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Reverse Engineering Your Goal


Let’s reverse engineer your goal to figure out exactly what you need to do to make it happen.

Step 1: Define Goal ($XX in XX Months)

State your goal below:

Step 2: State the value of a client

State the average value of a client below:

Step 3: State Your Sales Metrics

SCR / Sales conversion rate (% chance of closing a sale if they’re a fit)

GFR / Good fit rate (% chance of prospects being a good fit on a call that you can pitch)

SUR / Show up rate (% chance of prospects showing up for a call)

If you don’t know your SCR,GFR & SUR, I’d suggest using these conservative numbers

SCR: 15%

GFR: 70%

SUR: 70%

NOTE: the systems in the program can give you a 30-50% SCR, a 80-90% GFR and a 85%
+ SUR, but that to learn and instal them takes a long time, so it’s best being very

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If you are the personal owner of the FitLeads Consulting End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose.
conversative for now). PESSIMISM IS KEY. E.g. do not say you have a 50% SCR if you
haven’t got 100+ calls of DATA in BLACK AND WHITE to prove it.

Step 4: State Your Appointment Booking Metrics

List your appointment booking systems below (if you don’t have any yet, just wait til you do
the outbound / inbound attraction methods and come back to this)

System name

Appointment booking rate:


Loom Alchemy

Appointment booking rate:

Step 5: Reverse Engineer The Numbers

$ Goal ➗ Client value = Clients required

Clients required ➗ SCR = Good fit calls required

Good fit calls required ➗ GFR = Show ups required

Show ups required ➗ SUR = Bookings required

Bookings required ➗ ABR = Outreach volume required

Outreach volume required ➗ Days to achieve goal = Daily Activity Required

** all metrics should be stated as a decimal, e.g. 30% = 0.30

See next page for an example…

Here’s an example…

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If you are the personal owner of the FitLeads Consulting End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose.
Goal = $240,000 in 12 months

Client value = $6,000

SCR = 20%

GFR = 80%

SUR = 82.5%

ABR = 2.5% (cold looms for example)

1. $240,000 ➗ $6,000 = 40 clients required

2. 40 ➗ 0.20 = 200 good fit calls required
3. 200 ➗ 0.80 = 250 show ups required
4. 250 ➗ 0.82.5 = 303 bookings required
5. 303 ➗ 0.025 = 12,120 emails required

12 months = 365 days. - 104 days for weekends - 14 days for holiday = 247 days

6. 12,120 ➗ 247 = 49 (49 emails per day required)

This means with these metrics all you’d have to do is send 49 emails a day.

49 emails per day to make $240k. Simple. See how it works now?

Now it’s your turn - and please, for the love of god, be pessimistic

© Imperium Agency - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from FitLeads consulting. All infringements will be prosecuted.
If you are the personal owner of the FitLeads Consulting End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose.
1. $XXX,XXX ➗ $XXXX = XX clients required
2. XX ➗ 0.XX = XXXX good fit calls required
3. XXXX ➗ 0.XX = XXXX show ups required
4. XXXX ➗ 0.XX = XXXX bookings required
5. XXXX ➗ 0.XX = XXXXX emails required

XX months = XXX days. - XXX days for weekends - XX days for holiday = XXXX days

6. X➗ X (X emails/messages/calls per day)

The number highlighted in gold is now your north star. Come hell or high water, get it done
every damn day. No excuses. I’d suggest doubling it to be certain you do hit your goal, worst
case scenario is you get there twice as fast!

** this calculates with organic, but you can use the same model for other methods e.g. paid
ads, referrals, content, etc (anything you can get metrics for)

© Imperium Agency - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from FitLeads consulting. All infringements will be prosecuted.
If you are the personal owner of the FitLeads Consulting End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose.

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