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Visayas State University

College of Education
Department of Teacher Education
Visca, Baybay City, Leyte

“Rearrangement Test”
(A Written Report)

In Partial Fulfilment of the Course Requirements in

PrEd 146n – Assessment in Learning 1

Prepared by:
Group # 7, T056

Aring, Ma. Mylah P.

Muldez, Fatima P.

Remojo, Rhia Mae D.

Submitted to:


1st Semester, AY 2022-2023

I. Objective(s)

• Define what is rearrangement test.

• Distinguish the advantages and disadvantages of rearrangement

type of test.

• Construct rearrangement type of test.

II. Introduction

Overview of the Topic

Rearrangement test is sometimes called a continuity test which refers to the

re-arranging of words/sentences, which is presented in a jumbled manner in which
students need to re-arrange its correct order. “Rearrangement test is a form of test
that can be used to measure students’ knowledge of the order in any series of
persons, objects, events, operations, or concepts which actually are actually ordered
with respect to some attribute” (Cureton, 1960). Consequently, teachers must
establish guidelines for using rearrangement test in order for them to be used
effectively, to modify this type of test to increase difficulty and to increase its
reliability in assessing the students’ learning.

Motivation Activity

Jumbled Letters/Sentence Game

The students will guess the jumbled words or sentences with pictures given
below to help the students get the correct answer.



Answer: TABLE

3. Twice/day/brush/teeth/a/your

Answer: Brush your teeth twice a day.

4. Garbage/in/throw/trash/the/your

Answer: Throw your garbage in the trash.

5. Respect/give/elders/and/help
Answer: Give respect and help elders.

III. Body

Rearrangement test is sometimes called a continuity test which refers to the re-

arranging of words/sentences, which is presented in a jumbled manner in which

students need to re-arrange its correct order. It is a technique of a teaching writing in

which the students are asked to read each of the sentences and arrange them in a

proper manner such that they link and form a coherent paragraph” (Sharma, 2021).

Moreover, according to the article by Eazyprep (2021), it is stated there that it is one

of the most important parts of the verbal ability section of English for Entrance

exams. It is one of the tougher topics which, if you are not careful, it can lose your

marks. There are some questions asked may be of various types such as the correct

order of all the statements, the correct order of any one statement, to detect the first

statement of the passage and lastly, to detect the last statement of the passage, and

so on. Thus, it is important that a students effectively understands the concept and

its basics well to be able to answer it in any format



 Encourages the student to use both logical and creative thinking while

determining the order of events. By taking rearrangement tests, students will

get used to examining ideas and eventually learn how to appropriately

organize concepts. As a result, this test is a useful technique to assess how

well or poorly a student can organize concepts and ideas.

 Develop students’ awareness of sentence and paragraph structure. You are

arranging thoughts or concepts; to accomplish this effectively, you must look

at the way the ideas or sentences are put together. You will progressively

become more conscious of sentence structure if you do this.

 Effective in evaluating students' capacity for problem-solving. Engaging

students in rearrangement test can improved their organizational skills and

improved their thinking skills in solving the correct order of the

words/sentences. By doing this, students can address problems in an

organized manner and can solve it effectively.


 Gives a chance for guessing There may be more than one justifiable answer,

which gives students the opportunity to guess which answer(s) they think are

also correct.

 Can consume much time in constructing a good item. Since there could be

more than one correct answer, it is challenging to create test items for this

type of test. To develop a good item or questions, you will need to

disassemble the concepts, which will take a lot of time.

 Limits student’s creativity. This is a short of a controlled writing/test, so there

are certain limits, including structuring thoughts sequentially, which will only

ask you to arrange ideas in a specific order. As a result, you won't be able to

completely convey your ideas that you believe are true. Although you are free

to provide your own answer, but it must be justified and compatible with the

constructed answer.
Guidelines in construction

1. Create a test that is anchored with the level of difficulty of the students. In creating

this type of test it’s very important that it corresponds with the level of

comprehension of the students. Let’s say for example, English major students are

much more expert in analyzing and organizing sentence structure than Science

major students because they differ in their field of specialization. So, it’s very

important that as a teacher you should determine the level of difficulty of your


2. Make a list and decide on what you will include in your test. Generate a question

that will apply to all students, regardless of their field of specialization. List all

relevant information to avoid confusion about where you will focus your attention in

developing a good questions or items. For example, making a list will enable you to

write everything that is really important while removing those least important

especially if you are having problems determining what to include because it seems

that all of the material is important. This will help you keep track of the test

construction planning ideas that have already been finished and those that still need

to be finished. 

