
pliers and stretched
• One side is snapped
through the contact area
• The pliers is slipped out so
that the doughnut or
separator surrounds the
contact area of the teeth.Image or icon

Parts of a
spot welder
1. unit housing (including the controls)
2. on/off switch + heat selector
-note: the thickness of the metal to be welded is directly
proportional to the setting of the rheostat
3. weld/solder firing switch
-for spot welding, press the firing switch
2-3 times
-for soldering, the heat selector switch is
moved to the soldering position (S) and the
red polishing
stone bur
Spot welding procedure
1. Using your explorer, scrape off 0.5-1 mm
around the subgingival area of the molar to be
2. Wrap the molar band strip encircling the
molar then using your How pliers, then draw
the free ends of the band tightly to the middle
of the lingual surface.

Spot welding procedure

3. Still using your How pliers, pinch the excess
band material on the lingual as close as
possible to the surface of the molar. On the
opposite surface, adapt the band material
securely on the buccal groove using the
amalgam plugger.
The joint of the excess band material should be
kept vertical and parallel to the long axis of the

Spot welding procedure

4. Very carefully remove the band from the
model cast and examine its contour. The
excess band material on the lingual should be
on the same level.
5. Now using the spot welder, weld the legs of
the band close to the joint at three individual
points. More than one weld secures a strong
weld. Don’t press the firing switch unless the
parts to be welded are touching each other in
Recognizing a good weld order to prevent a spark gap which can burn
A weld is considered a good one if the metal seems to these points
clump together with no burned area. This is achieved if the Spot welding procedure
following factors are considered: 6. Using a sharp pair of laboratory scissors, cut
off the excess leaving around 2 mm tab.
7. Fold the tab close to the band, press it using
the How pliers then weld the tab at another 2–3
8. Smoothen or polish all sharp or rough
surfaces of the band using red stone. Spot welding procedure
Spot welding
6. Using a sharp pair of laboratory scissors, cut
off the excess leaving around 2 mm tab.
7. Fold the tab close to the band, press it using
the How pliers then weld the tab at another 2–3
Materials for spot welding
model cast
8. Smoothen or polish all sharp or rough
Roach carver
surfaces of the band using red stone.
molar band (0.005”X0.18”)
2 inches long
9. Seat the band back to the model cast and try to
How (110) plier
better the fit with the use of the amalgam plugger.
Bird Beak (139) plier
10. Remove the band again and crimp its occlusal
laboratory scissors
and gingival peripheries using the 139 pliers prior to
cementation. Try your best to achieve close
plugger no. 3
proximity between the band and the tooth to assure
good retention.
Note that retention is not dependent on the cement
for the thicker the cement layer between the tooth
and the band, the weaker its retention is

M3 Lesson 2 Types of Band Fabrication

The actual band fabrication is almost identical for the

direct and indirect techniques. The only difference being is
that in the indirect technique, bands are made on model What is orthodontic study model
casts of the patient’s teeth. On the other hand, most of the It is an essential diagnostic record which help
shaping of the band material in the direct technique is done to study the occlusion and dentition from
directly on the patient's oral cavity. all 3 dimensions. The models are used as pre-treatment
Nowadays, preformed bands are widely used. models, stage models and post treatment models.
Uses of Orthodontic Study Models
1. Represent the case prior to orthodontic treatment.
2. Aid the dentist in diagnosing and analyzing the case.
3. Permit inspection from perspectives that are impossible
to obtain when looking in the patient’s mouth.
4. Permit extended observations and comparisons far
beyond the patient’s endurance for holding his/her
mouth open and are available for study during patient’s
5. Be used in educating the patient about her/his case
(dental need and treatment plan).
6. Show the orthodontic treatment progress.
Parts of a Study Model Cast

Bands are
being shaped to approximate the anatomical contours of all
teeth. Conveniently, a wide range of sizes are readily
available in the market. In using preformed bands, it is The orthodontic study model cast is composed of two parts:
critical to select the proper size of band as you fit it either A) Art portion: The part that serves as the plaster base to
on a cast or intraorally. There are permanent markings on the anatomic portion.
the mesial surface of preformed bands signifying the size B) Anatomic portion: The part which reproduces the dental
and quadrant. Trim and recontour if deemed necessary. arch and its surrounding soft structures pdf file

M4 Introduction-2 M4 Lesson 2 Impression taking and Bite registration

A study cast is a positive copy of the maxillary and MATERIALS
mandibular arches for the purpose of further study, Orthodontic plaster
examination, treatment planning, and as a guide for further Plaster bowl and spatula
comparison after a series of treatments. Base former
Accurate trimming of orthodontic study models facilitates Carving knife
proper diagnosis and treatment planning. Well-trimmed, Fine sandpaper
esthetically pleasing models reflect the practitioner’s Cast trimmer pencil &ruler
attention to detail and are a part of the patient’s legal
treatment record.
M4 Lesson 1 Definition/Uses/Parts STUDY MODEL

1. All details are reproduced, including the complete

peripheral turn and a portion of retromolar pads or
2. Detail is sharp, not blurred or indistinct. 3. Fill the base formers with orthodontic plaster.
3. Free of voids in critical areas and free of large folds of
alginate. • Ensure a degree of centralization
4. No areas where alginate has pulled away from the tray. • Do not push the impression tray too deeply
5. Free of rips and tears except in interproximal areas. • Make sure the bottom of impression tray, the occlusal
6. Alginate thoroughly covers the tray, no tray visible surface of impression, and the bottom of the base
through alginate. former are all parallel
7. Free of bulges or depressions that indicate a subsurface
4. Allow the time for orthodontic plaster to set.
8. Alginate is smooth, not sponge-like.
5. Once it sets, remove the tray and alginate carefully to avoid
Characteristics of a good impression

3. VESTIBULES ARE INCLUDED IN THE IMPRESSION 1. Remove all nodules and imperfections with sharp
2. Soak the models in water for 5-15 minutes. Use the gentle
trimmer and firm pressure.

M4 Lesson 4 Trimming, Labeling, Polishing and Glazing

Articulating paper is used to check if the patient has After base-forming, the model casts are now to be prepared
balanced bite contacts on the left and right side. for trimming.
Always rehearse biting into maximum intercuspation with the Steps in trimming preparation
patient prior to expressing the bite registration material onto
the preparations. 1. Remove all nodules and imperfections with sharp
Put the bite registration material onto the occlusal surfaces of
the teeth and have the patient bite, make sure that the 2. Soak the models in water for 5-15 minutes. Use the gentle
rehearsed bite is done correctly. trimmer and firm pressure.

Once the bite is set, try it back into the mouth to verify its fit.
M1 Lesson 4 Trimming, Labeling, Polishing and Glazing

The easiest way to trim the registration is with a scalpel or A) Starting with upper model
carver. Trim away any area where the registration was in 1. Occlude upper model on rubber pad.
contact with soft tissue, or any excess material beyond the 2. Trim the base until case exhibit 1/3 art
occlusal surfaces. portion and 2/3 anatomic portion.
The trimmed bite registration should only cover the occlusal 3. Check the paralellism of the occlusal
or the incisal thirds of the teeth. plane by placing the teeth on the
horizontal surface and comparing the base
of cast to the horizontal surface.
STEPS IN POURING THE STUDY MODEL 4. Occlude the upper and lower models
with wax bite in place.
1. Mix the mixture of orthodontic plaster (50% stone; 50%
plaster of paris) 5. Check the relationship of the last
2. Pour the alginate impressions with orthodontic plaster. molars to each other. If the lower
molars extend significantly further
• Flow into the tooth portions from the palate in maxilla than the upper molar, mark a line
• Flow into the tooth position from the posterior aspect the distance of the extension to the
and around the arch in mandible 1 cm distance from the last molar of
the lower molar.
3. Take the mandibular cast, trim the anterior
B) Upper model posterior side region 3-3
1. Mark a light pencil line down the midline cuspid to within 7 mm of the most
suture of the model for reference. protruded anterior tooth or
2. Mark the line of posterior side from the mucobuccal fold, whichever most
perpendicular to midline suture of the model. labial.
3. Trim the posterior side following the line. 5. Carefully, round off the anterior borders
C) Upper model lateral sides of the cast. There
1. Mark the line of lateral sides at 60° from is no tool to assist you in rounding the
posterior side at the right and left side of the anterior border, you
model. must use your dexterity.
2. The line should be 1 cm from buccal surfaces 6. Lightly touch all trimmed surfaces of
of the teeth (the side should not be trimmed both models on
beyond the depths of the buccal fold). the fine wheel until heavy scratches are
3. Trim the lateral sides following the line. removed.

H) Model finishing and glazing

D) Upper model anterior sides 1. Sculpting and repairs can be done prior to
1. Mark the line of anterior sides at 30° from the soaping and finishing the complete models.
lateral sides to a point beginning at the midline and 2. With a lab knife or other suitable
ending at the cuspids-preserving the anterior buccal instrument, even up irregularities of the
fold. maxillary cast and lingual portion.
2. The line must be equal on both sides of the cast. 3. Remove the bubbles and other artifacts
3. Trim the anterior sides following the line. with scale.
E) Upper model heel sides 4. Make the depth of the vestibule visible.
1. Mark the line of heel sides at 5. Fill in and patch air bubbles in models
120° from posterior side. where needed any small holes while the
2. The line must be equal on both sides models are still wet with a thin mix of plaster.
of the cast. 6. Set models aside to dry.
3. Trim the heel sides follow the line. 7. After models have dried, using a wet-dry
grade of fine-grit sandpaper wet sand the
F) Establishing the base of mandibular cast casts to remove the scratches left by
1. Occlude the mandibular cast with grinding wheel.
the maxillary cast using the wax. 8. When sanding the posterior borders, the sides and the
2. With the base against the grinding wheel, heels of the models, it must be in centric occlusion and
cut the base of mandibular cast (parallel to the borders made smooth at the same time.
maxillary cast) 9. Allow models to thoroughly dry (at least 24 hours).
3. Trim the base until case exhibit the 1/3 10. Soak 20 minutes in warm concentrated soap solution.
art portion and 2/3 anatomic portion. 11. Permit models to dry and rub with chamois skin or
G) Lower model posterior sides nylon until glossy.
1. With the wax bite still in place, position the models
in a vertical position on the trimming table. STUDY CAST LABEL
2. Place the base of maxillary cast on the trimming I) Label the casts
table. • Label models with:
3. Trim until the posterior borders of mandibular cast. 1. Patient’s Name
4. Preserve the retromolar pad of mandibular cast 2. Age in YEARS.MONTHS (e.g. 30.8)
and tuberosity of maxillary cast. 3. Gender
4. Date Taken
F) Establish lower model heel sides and 5. Clinician’s Name
lateral sides according to the upper cast
G) Lower model anterior side Placed at the back of the maxillary and mandibular casts using
1. With the occluded models, trim the anterior sides of printable vinyl sticker paper
the model.
2. Maintained the same amount of anatomy extension
as on the upper model.
3. Both sides the same length and angulations of the
• Made up of a number of
bones that are formed
by intramembranous bone
formation, without
• Apposition of new bone at
sutures is the major
for growth of the cranial vault

