Unit 3 - Słownictwo - Janiak

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picturesque - like a picture; pleasing or charming to look at

tranquil - peaceful, calm

bustling - full of energetic and noisy activity
magnificent - grand or majestic in appearance, quality, or action.
ancient - very old; of a long time ago
deserted - abandoned
run-down - in very bad condition; dilapidated
unspoilt - not changed or damaged by people
shabby - showing signs of wear and tear
alter - to change or modify
abandoned - left behind
reservoir - a large natural or artificial lake used as a source of water supply
to idle up to sth - (in vehicle) to move somewhere without use of the engine; idling
to seize the moment - take the opportunity at the right time
to plunge into - to jump into the water
impromptu - without preparation
to embody something - to represent something
vibrancy - full of energy and enthusiasm
disrepair - bad condition
fingerprint of - the characteristic pattern of something
sea swell - well-ordered waves formed by a weather event
to peep - to look at slyly or secretly, especially through a small opening
shutter - a device that opens and closes in front of the lens of a camera
jumble - mix in a confused way
ravine - deep, narrow gorge worn by running water
cave dwelling - living or making a home in caves
delight - a feeling of extreme pleasure or satisfaction
monastery - a building or buildings occupied by a community of monks living under religious
quaint - attractively unusual or old-fashioned
encompass - to include
refuge - shelter
earthbound - unable to move away from the surface of the Earth
stilt - a tall post used to elevate and support something
insulator - a material that does not allow heat or electrons to move through it easily.
dreary - depressing and boring
poky - small and cramped
understatement - the presentation of something as being smaller, worse, or less important
than it actually is.
amenities - comforts and conveniences
infrastructure - the basic framework of a building or a system
congestion - overcrowding; clogging
tolls - fees
to regenerate - to bring into existence again
to loiter - hang around; linger
cobbled street - a stoned street
top-of-the-range - the most expensive of a group of similar products
brand-new - completely new, especially not yet used
secluded - hidden from general view or use
awe-inspiring - giving a feeling of respect and amazement
sprawling - spread out irregularly
ramshackle - in deplorable condition
slum - poor, crowded, and run-down urban neighborhoods
Diamond Jubilee - celebration of 60 years in marriage
to be in the same boat - to be in the same difficult situation
cider - a beverage made from juice pressed from apples
bemused - confused; bewildered
swan song - farewell appearance; final creative work or performance
big break - big opportunity to become famous
suffer a setback - to have a minor or temporary failure
twinkle - sparkle (in someone's eye)
stage manager - the person who is completely in charge backstage during the rehearsals
and performances
stately - dignified, majestic
inter alia - among other things
ferociously - in a savagely fierce, cruel, or violent manner
sustain - to support for an extended period of time
fit the bill - to be suitable for a particular purpose
dwell - to remain for a time; to reside; to focus attention on; to speak or write about at length
camaraderie - mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together
grip the listeners - to grab someone's attention
uncomplacent - to be not satisfied with oneself
beady eyes - small and bright, especially like a bird's eyes; drilling
a given - an assumption that is taken for granted
outset - beginning
overleaf - on the other side of the page
foyer - entrance hall
erudite - learned; scholarly
feat - achievement
bathos - insincere or overly sentimental quality of writing/speech intended to evoke pity
sans - without
ghosted autobiography - autobiography written by someone else, other than the person
mellow - soft, gentle, pleasant
octogenarian - person in his or her eighties
irk - to annoy
cuttings - pieces of newspapers
remedy - A cure; something that heals
monied - having much money; affluent
longevity - long duration of life
disparate - fundamentally different; entirely unlike
eclectic - selecting from or made up from a variety of sources
dismayed - struck with fear, dread, or consternation
to fawn - to act slavishly submissive; to grovel
formidable - inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large, powerful, intense, or
arresting - striking; eye-catching
confer - to give, grant or bestow
frugal - thrifty; economical in money matters
bagpiper - someone who plays a pipe or the bagpipes
masquerade - to wear a disguise; to put on a false appearance
investiture - a ceremony in which a person formally receives the authority and symbols of an
bestow - to give as a gift
unminuted - unrecorded
yak - a type of ox that has very long hair
as strong as a yak - very strong in a physical sense
russet - reddish brown
hue - a particular shade of a given color
haymaking - the process of cutting and drying long grass to make hay
shove-halfpenny - game played with coins

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