3. Arrange these concepts in a systematic or logical arrangement, then disarrange

them. This will help you create better questions because this test is rearrangement

and does requires you to arrange everything first. For example, arranging a

butterfly's life cycle in the right order. You must arrange them from the egg stage

until the adult state. After that, you must disassemble the order and let the pupils

reassemble everything in the proper order. 

4. Don't provide extraneous cues or any sort of organized structure to the right

response. Let your students understand the concepts without giving any hints, and

let them organize the sequence based on their comprehension. This will enable you

to assess whether they actually retained the lessons you taught them. We should

remember that developing their organizing abilities is one of the objectives, thus

providing them a hint will make you wonder if this objective has been accomplished.

For example, if you offer them a hint—a pattern or any other piece of information that

would simplify the test for them—they won't need to work hard to think through or

organize the ideas; instead, they will just rely on the hints they've been given to

figure out how to arrange the objects in the right order.

 5. Compile your questions and create an answer key for easy reference. After you

have finished your questions, review the answer key to determine if there are any

sections that should be changed or if there are any mistakes. For example, you went

over your questions and answer key and found some mistakes. You review the

lessons and search for the right response. If you didn't notice it right away, it can

pose problems during checking, which could delay things—especially if some

students claim there's a mistake in your question or answer key.


The rearrangement test is sometimes called a continuity test which refers to the re-

arranging of words/sentences, which is presented in a jumbled manner in which

students need to re-arrange its correct order. It is a technique of teaching writing in

which the students are asked to read each of the sentences and arrange them in a

proper manner such that they link and form a coherent paragraph” (Sharma, 2021).

In this kind of test there are also an advantage, it encourages the student to use both

logical and creative thinking while determining the order of events. Develop students’

awareness of sentence and paragraph structure. You are arranging thoughts or

concepts; to accomplish this effectively, you must look at the way the ideas or

sentences are put together. Effective in evaluating students' capacity for problem-

solving. By doing this, students can address problems in an organized manner and

can solve it effectively. However, there are also major disadvantages. It gives the

students to guess and limit their creativity. And can consume to write a good one.

Furthermore, there are guidelines that we need to follow in creating a test that is

anchored with the level of difficulty of the students. Make a list and decide on what

you will include in your test. Arrange these concepts in a systematic or logical

arrangement, then disarrange them. Don't provide extraneous cues or any sort of

organized structure to the right response. Compile your questions and create an

answer key for easy reference. These guidelines will help you to create a good

rearrangement test.

Examples of Para Jumbles

Example 1:

A. If an athlete is willing to become an Indian citizen, by all means they should

represent the country.

B. If a billion-plus people cannot produce world-beaters in sports, then we

must learn to live without it.

C. Indeed, the nation will be proud to be represented by them.

D. The honour of representing the country shouldn’t be given to someone who

can’t even be bothered to hold an Indian passport.

E. We have no need for borrowed heroes in this country.


Solution: The context says though we do not have good athletes it does not
mean that we have to borrow heroes (people from other countries) or Indians
residing abroad who do not have an Indian Passport. So, C can be the
opening sentence talking about the subject, it is followed by B and then D-A
have got keywords on similar tone followed by C. Hence E – B – D – A – C .

Example 2:

A. These are men who have always viewed money as a solvent.

B. Their need to replace this currency with love and other such intangible
gifts, is fast leading them to what is called a highly moral alternate economy –
the gift economy.
C. The current market economy, where every relationship involves a
monetary barter, makes them uncomfortable.

D. For them, it’s something that dilutes the essence of social transactions.

E. Recession, however, has nothing to do with this feeling.


Solution: Opening sentence should be E as it talks about the subject. Then,

statement D follows statement A as D talks of money, mentioned in A, as
something that dilutes the essence of social transactions. Statement B carries
this idea forward by stating that this made these men what to replace money
with love as currency. Hence E – A – D – C – B.

Finally, practice various types of Para Jumble questions to gain expertise in

this area.

IV. References:

Hafiziannor, M., Dayu, A.T., & Hengki. (2020). The Implementation of the

Jumbled Sentence Technique In Teaching Grammar, 94-95.






Para Jumbles: Definition, Tips and Tricks with Solved Example


Para jumbles Concept and Tricks -Hitbullseye

Sentence Rearrangement & Parajumbles for Government Exams - Tips,

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