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Chandragupta Institute of Management Patna


Summary Report
Chapter 3 & Chapter 4

Submitted By
Roll No.: 150044
Section: A
PGDM 2022-24

Guided By
Prof. Kalyan Agrawal
Chandragupta Institute of Management Patna
Chapter 3
Basic Human Aspirations and their Fulfilment
All human beings basically aspire for Continuous happiness and Prosperity. Every
one of us has the basic desire to be happy, and if we were to compile a list of all of
our goals, we would discover that this is the common thread that connects them all.
Every human being strives to do things during his or her life that will make him or
her happy. Or, to put it another way, we always seek after lasting satisfaction in
our lives. Physical amenities are required. We use these physical facilities to
provide for our bodies' physical needs. We feel prosperous when we have adequate
physical facilities. According to one definition, happiness is having harmony or
synergy in the environments situations we live in. A state of liking is the definition
of happiness. A lack of this balance or synergy results in unhappiness. Being
unhappy is to be in a state of disliking. A physical item is wealth. It implies
possessing a lot of resources, whether financial or physical, or both. The need for
physical amenities is become insatiable in the modern world. Physical
infrastructure is being viewed as a tool for enhancing enjoyment rather than as
something to satisfy bodily necessities. This unbridled drive for material
possessions has turned anti-social and anti-environmental, risking human existence
itself. Positive emotions include trust, respect, confidence, and others. All of these
emotions contain a harmony-related component. They so induce relaxation and
happiness in us.
Chapter 4
Understanding Happiness and Prosperity Their
Continuity and Programmed for Fulfilment
We are all interested in happiness. Our entire effort is directed at achieving a state
of happiness. However, there is typically no one concept for it! Is it something
actual that can be objectively defined? In order to maintain happiness, we must
consider our full potential. Continuous enjoyment would result from maintaining
harmony in all facets of life. Let's determine the whole extent of our existence as
We live with other people in our family, in the larger society and we are embedded
in the nature. Whether we are aware of it or not, the expanse of our living is at four
1. As an Individual human being
2. as a member of a family
3. as a member of society
4. as a unit in nature/existence
We've looked at the idea that harmony is the key to happiness. We have also
observed that these four layers make up our entire being. We can now see that
maintaining harmony at each of these levels is crucial for maintaining happiness.
Understanding harmony is crucial for ensuring it. Material possessions or what we
have been referring to as physical infrastructure are tied to prosperity. If you
include. It will probably take a while to list everything you use. Food to consume,
clothing to wear, and other necessities. A two-wheeler, a phone, a shelter for
safety, and many more items. An Examination of the Pervasive Happiness
Concepts. Let’s examine conventional beliefs critically in light of the discussion
about happiness that has just been had or of joy. One of them is that consuming
certain substances can help people remain happy forever. Physical comfort and
pleasure in positive feelings. For nearly anything, people will do anything. Their
preferred sensations flavor, certain types of touch, sound, sight, taste, or smell
could be involved. Is it feasible to maintain happiness by the use of physical
resources and the delight of a positive feeling? We now know that living in peace
is what makes people happy. Individual, family, society, and nature/existence
make up the four layers of human existence. The goal of the harmony programmer
is to put out the required effort to comprehend. We now understand that happiness
comes from living in peace. The four facets of human existence are individual,
family, society, and nature/existence. The harmony program's objective is to make
the necessary effort to understand.

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