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Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing

Unit number and title Unit 3: Professional Practice

Submission date Date Received 1st submission

Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission

Student Name Ngo Hoang Anh Student ID GCD191031

Class GCD0807A Assessor name Hoang Nhu Vinh

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature Anh

Grading grid

P1 P2 P3 P4 M1 M2 M3 D1 D2
❒ Summative Feedback: ❒ Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Signature & Date:
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Communication skill..................................................................................................................................7
I. Definition and the importance of communication skill....................................................................................7
1. Definition of communication skill...............................................................................................................7
2. The importance of communication skill.......................................................................................................8
II. Verbal communication.....................................................................................................................................8
1. Definition of verbal communication............................................................................................................8
2. How effective is verbal communication?.....................................................................................................9
III. Non-verbal communication..........................................................................................................................9
1. Definition.....................................................................................................................................................9
2. Type of non-verbal communication.............................................................................................................9
IV. Communication in my group.....................................................................................................................10
1. Verbal communication...............................................................................................................................10
2. Non-verbal communication........................................................................................................................10
Chapter 2: EFFECTIVE TIME MANAGEMENT SKILLS IN PLANNING AN EVENT.......................................11
I. Effective time management skills..................................................................................................................11
1. Definition...................................................................................................................................................11
2. The importance of time management skill.................................................................................................11
II. Planning a training event (group work).............................................................................................................12
1. Name of the Training program......................................................................................................................12
2. Goals of the Training program.......................................................................................................................12
3. Participants....................................................................................................................................................12
4. Time...............................................................................................................................................................12
5. Place..............................................................................................................................................................13
6. Agenda...........................................................................................................................................................14
7. GANTT chart...................................................................................................................................................14
8. Estimated Budget...........................................................................................................................................17
9. Minute Meetings of Team meeting...............................................................................................................18
10. Speaker Notes..............................................................................................................................................19
DESIGN AND DELIVERY OF AN EVENT............................................................................................................20
I. Definition and the importance of problem solving........................................................................................20
1. Definition...................................................................................................................................................20
2. The importance of problem solving...........................................................................................................20
II. Some techniques and tools for the problem solving.......................................................................................21
1. Some techniques for the problem solving..................................................................................................21
2. Some tools for the problem solving...........................................................................................................22
III. Problems and solutions in the training event..............................................................................................24
1. Problem......................................................................................................................................................24
Members disagree about the organization of league of legend sports................................................................24
2. Solutions....................................................................................................................................................24
................................................................................................................................................................................... 25
I. Definition and the importance of critical reasoning.......................................................................................25
1. Definition...................................................................................................................................................25
2. The importance of critical reasoning..........................................................................................................25
II. Apply to a given solution...............................................................................................................................26
1. Problem..........................................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
2. Solution..........................................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
I. Performance evaluation.................................................................................................................................27
1. Team member’s roles (4 members)............................................................................................................27
2. My contribution.........................................................................................................................................27
II. Conclusion.....................................................................................................................................................27
III. Critical Evaluation.....................................................................................................................................27
1. My strengths when I do my assigned work................................................................................................28
2. My weaknesses when I do my assigned work............................................................................................28
3. How to improve my weaknesses................................................................................................................28

Figure 1: introduction..................................................................................................................................................6
Figure 2: communication skill......................................................................................................................................7
Figure 3: important of communication skills...............................................................................................................8
Figure 4: Effective time management skills...............................................................................................................11
Figure 5: Ngao Mo ICafe............................................................................................................................................13
Figure 6: time table....................................................................................................................................................14
Figure 7: gantt chart Prepare.....................................................................................................................................15
Figure 8: gantt chart during.......................................................................................................................................15
Figure 9:Estimated Budget........................................................................................................................................17
Figure 10: team meeting 1.........................................................................................................................................18
Figure 11: team meeting 2.........................................................................................................................................19
Figure 12: problem solving........................................................................................................................................20
Figure 13: techniques and tools.................................................................................................................................21
Figure 14: Fishbone duagrams...................................................................................................................................22
Figure 15: charting software......................................................................................................................................23

Figure 1: introduction

Professional Practice offers early years students the opportunity to develop a range of personal,
professional, and academic skills to support academic work and enhance personal, professional, and
professional development in future. It recognizes the importance of skills learning outcomes and skills
communication in students for continued success throughout the program.