• Although the majority of growth in the

cranial vault occurs at the sutures, there
is a tendency for bone to be removed
GROWTH OF THE CRANIOFACIAL COMPLEX from the inner surface of the cranial
vault, while at the same time, new bone
AREAS OF THE CRANIOFACIAL COMPLEX is added on the exterior surface.
• Cranial Vault • This remodeling of the inner and outer
• Cranial Base surfaces allows for changes in contour
Maxilla (Nasomaxillary Complex) during growth,
• Mandible Enter
Theories of Growth Control
• Sutural Dominance Theory (Sicher') CRANIAL BASE
• Cartilaginous Theory / Nasal Septum
Theory (Scott's Hypothesis)
• Functional Matrix Theory (Moss'
• Servosystem Theory (Petrovic')

1. The cranial vault, the bones that cover the upper and
outer surface of the brain
2. The cranial base, the bony floor under the brain, which
also is the dividing line between the cranium and the
3. The nasomaxillary complex, made up of the nose, • Formed initially as bands of cartilage
maxilla, and associated small bones called synchondroses and are later
4. The mandible transformed by endochondral
ossification to bone
- Growth centers of the cranial base:
1. Spheno-occipital synchondrosis ● Interestingly, as the maxilla grows downward and
2. Intersphenoid synchondrosis forward, its front surface are remodeled, almost the
3. Spheno-ethmoidalsynchondrosis entire anterior surface of the maxilla is an area of
resorption, not apposition.
Page 2 ● The alveolar process is a resorptive area, so removal
of bone from the surface here tends to cancel some
MAXILLARY (NASOMAXILLARY COMPLEX) of the forward growth that otherwise would occur
● Develops postnatally entirely by intramembranous because of translation of the entire maxilla.
● Since there is no cartilage replacement growth
occurs in two ways:
1. By apposition of bone at the sutures that
connect the maxilla to the cranium and
cranial bone
2. By surface remodeling
● Growth through a considerable distance downward
and forward relative to the cranium and cranial bone
● This is accomplished in two ways:
1. By a push from behind created by cranial
base growth
- Since the maxilla is attached to the
anterior end of the cranial base,
lengthening of the cranial base
pushes it forward which is an
important part of its growth up
until about age of 6
2. By growth at the sutures ● Remodeling of the maxilla produces an additive
effect on the ROOF OF THE MOUTH
● This area is carried downward and forward along
with the rest of the maxilla, but at the same time,
bone is removed on the nasal side and added on the
oral side, thus creating an additional downward and
forward movement of the palate.

Part of the posterior border of the maxilla is a free surface in

the tuberosity region. Bone is added at this surface, creating
additional space into which the primary and then the
permanent molar teeth successively erupt.

● Gows via endochondral ad periosteal activity

● Grows via displacement created by the cranial base
● Principal growth sites:
1. Posterior surface of the ramus
2. Condylar process
3. Coronoid process
- Proliferation of connective tissue between 2 bones
causes bones to separate, hence the need to create
more bone

MANDIBLE • Cartilaginous Theory / Nasal Septum Theory ( Scott’s
• Conceptually, it is correct to view the mandible as Hypothesis )
being translated downward and forward, while at - Cartilage plays a dominant role in facial growth.
the same time increasing in size by growing upward - Sutural growth is only a response to the growth of
and backward the cartilaginous tissue
• The translation occurs largely as the bone moves downward - Scott stated that the cartilage of the nasal septum
and forward along with The soft tissues in which it is plays a major role in the pacing of the growth of the
embedded. maxilla


• Functional Matrix theory (Moss’ Hypothesis)

- Bone and Cartilage lack growth determination and
only grow in response to the growth of other tissues
associated with it, which is called as the "functional
• Genetic character of bone is found not in bone but in
the "functional matrix”
• Skeletal tissues only grow in response to the function of
• In infancy the ramus is located at about the spot
the soft tissue matrix.
where the primary first molar will erupt.
• Progressive posterior remodeling creates space for
the second primary molar and then for the
sequential eruption of the permanent molar teeth
• More often than not, however, this growth ceases
orthodontic study model cast is composed of two parts:
before enough space has been created for eruption
A) Art portion: The part that serves as the plaster base
of the third permanent molar, which becomes
to the anatomic portion.
impacted in the ramus.
B) Anatomic portion: The part which reproduces the
dental arch and its surrounding soft structures
• SUTURAL DOMINANCE THEORY (Sicher’s Hypothesis)
- Sutures caused most of the growth
Impression taking
• Details of the dentition and soft
tissue structures are completely
These are measurement guides that may vary depending on
• Free of voids/bulges
the vertical dimensions
Bite registration
I) Label the casts
• Rubber impression material
• Bite wax • Label models with:
1. Patient's Name
- To record the patient's bite in
passive centric occlusion 2. Age in YEARS.MONTHS (e.g. 30.8)
3. Gender
5. Clinician's Name
Danielle O. Lim
Danielle O. Lim 21.2/F

March 19, 2013 Dr. Christine S. Chny

Placed at the back of the maxillary and mandibular casts
using printable vinyl sticker paper


• Orthodontic plaster



• After models have dried, using a wet-dry grade of fine-grit
sandpaper wet sand the casts to remove the scratches left
by grinding wheel.
• Orthodontic base formers • When sanding the posterior borders, the sides and the
heels of the models, it must be in centric occlusion and the
borders made smooth at the same time.
• Allow models to thoroughly dry (at least 24 hours).
• Soak 20 minutes in warm concentrated soap solution.
• Permit models to dry and rub with chamois skin or nylon
until glossy
Neonatal Jaw Relationship
• No teeth, therefore no bite
• Neonatal jaw relationship can not be used as
diagnostic criterion for prediction of occlusion
• Mouth of the neonate however is provided
with a rich sensory guidance system that allow
vital neuromuscular functions such as:

Swallowing in utero
• Observed in utero in the last few
months of fetal life.
• It is believed that this plays an
important role in the activation of
the immune system of the infant
• It is also believed that the intake of
amniotic fluid helps with the
development of the GIT.
Suckling and Swallowing
• After respiration is established, the infant
needs to physiologically obtain milk
• To obtain milk, the infant does not suck it from
the mother's breast (it can not do so
physiologically as the tongue occupies the
M6: Wire bending entire oral cavity) rather it suckles
- 139 Plier (Bird beak plier) • Suckling and Infantile swallowing disappear
- 110 Plier (Howe plier) during the first year of life as milk is replaced
- Wire cutter
by solid food.
- Permanent marker – fine point
- Ruler - transparent
Page 2 - Feb. 22
- 0.030" SS wires (2 pcs)
- 0.028" SS wires (4 pcs)
● Suckling - consists of small nibbling movements of
PART 1 the lips, a reflex action in infants that stimulates the
MOUTH OF THE NEONATE smooth muscles causing them to contract to squirt
• Gum Pads milk into the mouth.
• At birth, the alveolar process are covered by gum ● Swallowing (infantile swallowing) - the tongue is
pads placed anteriorly where it contracts the lower lip to
ensure that the tongue receives the milk. The tongue
• These are segmented to indicate the sites of the grooves to allow the milk to flow posteriorly into the
developing teeth, pharynx and esophagus.
• Gums are firm (like that of an edentulous adult) ● Terms:
• Basic arch form is determined - Natal teeth - teeth present at birth
- Neonatal teeth - teeth erupt during the first
- Pre-erupted teeth - teeth erupt during the uter uter 2
o o yr.
2nd to 3rd months 2nd 19 18 11 10 29 27 3 3 yr.
mola wk. wk. mo. mo. mo mo. yr.
r in in .
uter uter
o o
Baby teeth
Tooth Max. Mand.
Central 10mo. 8mo.
Lateral 11 mo. 13 mo.
Canine 19 mo. 20 mo.
PRIMARY TEETH and OCCLUSION 1st molar 16 mo. 16 mo.
2nd molar 29 mo. 27 mo.

Calcification of the Primary Dentition

Normal sequence of primary tooth eruption (short-cut)
● Hardening of mineralization of tooth matrices

Primary tooth Onset of

ossification (IU,

Central 14

Lateral 16

Canine 17

1st Molar 15% Development of the primary occlusion

2nd Molar 18 (mandi), 19 Neuromuscular consideration

(max) - As the teeth touch starting from the incisors, the muscles
ERUPTION learn to effect the necessary functional occlusal
● The movement of teeth toward occlusion movements
● Variable, nut does not begin until root - Lesser variation in occlusal movements is seen in primary
formation has begun dentition that permanent dentition since the primary
● Precise arrival of teeth is not significant occlusion is being established during periods of ready
unless it deviates greatly from the average. developmental adaptation
- Teeth are guided to their occlusal position by the functional
matrix of muscles during very active growth of the facial

Primary dental arches

- Ovoid and display less variability in confrontation than the
permanent arch
- Generalized anterior interdental spacing is observed
- Primate space- a large space found mesial to the upper
Chronology of tooth development, primary dentition canine and distal the lower canine
Calcification Crown eruption Root
begins completed completed - Maxillary:1.5mm
Toot Max Man Max. Man ma man Ma man - Mandbular:2.5mm
h . d. d. x d x d
Centr 14w 14w 1 2 10 8mo 1 1½ Development of the Primary Dental Arch
al k. in k. in 1/2m 1/2m mo . ½ yr.
uter uter o. o. . yr.
o o • Tongue plays an important role, in the
Later 16w 16w 2 3 11 13 2 1
al k. in k. in 1/2m mo. mo mo. yr. 1/2 shaping of the dental arch, because the arch
uter uter o. . yr.
o o
follows the position of the tongue.
Cani 17w 17w 9 9 19 20m 3 3 • Role of the tongue diminishes when the
ne k. in k. in mo. mo. mo o. 1/ 1/4
uter uter . 2 yr. occlusal reflex, mature activity of the lips
o o yr.
1st 15w 15w 6 5 1/2 16 16 2 2 and cessation of nursing occurs.
mola k. in k. in mo. mo. mo mo. 1/ 1/4
r . yr.
• Anterio-posterior changes to the dental • The mesiolingual cusp of the maxillary
arch are minimal though changes in the molars occludes in the central fossae of the
maxilla is greater than that of the mandible mandibular molars
• Posterior width increases markedly than
that of the anterior width
• Palatal vault width increases from birth to 12
months and remains constant throughout the first

2 years

Occlusal Relations
• When the gum pads are in contact, the
mandibular arch is posterior to the • The mandibular second primary molar usually is
maxillary somewhat wider mesiodistally than the maxillary
• It is only upon the eruption of the primary giving rise to a the usual flush terminal plane.
molar that occlusion is established.
• The incisors are vertical with minimal
overjet and overbite.
• The primary posterior teeth occlude so that
the mandibular cusp articulates just ahead
of its corresponding maxillary cusp

• Interproximal caries, sucking, skeletal pattern,

tooth wear, etc. may cause the presence of a step
rather than a flush.
On the other hand, ideal occlusion is a hypothetical goal.
It is the perfect occlusion which can never be found in



• concept of normality must not be equated with with the

• normality should be thought of as central tendency for
the group
- Minimal growth differential • to use normal values for a group as the best goal of
treatment for an individual is not only illogical, it may
- forward growth of mandible indeed be harmful
- shift of teeth
• 28 teeth in proper arrangement and in balance
Normal Signs of Primary Dentition with all environmental and functional forces
1. Ovoid arch
2. Spaced anteriors
3. Presence of Primate space
4. Vertical inclination of the anteriors
•time-linked nature of normalcy
5. Shallow overjet and overbite
6. Straight/flush terminal plane

• perfect interdigitation
• admirable goal
• therapeutic impossibility

M3-Lesson 2 Development of Concept of Occlusion


The development of concept of occlusion can be divided

into three periods, namely fictional, hypothetical and
factual. During the fictional period, the observations
were sporadic and only interrelated by chance. In the
hypothetical period, there was a provisional acceptance
of certain logical entities which sort of filled in the gaps
for a tentatively complete picture. It was during the
factual period that paved the way from static to dynamic
concept of occlusion.

