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Angelina Quirch

ENC 1101- Samantha Gonzalez

September 13, 2022
Major Assignment 1 Draft
Prompt: How have your PAST experiences with literacy and language impacted your
PRESENT writing identity? (including writing practices, language use, writing- related
values, beliefs and attitude)
Before college:
- Never confident
- Always asked for second opinions
- Very indecisive
- Was very firm and wrote essays exactly how I was told to
- College essay allowed me to write the way i wanted to
- Felt proud
First couple weeks in college:
- Did lots of discussions, read articles and short responses
- Learned that it is okay to mess up
- Draft does not need to be perfect the first time around
- Write the essay you want to
- Does not have to be boring and the starting process can be chosen by yourself
- Excited to write essay
- Making me excited after how my college essay
- More confident
- Happy i know other famous authors feel the same way
- Love that their is more freedom to writing than I thought

Throughout my life I always followed directions when it came to writing essays until now
when I realized it doesn’t have to be so structured and I can write the way I want to.
This was until I realized that there were ways to enjoy writing by keeping a diary and
how writing about things I wanted to write about made me happy.
Intro: Staring at my computer screen with a blank google document staring back at me
not knowing where to start. Will I make the word count? Will my essay stay on topic?
Will I get points taken off if I do not use the right format? These are all thoughts in my
head that have constantly flown through my head when it comes to writing, especially
due to the strict instruction that has been given all of my life from different teachers and
(talk about college essay changed perspective along with college in class discussion
and group writing assignments)
Body Paragraph One - Diary
- Strict teachers rules
- Never feeling confident
- Lots of strict rules
- Needing guidance
- Never trusting writing
- Kept a diary
- Wrote in it from ages 9 to 16
- Felt like an escape and nice to write
- Started to enjoy writing knowing i could make it more fun and relatable
- Documented my life
Body Paragraph Two - College essay
- College essay
- Feeling more confident
- Getting positive feedback
- Writing about what I want to talk about
- Reminded me of diary
Summarize how much this class is going to/ has already impacted when it comes to
being a more confident writer. Talk about diary
- Reading and discussions
- How that has helped me become more confident
- Excited for what is to come and how my writing will grow
- Get notes from “Shitty Rough Drafts Assignment”

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