Professional Practice aims to support goals and encourage students to operate professionally while
reviewing their professional practice activities and creating tailored plans for personal growth with request
of the program. The focus at this level of the program is the knowledge and skills required to support
student development and learning as well as engage in reflection to provide information about the public's
own aspects. their own learning and practice. These skills are highly valued by employers who expect
graduates to be used to support their work with students and in their broader career activities.
Chapter 1: Communication skill ( P1 )
I. Definition and the importance of communication skill
1. Definition of communication skill

Figure 2: communication skill

 Communication skill is the ability to use verbal or body language to convey, express,
exchange information. Communication skills are a set of rules, behaviors, responses,
between the speaker and the listener aim most at the enemy.
 "Communication skills are an important tool in the pursuit of your goal, be it your family,
colleagues or clients".
 Communication skills are like an art. Because communication is not just about listening
and speaking, but also includes many other small skills:
 Listening Skills
 Skills for using body language
 Skills to use tones and words
 Skills to express, transmit information.
2. The importance of communication skill

Figure 3: important of communication skills

 Communication skills are the key to bonding relationships: In the family or out in
society, each individual needs to equip themselves with communication skills.
Parents need communication skills to understand their children, share and
empathize with the younger generation. Children need communication skills to
communicate their wishes to their parents. Friends and colleagues need to
communicate well to understand each other and support each other better.
 Communication skills are the bridge of success: The society is increasingly
advanced and developed, the competition is also increasingly fierce. Only good
expertise and enthusiasm are just necessary conditions. To be able to promote
easily, reap a lot of success, you need many other things. And the skill of
communicating very smart and skillful is one of the sufficient conditions. It is not
natural that people elevate communication into art.
II. Verbal communication
1. Definition of verbal communication
- Verbal communication is a type of oral communication in which a message is passed
through words. Here the sender gives words to his feelings, thoughts, ideas and
opinions and expresses them in the form of speeches, discussions, presentations and
2. How effective is verbal communication?
- The effectiveness of verbal communication depends on the speaker's tone, speech
clarity, volume, speed, basic language, and quality of words used in a conversation. In
the case of verbal communication, the response is immediate because there is the
simultaneous transmission and reception of the messages from the respective senders
and receivers.
- The sender must keep his voice high and clear to everyone and the theme design must
remember. The sender should always cross-check the receiver to make sure the
message is understood in the exact same way as the project. Such communication is
more prone to mistakes because sometimes words are not enough to express a person's
feelings and emotions.
- The success of verbal communication not only depends on an individual's words but
also on listening skills. An individual's level of effectiveness will determine the
outcome of communication. Oral communication can be used in both formal and
informal languages.
III. Non-verbal communication
1. Definition
- Non-verbal communication is the transfer of information through the use of body
language including eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, etc.
- Non-verbal communication relies on seeing and analyzing body movements instead of
verbal communication, or using language to convey information through written text,
spoken language or sign language.
2. Type of non-verbal communication
2.1.1. Body language
 Body language is how someone naturally sits on their body depending
on their situation, environment and feelings.
 For example, someone might cross their arms if they are feeling angry or
2.1.2. Movement
 The way you move your arms and legs like walking fast or slow,
standing, sitting or anxious, can all convey different messages to your
 Example: Sitting still and paying attention during a meeting
demonstrates respect and attention.
2.1.3. Posture
 The way you sit or stand can also show how comfortable, professional,
and overall you are with a person or conversation.
 For example: Someone might drop their shoulders if they feel tired,
frustrated, or down.
2.1.4. Gestures
 Although gestures vary widely between communities, they are often
used both intentionally and unintentionally to convey information to
 For example: Someone in the United States may show “likes” to a
confirmation message or that they feel positive about something.
2.1.5. Facial expression
 One of the most common forms of nonverbal communication is facial
expressions. Using eyebrows, mouth, eyes, and facial muscles to
communicate can be very effective at conveying both emotions and
 For example, someone might raise their eyebrows and widen their eyes
if they are surprised.
2.1.6. Make eye contact
 Strategic use of eye content (or lack of eye contact) is an extremely
effective way to convey your attention and interest.
 For example, looking away from someone and looking down at the
ground or your phone may show disinterest or disrespect.
2.1.7. Touch
 Some people also use touch as a form of communication. Usually, it is
used for support or comfort. This form of communication should be used
sparingly and only if you know that the receiving party agrees to it. It is
never used to convey anger, disappointment or any other negative
 For example, placing a hand on a friend's shoulder can show support or
IV. Communication in my group
1. Verbal communication
- Exchange information with each other through words, meeting minutes, and text with
each other in the chat group to work effectively
- Everyone listened to what others conveyed during the activity, and the communicator
said it was easy to understand and didn't make the rest of the members ask questions.
2. Non-verbal communication
- When a group member has a pensive, sad expression, the rest of the members realize
that the person is having a hard time and slap his hand on his or her shoulder to
encourage, comfort and help that member overcome the difficulty
I. Effective time management skills
1. Definition
Effective time management skills are the ability to use your time effectively and
effectively. You can also see it as the art of having time to do everything you need without
feeling stressed out about it. It sounds simple, but the reality is much more difficult. This
page explains some of the principles behind good time management.