M3-Lesson 3 Development of Dental Occlusion Part 1

M3-Lesson 1 Normal versus Ideal Occlusion
Primary dentition is the guide for permanent
NORMAL vs IDEAL OCCLUSION dentition. It is kept healthy till the time of exfoliation and
Normal occlusion was first described by Edward Angle in it is to be replaced later by their permanent counterparts.
1899. Lawrence Andrews in 1972, mentioned about the A. Mouth of the Neonate
six keys to normal occlusion. Then Roth in 1981 added
some characteristics of normal occlusion like exclusion 1. alveolar processes are covered by segmented
of posterior teeth during protrusion, inclusion of canine gum pads, indicating
teeth only during lateral excursion of the mandible etc.
developing teeth
2. horse shoe shaped maxillary arch, gum pads
extend labially and bucally

beyond those in mandibular arch

3. mandibular arch is posterior to maxillary arch

when gum pads contact

4. Gum pads are separated in the anterior region,

whereas in the back,

they touched.

5. jaw relationship is not yet established

B. Primary Dentition

1. Calcification
Spacing seen mesial to maxillary canines and distal to
Central Incisor = 14 weeks the mandibular canines are wider than in other spaces
First Molar = 15 weeks The physiologic spaces are called PRIMATE SPACES
Lateral incisor = 16 weeks or SIMIAN SPACES
They help in placement of canine cusp of the opposing
Canine = 17 weeks arch
this space is use for EARLY MESIAL SHIFT
Second Molar = 18 weeks


- it is movement of tooth toward occlusion;

- eruption starts when root formation has begun

- timing of eruption is hereditary

- associated by height rather than weight


8---- 12----- 16-- - -20---- 24--- 28 MONTHS


2. Neuromuscular Considerations

- teeth are guided by functional matrix of Three types of terminal planes


3. Normal Signs of Primary Dentition

a. ovoid arch form

b. with interdental spaces

c. with primate spaces

d. shallow overjet and overbite

e. almost vertical inclination of incisors

f. straight/flush Terminal Plane - due to wider

lower primary second molar

g. Class 1 molar and cuspid relationship

Mixed Dentition Period
MIXED DENTITION PERIOD between primary and
• Both primary and permanent teeth permanent incisors.
are in the mouth together
• Critical period of tooth exchange
STAGES Three sources of space
1.Early Mixed Dentition Period 1. Increased intercanine width
6-8 years old
Upper and lower 1st molars, central and lateral
2. Middle Dentition Period
8-10 years old
Upper and Lower 1st premolars, lower canines

3. Late Mixed Dentition Period

10-12 years old 2. Interdental spacing
2nd premolars, 2nd molars and upper canines


Nolla arbitrarily divided the
development of each tooth
into ten stages.
Important stages to
remember are stage 2
(initial calcification), stage 3. Labial eruption of incisor
6 (crown completed/time
teeth begin to erupt), and
stage 8 (2/3 root
Girls are more advanced
in calcification.


• It is the period from eruption of the lateral
incisors to the eruption of the canine.
• Space may develop between maxillary
central incisors.
• Maxillary lateral crowns flare laterally. EEWAY SPACE
• Space difference between the
UGLY DUCKLING PATTERN combined mesio-distal crown
• The crowns of the cuspid impinge on the dimensions of the unerupted
roots of the developing lateral incisors 3,4,5 and C, D, E
• Moving the roots medially causing the COMPARATIVE TOOTH SIZE DIMENSIONS
crowns to flare laterally OF PRIMARY VS. PERMANENT TEETH
• The roots of the central incisors are Early Mesial Shift
forced toward each other
• As the laterals erupt further, the narrow
portion of the roots are in proximity to
the developing canines

• With the further migration of the canine

occlusally, its influence in the laterals shift
• The laterals crowns are moved medially Late Mesial Shift
• Effecting closure of the space between the
central incisors.


Incisor Liability
Discrepancy in size
• 6-1-2-4-5-3-7 for maxillary arch
• 6-1-2-3-4-5-7 for mandibular arch


MIXED 1. Pre-eruptive stage
DENTITION 2. Intra-alveolar stage
3. Intra-oral stage
4. Occlusal stage


• elongation of the permanent root
• resorption of the primary predecessor
• movement of the permanent tooth occlusally
• growth of alveolar process

• Intercanine Width – from cusp tip of canine to the cusp
MOLAR RELATIONSHIP OF PRIMARY tip of the other canine across the arch
SECOND MOLAR • Arch Width – from central fossa of first permanent
• Flush terminal plane: The distal surfaces of maxillary molar to the central fossa of the other first permanent
and molar across the arch
mandibular primary second molars lie in the same • Arch Length – measured at the midline from a point
vertical plane. midway between the central incisors to a tangent
• Distal step: The distal surface of the mandibular touching the distal surfaces of second primary molars or
primary second second premolars
molar is distal to that of the maxillary primary second • Intercanine Perimeter – from mesial of canine to the
molar. mesial of the other canine, over the incisal edges
• Mesial step: The distal surface of the mandibular following the contour of the arch
primary • Arch Perimeter – from mesial of first permanent molar
second molar is mesial to that of the maxillary primary around the arch over the contact points and incisal
second edges in a smooth curve to the mesial of the first
molar. permanent molar on the opposite side


• Eruption of first permanent molars at 6
M3-Lesson 3 Part III • Eruption of second permanent molars at 12
• Eruption of the third molars at 18

The permanent dentition replaces the primary dentition

in a person from 6-13 years of age. By then, there are 28 SIX KEYS TO NORMAL OCCLUSION
permanent teeth present in the oral cavity. Coming from CENTRO ESCOLAR UNIVERSITY
the transitional period, when one is in the permanent • molar relationship
dentition, all changes in the mixed dentition should have
been accomplished favorably. The permanent molars • crown angulation (tip)
must have attained a Class I molar relationship as a • crown inclination (torque)
result of late mesial shift after the loss of primary second
molar, greater forward growth of mandible than maxilla • absence of rotations
or combination of both.
• tight contacts
Reflexes are involuntary movements or actions.
• flat occlusal plane Some movements are spontaneous and occur as
part of the baby's normal activity while others are
M4-Lesson 1 Classes of Neuromuscular Activities responses to certain actions. Willful acts under
cortical control such as crawling, walking and the
like, are categorized as voluntary actions.
Unconditioned reflexes are present at birth. A good
example is crying. As soon as the baby is born,
he/she already knows how to cry though it was not M4Lesson 2 Development of Oropharyngeal Functions
taught by the mother. Unconditioned reflexes are
part of the prenatal neuromuscular maturation. While Prenatal Stage
the fetus is still inside the mother’s womb, these • 16 week – respiration
reflexes are already present because it’s the way of
the infant to communicate. Furthermore, • 18 ½ week – gag reflex
unconditioned reflexes are automatic, instinctive, • 32 week – fetal suckling and swallowing
and unlearned reaction to a stimulus. Neonatal Stage
• mouth as sensory instrument
Because of limited and underdeveloped • infantile suckling and swallowing
neuromuscular capabilities, an infant’s cry could • maintenance of airway
mean a lot of things: the infant could be hungry, full,
wants to pee or poop, etc. Adults would have to take • infant crying
hints from a simple cry. Prenatal neuromuscular • gagging
maturation, therefore, is important because it is a
Postnatal Stage
means for the neonate to survive. Other examples
include respiration, gagging, vomiting, coughing, • mastication
infantile suckling and swallowing, tongue posture, • mature swallow
and maintenance of mandible.
• facial expression
• speech: voice, language, rhythm, articulation

Conditioned reflexes, on the other hand, appears with

normal growth and development. Meaning, they are Comparison between Infantile and Mature Swallow:
not present as soon as the baby’s born but develops
with age. These are learned activities and behaviors
that children could be trained for or accustomed to. Infantile swallow Mature swallow
Condition reflexes include even the unwanted "bad
habits" like thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, etc.
Jaws are apart Teeth are together

Tongue is between Tip of the tongue is against

the gum pads the palate, behind the incisors

Mandible is
When a child is 6-8 months old, the pediatrician may stabilized by the Mandible is stabilized by the
advise for the child to be fed with semi-solid food contraction of the contraction of the muscles
already. Even later at 1-year old, solid food may be muscles supplied
allowed. As the infant matures, there is increasing supplied by the 5th cranial nerve
by 7th cranial nerve
activation of the elevator muscles of the mandible
whenever the child swallows. As semisolid and
eventually solid foods are added to the diet, it is Active lip
Minimal lip contraction
necessary for the child to use the tongue in a more contraction
complex way to gather up a bolus, position it along
the middle of the tongue, and transport it posteriorly
for deglutition. Development of oropharyngeal functions

