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Good evening class

Nononono this is not the way my fourth graders respond..

Lets try that again good evening class..

Great now this past week weve been learning all about the five senses.. we tastes how sour lemons are..
we smelled the cinnamon and we felt in a paper bag something rough like sand paper and something
soft like a cotton ball

Today we are going to learn all about our sense of hearing..

What do we use to hear with?

Good we use our ears..

Now this half of the class close your eyes and you have to guess what sound theother half of the class
will make..

Im gonna hold up a sign and non the count of three you will do wat the sign says.. 1 2 3 go…

Great that was sniffing u used your ears to hear the other half of the class sniffing..

Now lets try that again..

Great now that we know that we use our ears to hear all different sounds. Lets see how how ears work

I wud continue to have a transparency fo the ear pur on a projector and label the parts of the ear while
explainging what each part does in order to enble us to hear…

Then I wud play who am I with the parts of the ear for the students to guess the part of the ear.. for

Who am i?

I am the flaps that you see and I collect the sounds that you hear

I am the part of the ear that is filled with liquid and many hair cells

I am the part of the ear that causes the ossicles to vibrate

I am one of the smallest bones of the body…

Then for homework I would give a diagram of the ear for the students to label and there are four short
answer questions for them to answer…
The ear is divided into 3 parts: the outer ear or pinnae the middle ear and the inner ear

Outer ear is what we see called the pinnae it collects the sound waves

The middle ear is the ear canal and ear drum.. sound travels from the pinnae through the ear canal and
vibrates against the ear drum

Then it causes a vibration of the three smallest bones the ossicles… HAS hammer anvil and stirrup which
push against one another like dominoes and the vibrations hit the cochlea in the inner ear

The cochlea has liquid inside and is lined with cells that are called hair cells because they have tiny hairs
on top.

The vibration sent from the stirrup hits the cochlea nad causes the hair from the cells to move.

The auditory nerve begins in the cochlea as millions of hairs. The hairs sense the movement and send
the information to the brain which interprets the sound that we hear.


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