Figure 4: Effective time management skills

2. The importance of time management skill

- Time management skills are essential because very little, if any, of us have enough time
to do everything that is required or we want to do.
- Time management is defined as using your time efficiently and productively - but what
about when you're working as efficiently as possible and you still can't get things done?
Maybe better if you think of time management as a combination of being productive
and prioritizing your time.
- In other words, good people in time management are good people who start and do
things. However, they're also better at prioritizing and figuring out what to really do -
and then discarding other things.
- They are able to do this because they understand the difference between urgent and
 'Urgent' tasks require your immediate attention, but whether you actually give
them attention that may or may not be important.
 'Important' tasks are very important, and not doing them could have serious
consequences for you or others.

II. Planning a training event (group work)

1. Name of the Training program
“League of Legends Sports Tournament ”

2. Goals of the Training program

Find for the champion of League of Legends

3. Participants
Teams playing in Da Nang City

4. Time
22 December 2020
5. Place
Ngao Mo Icafe

Figure 5: Ngao Mo ICafe

6. Agenda

Figure 6: time table

7. GANTT chart
Figure 7: gantt chart Prepare

During at Ngao Mo ICafe

Figure 8: gantt chart during

Meeting after tournament at 138 Nui Thanh Street , Da Nang city

8. Estimated Budget

Figure 9:Estimated Budget

9. Minute Meetings of Team meeting

Figure 10: team meeting 1

Figure 11: team meeting 2

10. Speaker Notes

- Annotate on meeting schedule, important events
I. Definition and the importance of problem solving
1. Definition

Figure 12: problem solving

- A problem is any unpleasant situation which prevents people from achieving what they
want to achieve. Any activity to eliminate a problem is termed problem solving.
- Problem solving skills refers to our ability to solve problems in an effective and timely
manner without any impediments.
- It involves being able to identify and define the problem, generating alternative
solutions, evaluating and selecting the best alternative, and implementing the selected
solution. Obtaining a feedback and responding to it appropriately is an essential aspect
of problem solving skills too.
- We face problems every time. However, some problems are more complex than others.
But whether you face big problems or small ones, this skill helps solve it effectively.
2. The importance of problem solving
Obviously, every organization has problems and every individual has problems too. For
this reason, the ability to solve problems is of great importance to individuals and
organizations. Some of the benefits include:
 Make the impossible possible. Knowledge alone is not the key to solving problems
but rather, complimenting it with systematic problem solving approaches makesthe
difference. This helps individuals and organizations overcome perilous challenges.
 Makes you a stand out. People are trained to do the usual. They have acquired skills
and knowledge in what they do. However, people can hardly solve problems when
they are unexpected or unprecedented ones. If you become a regular problem solver
at your workplace, you are easily noticed, recognized, and appreciated.
 Increased confidence. No matter where you work or what your profession is, having
the ability to solve problems will boost your confidence level. Because you are sure
of your ability to solve problems, you don’t spend time worrying about what you
will do if a problem should arise.
II. Some techniques and tools for the problem solving

Figure 13: techniques and tools

1. Some techniques for the problem solving

Just like any of the other skills, the art of problem solving can be learnt and improved upon.
Here are some techniques to help you improve this skill:
 Detach yourself from the problem. Don’t regard yourself as the problem itself and
don’t presume you are incapacitated to solve the problem. See the problem as the
enemy that has to be defeated by you.
 Analyze it in parts and not as a whole. Don’t see the problem as a whole big unit
that needs to be fixed – That may deter you from attempting to solve it. Rather,
break it into parts and tackle them step by step, and portion by portion. The little
pieces you solve will add up to become the solution for the whole unit. For
instance; if there’s turmoil in your organization, analyze the various aspects or
departments of the organization. Choose one problematic area, such as
communication, to start from. When that is fixed, you may move on to the other
problematic areas.
 Be inquisitive and investigative. Being inquisitive and conducting thorough
investigation and research helps you identify what the core of the problem is. In
other words, it grants you access to the cause of the problem. Once the real cause of
the problem is known, it becomes easier to solve it.
 Be open to suggestions. Other people’s contributions can be very helpful. It saves
you the time of having to search for every piece of information that is needed.
2. Some tools for the problem solving
These versatile problem-solving tools and software to help you and your team figure out
and fix workplace problems as efficiently as possible. Problem-solving tools include three
unique categories: problem-solving diagrams, problem-solving mind maps, and problem-
solving software solutions. These include:
 Fishbone diagrams
Figure 14: Fishbone duagrams