Prenatal oropharyngeal functions

14 weeks
-lip stimulates the tongue to move In bottle feeding:
18 ½ weeks -no suckling because no smooth muscle
-gag reflex (the fetus already knows how to Neonatal oropharyngeal functions
swallow, as in drinking the amniotic fluid) Digit sucking
25 weeks -habitual, non-nutritive sucking
-respiration -sucking a thumb, finger, or a similarly
29 weeks shaped object
-suckling -vast majority of infants do so during the
32 weeks period from 6 months to 2 years or later
-more developed suckling and swallowing -children allowed ready access to the
Neonatal oropharyngeal functions mother's breast for rarely suck any other
Maintenance of airway object
-at birth, if the newborn infant is to survive, an airway Postnatal oropharyngeal functions
must be established within a few minutes and must be Acquisition of speech
maintained thereafter to open the airway, the mandible 1. bilabial sounds /m/, /p/, and /b/
must be positioned downward and the tongue moved -first speech sound which is why an infant's first word is
downward and forward away from the posterior likely to be “mama” or “papa”
pharyngeal wall 2. tongue tip consonants like /t/ and /d/
-this allows air to be moved through the nose and -appears somewhat later
across the pharynx into the lungs. 3. sibilant /s/ and /z/ sounds
Neonatal oropharyngeal functions -require the tongue tip be placed close to but not against
Infant cry the palate, come later still
-crying of infants as a response to an 4. /r/
internal or external stimulus. -last speech sound which requires precise positioning of
-infants cry as a form of basic instinctive the posterior tongue, often is
communication not acquired until age 4 or 5Postnatal oropharyngeal
Gagging functions
-nature's way of protecting the baby's Acquisition of speech
airway and a normal response to new tastes, 1. bilabial sounds /m/, /p/, and /b/
temperatures, or textures -first speech sound which is why an infant's first word is
Neonatal oropharyngeal functions likely to be “mama” or “papa”
Suckling 2. tongue tip consonants like /t/ and /d/
-newborns feed by suckling, consisting of -appears somewhat later
small nibbling movements of the lips, a reflex 3. sibilant /s/ and /z/ sounds
action in infants The infant will just nibble the -require the tongue tip be placed close to but not against
nipples the palate, come later still
What will happen to the nipples? 4. /r/
-become hard because there is presence -last speech sound which requires precise positioning of
of smooth muscle the posterior tongue, often is
-in the areola, there is smooth muscle and not acquired until age 4 or 5
when smooth muscle becomes hard, milk Postnatal oropharyngeal functions
comes out Transition from infantile to adult swallowing
-when sucking activity stops, a continued transition in the
Neonatal oropharyngeal functions pattern of swallow leads to
Suckling acquisition of an adult pattern
-when the milk is squirted into the mouth, it -lips relaxed, tongue tip against the alveolar process
is only necessary for the infant to groove the behind the upper incisors, and
tongue and allow the milk to flow posteriorly the posterior teeth brought into occlusion during
into the pharynx and esophagus swallowing
-the tongue, however, must be placed -as long as sucking habits persist, however, there will
anteriorly in contact with the lower lip so that not be a total transition to the
milk is in fact deposited on the tongue adult swallow
-this tongue-to-lower lip apposition is so
common in infants that this posture is usually Postnatal oropharyngeal functions
adopted at rest Transition from infantile to adult swallowing
Neonatal oropharyngeal functions Infantile swallowing Adult swallowin
Sucking Jaws are apart Teeth are together
-effort is exerted
-infant needs to use its lips, tongue, and Tongue is between the Dorsum of tongue
cheeks because the child now has to create a gum pads touches the palate;
partial vacuum in order to forcefully get the Tip of the tongue is
against the palate By classifying, it is easier to discuss with a fellow
behind the incisors dentist your cases if ever you need to refer the
Mandible is stabilized by Mandible is stabilized by patient for other dental treatment. It also aids in self-
the the communication by giving you the idea on how to
contraction of the contraction of the handle the case with different strategies and if there
muscles of the CN7 muscles of the CN5 are appliances necessary in the treatment.
Active lip contraction Minimal lip contraction
M5 Lesson 2 Angle's Classification of Malocclusion

Occlusion is defined as the way the teeth meet when the

mandible and maxilla come together. It is how the teeth
contact in any type of functional relationship. Normal
occlusion is desirable as it allows oral functions to
operate properly, provides the best esthetics and is
helpful in the prevention of disease.
M5 Lesson 1 Purposes of Classifying Malocclusion Anytime normal occlusion does not occur in the mouth, it
is termed malocclusion. Malocclusion can have an effect
on dental diseases, chewing, speech and esthetics
You may be wondering, why is there a need (especially facial profile) and other functions of the oral
to classify malocclusion when we can easily see it cavity. Malocclusion can occur for a variety of reasons.
through oral examination on the patient? According These include, but are not limited to, heredity, trauma,
to Strang, classification is a process to analyze diseases, and habits (such as thumb sucking).
cases of malocclusion for the purpose of
segregating them into a small number of groups, Occlusion is designated according to certain
which are characterized by certain specific and classifications. The figure below shows the relationship
fundamental variations from the normal occlusion of of the teeth and the variations of the malocclusion
teeth. Thus classifying malocclusion gives us the classifications. It is based on how the maxillary and
following purposes: mandibular first molars come into contact with one
another when closing the teeth.
Historically, classifying a case of malocclusion will The common system used to classify occlusion is
give you the concept of how does one malocclusion termed Angle’s classification system. Class I is
appear or look like. According to Strang, classifying considered normal occlusion. Class II and III are
the malocclusion of teeth becomes influential and a considered malocclusion and have different divisions.
deciding factor for the correct treatment plan. But
bear in mind that not all cases are and should be
treated the same way all the time. This is where our
next purpose will come in.
As said in the first purpose, we already have an idea
of how the malocclusion looks like and not all cases
in the same classification looks the same and is
treated the same way. For example, an Angles Class
II Division 1 may appear different depending on the
case. Some cases also present different problem list
not present in the same classification. This is where
the other necessary details or references can be
filled in to the case which will aid to our next
M5 Lesson 3 Systems of Classification of Malocclusion-2
Now that you know the classification and the
presence of other problems in the malocclusion of
the patient. You now have the idea on how you will
treat the patient by being able to compare it to the
cases you may have already handled. You will also
be able to foresee the problems that you may
encounter during the treatment hence, making you
able to prepare on the case.
This system utilized the 3 anthropological planes based on the
cranial marks:
These planes are:
o Orbital plane- this plane is used to described malocclusion
- Protraction- anterior to the plane
- Retraction- posterior to the plane

o Midsagittal plane- it classifies maloclussion
Whenever we examine a patient we according to transverse deviation
subconsciously classify them in many different - Distraction- away from the plane
ways. For example, an eight year old boy does not
have a permanent central incisors. In that sentence,
- Contraction- towards the plane palato
we classified the patient in to three standard; age,
sex, and the time of eruption. However, this does will
not tell you the treatment plan and the prognosis yet.
So a classification system is done to group clinical
cases of similar appearance for ease in handling and

A number of systems for classification of -

malocclusion has made an impact in the world of o Frankfort horizontal plane- it classifies
orthodontics This includes the following: malocclusion in vertical direction
- Attraction- away from the plane
1. Angle’s Classification with Dewey Modification
2. Lischer’s Nomenclature - Abstraction- towards the plane
3. Simon Classification
4. Ackerman-Profitt Classification
This systems of classification of malocclusion has
made a concept of organization in the discipline of
orthodontics making it simpler to identify problems.
Lischer modified angle’s classification by giving substitute ACKERMAN-PROFFIT’S CLASSIFICATION
SUPRAOCCLUSION- SUPERIOR TO THE LINE OF OCCLUSION RECENTLY profit added 3 more characteristics in his
AXIVERSION- AXIAL INCLINATION IS WRONG classification system. These are:
TORSIVERSION- ROTATED ON THE LONG AXIS Group6: yaw (transvers and sagittal)
OF THE POSITION Group8: Roll (vertical and transverse)
Group9:transverse, sagittal and vertical

THE MIXED DENTITION 2. Middle Mixed Dentition (8-10 years old)
• Teeth present:
Period which both primary and permanent teeth Maxillary: 1, 2, C, 4, E, 6
are together present in the oral cavity Mandibular: 1, 2, 3, 4, E, 6

1. Successional teeth 3. Late Mixed Dentition (10-12 years old)

(succeedaneous) • Teeth present: Maxillary: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Teeth that replace primary teeth Mandibular: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

2. Accessional teeth THE MIXED DENTITION

Teeth that erupt posterior to the primary 2nd “UGLY DUCKLING STAGE”

STAGES OF MIXED DENTITION The maxillary central incisors can be quite

distally inclined when they first erupt, which
produces a midline diastema between them.


- The combined effect of the maxillary incisor

apices being initially quite close together in
the anterior maxilla as the incisors erupt
and lateral pressure from the erupting
maxillary lateral incisors and canines.


- As the maxillary canines erupt, this places
mesial force from the apical region of the
maxillary incisors more coronally, improving
their inclination and usually closing the
1. Early Mixed Dentition (6-8 years old) diastema.
• Teeth present: INCISOR LIABILITY
Maxillary: 1, 2, C, D, E, 6 • The difference in the size of the
Mandibular: 1, 2, C, D, E, 6 primary incisors versus that of the
permanent incisors
• (A+B+B+A) - (2+1+1+2)
Maxillary C+D+E>3+4+5
-7mm Premolars are smaller than the primary molars they
Mandibular replace

The initial occlusal relationship of the first
permanent molars is directly influenced by the
INCISOR LIABILITY primary second molar position.
Establishing the permanent incisor dentition
Space for permanent incisors obtained from Flush Terminal Plane Cusp to cusp
• residual deciduous spacing (black arrows) Mesial step Class III
• labial eruption path (green arrows) Distal step Class II
• primate spaces (red arrows)

As larger permanent incisor erupts, it should find

space because:
1. There was generalized spacing in the primary
2. Permanent incisors are tipped labially
3. The primary canines are moved distally
4. There is a slight increase in intercanine arch


The space difference between the primary molars
and the permanent premolars that erupt in its
• Maxillary: 1.5mm per quadrant
• (Graben 0.9mm)
• Mandibular : 2.5mm per quadrant
• (Graber: 1.7mm)
Page 4 2 Initial calcification
OCCLUSAL CHANGES 3 1/3 of crown completed

4 ⅔ pf crown is completed

5 Crown is almost complete

6 Crown completed, tooth eruption


7 ⅓ of root completed

However it should be remembered that all of these 8 ⅔ of root completed

relationships affecting the primary molars and
9 Root is almost completed, open apex
therefore establishment of the molar occlusion will
be significantly influenced by the relative amounts 10 Root completed, closed apex
of forward maxillary and mandibular growth that
occur during this time.



- Calcification of the teeth can be observed in
the radiograph
- Developmental process that moves a tooth
- Nolla classified these into 10 stages.
from crypt position through the alveolar
process into the oral cavity and to occlusion
Stage Description with its antagonist
- As eruption occurs, the primary tooth
0 Absence of crypt
resorbs, the root of the permanent tooth
1 Presence of crypt elongates, alveolar process increases in
height and the permanent teeth moves
through the bone.

- Eruptive movement does not occur until the

crown is completed.
- It makes 2-5 years for the posterior teeth to
reach the alveolar crest.
- It takes 12-20 months for the tooth to reach
occlusion after reaching the alveolar margin
- Roots are usually completed a few months after
occlusion is attained. The paper is oriented in such a way that the
horizontal line follows the Sella-Nasion Plane and
the intersecting line falls on the frontonasal suture.


● Vertical Orientation
● Make vertical line 6cm from the right side
● Make a horizontal line at 8cm from the top,
extending to the edge of the paper.
● Ease of reference
● To help with the superimposition of the pre-
op and post-op tracing.
Section 3: Maxilla and related structures
● Pterygomaxillary fissures, PNS, nasal bone,
orbital margins, ANS, anterior outline of
maxilla, Maxillary 1st molars and most
anterior incisor.
Ex. Carl O. Ligon /22.5
May 5, 2015
Dr. CJ S. Chny

Section 1: Soft tissue profile, external cranium and
vertebrae (C1 and C2)
Section 4: The Mandible
● Condyle, Ramus, Mandibular 1sr molar, and
most anterior incisor, inferior border of the

Section 2: Cranial base (Sella turcica, clinoid

processes, foramen magnum), external auditory

- Averaging of bilateral landmarks with
broken lines
- The most posterior point on the border of
the hard palate in the sagittal plane.

Subspinale (Point A)
- The most posterior in the concavity
between the anterior nasal spine and
inferior prosthion (IPr: most inferior point
- Marked and labeled in the cephalogram
on the alveolar bone overlying the maxillary
using their abbreviations
- 2 Types
1. Anatomic: represent actual
anatomic structures of the skull
2. Derived: constructed or obtained
secondarily from anatomic
structures in the cephalogram

- The junction of the frontonasal suture in the
midsagittal plane or the most posterior
point on the curvature at the bridge of the
Supramentale (Point B)
- The most posterior part in concavity of the
mandible between the most superior point
(SPr) on the alveolar bone overlying the
lower incisors and pogonion.


Pogonion (Pog)
- The most anterior point on the chin. Orbitale (Or)
- The lowest point on the inferior rim of the
bony orbit
- If the landmark has bilateral anatomic
structures,the label is placed on the
averaging mark

Gnathion (Gn)
- The most anterior inferior point in the
lateral shadow of the chin. This is located by
taking the midpoint between pogonion and
menton points.

- The inferior point on the anterior rim of the
foramen magnum

Gonion (Go)
- A point on the curvature of the angle of the
mandible located by bisecting the angle
formed by lines tangent to the posterior
border of the ramus and the inferior border
of the mandible.
- The most superior point on the curvature of Articulare(Ar)
the external auditory meatus(anatomic Po) - A point at the intersection of the posterior
the top of the ear rod of the cephalostat border of the neck of the condyle and the
(mechanical Po) inferior surface of the posterior cranial base

Bolton point (Bo)

Sella (S) - The junction of the outline of the occipital
- The center of the pituitary foss condyle and the foramen magnum at the
highest point on the notch posterior to the
occipital condyle

Pterygomaxillary fissure (Ptm)

- The bilateral teardrop shadow formed
anteriorly by the tuberosity of the maxilla
and posteriorly by the anterior curve of the Cephalometric landmarks
pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone.
The landmark is the lowest point of the

Planes/lines for the ten-angle analysis

- Obtained by connecting two landmarks
- Classification: horizontal and vertical
Horizontal planes
1. SN plane- constructed by connecting Sella and
Nasion. This represents the cranial bone
2. Frankfort Horizontal Plane (Po-Or)- it connects
the porion and orbitale point
3. Maxillary plane (PNS-ANS)
4. Occlusal plane- it is a denture base bisecting
the posterior occlusion of molars or premolars
(deciduous molars) and extends anteriorly
5. Mandibular plane (Go-Gn)- connects gonion
and gnathion

M8 Introduction-2

The success of removable orthodontic appliance mainly

depends upon good retention of the appliance. Adequate
retention of a removable orthodontic appliance is
achieved when you incorporate certain wire
components, called clasp, which engages the undercuts
on the teeth.

Vertical planes Clasps are the retentive components of removable

1. NA (N-Point A)- connects Nasion and Point A orthodontic appliances. You can choose from many
designs of clasps depending on your purpose for making
2. NB (N-Point B)- connects Nasion and point B it.
3. Facial Plane (N-Pog)- connects Nasion and In this module you will learn about types of clasps in
Pogonion orthodontic appliance, what is commonly used, and how
to fabricate one.
4. Y-axis plane (S-Gn)- connects sella to gnathion
5. U1- connects incisor tip and root tip at the
upper incisor
M8 Lesson 1 Adam's Clasp
6. L1- connects incisor tip and root tip of the The Adams clasp was seen as a development of the Schwarz
lower incisor arrowhead clasp and was introduced as the modified
arrowhead clasp. It was actually designed in 1950 by Charles
Philip Adams, a lecturer in orthodontics at Liverpool Dental
School, so the clasp has also been referred to as the Liverpool
clasp and the term universal clasp has been used too. The
clasp works by engaging the mesiobuccal and distobuccal
undercuts of a single tooth either standing in isolation or in
proximal contact with the adjacent teeth. Click Adams Tags
Clasp.pdf Download Adams Clasp.pdf • Closely fitted to the contact points,
down to the interdental embrassure
Adams clasp remains the most popular retention component • No sharp bends
for removable orthodontics due to the following benefits: • Space between the tag arms and
palate for flow of acrylic
Takes up minimal space in the buccal sulcus and in the
baseplate Advantages
Can be used on any primary or permanent tooth 1. Small and unobtrusive
Can be used on a semi-erupted tooth 2.Used on both deciduous and
Strong, although resilient enough for every retention purpose permanent teeth
Construction does not require specialised pliers. 3.Rigid and resilient to give a firm grip
4.No specialized pliers are required
5. Variations of clasp in certain
Adams Clasp circumstances
•Clasps are the retentive components of the orthodontic
appliances Disadvantages
1. Unwanted palatal tipping if gets
Adams’ Clasp activated
•By C. Philips Adams in May 1950 2. Leads to elongation of tooth if is fitting
•Most widely used clasp tightly
•Uses distobuccal and mesiobuccal undercuts 3. Repaired only if fractured through the
Parts 4. Cannot be given on proclined anteriors.
• Bridge
• 2 Arrow heads Materials
• Tags or retentive arms 0.28 inch stainless steel wire
Model cast
Wire marker
No.139 pliers
Wire cutter

Other Clasps
1. C- Clasp ( Circumferential)

• Is 2/3rd the mesio - distal width of the
tooth, slightly less than the distance
between mesiobuccal and distobuccal
undercuts, or length should be equal to
the intercuspal distance.
• Is 1 - 2 mm away from the buccal surface -
of the tooth 2. Ball end clasp
• Is at 45 degree to the buccal surface of the tooth

Arrow heads
• They should lie in the disto and
mesio buccal undercuts
• Shaped according to the curve of
the gum margins into the interdental
• Long enough to keep the bridge at a
proper distance not touching the
adjacent teeth
M8 Lesson 2 Other Clasps
1. C –clasp Identification of cephalometric landmarks
(Anatomical and Derived)
It is also known as three-quarter clasp (3/4 clasp) or |
Circumferential clasp. They are very simple clasp and engage Procedure
bucco-cervical undercut.
M7 While Task
Advantages : : The science of cephalometric through the years gained
the reputation of being difficult to learn and even more so to
Easy to construct teach. For the undergraduate dental student, cephalometric
Disadvantage is viewed as a region of mystery, to be studied only by the
It can’t be used in partially erupted teeth specialist in orthodontics but that is not true. The
cephalometric will provide the students with a valuable
Simple design instrument to confirm the diagnosis, as well as to follow the
growth patterns of the person on a longitudinal basis to
Prevent mesial migration of tooth observe the directions of his growth and development.

2. Ball end clasp
This clasp is also known as Scheau anchor clasp. This clasp has • Origin: Cephalo means head and Metric is
a ball at the end which engages the proximal undercut measurements
between two adjacent teeth (interdental area). Preformed • Discovery of X-rays- measurements of the head from
wires having a ball at the end are used for making this clasp. shadows of bony and soft tissue landmarks on the x-
The ball can also be made using silver solder. This clasp is ray image, known as Roentgenographic Cephalometry.
used whenever additional retention is required. • Popularized by the classic work of Broadbent of the
United States and Hofrath in Germany, cephalometrics
has enjoyed wide acceptance.
M7 Introduction-2 Definition
This module is intended to be an introductory overview of the • According to Grabers, Cephalometrics is a scientific
science of radiographic cephalometry or cephalometrics. study of the measurements of the head with relation to
Anthropometrics or the measurement of man, is a specific reference points; used for evaluation of facial
measurement of the size and proportion of the human body growth and development, including soft tissue profile.
and as a specialized part of anthropometrics, study of the • According to Moyers, Cephalometric is a radiographic
head became craniometrics or cephalometrics. technique for abstracting the human head into
Cephalometry is the analysis and interpretation of geometric scheme and is used to describe
standardized radiographs of the facial bones. Consequently, morphology and growth, to diagnose anomalies, to
this is to provide the students with a basic language and predict future relationships, to plan treatment, and to
understanding of the techniques and principles involved in evaluate treatment results.
utilizing oriented head radiographs in the study of craniofacial
morphology, growth and treatment results. Uses of Cephalogram
Its purpose is always for comparison due
to 5 reasons:
M7 Learning Outcomes 1. To describe morphology or growth
At the end of the module, you will be able to: 2. To diagnose anomalies
Discuss the use of lateral cephalogram. 3. to predict future relationship
Locate anatomic landmarks and points on a cephalogram. 4. To plan treatment
Trace the skeletal and dental structures. 5. To evaluate the result of treatment

Cephalometric Equipment
Cephalometrics The Cephalometric apparatus consists of the followings:
| 1. Cephalostat or Head holder
Definition of terms 2. An x-ray source or x-ray cone holder
| 3. Cassette holder
Parts of Cephalometric Cephalostat are of 2 types:
Apparatus 1. Broadbent-Bolton method
| 2. Higley method
Uses of cephalogram
| Conventions in taking cephalograms
.1.The Lateral Projection or cephalogram nasal opening.
2.The Posteroanterior Projection or cephalogram 3. Subspinale (Point A) . The most posterior point in
3.The Oblique Projection the concavity between the anterior nasal spine and
prosthion (most inferior point on the alveolar bone
Lateral Projection overlying the maxillary incisors).
• Also referred to as lateral ceph. 4. Gnathion (Gn) . The most anterior inferior point
• The midsagittal plane of the subject’s head is conventionally in the lateral shadow of the chin. This is located by
taking the midpoint between pogonion and menton
placed 60 inches ( 152.4 cm ) from the target of the x-ray tube
with the left side toward the film. The central beam of the x-
5. Supramentale (Point B) . The most posterior point
rays coincides with the transmeatal axis that is, with the ear in the concavity of the mandible between the most
rods of the cephalostat. Under most circumstances, the superior point on the alveolar bone overlying the
distance from the midsagittal plane to the fiml is held lower incisors (infradentale) and pogonion
constant, usually at 7.0 inches ( 18 cm ). The patient’s head is 6. Pogonion(Pog).The most anterior point on
placed with the Frankfurt Plane parallel to the floor and the the chin.
subjects teeth together in their usual occlusal position.
7. Menton (Me) . The lowest point on the
Uses of lateral cephalogram symphyseal outline of the chin.
• Important in orthodontic growth analysis 8. Orbitale (Or) . The lowest point on the
• Diagnosis and Treatment planning inferior rim of the bony orbit.
• Monitoring of therapy 9. Posterior Nasal Spine (PNS). The most
• Evaluation of final treatment outcome posterior point on the bony hard palate in the
sagittal plane.
Uses of Posteroanterior Cephalogram 10. Basion (Ba). The inferior point on the
• Provides information related to skull width anterior rim of the foramen magnum.
• Skull symmetry 11. Condylion (Co). the most superior point
• Vertical proportions of skull, craniofacial of the head of the mandibular condlye.
complex and oral structures 12. Gonion (Go). A point on the curvature
• For assessing growth abnormalities and of the angle of the mandible located by
trauma bisecting the angle formed by lines tangent
to the posterior border of the ramus and the
The typical Oblique Cephalogram inferior border of the mandible.