 Flowcharts
 Strategy maps
 Mental maps
 Idea maps
 Concept maps
 Layered process audit software
 Charting software
Figure 15: charting software

 MindManager
III. Problems and solutions in the training event
1. Problem
Members disagree about the organization of league of legend sports
2. Solutions
I was the one who emailed everyone to organize that event. What I need to do for everyone
to join hands is as follows:
- I analyze for the members to understand how hot sports are today, especially about
League of Legends.
- Draw detailed diagrams for people to better understand sports
- Use comparison charts between sports and beach singing events for everyone
- Map ideas that I think show people my ideas
- Strategy map: calling for investors, using the proceeds from the tournament to donate to
the central region
I. Definition and the importance of critical reasoning
1. Definition
- Critical reasoning refers to the ability to analyze information objectively
and make reasonable judgment. It involves evaluating sources of
information, such as data, facts, observable phenomena, and research
findings. It is the ability to think skillfully so that one can reason further or
deeper - than the average person - in a clear and consistent manner.
- Critical reasoning also has another commonly substituted word, "critical
thinking". Critical thinking is also the ability to think clearly and rationally
about what to do or what to believe. It includes the ability to engage in
reflexive and independent thinking.

2. The importance of critical reasoning

Critical thinking is of great value and has many advantages for us. Essential logical
capacity gives us many qualities that can be adapted to any life situation. Often there are
circumstances where the problem is not obvious. In those situations, we have to find ways
to solve it ourselves. In short, its critical logic gives us many benefits and is of great
importance in our lives and at work:
o Critical reasoning enhances language and presentation skills. Thinking clearly and
systematically can improve the way we present our ideas. When learning to analyze
the logical structure of text, critical thinking also improves understanding.
o Critical reasoning also promotes creativity. To come up with a creative solution to a
problem doesn't just involve coming up with new ideas. It plays an important role in
evaluating new ideas, choosing the best ideas.
o Critical reasoning is very important for self-reflection. In order to live a meaningful
life and structure our life accordingly, we need to justify and reflect on our values
and decisions.
o It also helps you develop creative intelligence and be more active. Persistent
practice of deep reasoning about problems is an exercise help improve your mental
reasoning ability

II. Apply to a given solution

Critical thinking example : Problem-solving
o Now, imagine that you work in a certain company. Someone is your manager, posing a
dilemma to you. You start searching for answers yourself instantly. Before making your
final decision, you decide to run with which options you find or take the time to come
up with a variety of different options and evaluate each one. You should ask colleagues
for solutions to come up with. To assist you, colleagues will come up with ideas.
o While many colleagues might think they have problem-solving skills, if you don't take
the time to follow the solution steps, you're not really a critical thinker. Therefore, you
may not find the best solution to your problem. Using critical thinking skills when
solving a problem is absolutely essential that what you decide can affect others and
even affect the company's finances. If you don't consider it from multiple perspectives,
you will never be able to understand the full impact of a decision.


I. Performance evaluation
1. Team member’s roles (4 members)
 Hoang Anh: is the one who forms the group, giving out ideas for everyone to do
 Event planning, event planning and post-event planning
 Create a schedule board for participating teams
 The commentator is humorous, bringing a refreshing laugh to everyone in
the tournament
 Minh Nhat: is the CEO, calling investors for the tournament
 Oversee all matches
 People review the group member's comments
 Hai Long: As a marketer for the tournament,
 Prepare banners
 Rent a venue to compete
 Prepare drinking water, food for teams
 Viet Duc: As the person watching the players compete
 Check the machine quality
 Prepare sound and light for the tournament
2. My contribution
- Planning for meetings went smoothly
- My contribution to help the tournament is organized according to a specific schedule
- Calculate the estimated cost when organizing the tournament for everyone to know,
especially Minh Nhat (CEO) to call for investors
II. Conclusion
- After working with the group, I have learned a lot:
- How to work in groups
- How to resolve conflicts and problems occurring at work
- Learn ways to communicate using body language, gestures, and recognize they are
having problems
- Help each other while doing teamwork
- Listen to others when they are giving their opinion
III. Critical Evaluation
1. My strengths when I do my assigned work
- I always do the assigned jobs well
- Make specific and detailed plans for everyone to understand
- Help other members when they get stuck
2. My weaknesses when I do my assigned work
Sometimes I get a job done later than expected, delaying it for a while
3. How to improve my weaknesses
- Prioritize the assigned work first
- I managed to finish it even though I had to stay up late

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