Derived Landmarks
1. Porion (Po). The most superior point on the
curvature of the external auditory meatus (anatomic Po).
The top of the ear rod of the cephalostat (mechanical
2. Sella (S). The center of the pituitary fossa.
3. Pterygomaxillary fissure (Ptm). A bilateral teardrop
Armamentarium shadow formed anteriorly by the tuberosity of the maxilla
• Cephalogram and posteriorly by the anterior curve of the pterygoid
• Tracing box or X-ray viewer or View box process of the sphenoid bone. The landmark is the lowest
• Acetate matte tracing paper 0.003 inch thick, point of the fissure.
8x10” 4. Articulare (Ar) . A point at the intersection of the
• Pencil with lead 0.3 to 0.5 mm tip posterior border of the neck of the condyle and the inferior
• Scotch or masking tape surface of the posterior cranial base.
• Eraser 5. Bolton point (Bo) . The junction of the outline of the
• Ruler occipital condyle and the foramen magnum at the highest
• Pencil sharpener point on the notch posterior to the occipital condyle.
6. Key ridge (Kr) . The lowest point on the outline of
Cephalometric landmarks zygoma
A. Anatomic Landmarks
• Specific points used as reference guides in
the construction of lines and angle
1. Nasion (Na). The junction of the frontonasal
suture in the midsagittal plane or the most posterior
point on the curvature at the bridge of the nose.
2.Anterior Nasal Spine (ANS) . The most anterior
point of the maxilla at the lower margin of the anterior




M9 Introduction-2
Construction of an orthodontic appliance like a simple
space maintainer would require mastery of several
techniques. Aside from good wire bending, filing and ANTERIOR COMPONENT OF FORCE
soldering are essential procedures in fabrication of an • MESIAL MOVEMENT AS A RESULT OF MUSCLE
appliance. Filing is an indispensable step in the joining of FORCES ACTING THROUGH INTERCUSPATION
metals with the use of metallic alloy called solder which is • DEPENDS ON THE ANGULATION OF THE TEETH AND
melted over the metals to be joined. In this module we will THE STEEPNESS OF THE OCCLUSAL PLANE
learn the step by step procedure of filing and soldering.

PART 1 March 8, 2022





● Measured at the midline from the point midway 1. Skeletal Pattern
between the central incisors to a tangent touching 2. Steepness of the occlusal plane
the distal surfaces of the 2nd primary molar or 2nd 3. Vertical Alveolar Growth
premolar. 4. Caries Experience
● It decreases during treatment due to the movement 5. Lingual Tipping of the Incisors
of the molar into the leeway space. 6. Mesial Tipping of the molars


● Increased angulation of the permanent anteriors vs
the primary
● Arch perimeter is maintained by greater increases in
width in spite of the decrease in arch length.


● Most important of all the dimensions.
● Measured from the mesial surface of 6 (or the distal
surface of EJ), around the arch over the contact
points and incisal edges in a smooth curve to the
mesial surface of 6 (or distal surface of E) pf the MANDIBULAR ARCH PERIMETER
opposite side Reduction of mandibular arch perimeter
● Late mesial shift
● Mesial drifting tendency of the posterior teeth
● Interproximal wear
● Lingual positioning of the incisor as a result of
maxillo-mandibular growth
● The original tip position of the incisors and molars.



● Horizontal ● Vertical
overlapping of overlapping of
incisors (2- incisors (1-
3mm) 2mm)

● Usually a ● Related to the

reflection of vertical
the antero- dimension of
posterior the face such
relationship of as the ramus
the skeletal height


function ERUPTED.




• The TMJ is formed by the
mandibular condyle fitting into the mandibular fossa of the
- OCCURS DUE TO LACK OF SPACE IN THE ARCH • Separating these two bones
- MANDIBULAR 3RD MOLAR IMPACTION IS SEEN IN CLASS II from direct articulation is the

• The articular disc is composed of

dense fibrous connective tissue, for the most part devoid of
DEVELOPMENT OF DENTITION AND OCCLUSION any blood vessels or nerve fibers.
- NORMAL OCCLUSION: ALL TEETH ARE OCCLUDING IN A • Acts as a nonossified bone (3rd bone)
HEALTHY, STABLE AND PLEASING MANNER BUT WITH contributing to upper and lower joint
- IDEAL OCCLUSION: A HYPOTHETICAL CONCEPT SEEN IN A • In the sagittal plane, it can be
1. Intermediate zone - thinnest
2. Anterior border
3. Posterior border – thickest


6.SLIGNT OR FLAT CURVE OF SPEE (NOT MORE THAN 15MM) The articular surfaces are divided
into 2 cavities:
1. Upper or superior cavity
TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT • Bordered by the mandibular fossa and the superior
surface of the disc
2. Lower or inferior cavity
• Bordered by the mandibular condyle and the
inferior surface of the disc

• The area where the mandible

with the temporal bone of the cranium
• One of the most complex joints in the body:
- Hinging movement (ginglymoid joint)
- Gliding movements (arthrodial joint)
• Thus, it has been technically considered a • The lining on the internal surface of cavities, along with a
ginglymoarthrodial joint specialized synovial fringe located at the anterior border of
the retrodiscal tissues, produces synovial fluid, which fills FRONTAL (VERTICAL) AXIS OF ROTATION
both joint cavities (TMJ= SYNOVIAL JOINT) • Mandibular movement around the frontal axis occurs when
one condyle moves anteriorly out of the terminal hinge
TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT position with the vertical axis of the opposite condyle
• SYNOVIAL FLUID remaining in the terminal hinge position
1. Acts as a medium for providing metabolic requirements to
the articular surfaces 2. Serves as a lubricant between the
articular surfaces during function

• Occurs when the joint is moved and the synovial fluid is
forced from one area of the cavity into another.
• Boundary lubrication prevents friction in the moving joint
and is the primary mechanism of joint lubrication,
• This refers to the ability of the articular surfaces to absorb a
small amount of synovial fluid to prevent sticking. • Helps
• TERMINAL HINGE AXIS —the axis around which movement
eliminate friction in the compressed but not moving joint
occurs when the condyles are in their most superior position
in the articular fossae and the mouth is purely rotated open •
This pure rotational opening occur until the anterior teeth are
• In the masticatory system, rotation occurs when the mouth
20 — 25 mm apart
opens and closes around a fixed point or axis within the
• In the TMJ, rotation occurs as movement within the inferior
cavity of the joint
• Occur in all three reference planes: horizontal, frontal
(vertical), and sagittal


Mandibular movement around the frontal axis occurs when
one condyle moves anteriorly out of the terminal hinge
HORIZONTAL AXIS OF ROTATION position with the vertical axis of the opposite condyle
• Mandibular movement around the horizontal axis is an remaining In the terminal hinge position
opening and closing motion
• Referred to as hinge movement (HINGE AXIS)
• Only example of mandibular activity in which "pure"
rotational movement occurs


• Mandibular movement around the sagittal axis occurs when
one condyle moves inferiorly while the other remains in the
terminal hinge position
• Occurs in conjunction with other movements when the
orbiting condyle moves downward and forward across the Oral habits will also affect the form of your mouth. One
articular eminence example of this wound be thumb-sucking. The greater
inward forces brought about by the buccinator muscles
during thumb-sucking will most likely deform the
maxillary bone (constrict the maxilla) and forces from the
thumb will move the teeth labially.

The orthodontist in establishing perfect occlusal

relationship of the teeth, must take into consideration
the effects of the use of these teeth during functions of
mastication, swallowing and speech. As the bony
structures respond to change, the tooth positions will
change with them since form and functions are strongly
• In the masticatory system, it occurs when the mandible
moves forward, as in protrusion
• The teeth, condyles, and rami all move in the same A thorough knowledge of the physiology of the bone will
help us deal with the patients more effectively and
direction and to the same degree • Occurs within the
efficiently. Now let us discuss bone turnover.
superior cavity of the joint
Bone turnover is balanced with coupling of bone
NORMAL MOVEMENT OF THE CONDYLE AND DISC DURING formation and resorption at various rates leading to
MOUTH OPENING continuous remodeling of bone. Physiologic concept of
AS THE CONDYLE MOVES OUT OF THE FOSSA THE DISC burn turnover is largely attributed to important biologic
ROTATES POSTERIORLY ON THE CONDYLE. ROTATIONAL activities, like modeling and remodeling.
SPACE WHILE TRANSLATION PREDOMINATELY OCCURS IN Bone Modeling is a mechanically mediated adaptive
process for changing a bone’s size, shape, or position.
The important element of growth is bone modeling and
functions as incremental process for bone mass
adaptation and architecturing to its functional need over
M5 - Introduction to Stomatognathic System
Stomatognathic system is a system comprises of highly Bone Remodeling is a physiological turnover of
coordinated structure of the human masticatory mineralized tissue without changing its overall
apparatus that are capable of acting as a single unit in appearance . This is active throughout life and serves to
the process of mastication, deglutition, phonation, modify the shape of skeleton, bone volume and repair
respiration and other behavioral activities. Salzmann micro-damage.
defines stomatognathics as the approach to the practice
of orthodontics, which takes into consideration, the
interdependence of form and function of the teeth, jaw
relationship, temporomandibular articulation, craniofacial Regulatory factors that affect bone turnover are genetic
conformation and dental occlusion. factors, mechanical factors vascular/nerve factors/
nutritional factors, hormonal factors, and local regulators
of bone remodeling.

M5-Lesson 1 Functional Osteology

Murray gave an excellent summary of the principal
Form and function are intimately related. Like your
theories relating to the mechanical structure of bones.
incisors, with its anatomy it functions to cut food. Another
These are Trajectional Theory of Bone Formation
example is the size of the tongue. When a tongue is big
by Meyer and Culmann, Law of Orthogonality by Julius
it is positioned low in the floor of the mouth and causes
Wolff and Law of Transformation of the Bone by Roux.
the teeth in the lower arch to have spaces.
Let us discuss each theory briefly.
1. Trajectorial Theory
It radiates from beneath the teeth in the alveolar
Noted by Meyer and Culmann in femur. He pointed out process and join together in a common stress pillar, that
that the alignment of bony spongiosa followed definite terminates in the condyle of the mandible.
engineering principles. These trajectories crossed at the
right angles – an excellent arrangement to resist the
manifold stresses on the condyle of the femur. The
picture shows the representation of the alignment of the M5-Lesson 2 Myology
bony trabeculae in stress trajectories to better prepare
the femur to resist a variety of functional stresses. How do you think your teeth can maintain their position
in the dental arch?
2. Law of Orthogonality The major factor in environmental balance is the
musculature. Muscles are a potent force whether they
Julian Wolff carried this theory and he claimed that are in active function or at rest. Even a resting muscle is
trabeculae alignment was primarily due to functional performing a function that is to maintain posture and
forces. Changes in intensity and direction of forces relationship of contiguous parts. The teeth and
produce change in internal and external form of bone. supporting structures are constantly under the influence
of the contiguous musculature. The integrity of the dental
arches and the relations of the teeth to each other within
each arch and with opposing members are the result of
3. Law of Transformation of the Bone the morphogenic pattern as modified by the stabilizing
and active functional forces of the muscles.
Roux, a German surgeon introduced this law. In
essence, the law stated that the stresses of tension and
pressure on bone stimulate bone formation.
Buccinator Mechanism
Tension = bone formation
is a continuous muscle band that encircle the dentition
Pressure = bone resorption and is anchored at the pharyngeal tubercle. Abnormal
posture and function of oro-facial muscle may be
causative or at least contributory to formation of dental
malocclusion Hence muscle of oro-facial region are of
There are common effects of functional forces to our great importance to one of the main aims of orthodontics
bone. One of them is osteoporosis which is common in that is to achieve structural balance and harmony which
females and is caused by lack of function that eventually is achieved only when there is harmony between the jaw
lead to reduction of bone density. Another , teeth, and muscles.
is osteosclerosis which is due to increased function that
lead to greater bone density.


Stress Trajectories/Benninghoff Lines

• Orbicularis oris
Benninghoff studied the architecture of the cranial and • Buccinator
facial skeleton and the so-called stress trajectories. He • Ptrygomandibular raphe
showed that these trajectories, or lines of stress, involve • Superior constrictor of pharynx
both the compact and spongy bones. Let us go over the
stress trajectories of the maxilla and mandible.

Stress Trajectories of Maxilla opposes the buccinator mechanism. The buccinator
mechanism exerts inward forces while the tongue exerts
There are 3 vertical pillars, all arising from the alveolar outwards forces.
process and end at the base of the skull.
Anterior segment
1. Canine pillar
2. Zygomatic pillar Inward force (orbicularis oris muscle), opposed by
3. Pterygoid pillar outward force (tongue)

Net effect: balanced

Stress Trajectories of Mandible
Posterior segment

Inward force (buccinator), opposed by lateral or outward Rotational movement

force (tongue)
Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary defines rotation
Net effect: balanced as “the process

of turning around an axis; movement of a body about its

axis, called the axis of
The following are the muscles of mastication:
Muscle Action In the TMJ, rotation occurs as movement within the
Temporalis Elevates the jaw inferior cavity of the joint. Thus it is movement between
Masseter Elevates the jaw
superior surface of the condyle and the inferior surface
Medial Pterygoid Elevates the jaw of

the articular disc.

Depresses the mandible
Lateral Pterygoid and protrudes the
Horizontal Axis of Rotation
- Mandibular movement
around the horizontal axis
In order to evaluate abnormal form and function for the is an opening and closing
purpose of correction, it is necessary to understand motion. It is referred to
normal anatomy, normal growth, and normal function of as a hinge movement, and
the stomatognathic system, Click the file below to know the horizontal axis around
more about the functional movement and positions of the which it occurs is
mandible. therefore referred to as
the hinge

Functional Movements and Positions of the Mandible

Frontal Axis of Rotation
- Mandibular movement
around the frontal axis
Mandibular Movements occurs when one condyle
Mandibular movement occurs as a complex series of moves anteriorly out of
interrelated three dimensional the terminal hinge
rotational and translational activities. It is determined position while the vertical
by the combined and axis of the opposite
simultaneous activities of both temporomandibular condyle remains in the
joints (TMJs) terminal hinge position
To better understand the complexities of mandibular
movement, it is beneficial first
to isolate the movements that occur within a single TMJ. Sagittal Axis of
The types of movement that Rotation
occur are discussed first, and then the three-dimensional
movements of the joint are Mandibular movement
divided into movements within a single plane. around the sagittal axis
occurs when one condyle
moves inferiorly while the
other remains in the
Types of Movement terminal hinge position
Rotational Movement Translational Movement
- Sagittal Axis of
- Rotation
- Horizontal Axis of Translational movement
Rotation Translation can be defined as a movement in
- Frontal Axis of which each point of the moving object has
Rotation simultaneously the same velocity and
direction. In the masticatory system it occurs
when the mandible moves forward, as in
protrusion. The teeth, condyles, and rami all
move in the same direction and to the same
Translation occurs within the superior cavity of the joint
between the
superior surface of the articular disc and the inferior
surface of the articular
fossa (i.e., between the disc-condyle complex and the
articular fossa)
Chewing stroke
Each opening and closing movement of the
mandible represents a chewing stroke.The
POSITION. This pure rotational
complete chewing stroke has what is described as a
opening can occur until the
tear-shaped movement pattern. It can be divided into
anterior teeth are some 20 to 25
opening and closing movements. The closing movement
mm apart.
has been further subdivided into the
crushing phase and the grinding phase

Single Plane Border Movements

Mandibular movement is limited by the ligaments and
the articular surfaces
of the TMJs, as well as by the morphology and
alignment of the teeth. When the
mandible moves through the outer range of motion,
reproducible describable limits
called border movements result as a
tear-shaped movement pattern.

Border Movements
-Posterior Opening Border ROTATIONAL
-Anterior Opening Border MOVEMENT DURING
-Superior Contact Border OPENING. The condyle is
-Functional translated down the articular
eminence as the mouth rotates
Horizontal open to its maximum limit.
-Left Lateral Border
-Continued Left Lateral Border 2. Anterior Opening Border
with Protrusion Anterior closing border
-Right Lateral Border movement in the sagittal
-Continued Right Lateral Border plane
with Protrusion

-Left Lateral Superior Border
-Left Lateral Opening Border
-Right Lateral Superior Border
-Right Lateral Opening Border

Sagittal Border
Mandibular motion viewed in the sagittal plane can be
seen to have four distinct
3. Superior Contact Border
movement components
Force applied to the teeth when the
1. Posterior opening border 3. Superior contact border
condyles are in centric relation (CR) will
2. Anterior opening border 4. Functional create a superoanterior shift
of the mandible intercuspal position (ICP).
1. Posterior Opening Border
Horizontal movement of the mandible as
thenincisal edges of maxillary and 4. Right lateral
mandibular teeth pass across each other border movement
recorded in the
horizontal plane.
4. Continued right lateral
border movement with
protrusion recorded in the
horizontal plane.
Functional range
4. Functional within the horizontal
Functional movements occur during border movements.
functional activity of the mandible. Usually
take place within the border movements
and therefore are considered free

Horizontal Vertical / Frontal

Border Border
Movements Movements
When mandibular movements are viewed in the When mandibular motion is viewed in the frontal
horizontal plane, a rhomboid-shaped pattern can plane, a shield-shaped pattern can be seen that has
be seen that has four distinct movement components four distinct movement components along with the
plus a functional component: functional component:
1. Left lateral border 3. 1. Left lateral superior border 3. Right lateral superior
Right lateral border border
2. Continued left lateral border with protrusion 4. 2. Left lateral opening 4. Right lateral opening border
Continued right lateral border with protrusion Mandibular border movements in the frontal plane have
Traditionally a device known as a Gothic arch tracer has not been traditionally “traced,” but an understanding of
been used to record mandibular movement in the them is
horizontal plane. useful in visualizing mandibular activity three
1. Left lateral border dimensionally.
movement recorded in 1. Left lateral superior
the horizontal plane. border movement
recorded in the frontal
2. Left lateral opening
border movement
recorded in the frontal

2. Continued left lateral

border movement with
protrusion recorded in
the horizontal plane.

3. Right lateral superior

border movement
recorded in the frontal
4. Right lateral opening
border movement
recorded in the frontal POSITION
plane. - the relationship of the maxilla &
5. Functional movement the mandible when the teeth are
within the mandibular in occlusion.
border movement recorded Five Positions in which
in the frontal plane. ICP, occlusion takes place:
Intercuspal position. 1. Intercuspal occlusion
2. Protruded occlusion
3. Retruded occlusion
4. Left lateral occlusion
5. Right lateral occlusion


- teeth not in function, mouth is closed by the tonic
contraction of the muscles of mastication & facial
expression & the teeth are not in contact.
- there is intercuspal or freeway space of 2-5mm
- teeth are in intercuspal occlusion.
(* The difference between the RVD & OVD represents
Envelope of Motion the freeway space.)
By Dr. Ulf PosseltBy combining mandibular border REST VERTICAL DIMENSION
movements in - the face is in an involuntary
the three planes, a three-dimensional envelope of relaxed state.
motion can be produced that represents the - a distance measured from the
maximum range of movement of the mandible inferior border of the nose to
The superior surface of the envelope is the point of the chin
determined by tooth contacts, whereas the other
borders are primarily determined by ligaments and
joint anatomy that restrict or limit movement M5-Lesson 3 TMJ

Temporomandibular joint is a ginglymoarthrodial joint

and it enables us to move our jaw to chew and
Centric Relation VS Centric Occlusion speak. TMJ affects the spine structure and the nervous
Centric Relation system. Movement of the TMJ is very closely related to
• The relationship of the mandible to the maxilla where the second cervical vertebra, C2 or also known as Axis.
the condyle One might think that when the mandible opens and
of the mandible is located at its most superior and closes, its movement is centered around the condyle in
anterior position, the TMJ itself. However, this is not the case. According
resting on the glenoid fossa against the articular to the Quadrant Theorem of Guzay, the axis of rotation
eminence with the of the mandible lies exactly at the odontoid of C2. When
articular disc properly interposed. the mandible moves downwards, this generates a pulling
• Centric Occlusion force, loosening the muscles around C2. Likewise when
– Relationship of the mandibular teeth with the maxillary closing the mouth, it generates a pressure which
teeth, ideally, at maximum intercuspation. tightens the muscles around C2. This means that in an
– Not always the case, if patient has malocclusion, or occlusion with decreased vertical dimension will
faulty aggravate muscle tension around C2 when the mouth is
restoration closed. Therefore distortion in TMJ will affect the position
• If present, it is termed as the Habitual Occlusion or of the Axis too.
POSITION Click the file below to understand the parts of TMJ and
- the relationship of the maxilla & its supporting structures.
the mandible when the teeth are
in occlusion.
Five Positions in which
occlusion takes place: Module 6Lesson 3
1. Intercuspal occlusion Temporomandibular
2. Protruded occlusion Joint
3. Retruded occlusion
4. Left lateral occlusion
5. Right lateral occlusion
TMJ IS A COMPLEX JOINT COMPOSED OF • Because it is avascular it
FOUR MAIN STRUCTURES acts as a medium for
Condyle providing metabolic
Portion of the requirements to these
mandible that tissues
articulates with the • Serves as a lubricant
cranium, around between articular
which movement surfaces during function
Temporal Bone
The articular portion Mechanism of
of the temporal lubrication
bone is made up of a BOUNDARY LUBRICATION
concave mandibular
fossa, in which the occurs when the joint is moved
condyle is situated and the synovial fluid is forced
from one area of the cavity into
Articular Disc
another prevents friction in the
The most important
moving joint
anatomic structure
made of dense ability of the articular surfaces to
fibrous connective absorb a small amount of
tissue synovial fluid helps eliminate
Ligaments friction in the compressed but
The ligaments of the not moving joint
joint are composed
of collagenous
connective tissues
that have particular LigamentsLigaments do not enter actively into joint
length function but instead act as passive
restraining devices to limit and restrict border
Functional • Collateral ligaments
Ginglymoid joint • Temporomandibula
r ligament
• Permit motion only in one plane
• Movement in a joint around a
• Sphenomandibular
transverse axis, as occurs in the lower
compartment at the beginning of jaw
opening when the occluding teeth are • Stylomandibular
separated ligament

Arthrodial Joint Collateral Ligaments

Responsible for the
• Allow the bones to glide past one
another in any direction along the hinging movement of
plane of the joint the TMJ
Strain on these
• It take space in the upper
ligaments produces
compartment of as it moves with the
condyle and the inferior surface of the
glenoid fossa Capsular Ligament
Act to resist any
medial, lateral, or
Synovial fluidThe internal surfaces of the cavities are inferior forces that
surrounded by specialized tend to separate or
endothelial cells that form a synovial lining that produces dislocate the
synovial fluid articular surfaces

Purpose Ligament
Outer oblique portion
resists excessive 6. Help further develop or allow jaw bone
dropping of the condyle, to grow
therefore limiting the
extent of mouth opening
Inner horizontal portion
Mechanical process of chewing
limits posterior
1. Voluntary
movement of the
• Initial chewing action is a
condyle and disc
voluntary action
2. Involuntary
• From the moment chewing has s
Sphenomandibular started, it becomes
Ligament involuntary.
This ligament is • Reflex movement of the different
passive during jaw structures like jaw, lips, cheeks &
movements, tongue in a very integrated
maintaining relatively manner.
the same degree of
tension during both
opening and closing Phases of chewing
of the mouth Opening

Limits excessive Stages of chewing
protrusive 1. Incisal
movements of the
The incisal edge of incisors is the working edge
Lips are in contact & there is the presence of oral seal

M5-Lesson 4 Functions of Stomatognathic System 2. Direct Crushing

Involves shearing movement of the mandible.

The different functions of stomatognathic system are Include
intimately related and occur simultaneously. Click the cuspids and bicuspids
PowerPoint Presentation below to understand better the Working side is where the food is & the other side will be
different functions of stomatognathic system and their the
importance. balancing side
STOMATOGNATHIC SYSTEM 3. Mortar and pestle
1. Mastication Complete trituration of the food & this involves all
2. Deglutition occlusal surfaces. Involves all occlusal surfaces.
3. Speech There is harmonious relationship between the cranial &
4. Respiration facial structure and mastication is soundless

Mastication Deglutition -once the food is chewed, the next step is

-is a physiologic activity formed when there to swallow it.
is normal occlusion in a cyclic movement. -swallowing is a complex group of reactions
- simply the chewing process. to move food onwards in the digestive tract
Purposes: while preserving the airway
1. Physiological transformation of food. -transport of material from mouth to
2. Enhances growth & development of esophagus
dento-alveolar structures through Adult
stimulation. deglutition/swallowing
3. Stimulates salivary flow. Infant
4. There is volatilization of food to increase suckling – earliest means of food transport
appetite. sucking/drinking – fluid transport
5. Protection of the individual from Mechanical Process:
undesirable food components. 1. Voluntary – Initial act is voluntary.
2. Involuntary – Action becomes a. seat of learning & memory
involuntary when food comes in contact b. seat of habits & condition habits
with the oropharynx. c. cerebral cortex & motor centers
3. Efferent mechanism – involves the nerves
that innervates the muscle involved in speech.
*touch, smell & taste will compensate for
Stages of Deglutition
hearing & sight
1. Oral

voluntary act where you elevate the anterior

aspect of
the tongue pressing against the palate pushing the food
Actual Process of Speech
towards the pharynx Respiration
2. Pharyngeal -simultaneous breathing to have
begins as the bolus of food is carried between
stream of air from the lungs
the tongue, is needed to produce vibration
the soft palate, the constrictor wall & the epiglottis - absorption of oxygen & elimination of
3. Esophageal
carbon dioxide from
involuntary transport phase whereby the food passes the atmosphere & cells of the body.
the esophagus through a relaxed lower esophageal Phonation
into the gastric cardia
-actual production of speech sounds.
-utterance of vocal sounds by means
of vocal cord vibrations.
Infantile Swallowing Mature/Adult
Swallowing Resonance
-is the process by which sound is
Jaws are apart intensified or amplified.
Teeth are together
-it is made possible by the nasal
Tongue is in between Tongue is behind
cavity, oral cavity, pharynx,
the maxillary & upper incisors, chest cavity & air sinus
mandibular gum pads touching the palate
Mandible is stabilized Mandible is stabilized
-is the breaking up of sound &
by contraction of by contraction of modification of sound coming
muscles supplied by muscles supplied by from the larynx.
7th cranial nerve 5th cranial nerve
-act of speaking
With mandibular Without mandibular
thrust thrust
Respiration -a
With active lip continuous process closely associated
contraction With minimal lip
contraction with deglutition.
-also referred to as ventilation wherein
Speech there is the entrance of oxygen &
-an expression of thought either release
written or spoken
Normal Development of Speech is of carbon dioxide
Affected by the Following
1. Afferent mechanism – those involved in Kinds of Respiration:
hearing & sight
2. Association areas – involves the: 1. External – exchange of air
means of ahead holder or cephalostat which
between blood & environment holds the subject's head in a fixed relationship
2. Internal – exchange of air to the central ray of the x-ray source so that x-
ray coincide with the transmeatal axis.
between blood & cell
There are three Conventions in taking

Stages of Respiration
Inspiration -intake of oxygen
-also called inhalation
1. Increase in size of the thoracic
2. There is backward movement of the
thoracic cage.
3. Spinal column moves backward & The Oblique
diaphragm moves Cephalogram is very popular for analysis of
downward. patients in the mixed dentition.
The right and left oblique cephalograms are
taken at 45 degrees and 135 degrees to the
Articulation lateral projection. The central ray entering
behind one ramus to obviate superimposition of
-release of carbon dioxide the halves of the mandible. it is necessary that
-outflow of air the subject be maintained on the Frankfurt
plane to avoid distortion.
1. Decrease in size of the thoracic
2. Ribs moves downward & backward
while the
diaphragm moves upward in a relax

M6-Lesson 3
Conventions in
Cephalograms Lateral
Cephalogram is taken with teeth together in
A cephalogram is a standardized centric occlusion
radiograph of the head and face. The
standardization usually is accomplished by
The midsagittal plane of the subject's 2. Anterior Nasal Spine (ANS) - the most
head is placed 60 inches from the target of the anterior point of the maxilla at the lower margin
x-ray tube with the left side of the subject of the anterior nasal opening
toward the film. The central beam of the x-rays
coincides with the transmeatal axis, which is 3. Subspinale (Point A) - most posterior
the ear rods of the cephalostat. The distance point in the concavity between anterior nasal
from the midsagittal plane to the film is held spine and superior prosthion
constant at 18cm. 4. Superior Prosthion (SPr) or Supradentale
- the most anterior inferior point on the
maxillary alveolar process usually found near
the cementoenamel junction of maxillary
central incisors
The PosteriorAnterior 5. Inferior Prosthion (IPr) or Infradentale -
Cephalogram with standard horizontal the most anterior superior point in the
relationship of the head mandibular alveolar process usually
found near the cementoenamel junction of
The head is rotated 90 degrees so that mandibular central incisors
the central ray bisects the transmeatal axis. If
the head will be tilted, distortions occur and 6. Supramentale (Point B) - the most
measurements of vertical distances are posterior point in the concavity of the mandible
unreliable. between Infadentale and Pogonion
7. Pogonion (Pog) - the most anterior point
on the chin

M6-Lesson 4 8. Gnathion (Gn) - the most anterior

inferior point in the lateral shadow of the chin.

Landmarks This is located by taking the midpoint between

Pogonion and Menton points

Cephalometric landmarks are specific 9. Menton (Me) - the lowest point on

structures, dental and skeletal, that can be the symphyseal outline of the chin
easily recognized on a radiograph. These 10. Orbitale (Or) - the lowest point on the
landmarks are used as reference guides in the inferior rim of the bony orbit
construction of planes and angles. Training and
familiarization with the location 11. Posterior Nasal Spine (PNS) - the most
of cephalometric landmarks is essential posterior point on the bony hard palate in the
because landmark identification errors are sagittal plane
considered a major source of cephalometric
errors . 12. Condylion (Co) - the most superior
posterior part of the head of the condyle
Definition of the different Cephalometric
Landmarks: 13. Gonion (Go) - a point on the curvature
of the angle of the mandible located by
A. Anatomic Landmarks bisecting the angle formed by lines tangent to
the posterior border of the ramus and the
1. Nasion (N) - junction of frontonasal inferior border of the mandible
suture in the midsagittal plane or the most
posterior point on the curvature at the bridge of 14. Basion (Ba) - the inferior point on the
the nose anterior rim of the foramen magnum
B. Derived Landmarks:
1. Sella (S) - the center of the pituitary
2. Key Ridge (KR) - the lowest point on
the outline of zygoma
3. Pterygomaxillary Fissure (Ptm) - a
bilateral teardrop shadow formed anteriorly by
maxillary tuberosity of maxilla and posteriorly
by the anterior curve of the pterygoid process
of sphenoid bone. The landmark is the lowest
point of the fissure
4. Porion (Po) - the top of the ear rods
shadow (mechanical Porion); the superior point
on the curvature of the external acoustic
meatus (anatomic Porion)
5. Articulare (Ar) - a point at the
intersection of the posterior border of the neck
of the condyle and the inferior surface of the
posterior cranial base
6. Bolton Point (Bo) - the junction of the
outline of the occipital condyle and the foramen
magnum at the highest point on the notch
posterior to the occipital condyle
Video: Watch the video to better understand
the proper location of landmarks

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